MTL - The Different World of Demon Lord-Chapter 2110 Admiral's wedding ring

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The war-torn urban world is about to be attacked. Although it seems that the 100,000 people are in a hurry, in fact, Li Yalin still has plenty of time to prepare. At least he can consider this time to help the main force of the army in the urban world.

Yes, just by studying the power of the urban world, it is impossible to stop the magical weapons in any way. There is no rhythm at all, and you can only find reinforcements separately.

So which one is best to choose?

The choices placed in front of Li Yalin are actually quite a lot. The ship mother, the witch, the sea fog fleet or the deep sea ghost Ji, these sisters can take up this responsibility.

So... first look at your own ship girl?

As a admiral, and also has a ship mother system to assist, in the previous war, Li Yalin must fully play the potential of this system, but also must be the ship's mother to strengthen as their strongest force work out.

In fact, the ship's mothers did indeed give Li Yalin a temper, accompanied by one ship after another, summoned, increased experience and transformation, and entered the battlefield to destroy the enemy. Today, Li Yalin can be said to have left a super-horrible fleet.

In the super-given guard house of the prop space, the shipwoman who had finished the last war was happily living here to see her wife, Lexington. She is now a real wife and gave birth to Li Yalin. A lovely daughter, just like she and her sister Saratoga.

As a small nephew of Saratoga, her character is unchanged. It is still one of the most naughty villains in the government. Li Yalin is not good, but as long as Li Yalin is the admiral, her mischief will continue. .

Although Saraziga himself had been planted because of a mischief, it was half a **** that became a brother-in-law. But this girl is a typical memorable one, but she still said something: Since they are all cheaper brothers, it doesn't matter if they marry their brother-in-law." This kind of words, but almost suffocated Lexington.

But with this younger sister, Lexington is also no way to teach it over and over again, but she is really disobedient.

This is not, Saratoga's prank has started again, but she seems to have found the wrong opponent this time, and even got into Chicheng and Kaga!

Although to say combat power, Saratoga is definitely the top, not to mention Chicheng and Kaga, even if her sister Lexington is inferior to her three-pointer in actual combat, she can face two sergeants in the gas field. Saratoga is still dying.

Who let her be caught?

This time, even the good-tempered Chicheng couldn't help it. Kaga didn't plan to spare Saratoga. A training lasted for three hours. Even Li Yalin couldn't listen to it anymore!

Forget it, don't listen.

I didn’t care about the incident of adding a congratulation to Saratoga. Anyway, the little nephews were self-sufficient. Li Yalin felt that even if he came out, it would have no effect, but he would let himself be embarrassed.

After all, the back of the hand is all meat.

Although I did not regret that I had sent so many wedding rings at once, but sure enough, they are all their own wedding ships. Sometimes it is quite difficult for them to do this.

And when it comes to wedding rings...

Ship Niang's body is constant, the battleships are big sisters, such as Fusang, Shancheng, Changmen, this wedding ring is sent without any burden, it is better to say that Li Yalin is happy to symbolize the eternal tie The ring is given to the ship maidens who have been accompanying themselves.

Not to mention Fusang, even if they later joined Li Jie, the cat sister and the North House, they were also sent out by Li Yalin early.

The big sisters of the battleships all have wedding rings. The carrier mothers and sisters are naturally impossible to lag behind. It should be said that whether it is a battleship or an aircraft carrier, Li Yalin’s wedding ring is the most refreshing, as long as the feelings are in place, properly married. There is no.

However, the battleships under the battleship and the aircraft carrier may have to think carefully.

The heavy cruiser is better. Li Yalin, like the heavy patrol sister like Prince Eugen, doesn't have much guilt. But if you switch to a light patrol, some goals are already a ban.

Like the top girl, the light patrol is barely ok, but later, such as Pinghai and Ninghai, which are not much bigger than the primary school students, Li Yalin dare to send the wedding ring out?

Don't make trouble, he can't live the conscience of his own conscience.

Even the light patrol has become a ban, and the pupils of the primary school are not to mention, even if they were the first to follow Li Yalin’s time rain and full tide, they could not get the wedding ring, although according to the rain, she was dreaming. Wanting to get a wedding ring, for the wedding ring, she is going to be a magic barrier.

To this end, Li Yalin can be said to have broken his brain. Whenever he saw the resentful expression of the rain, he would come very helpless. For this reason, he once talked with the palace again and wanted to let the palace help himself out. .

It is a pity that even the sisters who are most welcomed by the primary school students can't solve this problem. After all, the emotional problems of the ship's mothers can't be stopped anyway.

In desperation, Li Yalin even found Mingshi and asked if her destroyer's body could grow up. If so, what should I do?

Unfortunately, Akashi’s answer is desperate. According to her, unless the destroyer’s hull is transformed into a battleship, don’t mention the matter of growing up, then the problem is coming, and the time to get the wedding ring, Really want to transform her hull?

When it was time to transform into a battleship, is it still rain?

Regarding this issue, Li Yalin is afraid that it is difficult to give an answer anyway, so it seems that he can only take one step.

Well, this problem really needs a long time to be completely solved. What needs to be considered in front of us is still whether the ship's mothers want to play as a reinforcement unit.

Going back to the town to observe the palace, Li Yalin chose to give up very decisively.

Although the scope of the ship's mothers has not been limited to the oceans of the region, the problem is that Li Yalin could not bear to return to the war again when he saw the joy of the ship's mothers enjoying the peaceful days of each day. .

Anyway, it is not a particularly difficult battle, let everyone continue to enjoy this hard-won peace!

In the past battle, the ship maidens really paid too much, and everything was seen by Li Yalin, so he was more willing to let his own ship girl and sisters live happily.

For the same reason, there are those deep sea ghosts who are also in the prop space.

As the enemy of the ship's mother, the ghosts who have experienced the evolution of several times have long had no ghosts, they are now the most normal human girl.

But if you really want to treat them as ordinary sisters, then it is a big mistake. If you want to talk about combat effectiveness, the ship maidens in the next town can't compare with them. They are BOSS in deep sea-going ships. The strongest deep sea, on combat effectiveness, they are definitely the strongest!

Even the strongest deep sea ghost Ji, now also became Li Yalin's deep sea wedding ship, although experienced various conditions during the period, but the results are still very gratifying.

At least Li Yalin felt that there were several deep-sea ghosts who were married ships, and then a few deep-sea ghosts, Ji Dang’s sister, and finally a small northern daughter, it’s really worth it!

In all senses, he should also be regarded as a deep sea admiral, isn't it?

I don't want to disturb the life of my own ship's mothers. The small days of my own deep sea ghost Ji are naturally not to be disturbed. Although they used to be the enemy of killing and killing, now, the ship mother and the deep sea ghost Ji are almost a family. .

For example, Xiaobei, she often runs to the town hall, and is very popular with the group of primary school students.

In this case, once Li Yalin mobilizes the deep sea ghost Ji, the town government will immediately know the situation, and then it will be inevitable to come over and ask, simply conceal it together.

Everyone enjoys the present life. Li Yalin does not intend to drag everyone down, but the problem is that the reinforcements must still have it.


This witch is not a witch, the witches who have been assisted by the World of Devils, have been sent back to the original world by Li Yalin. The witches at this time are mechanized aviation infantry from another world.

As one of Li Yalin's important combat forces, these aviation witches can be said to have a strong fighting power. They not only have quite powerful magic power, but also are equipped with powerful weapons and equipment. Not the only one.

In the original war, the fighting power of the witches was definitely not inferior to any of the troops, and the destructive power they caused was also incomparable to many troops.

So this time, do you want these witches to leave?

After careful thinking, Li Yalin felt that it did not seem necessary.

It’s not that the witches are too strong, they use them too much, and the witches are not too weak to afford this battlefield. But at this moment, most of the witches of Li Yalin’s men are rebuilding their hometowns. They are transferred, even if they can return in an instant, it is not a very good thing.

After all, they have been tired for a long time. With Li Yalin fighting so many planes, it is hard to return to rebuild their hometown, and then immediately transfer everyone, even if there is no grievance in the heart, it will certainly breed some dissatisfaction.

We must know that in order to win the war, the timeline of the witch's world has hardly changed. Li Yalin has lived in the world of demon colleges for more than ten years, but in the world of witches, only a few months have passed.

However, the witches are still an important force of his men, which has led many witches to live outside for several years, and their own world has only been in the past few days.

It’s not that Li Yalin is so thick, he really has no way. After all, the world has to go step by step. He himself is also a person with a lack of skills.

So this time, does he need to compensate some of these witch girls?

Well, sure enough, first compensate everyone!

Read The Duke's Passion