MTL - The End of the World-Chapter 88

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As soon as the voice fell, Wu Jiqing slammed the whole man forward with an inexplicable force.

That force came so suddenly that Wu Jiqing did not react and could only passively lose control of the body. At the same time, Su Weishang took up a hugely formed wind blade, and his right hand was sent to Wu Jiqing.


The water knife of Jingxia was grounded and shattered to become a trace of water.

"Jing Xia!"

Su Weishang’s roaring sound came to Jingxia with the fierce and desperate wind blade. The wound in the waist of the summer has not completely healed. When he sneaked away from the wind blade, he just tore the wound and let him sigh gently.

Over there, Wu Jiqing, who suddenly gained freedom, has prepared for it and fought with Su Weishang.

Jing Xia smashed the bleeding wound again and barely supported the figure.

If you want to say that the person who knows the most about Su Weishang’s attack is definitely not Jingxia, it will not be Ji Chuan, but Wu Jiqing.

Even with the experience of dealing with Su Weishang in his life, Jing Xia’s understanding of Su Weishang is far worse than Wu Jiqing. In the absence of those rumors, Su Weishang has been fighting with Wu Jiqing. After the rumors spread, Su Weishang often invited him to fight in order to gain the trust of Wu Jiqing.

Both of them are very familiar with each other's path, and the use of this time, but also more unexpected "tacit understanding." In addition to the fighting skills of Wu Jinqing, Wu Jiqing's ice abilities and abilities are much higher than Su Weishang, but the latter has a strange space. It can be said that this gap is completely flattened or even faint.

Because of the passing of blood, Jing Xia was pale. He looked at the two swords facing each other ten meters away. I saw that both of them were hanging, but it should not be overlooked that Wu Jiqing faintly fell.

In accordance with this trend, the first to be killed will definitely be Wu Jiqing.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly, a bunch of straight ice cones slammed out from the ground, so that Su Wei was too late to be pierced by the ankle, he took a step to reveal a flaw. Wu Jiqing immediately stabbed him with a cold and blue ice sword, and he saw that he would stab the chest of Su Weishang!

Hey! The situation suddenly reversed!

Su Weishang smiled and didn't know where to pull out a long knife. Although the blade was broken, there were a lot of black blood on it. When Wu Jiqing saw it, it was less than half a meter away from the blade.

"Wu Jiqing, you are a hypocrite, I am..."

Su Weishang’s voice stopped abruptly, and a stream of blood suddenly spewed out of his mouth. The long knife in his hand slammed into the left abdomen of Wu Jiqing, but did not stab the original heart position. He slowly lowered his head and stared at his cold chest.

I saw a transparent water knife that penetrated his chest and revealed half of it. The fragile water knife has now condensed into a skate, and the transparent texture is stained with bright red blood, which is constantly flowing from the wound and wets his front.

Jing Xia stood strong on the ground, and the right palm was connected to the long thin ice line, and the end was hooked with a skate that pierced Su Weishang.

Wu Jiqing was seriously injured and fell to the ground. He was convulsive and constantly vomiting blood, and Su Wei was struggling to turn and walked a few steps forward, looking palely at Jingxia.

The look of Jing Xia is also not good. In the case of injury, he also used excessive power, which caused a trace of blood on his lips. He looked indifferently at Su Weishang, who came to step by step, not sad or unhappy, and calmly calmed down.

"Cough..." Squirting a **** foam from his mouth, Su Weishang said: "I... I didn't lose..."

Jing Xia licked the wound in the abdomen and looked at Su Weishang plainly: "You lost."

"No!" The sound suddenly rises high, Su Wei still looks at the face: "I have not lost! I want to kill you! I want to kill you! I want to cough..."

Jing Xia has already hanged his right hand naturally, but the ice knives that penetrated the chest of Su Weishang did not disappear. The ice knife blocked Su Weishang's wounds and slowed down the speed of blood flow, but under the blazing sun, there was a tendency to melt.

Su Weishang’s pace is slow: “Why? Why do you have these things! Why should I die in the first beast! I am not willing, I am not willing! I am going to kill you, I am going to kill you. !!!"

Listening to Su Weishang’s words, Jing Xia’s eyes are slowly growing. He suddenly felt that the brain was blank. There was a warm warmth in the wound except the left abdomen. Every other corner was like falling into a hail and could not breathe.

He trembled and asked, "What is it... You died in the first animal tide?"

Su Weishang step by step to the side of Jing Xia, his steps are very slow, almost fell a few times, but still did not give up. The exquisite and beautiful little face is full of resentment and jealousy, which makes the bright and beautiful beauty a little less, and more ugly twilight.

Behind him, Wu Jiqing has begun to blur his consciousness.

"Do you think you are victorious? Do you think that you have succeeded? Impossible! I tell you, I will live this life again to see how you die!"

As soon as the voice fell, Jing Xia suddenly felt a powerful force rushing forward with his body. The force came so suddenly that he could not react at all, and the injured body made it difficult for him to get rid of such strength.

At the end of the trip -

It was Su Wei’s ruptured long knife that was suddenly exposed in his hand.

As it appeared, it was mysterious. It disappeared instantly after the stabbing of Wu Jiqing, and now... it is coldly pointing at the chest of Jing Xia with the breath of death.

Jing Xia subconsciously wants to resist, but everything is found too quickly. When he can barely control his body, it is less than one meter away from the long knife. Su Weishang spelled the last strength to slash forward, while Jing Xia also barely opened a water wall.


The force pulling the body suddenly disappeared, and the summer fell to the ground.

I saw that Su Weishang’s body was slammed down and hit the rock. He snorted and spit out a large amount of blood, and then the whole person was lying on the ground and twitching. The ice skates running through him were all broken into ice **** and scattered on the ground because of this sudden impact.

Jing Xia slammed the bleeding wound with a big breath, and looked up, and the line of sight suddenly went up with the man who was running anxiously.

Ji Chuan was wearing a black long coat. I wonder if it was too anxious, and there was a thin layer of sweat on his forehead. He did not look at Wu Jiqing and Su Weishang lying on the ground. He ran straight toward Jingxia, and his hands trembled to lift him up. His voice trembled: "How is the wound? Qin Chu is in the rear medical In the district, I will take you to her immediately!"

The panicked and scared look appeared on the face of the handsome, not as elegant and elegant as before, as if afraid of losing precious treasures as long as he was one second behind.

Due to the stronger self-healing ability of the evolutionary, the speed of bleeding in the belly of the summer has begun to slow down, but his face is uncontrollably pale because of blood loss. He shook his head slightly: "I... okay, Wu Jiqing and Su Weishang may not be fast."

Ji Chuan appeared to see Su Weishang and Wu Jiqing, who had not seen the body and twitched and stopped breathing. He tightened his brow and observed the injury of Jingxia. When I was sure that there was no problem, I slowly breathed a sigh of relief and whispered to myself: "Fortunately..."

Jing Xia Wei Wei: "What?"

"It's nothing."

As soon as the voice fell, Ji Chuan immediately raised his hand, and without aiming at him, he directly smashed the huge rock that blocked the line of sight. When the boulder was blown into slag, some of the evolutionists around were surprised to see it here.

Ji Chuan took a view of Jingxia and then screamed: "There are two wounded people here, and they need to be taken to the medical area immediately."

Without him to say more, immediately two evolutionists with five senses rushed forward to Su Weishang and Wu Jiqing, rushing straight to the medical area.

Jing Xia’s line of sight rises upwards with the movement of Ji Chuan. Without the blockage of this giant rock, he can finally see all the situations in the outside world. I saw the deep black blood everywhere on the beach, the smell of stinking for a long time, the remains of many mutant beasts and ... human body.

From time to time, some people are orderly tidying up the bodies on the beach. Obviously this battle has ended when Jing Xia missed it and made an imperfect end.

Jingxia’s heart was shocked: “Achuan, what is going on? I saw the mutant Kangji’s direction in the direction of the dam half an hour ago, now...” said, Jingxia’s four-sweep line of sight suddenly concentrated. On the high-breakwater dam that had broken half, the sound slowly stopped.

Ji Chuan’s very deep face raised a complex look and quickly covered it up very well. He sighed softly, and the phoenix whispered: "The mutated Kangji 鳗 has retreated, just ten minutes after I arrived here. The mutant beasts also withdrew the beach along with it, so now they are packing battlefield."

No need to go in and out of the dam exit, Jichuan is holding Jingxia directly and quickly from the damaged place into the base.

Jing Xia asked in surprise: "Today they are obviously prepared, how can they retreat so easily?!"

Ji Chuan was very deep in his face. After a long time, he sighed reluctantly: "Because the king has been seriously injured, they are more important to protect it, not ... against humanity."

Jing Xia was shocked and could no longer speak.

The sea breeze screamed from the boundless ocean, blowing away the strong beasts of the beach and the smell of blood. The waves rolled over the sand on the beach tirelessly, but they couldn't wash away the dark blood.

This war that has begun to officially start will never have a way back. 2k novel reading network

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