MTL - The First Order-Chapter 1177 You misunderstood

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"do not speak."

"Don't look around."

"Do not be afraid."

A faint current sound floated in Meg's ears.

Listening to this voice, Mego walked on the red carpet in Winston Cathedral, but seemed to walk in a quiet alley.

The church was lined with rows of crimson benches, and scarlet carpets laid through the benches, seemingly cast into a long **** road.

In the entire Winston Cathedral, there is no statue belonging to the Winston family, which is the great wizard of the Berkeley family.

The gray sculptures stood on both sides of the church, and Mego even felt they were watching him.

The elite of the Burning Knights stood with spears on both sides of the red carpet. They did not squint, and even when Mego passed by them, they never saw their eyes move.

There are no more Winstons here. It seems that before the arrival of Mego, the Berkeley family cleared the scene.

The owner of Berkeley stood quietly in the deepest part of the cathedral, where a white statue was erected, and the owner stood against the gate.

Hundreds of candles were lit on the church's dome chandelier, so that now the sky was dark, but the church was as bright as day.

The light shed from the top of the head and enveloped the back of Berkeley's head. Then, after the other party put on the knight's armor, Wei An's figure cast a large shadow on the ground, and the red cloak on the north fell silently.

Mego knew the white sculpture in front of him, that was the ancestor of the Berkeley head, and the first person to discover the magic of the Song of Fire, Grantham Berkeley.

"I have entered the attack position."

"Naturally, it's natural."

"To be honest."

"Relax, you might die if the other party really wants to do it, but he must bury you."

Ren Xiaosu's voice came from the headset, so Mei Ge panicked.

At a certain moment, Mego was thinking, would it be that Ren Xiaosu wanted to make himself behave in a panic before he said he might die?

He couldn't be sure.

But Mego is even more uncomfortable because he clearly didn't see Ren Xiaosu's figure at all, and the other party's confidence said that he would sanction the Berkeley head.

You have to speak harshly, at least you have to stand closer.

Moreover, obviously those things are caused by you recently ...

Mei Ge thought about walking forward, not actually he was really complaining about Ren Xiaosu, but he must now think about something to distract his attention and suppress his panic.

At the next moment, the owner of Berkeley turned his head to look at Mego: "We saw it two years ago."

This man wore a red cloak. When he walked, the armor collided with each other and made a sound of gold and iron symphony, and the cloak was like a mane that opened when the lion was angry.

Not angry, this is Ren Xiaosu's evaluation of the Berkeley head. He can feel the arrogance of the other party through the black sniper scope.

In the wizarding country, the authority of the head of the family is greater than expected. Sitting in this position for a long time will naturally cultivate the temperament of the superior.

This kind of temperament is rare even in the leaders of the China-Turkey Consortium.

Mago pressed his chest with his right hand to salute: "Yes, Master Berkeley."

The full name of the Berkeley family owner, Michelle Grantham Berkeley. Between the wizard and the wizard, there is no need to kneel.

"It's a blessing for you and me to meet again today," the Berkeley head came to Mego with a smile: "How about going to the frontier for two years?"

"Although it was a bit of hard work, but it hone my will," Mego said.

The master of Berkeley exclaimed: "Men should be more tempered, so that they can pierce the enemy's throat like a long sword, and don't learn from the wise wizards. That kind of behavior is not desirable."

Slightly different from other wizard families, Berkeley has always advocated martial arts. All children who have the potential to become wizards must enter the Burning Knights to practice, but those who have no qualifications at all can enjoy at will.

However, if heirs are selected in the future, these hedonic players will not be able to participate.

The sturdy atmosphere prevailed in the Berkeley family, which is probably the first reason they came forward to challenge the original order in troubled times.

At this time Berkeley gave Mego a surprised look, and then smiled: "Why, aren't you afraid? The legs are not shaking."

At first, when Mego faced the Berkeley head and the Burning Knights, both legs were swinging, and as a result, Mego was better and no longer trembling with time.

Mego hesitated and said, "The legs are numb ..."

The Berkeley head suddenly burst out with a loud laughter: "Don't be afraid, I have no other ideas for you today, I won't treat you like anything, just talk casually."

Ren Xiaosu whispered: "Isn't this too much to worry about?"

Mei Ge whispered: "Isn't this a panic?"

Lord Berkeley: "..."

Ren Xiaosu: "..."

As soon as this remark came out, the Berkeley head looked at Mego seriously: "You have some courage, yes."

Ren Xiaosu was stunned when he heard this: "This Berkeley head is quite pee-like, and he likes others to be tough in front of him? Don't learn this special thing!"

Before waiting for Mego to speak, the owner of Berkeley continued to say: "I heard that you will air blow?"

Mego hurriedly said honestly: "No, you misunderstood."

Ren Xiaosu had explained it before coming. In this respect, we must tell the truth. Mego is not good at lying. As long as he tells a lie, he will be seen by the other party.

But the Berkeley owner did not believe this answer. He smiled at Mego: "Don't rush to deny it, what's the matter with air explosion? What, I'm afraid I know you have a relationship with the Norman family?"

Ren Xiaosu sighed in his heart, this kind of thing is too terrible.

Some people are just a little smarter. The stupid and white sweetness of Mei Ge is really not so much minded and planned, but the other party feels that you can never be so simple, because the environment of the other party has never met such a simple person. ...

Therefore, when they faced Mego, they always filled in some details that Mego had never thought of, which was purely over-interpretation.

The owner of Berkeley said: "I know that you are behind the Norman family, and I know that you want to damage the strength of the Tudor family. I can ignore what you do in my southern town, but you need to help me bring a sentence To the Norman family. "

Ren Xiaosu suddenly understood that in fact, today the Berkeley family called Mego to have no other meaning, just want to establish a secret ally relationship with the Norman family, and then deal with the Tudor family together.

Mego said with a bit of a toothache: "Master Berkeley, I don't know anyone from the Norman family ..."

The owner of Berkeley smiled and said: "It's okay not to admit it, I will let Qian Weining's caravan continue to go north. This is my competent officer. He will send you to the Norman family by then, so you should always be at ease Right. "

Mei Ge was about to cry at the time, so this is a ghost.

I really don't know the Norman family. Why should I send myself to the Norman family? Is it for others to sacrifice heaven? !