MTL - The First Order-Chapter 1178 Unlucky President

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Mei Ge panicked, but Ren Xiaosu calmed down a lot: "You ask him, what do you need to bring to the Norman family?"

Originally Xiao Ren was planning to wait for Mego to leave the church and kill the Berkeley head of the house directly. At that time, Xu would meet Xiaomei in the dark, and then drive the steam train to hit the wall and run.

But now Ren Xiaosu suddenly felt that leaving this Berkeley head seemed to do more harm to the entire wizarding country.

As long as such an owl is still alive, the war can ruthlessly destroy the strength of all wizard families.

Since they can be infested, why should they help the Normans and Tudors get rid of their enemies? After killing the head of Berkeley, you have to kill the Norman family and the Tudor family one by one, how troublesome!

Therefore, Ren Xiaosu intends to follow the intention of the Berkeley family, follow the caravan north, and stay away from the main battlefield of Winston.

As for where to go next, it might be to go to Ghent City, or maybe actually go to the Norman family for a lap. Anyway, when I come back again, I think it will be almost the same here.

Mego asked the Berkeley owner: "What do you want me to bring to the Norman family?"

The owner of Berkeley laughed: "That's right, you just need to tell them that Donald was killed by the Tudor family. The body of Donald was buried under the sycamore tree outside the glade in Ghent, and Donald's The Golden True Eye is in the hands of the Tudor family, the one in Kyle's hand. "

With that said, the owner of Berkeley asked the Burning Knight to send a golden eye of true vision to Mego: "You give this true vision to the Norman family, and they will understand everything."

Mei Ge seemed very surprised at this time, and Ren Xiaosu was even more surprised. Did someone suddenly give him a golden eye?

To know that he has been busy for so long, he has n’t touched the eyes of the Golden True Vision. The Berkeley head has the courage to actually use a golden True Vision to stir up the Norman family and the Tudor family. Suspicion.

But who is this Donald? It seems to be very important to the Norman family?

However, Ren Xiaosu had to re-examine the Berkeley head, and the other party seemed to be fully prepared for today's battle.

The owner of Berkeley looked at Mego and said with a smile: "Why, are you surprised by this secret?"

"Yes, it's really surprising," Mego admitted honestly.

"After you give them the golden eyes of true vision, the Norman family will definitely ask you what I want," said the Berkeley owner. "You will tell them when the time comes, I want all the Tudors have in their hands. Territory, which is not difficult for them to accept. Go ahead and prepare, the caravan will start tomorrow. "

After talking, the Berkeley family waved their hands, and the burning knights on both sides of the red carpet simultaneously reached out to signal Mego to leave. The uniform movement almost scared Mego.

He hurried out of the cathedral towards the post, Ren Xiaosu also received black sniping, pulled his hood and disappeared into the night.

After the two returned to the coaching station, Mei Ge closed the door tightly, and then drank four glasses of hot water to calm down.

He was sitting on a chair with a cup of hot water, and from time to time he secretly looked out the window, as if to see if anyone was voyeurizing the house.

Ren Xiaosu couldn't help crying: "Don't be so nervous, isn't it all right?"

Mego was frustrated and said: "I'm just a small person, how can I suddenly get involved in this kind of thing, obviously staying in Yorkshire and spending my old age just fine, why should I go to Ghent City."

"Because your sweetheart is in Ghent City," Ren Xiaosu said carelessly: "You think, the Tudor family is gone. Isn't your little sweetheart's girlfriend no marriage contract?"

Mego thought of his little girlfriend, but gradually had a hint of courage.

Ren Xiaosu asked: "What's going on with Donald?"

"This man is the favorite son of the Norman contemporary house owner. It is rumored to be a rare genius in a century," said Mei Ge. But then he suddenly disappeared one day. This was probably what happened in Ghent more than ten years ago. "

"Did you find the murderer at that time?" Ren Xiaosu wondered.

"No," Mego shook his head. "The search and search lasted for a full month. It was a real city-wide search. The Knights of the Norman family even entered the Tudor family's territory very rarely, even us. The home was searched inside and out, and the cellar was not left. At that time, the Norman family did not let any dead ends except for the places directly owned by the Tudor family. "

Ren Xiaosu took a sigh of relief, and the Knights of the Norman family entered the Tudor family territory. It was an attitude of reckless war to find clues.

It seems that the Donald was really important for the Norman head.

Mega said: "You haven't experienced it personally, so you don't have an intuitive feeling about the seriousness of the incident. There is actually a very large black empire underground in Ghent City. Although there are no powerful wizards there, the terrain is rooted. Staggered, there are a lot of blind desperate people. Some desperate people say that even if the wizard enters the underground, he can get in and out, but the knights of the Norman family had plowed it there all the time. It is said that The underground world is full of corpses, rats are in groups ... "

Mego continued: "In recent years, the number of talents in the sewers has gradually increased. Said that those people are not afraid of haunting, why should they live in such a gloomy place."

Ren Xiaosu said, his arms really couldn't twist his thighs. Why was he so arrogant in the wizard's territory?

However, it is no wonder that the Berkeley head is so determined that the Norman head will start a revenge plan when he knows the news. It turns out that there are historical events to pave the way.

The Berkeley family is also quite suffocating, hiding a secret for more than a decade, just to stab the Tudor family at the most crucial moment.

"The Berkeley family said they want the Tudor family's current territory, but things are definitely not that simple," Ren Xiaosu said. "After tomorrow's departure, we will first observe the situation. Once things go wrong, we will run away with golden eyes road."

Mego's eyes lit up: "Run? Run well!"

At this moment, the worst person is definitely not Mei Ge, but Qian Weining ...

After thinking that he didn't have to die, the chairman of the money started drinking and celebrating, but the bad news came tonight, and the owner asked him to go directly to the Norman family.

As the so-called Le Ji is sad, Qian Weining now wants to die!


In the evening, these days I feel a little exhausted. . .

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