MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 231 Insider news from the Turtle family

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  Chapter 231 Inside news of the turtle family

  Chu Mingcheng didn't want these living seafood to die gradually, so he had to go back tonight, which didn't conflict with his original plan.

  Close the small door before entering the water, lest the little sea lions will follow and hinder him from catching the rich shrimp.

  Dive into the water, Chu Mingcheng found that today's sea water is clearer than yesterday, more suitable for fishing and hunting.

  But he was going to catch Fugui shrimp, and the sea water was not clear, so it didn't affect him much.

   Come to the waters of the rich shrimp again, and use the fish gathering function to attract them out.

  He brought two net bags this time, and he planned to finish when the net bags were full.

   Therefore, he followed the distribution of the caves under the sand bed, and unknowingly began to move to the top of the island.

  Chu Mingcheng didn't expect that there would be so many Fugui Shrimp living here. He originally planned to go all the way and go back after the cave was gone.

  Going back and forth like this, he believes that all the rich shrimps will come out and let him choose as much as he likes.

  Just after he came to the top of the island, he found a new surprise on the sand bed, a tiger prawn lying in the sand, that is, a nine-section prawn.

   This nine-section shrimp is very large, and its length is estimated to be close to 20 centimeters.

  Of course, if it was just this one, Chu Mingcheng would not be surprised.

  He turned off the fish-gathering function on purpose, and then walked around the waters, and immediately discovered that it was a huge group of nine-section shrimp.

   They are big and small, all resting on the sand.

   Compared with fish, shrimp seems to be more popular.

  The main reason is that many fish have their own fishy smell, which is difficult for people who can't stand the smell.

  But fresh shrimp will definitely not, and the meat is delicious and nutritious.

  At the same time, dried shrimp is also delicious, and it is easier to accept than dried fish.

  The only disadvantage is that the price of wild shrimp is too high. It is okay for ordinary families to eat it occasionally, but it is really unacceptable and unaffordable to eat it frequently.

   Fortunately, there are not many domestically farmed shrimps, and many prices are within the acceptable range of people.

  Nine-section shrimp will rest during the day and be active at night.

   Now that they lie down on the sand to rest, Chu Mingcheng can easily catch them without using the function of gathering fish.

  However, there were already less than half of the Fugui shrimp in the second net bag, so he thought about it and went back along the original route first.

   You can catch some more by the way, and put the rich shrimp on the boat first.

  It's a pity that he didn't find this group of nine-section shrimp last night. If he found it last night, he would throw two shrimp pots here, so he wouldn't need to bother to catch them.

   And now it's their rest time, even throwing in shrimp pots won't work well, it's not as fast as he can catch them directly, so we have to work harder.

  Chuming City stayed away from this water area, restarted the fish gathering function, and returned to the boat after sweeping all the way.

  The time is now nine o'clock in the morning, Jiang Luoluo has just woken up and is eating the breakfast he just made.

   Seeing Chu Mingcheng come back, she first rolled her eyes, and then walked out of the cab while eating the sandwich she made.

   And this supercilious stare was obviously an expression of dissatisfaction with his lack of sympathy last night.

  Although it was very refreshing, Jiang Luoluo still didn't like being so exhausted that she didn't even want to move.

  Chu Mingcheng chuckled, he didn't care about the supercilious look at all, instead he seemed very complacent.

   Now he has fully experienced the benefits of life transformation and improved quality. He has never been so strong when he had a girlfriend before.

  Things of sore waist and weak legs often occur. Fortunately, at that age, it is the age when men are most energetic, and they will not actively sleep on the sofa.

   "Lolo, I caught a lot of Fugui shrimp again, how do you want to eat this time?"

   Seeing that the two nets were full of Fugui shrimps, the important thing was that each one was over 25 centimeters, Jiang Luoluo was almost swallowed by the sandwich.

  She hurried back to take a sip of milk before recovering.

   "How many Fugui shrimps are there? Are you exaggerating? Let alone the large number, are they all this big?"

   "Actually, it's not bad. Including the ones caught yesterday, it is estimated that there are more than a hundred. The sand bed at the bottom of the water is so big, and the number must not be too small."

  Compared to the size of this environment, more than a hundred large Fugui shrimps are really nothing.

  Jiang Luoluo thinks there are a lot of them, mainly because the large Fugui prawns are rare and expensive. Compared with other prawns, they are really rare.

   "Thanks to the little sea lion, if it wasn't for bringing us here, we wouldn't have gained so much!"

  Chu Mingcheng patted the head of the little sea lion, and decided to get some shrimp meat from Fugui shrimp today, so that he could have a taste too.

  Jiang Luoluo helped to pick out the shrimps after breakfast. Some of the poor vitality were dying, so they should not be put together with the good vitality, so as not to cause a chain reaction.

  In the end, together with the five that died in the morning, a total of thirteen were taken out, and these were put into the refrigerator in the cockpit for their own food.

   "Ah Cheng, shall we go back in the afternoon?" Jiang Luoluo asked.

   "No hurry, I plan to take you to the coral reef to practice diving in the afternoon, and check the resources there by the way, and we will go back in the evening."

   "It's still early, let's take a rest on the boat first, and continue to recharge your energy. I found a group of nine-section shrimp lying on the sand bed, and I will go catch some first."

   After Chu Mingcheng finished speaking, he was ready to continue diving.

   "There are still nine-section shrimp, then you should pay attention to safety, and come back to rest if you are tired, and don't be too greedy."

   "Will I be tired, don't you know very well?"

   "Bah, I'm just not in good shape, let's see who will beg for mercy in the future."

   "Haha~" Jiang Luoluo blushed in embarrassment, making Chu Mingcheng laugh out loud. As for winning him, it was impossible for her in her life.

   Returning to the water, he turned off the fish gathering function and quickly swam to the waters of the nine-section shrimp.

  The little sea lion is lying on the deck basking in the sun. After eating, it will be lazy and will not follow. Chu Mingcheng felt that he was too worried.

  The density of nine-section shrimp is higher than that of Fugui shrimp, and one can be found almost every meter or so.

  Chu Mingcheng was going to try the vigilance of the nine-section shrimp first. He held the sea pliers in his left hand and grabbed them with his right hand.

   And there is a nine-section shrimp almost the size of a palm in front of him, which is a very good target.

  He approached slowly, trying to keep the current calm.

  Perhaps because of the morning, the nine-section shrimp didn't respond to his approach.

   I don't know if I fell asleep or felt safe lying in the sand.

   Then, like a monkey grandson, it was crushed under the palm of the Tathagata.

  Chu Mingcheng caught this oversized nine-section shrimp, already knowing that catching them would be very easy.

  But it was not without its shortcomings, because he was too close to the bottom, and the movement caused by catching the nine-section shrimp immediately alarmed the nearby nine-section shrimp, and they all jumped up and ran away.

  Put the nine-section shrimp into the net bag, and Chu Mingcheng decided to try it with sea pliers.

  With sea catching pincers, he doesn't need to get so close, and maybe he won't disturb the nearby nine-section shrimp.

  Chu Mingcheng swam forward and soon found the second large nine-section shrimp.

  This time I used the pliers to catch the sea, and the result was accurate, and it didn't disturb the nearby nine-section shrimp. Sure enough, diving to catch the sea still requires tools.

  Chu Mingcheng immediately started a happy journey of picking up money. The weight of a big nine-section shrimp is about three taels.

  According to the price of two hundred and seventy-one catties on the market, one is about 80 yuan.

   Sure enough, there is no money to make screws.

   But he didn't pick out the big ones, he also wanted the smaller ones.

   The meat of this small point is more delicate, but the satisfaction is not as good as that of prawns.

  Shrimp populations are generally extremely large, and if caught by fishing nets, they can be tens of thousands of catties.

  The number of wild nine-section shrimp is rare, but if you are lucky, you can catch a few hundred catties without any problem.

  Chu Mingcheng’s slow pick-up speed is just the tip of the ice for this shrimp group, and it will not affect their population at all.

  And now the speed of reproduction and growth is accelerating, and the nine-section shrimp group living near the island is estimated to attract an explosive growth in the second half of the year.

  So even if he catches some small ones, it will not affect the shrimp population at all.

  Time passed slowly, Chu Mingcheng quickly filled one net bag, and then continued to fill the second one.

   I picked it up, but found a vague shadow approaching not far away.

  Its speed is not fast, but its size does not seem to be small. Judging from the shadow, it should be a big turtle.

  If he is free, he might swim over to have a look.

   But it will be fun to catch the nine-section shrimp, how can Chu Mingcheng have time to deal with it.

  Nine-section prawns are delicious. He caught so many not just to sell them, but also to share them with his relatives and friends, so he needed to catch more.

   It's just that he ignored the giant sea turtle, and the other party approached him after finding him.

   Sea turtles are known to like to have humans remove their barnacles.

   They also have inside information about this group of sea turtles. They know that humans are very friendly to them. Not only will they not hurt them, but when they need help, humans will basically take action. This is completely different from the last century.

   This huge sea turtle has lived from the last century to the present, perhaps the grandfather and grandfather in Chuming City are not as big as it.

  It has experienced the change of human's attitude towards them. If it had been left before, it would guarantee to turn around and run away after seeing Chuming City.

  But now, it needs the help of the other party, so it took the initiative to lean over.

  Chu Mingcheng looked at the barnacle jungle that had formed hills on the turtle's back, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart, trouble is coming!

  The big turtle was not afraid of life at all, and stopped when it came to him.

  Seeing this, Chu Mingcheng had no choice but to wave his hand to make it follow, and gave up his plan to continue catching nine-section shrimp.

  The sea turtle didn't quite understand the other party's gestures, so it could be seen that the person who could help him had left, so he hurriedly followed.

  The hill-like barnacles on the turtle's back have had too much impact on it. If it continues to procrastinate, it doesn't know whether it can bear this burden. Maybe this year the coffin will be covered.

  Affected by these barnacles, it is now much more difficult to hunt, and it has not had a full meal for a long time.

  Seeing that the turtle was following, Chu Mingcheng felt relieved, and then swam towards the fishing boat at a speed that the other party could keep up with.

  The nine-section shrimp only caught about 30 catties, and should have caught more, but unfortunately today's time is destined to be accounted for by the turtle.

  Backing to the side of the boat, Chu Mingcheng pushed the turtle to the stairway on the back deck, so that Jiang Luoluo could help later.

  The little sea lion was frightened by its size. It turned over when it was lying flat, and ran to the cockpit while screaming, the sound was extremely shrill.

  Jiang Luoluo thought something happened, so he ran out quickly, and then saw a giant sea turtle at the stern of the boat.

  (end of this chapter)

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