MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 232 Pry off dozens of catties of gooseneck barnacles

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  Chapter 232 Pry off dozens of catties of gooseneck barnacles

  Chu Mingcheng, who hadn’t looked carefully at the condition of the turtle’s back before, was a little surprised. He thought that trouble would come to his door, but he didn’t expect that it was money.

  The back of the big turtle is like carrying a hill on its back, and the dense barnacles almost cover its entire shell.

   But that’s not the point. After Chu Mingcheng pulled the sea mud and seaweed covering it, he found that there were gooseneck barnacles inside, not the usual volcanic barnacles.

  Even if the price of gooseneck barnacles in China is not high, only about 150 pounds per catty, the sea turtle is big enough, just like a mini tram, it should not be less if all the barnacles on it are removed.

  If it is the kind of barnacle like a volcano, it will be a troublesome thing.

  That kind of barnacles are cheap, the wild ones are of different sizes, the small ones are worthless, and the large ones won't be too much.

   And it is more troublesome to pry it up, unlike gooseneck barnacles, it is easy to pry up, and there are many densely packed ones.

  The gooseneck barnacles on the turtle's back don't know how long it has grown, but it is estimated to be at least five years old.

  After carrying such a heavy load for five years, the fact that the turtle has not died can only show that its vitality is really tenacious.

   "This turtle is too big, it feels like it can carry me around on the sea." Jiang Luoluo walked up to him, gestured at the size of the turtle, and said in surprise.

"It must be easy to carry you. The barnacles and sea mud and other things on its back are probably heavier than mine." Chu Mingcheng smiled, handed her the net bag, and asked her to put the nine-section shrimp away first. Then go get a basket and a dagger, and work with him to pry barnacles for the big turtle.

   After a short meeting, Jiang Luoluo put the nine-section shrimp away, returned the net bag to him, and the two began to work.

  When Chu Mingcheng pries off a piece, he will hold it and put it into the sea water and shake it twice to roughly shake off the sea mud, and then put the barnacles into the net bag.

  However, this is only a preliminary treatment. There are still some seaweed and some unknown marine plants entangled on the barnacles, and they will need to be cleaned up later.

  Jiang Luoluo is more straightforward, pry it off and throw it directly on the deck, and clean it together later.

   It took several hours.

  Jiang Luoluo even climbed onto the back of the turtle, showing that round figure so vividly that Chu Mingcheng felt a little restless watching it.

  But she is his future wife after all, not a lover, so it is impossible for him to do anything special at this time.

  Cleaned all barnacles from the shell, the sun has set.

  It seems that there is no way to go to the coral reef today, and even the group of nine-section shrimp can only be let go, and I will catch it next time.

   The sea turtle, free of burden, swims freely in the water, and it is obvious that it is in a good mood.

  Chu Mingcheng climbed onto the boat, poured out all the barnacles in the net bag, and then said to Jiang Luoluo: "Luoluo, go to the pilothouse and drive the boat. I'll get the barnacles."

   "Why don't we go together, it's okay to go back later."

   "It's not close to the pier. It's already late when we go back, and we have to pack other seafood!"

  Jiang Luoluo heard what he said, so she stopped insisting and returned to the wheelhouse to prepare to sail.

   When the fishing boat started, the little sea lion that had been lying flat on the deck got up all of a sudden, and consciously entered the water from the back door.

  Chu Mingcheng handed it two pike squids, and rubbed its head as farewell.

  The fishing boat started to head back after warming up for a while, and he didn't bother to take a shower first, so he started to clean up the barnacles.

  Some marine plants, cleaned up and put aside, will be thrown directly into the sea later, and a small part of marine garbage will be brought back to the shore.

  Compared with rich and noble shrimps, the money of this barnacle is really not easy to earn.

  The two pried for a long time without talking, and in the end it took a long time to clean it, which was pure hard work.

   About halfway through the journey, Chu Mingcheng finally cleaned all the barnacles.

  He brought the scale over, put the barnacles on it, and weighed them, only to find that they were only sixty-seven catties.

   At that time, after prying it off, the pile was like a hill, but it turned out that there were only so few left.

  Chu Mingcheng was a little disappointed. Calculated at one hundred and fifty kilograms, the total price of these barnacles was just over ten thousand. At that time, he thought he could earn tens of thousands!

  This money-making efficiency is incomparable to his catching rich shrimp and nine-section shrimp, but if you do good deeds, you don't care so much.

   Another hour passed, and the mobile phone finally got a signal.

  Chu Mingcheng hurriedly took photos of the seafood, pulled the five bosses into a new group, sent them the photos and the quantity, and asked them to distribute them by themselves.

  Except for a few fish, today's seafood is considered rare.

  These five bosses rushed to ask for it immediately. The rich shrimp, pike squid, and barnacles are all good things, and the pepper snapper is also pretty good.

  The number of nine-section shrimp is not very large, and Chu Mingcheng does not intend to sell them this time.

   Although he caught a lot of things in the past two days, in fact, the five bosses didn't get enough points. In the end, they had to negotiate the quantity and send it to him.

  Chu Mingcheng contacted the transportation company and distributed them according to the order quantity of these bosses.

  Back to the pier, except for the nine-section shrimp, all the rest of the seafood will be packed and sent away.

  Fugui Shrimp was 113 catties, the male price was 310, and the female price was 400, which happened to be sold for 40,000.

   There are not many pepper breams, one was eaten by the little sea lion, and there are 26 left.

  But the weight of each fish is not light, adding up to 230 catties, the price is 120 per catty, and the selling price is 27,600.

   Gooseneck barnacles are the same as before, and sold 10,000.

  At the end there was a pike squid, which was really difficult to feed. When he returned to the pier, Chu Mingcheng found that there were only a dozen of them alive in the living water tank, and the rest were hung up at some unknown time.

   This made him understand that even if these few live ones are shipped with oxygen, it is estimated that few of them will be alive when the customer receives the goods.

   Therefore, the live ones were not sold. Five long pistol squids and five catties of nine-section shrimp were delivered to father-in-law and mother-in-law, and the same amount was also sent to my parents. The remaining few long pistol squids were taken home and eaten by myself.

  All the chilled squid have a total of 133 catties and 7 taels, the price is 81 catties, and sold for 10,700.

  If the income this time is not counted as the cost, the total has reached nearly 90,000.

  The fact that such a high income can be achieved offshore shows that the resources near the small island are really good.

  Not to mention the coral reef area on the other side, which is the rich shrimp and nine-section shrimp. If he continues to catch them, he may earn hundreds of thousands.

   After cleaning the boat, Chu Mingcheng went into the bathroom to take a shower, and went back with the nine-section shrimp left over 20 kilograms.

  Driving in the car, they deliberately came to Wei Jiaguo's side, and delivered five catties of nine-section shrimp to the door.

  Wei Jiaguo took a big shark from them before and let him show off in front of his old friends, so this time the Nine-section Shrimp will pay for everything.

   Moreover, wild nine-section shrimps of this size are rare, so he bought some more from Chuming City and prepared to give them away.

   Wei Jiaguo bought a total of fifteen catties and gave them five thousand.

  The price was a bit inflated, but Chu Mingcheng couldn't shirk it, so he finally had to accept it.

  Leaving Weijiaguo's side, I wanted to go home, but Jiang Luoluo suddenly said: "Ah Cheng, there is no fruit at home, let's go buy some?"

   "Okay!" Then Chu Mingcheng turned to the supermarket.

  Jiang Luoluo pressed the navigation on the car and marked an address: "Go here, everything here is very good."

   "Really?" Chu Mingcheng looked at the navigation and found that he hadn't been there yet.

   Arriving at the destination, it is a large supermarket.

  Chu Mingcheng followed Jiang Luoluo into the supermarket. As soon as he entered, he found a steak displayed not far away.

  He walked over curiously and took a look. He didn't expect that this supermarket actually sells M9 grade steaks. It seems that he doesn't need to order from the Internet in the future.

  There is currently a large piece in the refrigerator at home, which cost him thousands of dollars, so he doesn't need to buy it for the time being.

   Then he followed Jiang Luoluo to the fruit area, and he was surprised by the price of the fruit here.

  One piece of durian is not one, and the asking price is two hundred and forty-eight.

  Chu Mingcheng always felt that the supermarket didn't write two hundred and fifty to take care of the face of the buyers.

  One kirin fruit, one hundred and fifty.

  Kirin fruit is just like dragon fruit, the taste is not much different.

  Chu Mingcheng doesn't like to eat these bland fruits, so he doesn't need to be taken advantage of.

  Finally, he still brought some fruits to the counter to check out. The price was 2,050 yuan. Jiang Luoluo took the initiative to pay, and he became a married man again.

  Going out of the supermarket and returning to the car, Chu Mingcheng finally couldn't help asking: "Luoluo, are we buying all the fruits we usually eat here?"

  Jiang Luoluo shook his head: "That's not true. I only came here once after returning to Xiashi this year for a few days. You said the apple the day before yesterday was delicious, so I bought it here, and it cost 40 yuan each."

   "." Chu Mingcheng couldn't laugh or cry, no wonder it was so delicious, it turned out to be the smell of money.

  According to the speed at which they eat fruit, the amount of more than two thousand pieces of fruit is not much. It is estimated that they will persist for less than three days, and more than 20,000 for ten times a month.

  After mentally calculating the price, he immediately patted his chest and said, "Isn't it just more than 20,000 fruits a month, daughter-in-law, you just buy it, I can afford your man."

   "Who is your wife!" Jiang Luoluo rolled her eyes, but the corners of her mouth curled up slightly.

  Back home, store most of the seafood in ice, leaving four dead Fugui shrimp, four nine-section shrimp, and a long cuttlefish outside for dinner.

  Jiang Luoluo saw that tonight's ingredients were all seafood, so he took out another piece of snowflake steak from the refrigerator, as well as some fruits and vegetables he just bought.

  The steak was ordered online by Chu Mingcheng. If it was last year, he would never be willing to buy this kind of M9 grade steak.

   But after this year passed, he made money, and he immediately raised the food level of the two of them by several levels.

  Jiang Luoluo didn't care much about food at first, she even used to eat takeaway.

  I know everything about domestic takeaways. If you want to find a reliable and delicious takeaway, you have a higher chance of winning than buying a lottery.

   It's just that a woman will gradually change into his shape after being with a man for a long time.

  Since dating, Jiang Luoluo hasn't eaten takeaway for a long time.

  In addition to the fact that Chu Mingcheng took the initiative to improve the food quality this year, she also increased the quality of fruits and vegetables by the way, expressing that she must be a husband and wife.

   It has only been a few days since they returned to Xiamen City, and their food expenses have already cost nearly tens of thousands.

  Jiang Luoluo washed an apple and cut it into small pieces, then took out a box of cherries that cost more than 600 pounds at only two catties, washed one catty, and put the remaining one catty in the refrigerator to eat tomorrow.

  Chu Mingcheng had never eaten such an expensive cherries, so he curiously picked up one and tasted it.

  I found that the cherries are full of water, big and sweet. It seems that the taste of money is really good.

  (end of this chapter)

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