MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 310 competition is over

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  Chapter 310 The game is over

  After there was no harassment from others, the rest of Chu Mingcheng's life was very peaceful. When he was free, he would take Chen Yang and Yao Xin to fish, and when he was tired, he would rest and do other things.

   On September 23rd, the three groups of players chose to go back because they were full of fish.

   During this period of time, Chu Mingcheng did not encounter any particularly large bluefin tuna, so the difference between him and the second place was only 1.5 million.

   But it is worth mentioning that the second place has become Chen Yang's White Dragon, and Yao Xin's ranking has also improved a lot. They are currently fifth, only more than 200,000 away from the third place.

  Wang Laoliu still has some real skills. After not following Chu Mingcheng, the harvest in this sea area with a large number of tuna is very good.

   But his mood was extremely depressed, because he felt that his third place was in jeopardy.

  He never thought that the result of this match would be like this.

   As for buying fish, all the contestants settled down two days ago after a contestant took the risk of being caught and permanently disqualified.

  Theoretically, Chu Mingcheng's championship is assured this time.

   But bluefin tuna will always have miracles. If some **** catches a 800-900-jin tuna, the price of that fish will definitely be sold at a sky-high price, and the gap between him and him can be instantly bridged.

  There are too many local tyrants in China. If there is such a fish, it is not impossible to spend two million to photograph it.

   However, the probability of encountering a bluefin tuna of eight or nine hundred catties is theoretically no different from winning the first prize in a lottery.

  Although Chu Mingcheng was afraid of what might happen, he still recuperated on the shore for three days.

   On the first day, I went to SPA with Jiang Luoluo in the hotel, enjoyed a leisurely afternoon tea, and eliminated physical fatigue.

   On the second day, I went out to have a good time and relax. On the third day, I made a big purchase and prepared to sail.

   "It's almost over!" Jiang Luoluo, standing on the third floor facing the wind, exclaimed.

  Chu Mingcheng was sitting beside her, wearing sunglasses.

  He took a sip of the iced Coke in front of him, and said with a smile: "After this game, we will take a good rest."

   "Are you not going to continue fishing?" Jiang Luoluo asked as she sat beside him.

   "It's good to have enough money to spend. If you have no money, go fishing. But compared to fishing, I'm more interested in the treasures of the sea recently." Chu Mingcheng handed her the phone and said.

  Jiang Luoluo looked at the content above curiously, and found that what he read was actually an introduction and explanation about the Eastern Route of the Silk Road.

  She checked the specific transfer route of the east route, and found that it was actually on an archipelago in the northeast of Baodao, so she couldn't help frowning.

   "This location, even if you find some shipwreck treasure, it won't be yours?"

  The corners of Chu Mingcheng's mouth curled up, with an inexplicable smile: "It doesn't matter if it's a treasure or not. I mainly want to experience the fun of treasure hunting."

  Jiang Luoluo looked at him, shook his head, and said softly: "You just need to know that there are people waiting for you at home, and don't do dangerous things."

  My man knows it himself, so it’s fine to just listen to it. The more exciting things are, the more he likes them, which made her worry several times.

   Having been together for so long, Jiang Luoluo certainly knows that her man is somewhat mysterious.

   But she has always been a very smart woman, knowing that sometimes it is better to be a little stupid, a little confused, than to be smart about everything.

  As long as Chu Mingcheng will always love her, the rest is not important to her at all.

  Hearing this, Chu Mingcheng took the initiative to hug her on his lap, and kissed her forehead, feeling very glad that he met such a smart and reasonable woman.

  The next two days, they continued to fish. But this time he caught Chen Yang and Yao Xin's fish. They were both lucky to encounter a school of fish.

  Originally, Chu Mingcheng thought that the competition would last until the end, but on the third day, there was a heavy rain and the waves were very fierce.

  The Poseidon shakes violently on the sea, and the sea water will wash up on the deck from time to time.

  The pets in the cabin were extremely disturbed, especially Xiao Hei Ye and Xiao Wujin, who were scared to pee.

  Chen Yang and Yao Xin's boat was small, and they took shelter before the heavy rain came, which would probably be on the way back.

  Although it has not been completely avoided, it is considered safe.

  The boats in Chuming City are large enough and have a high level of wind and wave resistance, so there will be no problems under normal conditions.

   It's just that he didn't expect Jiang Luoluo to get seasick, which made him very distressed, and regretted that he didn't go back sooner.

  So I simply returned to Hong Kong and waited for the end of the game.

  Maybe it feels that there is no hope of getting a better ranking in this competition. Many players have chosen to return to Hong Kong under such bad weather.

  Some players on the radio who wanted to persevere, heard that most of the players chose to go back, and after thinking about it, they simply followed behind.

  Continuous high-intensity sailing for a month is also a test for the human body.

   After all, they are small boats, and the living environment at sea is far less comfortable than that of big ships.

  Many people have reached their limits, but seeing that the game is about to end, they all persisted.

  After knowing the situation, the organizer simply prepared for the closing ceremony in advance and arranged it at the port.

  When Chu Mingcheng returned to the port, he was surprised to find that there were many ships in the port, and there were eighty-three ships left in the competition.

  Although the last few did not receive a consolation prize this time, they still earned some income from the fish they caught, so they were able to persevere.

  It will be raining, but the staff wearing transparent raincoats back and forth still show a busy scene.

  Although the competition ended two days earlier, the organizers and local leaders are very satisfied with the impact and gains of this competition.

  Chuming City began to have staff come to collect the fish, and the tuna was spread on the tarpaulin, attracting a new round of tourists to take pictures.

   After a short meeting, He Zheng and Yao Xin approached and asked them to have dinner tonight, this time Chu Mingcheng did not refuse.

   They also invited Chen Yang and his party, which can be regarded as a celebration banquet for the small group!

  Currently the top three are firmly occupied by their three groups of players, and the amount of the first place has reached 4.32 million, far ahead.

  Chen Yang and the others were 2.76 million, and they were full after Chu Mingcheng, ranking second.

  The third place Yao Xin and others came from behind, and the current price is 1.866 million, which is 130,000 less than the fourth place.

  But the amount of the fourth place Wang Laoliu has not been updated so far, both players and tourists are paying attention.

  The top two will not change, but the gap between the third and fourth is not big, and there may be changes.

  Just as Yao Xin was waiting a little anxiously, the number 4 on the leaderboard suddenly jumped to 1,833,000.

  Although the distance has been shortened, it is still fourth.

  Wang Laoliu shook his head regretfully, he more or less expected it in his heart.

  This time he didn't care about it any more. From the high spirits before the start of the competition, he not only ranked first, but also slept with a moist female Internet celebrity.

  He didn't expect that after he bought two bluefin tuna, the situation would take a turn for the worse.

  Sometimes, he wondered if Mazu punished him because of his cheating.

   But the ending has been fixed, but fortunately he still has a chance next year.

   "It's finally over!" Jiang Luoluo took Chu Mingcheng's arm and leaned against him.

  One month of fishing competitions made her feel as if she had been at sea for a year.

   Fortunately, the result was good, and he successfully won the first place. The fishing tackle factory can be implemented.

   What followed was a lengthy speech by the organizer and the leaders, and then the top three of them came to the stage to accept the award.

  Chu Mingcheng and Jiang Luoluo stood in the center, with Chen Yang and others in second place on the left, and Yao Xin and others in third place on the right.

  He was holding a big sign with one million written on it, and the series of zeros dazzled ordinary people.

  Jiang Luoluo is holding a crystal trophy, on which there is a transparent villain fishing with a fishing rod.

  In this competition, their income reached more than five million yuan, which is amazing.

In Hangzhou, Jiang Bo and his wife Li Ying were watching the live broadcast. When they saw their daughter and son-in-law smiling brightly on the stage, they couldn't help sighing: "I didn't expect such a big achievement in fishing. With a bonus of one million, Luo Luo has a good vision."

  Li Ying smiled and didn't speak. She often chatted with her daughter, and from her daughter, she knew how Chu Mingcheng was and how she treated her daughter. This was what she valued more.

   As for economic strength, although their family is down and out, they can still provide a comfortable environment for their daughter.

   In fact, this is not very important, but it is naturally better for Chu Mingcheng to make money.

  Anyway, she is very satisfied with this son-in-law, and the more she looks at it, the more she likes it.

   On the other side, Chu Yongxin and An Xiuwen are also in the same mind, and they are more and more satisfied with their future daughter-in-law.

  However, they have been quite busy recently. The demolition of their hometown has been completed, and they are about to start laying the foundation.

  Chu Yongxin resigned because of Chu Mingcheng, and now he is busy building a house.

  Compared with living in the town, he and An Xiuwen actually prefer the life on the island, which is quiet and comfortable for retirement.

  Chu Mingcheng directly transferred five million to him, telling him not to save money and build a house properly.

  At first he thought five million was too much. Although the foundation was huge, they only built four floors. The house was only 220 square meters, and the rest was the yard.

   Therefore, it is estimated that the cost will be more than one million at most, and it is nothing more than the later decoration is more expensive.

  Originally, he wanted to save more money so that Chu Mingcheng would have a way out.

   But now I see that my son earns 5 million in a month, even if he doesn’t earn that much in the future, his income will still be much higher than him.

   Therefore, it seems that he doesn't need to be too frugal, at least the decoration can be improved.

  The materials used are good, and it is comfortable to live in.

  Modu, after the game officially ended, Chu Mingcheng and his party followed Yao Xin and the others to celebrate.

  He was driving the Raptor, with Chen Yang, Zhang Wei and Shu Ziqiang sitting behind.

  Zhao Jun drove over by himself and followed them.

   "Awei, tomorrow I plan to go to Hangzhou with Luo Luo to rest for a few days. How about you help me drive the Poseidon back to Xiamen City? During this period of time, the ship is at your disposal, and it's okay to pick up girls, as long as you don't sleep in my room."

  Zhang Wei was overjoyed at first, and then suddenly thought of someone's trap, and immediately said vigilantly: "It takes two days for the devil to sail back to Xiamen City, don't forget that you just went back when I arrived in Xiamen City."

  Brother, it is usually used to cheat.

  Chu Mingcheng: "Don't worry, this fishing competition is very tiring, I plan to take a good rest for a while. It won't be October 1st, I have discussed with Luo Luo, and I will take the elders to play."

  Jiang Luoluo also said: "We do have this plan, and the soonest we can return to Xiamen City is October 10th!"

   It's not that she doesn't want to relax for a few more days, the main thing is that she has to go back to work, otherwise she will get pigeon fans again.

  Jiang Luoluo spoke, Zhang Wei didn't doubt anymore and immediately agreed: "It's easy! By the way, let me take care of your cats and dogs!"

  Chu Mingcheng originally wanted to bring pets with him, but his car is big enough, so it is convenient to take pets with him.

  Hearing that Zhang Wei took the initiative to take the job, he immediately understood the reason in his heart, so he joked: "You have a good plan. When you ask a girl, do you want to say that my cat can do backflips?"

  Chen Yang also laughed and said: "There are Xiao Hei Ye and Xiao Wu Jin. If you don't like cats, just tell them that my little milk dog can stand on his head!"

  Zhang Wei: "Oh, don't slander me, I'm just sharing the cuteness of small animals with them!"

  Everyone: "Do you think we believe it or not?"

  Zhang Wei: "."

   Several people chatted and laughed, only Shu Ziqiang was relatively silent, and frowned at Zhang Wei.

  The next day, while driving to Hangzhou, Chu Mingcheng was on the phone with Chu Yongxin: "Dad, when will you and Mom come to Hangzhou?"

  Chu Yongxin: "The foundation is still being laid at home, let your mother go, I can't leave here."

  Chu Mingcheng knew his father's character, so he didn't try to persuade him on the phone.

   Chatted for a few minutes and hung up the phone, then discussed with Jiang Luoluo: "Luoluo, why don't we go to Wenzhou first? If I don't go back to pick up my dad, he won't come."

   "Of course I have to go back. I'll call my parents and tell them so that they don't wait for us." Jiang Luoluo took it for granted, and immediately took out her mobile phone to tell her family about the situation.

  Seeing this, Chu Mingcheng reset the navigation and went directly to his hometown this time.

   Taking the high speed, it only takes more than five hours to return to Wenzhou, which is very fast.

   When An Xiuwen saw his son and future daughter-in-law coming back, his face was full of surprise at first, and then turned into surprise.

  She quickly took the things in Jiang Luoluo's hand, and said to Chu Mingcheng in a chastising way: "Why didn't you say anything when you came back, mom didn't buy any food, and your dad is still on Yanmen Island!"

   "Isn't this a surprise for you! Don't I have all the vegetables in my hand? We passed by the vegetable market when we came back." Chu Mingcheng smiled while mentioning the things in his hand.

  Seeing that her son is ready, An Xiuwen nodded and said, "Call your dad and ask him to come back early, Luo Luo, sit on the sofa and rest for a while."

  Jiang Luoluo shook his head, rolled up his sleeves and followed her into the kitchen: "Auntie, let me help you, there are a lot of things."

   Seeing this, An Xiuwen smiled and didn't say any more, but he became more and more satisfied with this daughter-in-law.

  Chu Mingcheng did not call, but told her, went back downstairs and drove directly to Yanmen Island.

  He wanted to check on the condition of the house, and brought Chu Yongxin back by the way.

  Chuming City started a long holiday, but Chen Yang and Zhang Wei were still going forward side by side, each driving a boat back to Xiamen City.

  Although they have passed through Vancouver, they don't plan to go home now.

  Chen Yang's family is out of town, so it doesn't matter if he doesn't return.

  Zhang Wei went home a few days before the game, so he doesn't plan to go back this time.

  The two did not delay at sea, and returned to Xiamen City after spending the night at sea.

  Shu Ziqiang came back on Chen Yang's boat. After saying goodbye to the two, he went home immediately to persuade his sister, saying that Zhang Wei was not a reliable person and not suitable.

  Shu Zichen didn't have any special emotions about this. At first, she just wanted to get in touch with Zhang Wei. She felt that this person was sometimes very mature, and sometimes he was very funny.

  But now that he knows that he has a goal and has a more exciting past, she naturally loses this interest.

  If Zhang Wei knew this, he would definitely hold Shu Ziqiang's hand and beg him. He really doesn't like Shu Zichen.

  However, sometimes, women are really born with this kind of thing.

  Chen Yang is very speechless now, he is waiting for Zhang Wei to pack up, and he plans to go back to the store together to have a look.

   As a result, Zhang Wei discovered with sharp eyes that there is a beautiful woman with a good figure and temperament in a white hollow dress, or maybe a beautiful young woman?

  Because this woman has a plump body, she looks juicy and watery at first glance.

  Although the face is young and beautiful, it has the charm of a mature big sister.

   Zhang Wei's heart skipped a beat, and the long-lost heartbeat reappeared. He hadn't experienced this feeling for a long time.

   To say it was love at first sight would be an exaggeration, after all, at first sight, it must be her body.

  But because of this woman, he actually wanted to get married.

   "Tsk tsk tsk, fell in love? This woman seems to be married, you better forget it!" Chen Yang naturally noticed Zhang Wei's strangeness, and he also spotted the woman who was buying fish from fishermen.

   One thing to say, this woman's appearance may not be very beautiful, but she is very attractive.

   And the figure is really amazing, it is definitely the ceiling of the fat world.

  However, his aesthetics are different, he prefers younger and lively young girls, the eighteen-year-old ones are the best.

  Hearing the word marriage, Zhang Wei's expression darkened. With such a plump figure, I really want to get married, and ordinary little girls can't reach this level.

  Jiang Luoluo's figure is absolutely great, but she has completely different styles from this woman.

  However, whether the woman is married or not can only be known after getting to know her, so Zhang Wei immediately moved over.

  Chen Yang shook his head speechlessly, first went to close the small door of the Poseidon, then ignored this guy, and drove away directly.

  Based on his understanding of Zhang Wei, there is a high probability that he will not be able to come back at night.

  Driving outside the store, Chen Yang got out of the car with two small gift boxes and walked into the store.

  Zhang Youning and another female employee are watching a TV series and eating French fries.

  When she found Chen Yang who suddenly walked into the store, she blinked her big eyes twice, and the potato chips in her hand immediately stopped in the air.

  The next moment, she reacted immediately, and quickly turned off the TV series and got up awkwardly.

  After realizing that he was holding potato chips in his hand, he passed the potato chips in front of Chen Yang in a daze: "Boss, you are back, do you want some potato chips?"

  Chen Yang was a little speechless, but seeing a beautiful girl make a flattering look made him feel quite cute.

  Especially compared with another employee who silently returned to his seat and turned on the computer to pretend to be working, he felt that Zhang Youning was silly and funny.

  He smiled and waved his hand: "I won't eat it, you can eat it yourself!"

   In terms of work, he doesn't mean to blame the two for fishing. He works here, and only needs to answer some customers' questions occasionally.

  The work is very easy, and it is normal to fish at ordinary times, and it is the same when he and Zhang Wei are at work.

  Seeing that he didn't say anything, Zhang Youning was relieved.

  Seeing that he came back alone, he couldn't help but wondered: "Boss, where is Zhang Wei, didn't he go with you?"

   "Zhang Wei. I'm busy with some things." Chen Yang was a little nervous about this.

   In his opinion, Zhang Wei is definitely interested in Zhang Youning, but it's hard for him to say anything when he sees one and falls in love with the other.

  Zhang Youning pouted: "I must have gone to pick up girls!"

  Chen Yang's eyes widened suddenly, his expression stunned, never expecting that she knew all about it.

Knowing his doubts, Zhang Youning took out his phone with a smile and shook it: "Boss, I forgot to tell you. I have a high school classmate who is studying at Xiamen University. After I added WeChat with Zhang Wei, I know all about the interactions in Moments." of."

   "After you went to the competition, I made appointments with my classmates a few times and learned about Zhang Wei's situation."

   "." Chen Yang was speechless, he never expected such a coincidence.

  At that time, Zhang Wei wanted to come back and deal with this beautiful woman whom he had managed to fool around, but he did not expect that the other party would know all the good deeds he had done.

  Chen Yang's dazed look made Zhang Youning feel very interesting, so he told a little secret of his own: "Actually, before I came here, I learned what kind of person Zhang Wei is from my classmates."

   "Then you're still here?" Chen Yang was even more puzzled.

   "It's not that I heard Zhang Wei say that working here is more free and the salary is not very low. I just wanted to visit other places, so I came here."

   "Experience life, right!"

   "That's right!" Zhang Youning nodded and admitted with a smile.

   Regarding this, Chen Yang had no idea.

  In itself, he felt that Zhang Youning would not be able to stay here for a long time, and he originally wanted to recruit two male employees.

   Then he asked about the situation in the store during this period, whether the product inventory was enough, etc.

   After understanding and confirming that there is no problem, he is ready to leave and go home first.

  (end of this chapter)