MTL - The Fish I Catch Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 311 Weijiaguo's Fancy Catching Fish

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  Chapter 311 Wei Jiaguo's Fancy Catching Fish

  In the evening, Chen Yang ordered a takeaway and was eating, when Zhang Wei came back.

   "Hey, you came back so soon?"

   "What's so strange about me coming back?"

   "It's strange to come back, okay? According to normal development, even if you can't fool people into the hotel, you should at least have a meal outside?"

   "It's different, I want to get married!"


  Chen Yang just spit out all the drink he took. Obviously, the impact of this sentence is quite strong.

   "No, you prodigal son actually want to get married? Tell me, who the **** are you? You can't be Zhang Wei."

  Zhang Wei also knew the lethality of his words. He sat on the sofa with a little embarrassment and explained: "It's not that I don't want to get married, it's just that the people I usually meet don't give me the urge to get married."

   "After meeting Bai Jing, I realized that I also wanted to get married. At least I did have a little impulsiveness today. But I have to keep in touch with her to know whether she is the other half I want."

   "." Chen Yang was relatively speechless, he didn't know how to complain about his good brother, but at this moment he suddenly thought of Zhang Youning in the store.

   "Didn't you originally plan to flirt with Zhang Youning, and now you have given up?"

   "I'm not interested, I'm just talking. If you're interested, go and flirt, she's still pretty." Zhang Wei waved his hand directly.

  Originally, he was interested in Zhang Youning purely because he was pretty enough, so he was interested in it.

  As for Bai Jing, of course, he was interested in it, but he had more plans and a clear goal.

   Chen Yang's heart skipped a beat when he said it. Originally, because of Zhang Wei, he had no idea about Zhang Youning, even if the other party grew up in his aesthetic point.

  In the end, things turned around suddenly, and both sides had no idea of ​​further contact, so if he contacted, it would not be.

  Thinking of this, Chen Yang shook his head violently, he would not be unable to walk when seeing beautiful women, nor would he eat grass by the side of the nest.

  In the next period of time, the National Day holiday will come, and Xiamen, a tourist city, will also become very lively.

  Chen Yang's store was closed on October 1st, because Zhang Wei went out to meet his girlfriend every day, so he had nothing to do and could only stay at home.

   For three days in a row, he couldn't stand being at home, so he planned to go fishing to relax.

   Went to the vegetable market to buy ingredients for several days, sold a few boxes of bait, and set off for the pier.

  Today, young and beautiful girls can be seen everywhere on the seaside road. There are college students who have not gone back, and young girls who have come to play.

  Suddenly, he accidentally saw a few young women talking and laughing by the side of the road, two of whom he knew.

  One is an employee in his store, Zhang Youning.

  The other is her high school classmate, that is, the female college student who stayed out with Zhang Wei when Chu Mingcheng went to Xiamen University to collect crocodile gar specimens.

  Chen Yang originally wanted to pretend that he hadn't seen it and go directly to the pier.

  Unexpectedly, Zhang Youning had sharp eyes and waved to him immediately after seeing his car.

   Now, he was ashamed to pretend that he couldn't see.

  Slow down to get to them and lower the windows.

   "Yo~ Boss, what a coincidence!" Zhang Youning greeted with a smile.

  Chen Yang nodded, glanced at them, and asked politely: "Are you going to play?"

   "That's right, we're going to go to the beach ahead, how about you, boss?"

   "The boss doesn't need to call me, they are all young people, just call me by my name. I'm going to the pier and I'm going to go fishing."


  Zhang Youning's eyes lit up. She knew about Chen Yang and the others going to Shanghai to compete.

  She is not very interested in fishing, but if she can go out to sea by boat, then she is definitely interested.

  So she whispered a few words to her classmates and friends, and then took the initiative to get close to Chen Yang.

   "Old. Chen Yang, I think Zhang Wei is not with you, he must have gone out to play by himself, right! Will you be lonely when you go fishing alone, do you want to have more fun?"

  Chen Yang thought she was going to say something, but in the end she wanted to take a boat out to sea. This excuse made him feel a little funny.

  But this time, Zhang Youning looks good for you, and with her immature appearance, she looks very cute.

  He teased: "I prefer to be quiet, but I don't like it if it's too lively, or just forget it?"

   "Oh, there's nothing wrong with being lively. Humans live in packs, and it's only interesting when it's lively. You must be bored to go fishing. Isn't it good to have someone to accompany you?"

  Zhang Youning didn't know much about Chen Yang, and didn't see that he was teasing him right now, so he tried very hard to persuade him.

  The vast sea and the beautiful scenery of the isolated island shown in the fishing competition really made her yearn for it and wanted to see it.

   It would be fine if she didn't know Chen Yang, but she happened to meet a boss who was easy-going and good-tempered, so she naturally wanted to seize the opportunity.

   In some respects, Zhang Youning's character is somewhat familiar.

  If you are an ordinary employee, you will definitely keep a distance from your boss.

  Unmoved by this meeting with Chen Yang, Zhang Youning thought for a while, then looked back at the two beautiful female college students beside her classmate, his eyes lit up immediately.

   "Chen Yang, look, the girls over there are pretty! If you take the initiative to invite us to go out to sea together, then the opportunity will come?"

   "Even if my classmate is not suitable, then there are two beauties beside her?"

   "As long as you work hard, getting out of the singles is in sight. At that time, you no longer need to watch your handsome friend show affection in front of you, and you don't need to watch Zhang Wei eat alone every day."

   Shuai Shuai's friend obviously refers to Chu Mingcheng.

  Chen Yang couldn't laugh or cry when he heard the words, good guy, tempt him with beauty, can he be tempted so easily?

  But he looked at Zhang Youning, who was a little anxious, and thought of teasing her again: "Does the opportunity to get out of the singles also include you?"


  Zhang Youning's eyes widened immediately, "Good guy, I treat you as my boss and friend, and I kindly introduced a friend to you to get out of the order, but you actually wanted to pick on me?"

   "Forget it, I'm not going!"

  Seeing that she seemed to be really leaving, Chen Yang quickly said, "Xingla, you're just kidding, get in the car, I'll take you out to sea!"

   "YES!" Zhang Youning flicked his fist, and hurried to call his friends.

  Chen Yang watched this scene with a smile, he could naturally see her little tricks, but at this moment, he was really interested in this cute girl.

  After a short while, the four women got into the car, and Chen Yang drove them to the pier.

  Although there are more people, he does not need to buy more supplies.

   According to the book, he had prepared ingredients for several days and planned to stay at sea for a few more nights.

   Now that there are so many people following along, it's a big deal to come back sooner.

  Chu Mingcheng, who was far away in Hangzhou, did not know that his two brothers were about to find their true love.

   During the week of National Day, he took his elders to play around, and there were crowds of people everywhere, and everyone was exhausted when they returned home after the play.

  The only advantage is that the two families are much closer.

  But the National Day holiday is over, and everyone has to return to work.

  Jiang Bo started to set up a factory, and Chu Yongxin went home and continued to supervise the building of the house.

   And Jiang Luoluo secretly took the household registration book from home, and went to apply for a marriage certificate with Chu Mingcheng.

  Chu Mingcheng brought his parents with him when he brought his parents from Wen to Hangzhou.

  After getting the marriage certificate, he handed over almost all the money left on his body to Jiang Luoluo.

   There are more than 5 million yuan, and he keeps 500,000 yuan as a backup. After all, he needs a lot of money every time he goes to sea.

  Jiang Luoluo got the money, saved part of it, took out some and handed over the rest to Jiang Bo to set up a factory.

   After finishing these chores, they returned to Xiamen City.

  After returning to Xia City for a night's rest, Jiang Luoluo went back to the studio to practice dancing and shoot videos, so as not to offend fans.

  Chu Mingcheng found Zhang Wei and took back the ship key.

   Just seeing the glamorous young woman who was close to him, he was more or less puzzled, didn't he say that he wanted to get rid of a certain female employee in the store, why did he change her?

  Although this woman is also very top-notch, isn't she a bit too diligent in changing her?

  Because Bai Jing was present, Chu Mingcheng couldn't ask more questions, so he went directly to their shop with doubts.

  But when he saw the woman Zhang Wei was planning to flirt with drinking a cup of fruit tea with Chen Yang, with an intimate look, he immediately opened his mouth wide and his pupils were shocked.

"what's the situation?"

  Chu Mingcheng called Chen Yang out and couldn't help asking.

   I haven't seen him for more than a week. After returning to Xia City, he almost thought he had traveled to a parallel universe.

  Chen Yang scratched his head in embarrassment: "That's what you see."

  Afterwards, he told Zhang Youning's views on Zhang Wei, and what happened to Bai Jing after he returned to Xia City.

Chu Mingcheng who heard it was stunned for a long time before he came back to his senses: "Good guy, Luo Luo and I thought that you and Zhou Jiayi were impossible, and planned to continue introducing you, but it turned out that Ah Wei would help you by mistake. After solving the lifelong event, that guy finally did a good thing."

   "Also, Ah Wei is serious! But you said that Bai Jing divorced, wouldn't it be a good fit for Ah Wei?"

   "Actually, I think it's quite suitable." Chen Yang said with a smile, "A Wei used to be so promiscuous, and it's not fair to others to find a girl who is as white as a sheet of paper. Divorce is not good, but that woman has never been pregnant."

   "In fact, I went to find out about that woman's house. She has a good personality and is a very virtuous woman."

  “The reason for divorce is because of infertility and inability to have children.”

"Hiss~" Chu Mingcheng took a deep breath, and his expression immediately became serious, "What is Ah Wei thinking, his family must have objections if he can't have a child! He is an only seedling, and his family will not agree with it when the time comes. Isn't it a second injury?"

  Chen Yang shook his head with a relaxed expression: "Don't worry, it's actually her ex-husband who is infertile, but her ex-husband is a bad person. After the divorce, she used this to slander Awei's girlfriend. They went to the hospital for an examination."

   "So disgusting?" Chu Mingcheng's words were referring to Bai Jing's ex-husband, this kind of behavior was too much.

   "Although it's disgusting, it's just cheap for Ah Wei!" Chen Yang also felt that Zhang Wei was lucky, "With the beauty of Ah Wei's girlfriend, even after divorce, there are many people rushing to get her."

   "Her girlfriend owns two clothing stores, as well as an online store, with a net income of more than 500,000 a year."

   "As a result, because of the rumors of infertility, and because she and her family did not disclose their annual income, the matchmaker introduced only second-married men with children, and all single men were discouraged."

"Awei didn't care about her infertility at the time. He said it was a big deal to adopt a child, and he was willing to get a certificate immediately. This kind of behavior touched his girlfriend, so his girlfriend agreed to date and told him. the truth."

   "." Chu Mingcheng laughed and shook his head, "Ah Wei is rare to be sincere, but in the end he **** with a rich woman!"

   "Are you qualified to say that?" Chen Yang's face was full of contempt. If you want to talk about eating soft food, isn't the one surnamed Chu in front of you the most ruthless among the three brothers?

  Chu Mingcheng chuckled, he is the real winner in this respect.

   "I understand Ah Wei, what's the situation with yours, isn't it a rich woman?"

   "That's not true, You Ning's family is quite ordinary." About Zhang You Ning's family, Chen Yang simply mentioned it, and didn't say much.

  Chu Mingcheng naturally didn't ask too much. Compared with Zhang Wei, who needs to worry about him, Chen Yang's mature and prudent approach is reassuring.

   "In this case, let's go out to have dinner together tonight and get to know each other!"

  Chen Yang nodded and agreed: "Okay, there is no problem on my side, you can call Ah Wei and ask."

  A gleam of understanding flashed in Chu Mingcheng's eyes when he heard the words. From his attitude, he already knew that Zhang Youning would most likely be his younger sibling in the future.

   Then he said goodbye and left, went to the pier to board the Poseidon, and brought the pets home.

   After settling down the pet, he drove to Jiang Luoluo's studio again. When he saw her dancing, he didn't disturb her, but sat quietly on the sofa and continued to learn about the shipwreck.

   As for the sunken ship, he doesn't intend to search for it in a short time.

  One is that he doesn’t know enough, and he decided to continue to improve his physical fitness.

  Finding the sunken ship means that he may often need to dive in the deep sea, and secondly, if he goes to the high seas, he may also encounter other people.

  It is not uncommon to kill a person and sink a ship on the high seas, but it has been relatively rare in recent years.

  But Southeast Asia is still very dangerous, and you may encounter pirates at any time when you go to sea.

  A strong force value is the real guarantee for one's own safety.

  The only troublesome thing is that you need to fully control your own power, and the perfect control of your own power will not be accidentally exposed in front of others.

  Chu Mingcheng secretly tested his own strength. Currently, he can barely lift a weight of 650 kilograms, which is 1,300 kilograms.

  This is also the reason why he can easily pull more than 200 catties of tuna and barely resist more than 700 catties of black-skinned marlin.

   In order to achieve the normal strength of Ugly Captain, he probably has to quadruple his current strength.

  Of course, Captain Ugly is not as powerful as Little Spider, but the key to defeating him lies in his fighting skills.

  Chu Mingcheng felt that if he knew how to fight and practiced it to a very good level, he could definitely hit ten or even twenty.

  After all, what he is powerful is not only strength, but also reaction speed, agility, and physical defense, etc.

   In this way, not only can he perfectly control his own strength from being exposed, but he can also ensure the safety of himself and those around him.

  It's a pity that he lives in a modern society, no matter how high his force value is, he can't hold up to a peanut.

   This is also the reason why he has no ambitions and only wants to press and hold his life.

  Thinking of practicing martial arts, Chu Mingcheng began to think about what he should learn first.

  Although his intellectual learning ability has not improved much, it is much stronger than before. He must learn fighting skills and martial arts faster.

  But there are only routines in domestic martial arts, and the actual combat routines have almost been eliminated because of social stability.

  Even if there is inheritance, he has no way to learn it.

  So Sanda or Kickboxing may be more suitable at present, but you can also learn Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai.

  Compared to these, he is most interested in Bajiquan, which can be used in actual combat. Unfortunately, he doesn't know who to learn from.

  With Chu Mingcheng's physical fitness, he can learn any martial arts very well, and even win the championship easily in the competition, that is, he just doesn't have this kind of thought.

   Soon, he found a comprehensive fighting club on his mobile phone, which included not only Sanda, but also free kickboxing, muay thai and boxing.

   Then he checked the tuition fees and found that there are two categories, divided into amateur classes and professional classes.

  Amateurs spend 8,000 a year, and professionals pay 30,000 a year.

  He must study a major. The tuition fee of 30,000 yuan a year is not cheap, but it is nothing at all with his income.

   "What are you looking at?" Jiang Luoluo, who had finished the practice, saw that he was fascinated by his phone, and came over curiously.

   "I want to learn Sanda or free fighting."

   "Why are you learning this?"

   "Of course it's to protect you!" Chu Mingcheng put his arms around Jiang Luoluo's small waist and smiled.

  The dance teacher was used to this, and walked out of the dance studio naturally and closed the door.

  Jiang Luoluo gave him a hammer after seeing the dance teacher left, and complained: "You are so strong, don't kneel on the ground and beg others to wake up."

   "Haha, it's not that exaggerated, I just learned a little bit of self-defense." Chu Mingcheng also thought it was a bit funny when he thought of that scene, but he didn't say that his purpose of learning these was to control his own power more finely.

   "Okay, you can learn as much as you want, and there is no harm in learning." Jiang Luoluo knew his character well, he was not the aggressive type of person, so he had nothing to worry about.

"Well, by the way, tonight I asked Ayang and Awei to have a dinner together, and their respective girlfriends. You will get to know each other by then." Chu Mingcheng did not continue to chat on this topic, but said The purpose of coming here.

   "Huh? In less than ten days, they each found a girlfriend, and they are willing to bring them out to meet us. What's the situation!" Jiang Luoluo was stunned, and his reaction after hearing the news was exactly the same as before.

  If she simply had a girlfriend, she would be surprised at most.

  But when you make an appointment for a dinner party, the meaning of being willing to bring it out is naturally different from what they know. This is the treatment that only the future hostesses of Chen Yang and Zhang Wei's respective families will have.

   This is what Jiang Luoluo was really surprised about. After all, they didn't have a girlfriend at the end of the game, and they had only separated for about ten days. The speed is really fast.

  Chu Mingcheng was not surprised by her surprise at all, so he told her everything he heard from Chen Yang.

  Of course, what they talked about was basically about Zhang Wei and his girlfriend Bai Jing, and he didn't know much about Chen Yang.

  Jiang Luoluo said regretfully: "I thought Jiayi was quite suitable for Chen Yang, but unfortunately the two sides are separated, Jiayi has no intention of coming to the mainland, no fate!"

  Chu Mingcheng heard the words but didn't say anything. He had met Zhang Youning before. Although she didn't know her personality, judging from her appearance alone, she was the type that Chen Yang liked, which Zhou Jiayi couldn't compare to.

  Jiang Luoluo took a break for a while, and then continued to dance practice.

   Until after get off work at five o'clock in the evening, Chu Mingcheng took her back home.

   After she took a shower and changed her clothes, he called Chen Yang and Zhang Wei and set off after making an appointment.

  The place where they have dinner tonight is in a private restaurant. Although the price is high, the taste is very good. Jiang Luoluo prefers the taste here.

   After he drove to the destination, Chen Yang and Zhang Wei also arrived with their girlfriends.

   Several people introduced each other, which can be regarded as a preliminary acquaintance.

  Jiang Luoluo's social skills are not bad, Zhang Youning is familiar, Bai Jing is gentle and generous, the three women quickly got together and chatted and laughed, which also attracted the attention of all the men present.

  Three beauties with different styles are really eye-catching.

  So Chu Mingcheng asked for a private room to avoid being disturbed by all kinds of eyes while eating.

  Tonight's dinner is mainly to let Chen Yang and Zhang Wei's girlfriends integrate into this small group, nothing else.

   But after he had almost eaten, Chu Mingcheng's phone vibrated, and when he picked it up, it turned out to be a message from a letter from Wei Jiaguo.

  He opened it, and it turned out to be a picture. Inside the picture was a large fish tank, but it was empty.

  Chu Mingcheng didn't know what it meant, and then Wei Jiaguo sent another message.

   "Ah Cheng, what do you think of Grandpa's big fish tank?"

  Chu Mingcheng didn’t know, so he replied: “It’s pretty good, grandpa just bought it?”

   "Okay, Grandpa doesn't think it's very good. Didn't you find that something important is missing?"

  Chu Mingcheng was puzzled, and then zoomed in on the picture to take a closer look at the fish tank: "I don't feel that there is anything missing, this fish tank is really pretty good."

   "Fish, fish, what's a fish tank with a tank but no fish?"


  Chu Mingcheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, he thought something was wrong with him, but he came to urge the fish!

   But thinking about it is also true. Last year, I often got rare items to sell to him. This year, because of the competition, I really ignored it.

   Last year, Wei Jiaguo invited his friends to come out to brag from time to time, and tasted the sweetness. This year's quietness will naturally cause a gap.

  Especially after the huge rat spot in the fish tank that had been raised for more than half a year was eaten, he hadn't drafted for more than a month.

   Not only Wei Jiaguo, but also many customers in Chuming City are urging fish.

   Some said that the fish bought from a certain horse was more expensive than his side, and it was not fresh.

   Some of them were cheated by other unscrupulous seafood vendors, and people would @ him every day.

  Chu Mingcheng used to play as an excuse to procrastinate before, but now that Wei Jiaguo is also looking for it, he can only hurry up and go to sea!

  Learning fighting skills and catching invading creatures to improve physical fitness seems to have to be put aside for the time being.

  Chu Mingcheng immediately replied to Wei Jiaguo, saying that he would go to sea tomorrow and asked him to wait a few more days.

   After comforting Grandpa, he told the group about his going to sea tomorrow.

  As soon as the news was sent out, the group became lively.

  Everyone sent out the seafood they thought of, hoping that Chu Mingcheng could catch it.

   Seeing this, he temporarily put away his mobile phone, and only after returning home after the dinner party did he take a small notebook to write down all the seafood the customer wanted.

   "What are you writing?" Jiang Luoluo came to him and asked.

   "The customers and grandpa in the group are all urging fish, and we didn't have much seafood to sell them during the competition, so everyone was waiting anxiously." Chu Mingcheng said helplessly.

   "Haha, grandpa and these customers are really interesting." Jiang Luoluo laughed after reading the message, "It's a pity that I can't be with you this time."

   "It won't be a long time to go to sea this time, just a few days."

   "Well, try to collect all the seafood they want, I have to work hard recently."

  (end of this chapter)

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