MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 47 Deaf child tenth 2

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However, after the initial shock, they quickly noticed that there was nothing above the neck of the figure.

He lacks a head. Only when they first came in, the place above the shoulder blade of the body was hidden in the darkness, so it was not immediately noticed.

Nie Huai Sang slammed: "What is going on? What happened? Big Brother's... How come here? Yuchen, what is going on?"

Lan Yichen took a moment to settle his mind and said: "Forget the machine, come out."

In the darkness, Blue forgot to stand out silently, and Wei Wuzhen followed him. The two exchanged a look.

There are biological brothers and righteous brothers here, their reaction can be fully proved that this headless corpse is the red front Zun Ming.

Moreover, the expressions of Nie Huai Sang and Lan Yichen are extremely shocked, and there is no trace of fear or guilty concealment. Nie Mingzhen’s separation from the five horses should also have nothing to do with them.

Unless acting is superior.

Wei Wuwei said: "Nie Zongzhu, you can see clearly, is this really your big brother? Then in the Sacrifice Hall, why didn't you recognize his leg?"

Nie Huai Sang Liu Shen has no main road: "This... this must be my big brother. I was brought up by him since I was a child. Brother often recites me. His back is familiar to me. How can I admit it?... You said that the two The leg is my big brother?! There are only two legs, how can I see what? What is going on here, who cut my older brother's leg and buried it in the wall?! And his head? Head??"

Wei Wuwei said: "This is what we are tracking down these days."

Lan Yichen muttered: "I only know that you are chasing a five-major corpse case... but I don't know... the corpse was turned out to be a big brother..."

Nie Mingxi’s limbs and torso have been stitched by Wei Wuzhen with needlework. Just after some processing, so it will not be violent. At this moment, he just quietly turned his back to Nie Huansang and Lan Yichen, standing in the middle of the mortal chamber. Lan Yichen’s hand shook a little and said: “...his his head? Big brother’s head?”

Wei Wuwei said: "There has not been found. The original left hand of Chi Fengzun has been guiding us the direction of other limbs, but after hitting this point, there is only one head, the clues are suddenly broken, and the arms are no longer directed. .

"We are now speculating that this person who is a corpse of Chi Feng respect must be out of contact with his death. This person may be afraid of blasphemy after he died, and revenge him, so his body will be separated from the soul. All over the place, and the head is likely to be hidden in a place close to this person, so that the most dangerous things are controlled by the side that they can master.

"Please ask the two masters to think about who is the most likely person?"

Lan Yuchen said: "Big brother is dying in a clean-up event held in Qinghe. The thousands of people in the scene are obvious to all. Who is his death?"

It is said that the blue forgetting machine is silent.

Wei Wuwei said: "Blue Master, you know in your heart, who is the most suspected person, but you refuse to admit it. The legs of the body are hidden in the wall of the Niejia Festival Hall, I believe that others may not know, but The righteous brother of Chi Fengzun must know what the festival knife is.

"When we traced the cemetery of Changyang Chang's cemetery, there was a man with a black fog cover and we robbed the torso of Chi Feng's body. This matte man knows the swordsmanship of the Blue House. There are only two possibilities: He is a blue family. He has been practicing the swordsmanship of Gu Sulan since he was a child. Second, he is not a blue family member, but he is very familiar with the swordsmanship of your family, or he often takes part in the discussion with the blue family, or he is very smart, as long as After reading it, you can remember all the moves and swords."

In the mortal room, a dead silence.

Wei Wuwei said: "In the levy of the shooting of the year, Jin Fangyao sneaked into the Wenshan Chamber of Secrets, and carried all the maps and files, and copied the information and copied it back to Jinlintai. It is definitely... ...very smart people."

Lan Yichen immediately said: "Ayao will not do this!"

He said: "You should investigate the case of the corpse and the grave digger. It should be this month. And this month, he has been with me, talking about the candlelight, and planning the next month of Lanling Jinshi. Please talk about the grand meeting. It is impossible to be a grave-digger.

Blue forgets the machine: "If you use the transmission character, is it also a lack of surgery?"

Blue 曦 斩 斩 : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个 这个Good. I can be sure that he has never used a transfer character."

He does not have to go by himself, but he can assign others to fight for the body, and by the way, pull the blue sergeant to make proof of his absence. Or Lan Yuchen is lying, covering Jin Guangyao. Or even more terrible, is to cover them both.

Nie Huai's hand towel was in his arms and said: "That... you just started, have you been talking about, is the third brother?"

Jin Guangyao is the third brother recognized by Nie Mingqi, so Nie Huai Sang calls his third brother. He said: "You are doubting the third brother? Do you suspect that the third brother has broken my brother? I still suspect that he killed my big brother? This is unlikely. The third brother is the most fearful of my big brother. He was still at Nie. When I was under my hand, my brother appreciated him very much. When he was buried, he cried so sad..."

After Nie Mingxi’s death, if it were not for the support of the two brothers’ brothers, Qinghe’s Nie’s was afraid that it would not be able to help the wall. Jin Guangyao has always taken care of Nie Huaisan. It is not difficult to understand that Nie Huai Sang speaks for him. To be honest, even Wei Wuzhen’s impression of Jin Guangyao is not bad. Perhaps because of the origin, Jin Guangyao is very humble and friendly, and is the kind of person who can not offend anyone who can feel comfortable with him.

Lan Yichen sighed: "I understand that for a number of reasons, many people in the world have misunderstood him a lot... but Ayao is not such a person."

In the meditation room, everyone was silent for a while.

"Some reasons", everyone knows, but no one will spread it out.

The son of the scorpion, the thief.

During the period of Nie Mingqi’s life, it was the time when Qinghe’s Nie was in his hands, and the momentum was almost equal to Lanling’s. The death of Nie Mingxi is of great help to Lanling Jin’s Wang Baijia and Jin Guangyao’s superior Xian Du.

Under the crowd, the fire is mad and dead?

It seems to be impeccable and helpless, but how can it be so simple?

Wei Wuwei said: "The guess is ultimately speculation, then I think, it is better.

"Next month, is Lanling Jinshi not going to have another meeting? I have a plan."

After coming out of the mortal room, Wei Wuzhen forgot the blue: "Your brother is very good with Jin Guangyao. He will not tell Jin Guangyao what we just said in the meditation room?"

Blue forgets to shake his head: "He won't."

No matter how good the relationship is, he is also a Guslan's person and has his own principles.

The limbs of the corpse have been suppressed, and the grievances have been temporarily suppressed. The evil scars on Wei Wu’s legs have faded. Most of the blue monks and the monks who had been rebelled by the mortal spirits should wake up. Lan Yichen and Blue forgot to visit him. Wei Wuzhen decided not to look at this old and old-fashioned, and he swayed in the clouds.

After spending half a day, Wei Wuzhen went to the lawn to find his flower bud. The little apple is surrounded by dozens of fluffy white cashmere. This time it is peacefully coexisting with them. There is no screaming and screaming, just burying the head and grazing, diligently chewing the gang.

Wei Wuzhen thought: "So many rabbits, I don't know the two male rabbits that I gave to Lan Zhan at the beginning. Are you still there? Certainly not there, still alive, I am afraid I have to be refined."

He thought so, burying his head in the bunny to find an acquaintance. Who knows, these rabbits don't like his appearance very much. When they see him approaching, they roll away, and they spread out, and they jumped forward to him. The more I fled Wei, the more I wanted to catch it. I chased two rabbits and ran all the way. The blue family passing by looked at him with reproachful eyes. Some of them were unhappy, and Wei Wuzhen had to slow down and chase slowly.

Chasing after chasing, he came to a blue grass and saw a piece of bluestone, and his heart cried: "How come again!"

It is the cold spring.

It’s not dead, the blue forgets the machine inside, the white upper body, the long black hair scattered on the chest, looking at him with a blank expression.

Wei Wuqiu did not even catch the rabbit, and coughed and said: " is it so smart, every time you just met you... cough, yes. I am sorry."

He said embarrassed in his mouth, but his eyes swept involuntarily toward the blue forgetting machine, the deep red mark.

Blue forgets the machine and did not say anything, sinking into the cold spring water.

The two rabbits squatted to the edge of the cold spring pool. Wei Wuxi was inconvenient to pick up and grab it, so he had to retreat. After walking for a while on the gravel road, he suddenly reacted: "...What is inconvenient?! Are you not all men? Is there any inconvenience? Why should I withdraw?"

As if to find an excuse for himself, Wei Wuyi immediately turned around and decided to return to harass the blue forgetting machine. Who knows, Blue has forgotten the clothes and walked out from the bluegrass.

The two rabbits were at his feet, and the blue forgot to bend them to lift them up and hug them in the arms. His face still looked a little cold, his hands were gentle, and his slender fingers licked a rabbit's chin. The rabbit bounced long ears, turned his head, and the ruby ​​eyes smashed into a line.

Wei Wuzhen has no taste: "Ignore me, just care about you. I really recognize the Lord."

Blue forgot to look at him and sent a rabbit to his arms. Wei Wuji took it with a smile and pulled his ear. He said, "Don't like me? Hate me? You can't escape, and you can't escape the palm of my hand. I still like me."

The rabbit twisted and twisted in Wei Wu’s arms and struggled. Wei Wu’s stunned it for a while and returned to the quiet room to release the rabbit that had been ruined by him. . Entering the room, it was a cool and cold scent.

He naturally followed the blue forgetting machine.

Blue forgets the machine: "There is a child in the house laughing."

Wei Wuwei said: "Oh."

He picked up the place where he had stolen the last time, opened the mat on the floor, and flipped the board. He was still wondering: "When the last time Lan Zhan was drunk, he answered me honestly and said that he had not stolen. The emperor in the room laughs, what does he hide in these days? Can't it be... specially reserved for me to drink? Hey, why am I so shameless? Hahaha..."

Wei Wuzhen turned out to be a ridiculous thought of this brazen and arrogant arrogance. The blue forgetting machine was attracted by his swaying shoulder and said: "What happened."

Wei Wuqi turned back and said: "Nothing, I am happy."

Blue forgot to say nothing, bowed his head, sat on the side of the book and picked up a book.

Wei Wuzhen continued to ponder: "Would I have to ask him about the amount of money? What if I am angry and rushed out to go out? But I have been arguing for so long, he is not angry, and the cultivation is getting better. It is estimated that noisy will not be angry again. No, I should not ask him, but should pretend that I don’t know what the meaning of the wiping is, so that next time I can deliberately pull it, if he is angry, I will Innocently said that I don't know, I don't know who is not guilty. Oh, how can I be so bad, I can still be a little worse..."

Thinking about it, he opened a small altar absently, lifted it up and drank it, and spurted it out.

Blue forgot to put down the book and said: "What happened."

Wei Wuzhen waved: "Nothing! Nothing is ok!"

He said nothing, and put the jar back, and changed his face to another altar.

The last time he stole the drink, he deliberately came in with white water, thinking that when he waited for the blue to forget his own drink, he drank white water to scare him. Who knows that luck is so bad, this jar of water has let him drink himself. It’s really lifting a rock and licking my own feet. Since I came back, every time I want to tease the blue forgetting machine, it’s all this kind of end, what is going on here!

The period of the Jinlintai Baijiaqing talk festival is just around the corner.

I forgot to go to the Lanling Jinshi’s meeting, but this time I went with my brother.

Most of the family's Xianfu are built in the beautiful scenery, while the Jinlintai of Lanling Jin's is the most prosperous place in Lanling City.

Above the high platform, the Venus Snow Wave gathers into a sea of ​​flowers.

The Venus Snow Wave is a white peony with excellent appearance. It is wonderful and famous. The petals are double-layered, with a large layer of petals on the outside, layered on top of each other, such as snow and waves, a small petal inside, slender and beautiful, with a golden silk flower, like a golden star.

Slowly along the ramp, climb up the long slope, and the sides of the ramp are painted with colorful paintings, all of which are the best of the family and celebrities of the Jin family. A martyrdom is a glazed wall, and the left and right ends of the book are respectively "will be the top of the mountain" and "list the mountains and small".

In front of the shadow wall, there is a wide square with a fine floor, coming and going, full of pedestrians. Before the square, the nine-step Ruyi stepped up a layer of white marble jade, and a heavy-duty mountain top hall overlooked the sky.

Wei Wuqi got off the bus and said: "How do you feel that Jinlintai is more extravagant than before, and has been refurbished and expanded?"

Not far from there is a door to live: "Gu Su Lan, please enter here."

Blue forgets the machine: "Go."

Wei Wuzhen felt that the students and guests of the Jin family were paying attention to him intentionally or unintentionally. Probably no one would have expected that Mo Xuanyu would dare to sway back after being rushed out of the same door, and he came back with the people of Gusu Lanshi, and it would be no problem to show them. He readily said: "Well, let's go."

There are also other families entering the market everywhere: "Liling Su Shi, please enter here."

"Qinghe Nie, please enter here."

"Yunmeng Jiang, please enter here."

Orderly and orderly.

Jiang Cheng came down from another car. When he got out of the car, he released two eye knives and walked over. He was not cold or hot: "Ze Junjun, including Guangjun."

Lan Yichen also bowed first: "Jiang Zongzhu."

Jiang Cheng stared at Wei Wuzhen with a sullen look. He seemed to want to say something to him. At this moment, a smiling voice said: "Two brothers, why don't you tell me in advance, forget the machine?"

Jin Guangyao personally ushered in.

Lan Yichen also smiled at him, although he smiled with a little bit of reluctance. Wei Wuzhen looked at the sect of the sect.

Jin Guangyao has a very cheap face. The skin is white, the eyebrows are a little bit Dansha, the eyes are black and white, the seven points are handsome, the three points are smart, and the face is very embarrassing. Such a face, it is enough to please a woman, but it does not make a man resentful. The older person thinks that he is cute, and the younger person will feel that he is dear--even if he does not like it, he will not hate it, so it is very Take advantage of it.

The corners of his mouth are always with a slight smile, and at first glance it is a dexterous figure. Wearing a Lan Ling Jin's dress on his body, wearing a soft gauze hat on his head, the embroidered Venus Xuelang family emblem embroidered on the chest of the round robe gown, and the riverside sea crest is painted on the cuffs. Pei Jiuhuan belt, with *boots, is a small point, but the right hand to the waist of the sword on the so heavy pressure, but pressed out an inviolable power.

Jin Ling came out with him. He still didn't dare to see Jiang Cheng alone. He hid behind Jin Guangyao and said: "Hey."

Jiang Cheng Li said: "You still know to call me!"

Jin Guangyao said: "Oh, Jiang Zongzhu, the child is naughty, don't care about him. You are the most painful to him. Aling is afraid that you will punish him these days, afraid that he will not be able to eat."

Jin Ling sneaked his eyes and saw Wei Wuzhen, suddenly suddenly, blurted out: "How come you?!"

Wei Wuwei said: "Come on rice."

Jin Lingwei said: "You dare to come! I am..." Jin Guangyao licked the head of Jin Ling, and took him behind him. He smiled and said: "Come and come, how is it, Jinlintai does not dare To say more, the rice must be enough to eat." He said to Blue Jason: "Second brother, you should sit first, I will go there to see. By the way, let people forget to arrange the machine."

Lan Yichen nodded: "Not too much trouble."

Jin Guangyao said: "How is this trouble? The second brother is still bound to me, really."

As long as he has seen someone else, Jin Guangyao can remember the other person's name, title, age and appearance. After many years of goodbye, he can immediately call out the name accurately, and warmly meets the cold. After seeing more than twice, he will remember all the other's likes and dislikes, vote for what he wants, and avoid it. This time, because the blue forgetting machine suddenly came to Jinlintai, Jin Guangyao did not specially prepare a table for him. Now he immediately asked someone to go to the office.

Not yet in the hall, Blue forgot to take a break to find a quiet room. It’s everyone’s knowledge that there is no light, and it’s no stranger, and he pointed his way to him respectfully. As soon as the door was closed, Wei Wuzhen took a piece of paper from his sleeve.

This piece of paper is only one adult long, round head, two eyes are drawn one after the other, and the sleeves are cut wide and abnormal, like the two wings of a butterfly.

Wei Wuzhen held it in the palm of his hand, closed his eyes, and he was embarrassed. The paper man suddenly shocked and climbed up from his palm.

Wei Wu’s soul has been attached to this paper man.

It shook its arms, and the two large sleeves flew up with a lightly fluttering body, and suddenly fell to the blue forgetting machine shoulder.

Blue forgot to look at the paper man on his shoulder. The paper man slammed into his cheek and climbed up the way. He climbed all the way to the forehead, pulling and pulling, and he loved the wiping. Blue forgot to let the paper man twist on his plaster for a long time, and stretched out his hand to remove him. When the paper man saw it, he slid down and slid down. I didn’t know it intentionally or unintentionally, and bumped his head on his lips.

After a pause, Blue forgot the **** and finally caught it, saying: "Don't make trouble."

The paper man softly rolled his body and rolled up his long fingers.

For a long while, this piece of paper sneaked out of the door of this room.

Lanling Jinshi is strictly guarded. If you want to search, a big living person naturally has no way to go in and out.

Although the paper-cut avatar is easy to use, the aging method is limited, and the paper person must return to the original position after being sent out, and there must be no damage. If you are torn or destroyed in any way halfway through the homing, the soul will suffer the same damage.

Wei Wuzhen attached to the paper man, sometimes attached to a monk's clothes, sometimes flattened his body through the door, and sometimes spread his sleeves, disguised as a piece of waste paper, a butterfly flying in the air. Finally, I saw the window of Jin Guangyao’s sleeping hall.

He flew to the edge of the window, and after a moment of force, he drew in from the window.

Jin Guangyao’s sleeping hall and Jinlintai are a style, magnificent, with many furnishings, and the layers of the scent of the scented scented scented scented scented scented scented scented scented scented scented scented scented scented Feeling tired.

The paper man squatted in the hall and searched for suspiciousness. Suddenly, he painted the big eyes in front and saw an agate paper town on the table. The paper town pressed a letter.

The envelope of this letter did not write anyone's name, nor any coat of arms, but the thickness was obviously not an empty envelope. The paper man said: "It’s weird."

He slammed his sleeves and fell to the table, eager to see what was in the letter. But his double "hands" dragged the edge of the envelope and dragged it out for a while.

His current body is a fluttering piece of paper that can't move this heavy agate paper town.

The paper man walked around the town of agate paper for several laps, pushed and kicked, and jumped and jumped, but it didn't move. He had to give up temporarily and see if there were any other suspicious things.

At this moment, the door of the dormitory was pushed open by a seam.

On the head of the paper man, one eye was drawn one after the other, so the movements in front and rear can be seen clearly. When he noticed that someone entered, he plunged down the table and motioned against the corner of the table.

The person who came in was a pretty woman, and Wei Wuzhen knew that she was a woman of the Xianmen family. It is also the wife of Jin Guangyao, Qin Yu.

Wei Wuxuan said: "Jin Guangyao's sleeping hall is also the sleeping hall of Qin Yu. She entered her room. Why is it so nervous? It is also sneaky."

Qin Lan was like being afraid of being discovered. Looking around, he carefully closed the door and walked in with a light skirt. One hand still covered his chest, as if his heart was jumping fast, he was about to jump out of his chest.

She went to the table and saw the letter suppressed by the agate paper. It was not unexpected. The face was struggling to hesitate, and she reached out and retracted. Finally, she gritted her teeth, picked up the envelope, and opened it. Come, take out a few sheets of paper and start to look at it.

Wei Wuzhen wanted to read the piece of paper together, but he couldn't rush out. If it is only found by Qin Zhen, he can still cope, but in case Qin Qin shouts and screams to call other people, if the paper has a little damage, his soul will suffer.

Under the light, Qin Yan, who squirmed his lips and silently read the letter, the face that was originally dignified and beautiful, was about to be distorted.

The hand that held her heart licked and grabbed the shirt on her chest, and the other hand shook so fast that she couldn't catch the letter. Wei Wuxi said: "Call down, fall down, fall down!"

Suddenly, Jin Guangyao’s voice rang in the bedroom: “Auntie, what are you doing?”

Qin Hao suddenly turned back.

The paper man squatted tightly against the corner of the table, not too much exposed, and the line of sight was blocked. Just listening to Jin Guangyao seems to have taken a step closer and said: "What is in your hand?"

His language was so soft and amiable, as if he was really unseen, he did not see the strange letter in Qin Lan’s hand, nor did he see the distorted face of Qin Yu, just asking an insignificant little thing.

Qin Hao grabbed the letter in his hand and did not answer. Jin Guangyao said again: "I heard people say that you don't look very right. Look around, you went back to the temple. What happened?"

His voice is extremely concerned.

Qin Lan raised the letter: "... Someone told me that I can see this letter when I come back. Is this true?"

Jin Guangyao smiled dumbly and said: "Auntie, you don't give me the letter, how do I know what to write, how do I know, is it true?"

Qin Lan handed him the letter: "You tell me, is it true?!"

In order to see the letter, Jin Guangyao took another step forward. His face was exposed to the light.

He glanced at the letter in the hands of Qin Yu, and he did not change his look. Even a shadow could not be seen.

And Qin Lan is almost screaming: "You talk, talk! Tell me, this is not true! It's all a lie!"

Jin Guangyao said in a succinct manner: "This is not true. It is all a lie. It is a nonsense, a trap."

Qin Xiao cried: "You lied to me! This is plainly clear, everything is written, you still lie to me, I don't believe it!"

Jin Guangyao sighed and said: "Auntie, you told me to say this. I really said this, you don't believe it. It's really embarrassing."

Qin Lan threw the letter on him and raised his face: "God! God, what the day! You - you really... you are really terrible! How can you... How can you?! ”

She couldn’t go on, squinting her face and holding the pillar, and suddenly vomited.

She spit in tears, as if to vomit the internal organs. Wei Wuxuan said: "What did you write on that letter? Jin Guangyao murdered a corpse? No, if so, why did Qin Lan vomit, as if she saw something that made her very disgusting?"

Jin Guangyao listened to her vomiting voice, silently slammed down and smashed a few sheets of paper scattered on the ground. In one fell swoop, a little on the side of the nine-inch lotus flower, let them slowly burned.

Looking at the ashes and falling to the ground a little bit, he said with a little sadness: "Auntie, you and I have been husband and wife for many years, and have been jingling and jingling, respect each other. As a husband, I ask you very well, you are so, really Wound my heart."

Qin Hao retched and did not leave something, fell on the ground, choked and said: "You treat me well... you are waiting for me... but I... I would never have known you! No wonder you have been... since... , no longer... If you do this kind of thing, you might as well kill me!"

Jin Guangyao said: "Auntie, don't you know that before this, we are not doing well? Today, you know, you vomit, feel uncomfortable, it shows that this is nothing, it is just a heart."

Qin Lan shook his head and stunned: "...See our husband and wife for a share, please tell the truth. Asong... How did Ason die?"

Who is Asong?

Jin Guangyao said with amazement: "Asong? Why are you asking me this way? Asong is killed and killed, and I have already cleaned it up. I have revenge for him. What do you mention him? ”

Qin Dao said: "I know. But after reading this letter, I now suspect that what I used to know is fake!"

Jin Guangyao slowly untied the knot of the lower jaw cap, took off the soft gauze cap and placed it on the table. He sat down at the table and his face was tired and said: "What are you thinking about? Asong is my son. What do you think I will do? You would rather believe a letter than trust me?"

Wei Wuxuan said: "It turned out to be the son of Jin Guangyao who died at the age of six."

Qin Lan collapsed and pulled his hair in general. He said: "Because it is your son, it is terrible! I thought you would do something? You can do it all, you still have something to do. Dare to do?! God!"

Jin Guangyao said: "You don't think about it. Tell me, who is the person who asked you to read this letter?"

Qin Lan grabbed his own hair and said, "You... what do you want?"

Jin Guangyao said: "That person can write the first letter to you. In the future, you can write the second, third, and countless letters to other people. What are you going to do? Let this thing be thrown out Auntie, I am begging you. If you look at what sentiment, tell me, who is going to come back to see this letter, who is it?"

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