MTL - The Founder of Diabolism-Chapter 48 Childhood 10th

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Who is it?

Wei Wuzhen also wants to hear what Qin Lan said, who is it. A person who can sneak into the main hall of Jinlintai, a person who can approach the wife of Xian Du, a person who sees through Jin Guangyao's secret ulterior.

What is written in the letter will not be a simple evil such as murder and arson. Can make Jin Guangyao's wife look nausea or fear to vomit after watching it. And it is difficult to open the teeth, so even if they are only two of them, Qin Hao still can only intermittently ask questions, can not say.

But if Qin Hao really honestly told the sender, it would be too stupid. Because once it is said, Jin Guangyao will deal with that person in addition to it, and at the same time, he will certainly find ways to seal Qin’s mouth.

As for what means, it is not something others can expect.

Fortunately, although Qin Yu was innocent when he was young, people were not stupid and did not answer immediately. Jin Guangyao is sitting at the table in danger, under the candlelight, his eyebrows are picturesque and his face is calm. For a long while, he got up and leaned over and seemed to be helping her.

Qin Lan opened his hand and couldn't help but violent retching.

Jin Guangyao’s eyebrows pumped and said: “Is it really disgusting?”

Qin Dao said: " are not are a madman!"

Jin Guangyao looked at her eyes and was filled with a kind of compassionate warmth. He said: "Auntie, you think that I am dirty, I feel disgusting, this is nothing. But if this matter is passed out, how will others see you? You are my wife, how can you escape?"

Qin Hao hugged his head: "You don't want to say any more, don't say no more to remind me! I really can't wait to know you have nothing to do with you! Why did you approach me?"

Silence for a moment, Jin Guangyao said: "I was sincere."

Qin Xiao cried: "You are still eloquent!"

Jin Guangyao said: "I am telling the truth. I have always been grateful to you, I am grateful that you do not care about my origins, I am grateful that you never said anything to my mother. Auntie, I am helpless, others do not harm Asong, Asong He must die. He can only die. If he is allowed to grow up again, you will follow me..."

Qin Hao raised his hand and slap him in the face, saying: "Who is all that harms this?! You can't do anything for this position, ah?!"

Jin Guangyao was slap in the face, and a red palm print appeared on the white cheek. He closed his eyes. After a while, he was a smile. He ignored Qin’s reluctance to beat and helped her up. He said, "Auntie, you really wouldn’t tell me that the person who told you to read this letter is Who?"

Qin Dao said: "I tell you, let you go killing people again?"

Jin Guangyao said: "What do you mean by this? It seems that the disease is confused. Yuezhang has gone out to travel and cultivated. I will send you this time, and share the happiness of Yuezhang with Yuezhang."

He said in his mouth that he would send Qin Lan to recuperate, but he supported the helpless Qin Lan and walked into the layers of gauze. The paper man slammed out from under the table, calculating the time, it should be enough, and he followed.

After entering, he found that there was a black hole in the place where a huge bronze mirror was placed.

Jin Guangyao must have done something on his wife. Qin Yan’s eyes are wide and tears, watching her husband drag himself into a secret room, but not speaking or shouting.

Wei Wuzhen climbed up against the ground, and the bronze mirror was closed. There was no sound at all, and there was no heavy machine sound that would be emitted when the general mechanism was switched. Jin Guangyao gently placed the Qin dynasty on the corner of the wall and took two palms. The faint light in the secret room was the igniting of the lamp on the wall.

This seems to be a treasure room.

On the front wall is a book, and the book-bound books and scrolls of a book are well organized. In front of the walls on both sides, there are many different shapes of treasure. Wei Wuzhen swept his eyes and the paper was condensed.

In one of the squares, there is a sword. This sword, he is very familiar.


Which Xianmen family will have three or four treasure rooms, so it is not unusual for Jin Guangyao's sleeping hall to have such a secret room.

In the center of the chamber, there is a black, cold, rectangular iron table that is just the size of a person. Wei Wuxi said: "It's a good thing to kill a corpse on this iron table."

The Qin dynasty was as dead as ash, and Jin Guangyao was in front of her, giving her a slightly messy hair. "Don't be afraid, aunt. You are like this now, it is not convenient to go around, many people in these days." Let's take a rest. As long as you tell me who the person is, you can come back."

Wei Wuzhen suddenly found that the front of a lattice was blocked with a curtain. The curtain is painted with a **** red mantra, which is a banned pattern.

A piece of paper sticks to the wall and slowly moves up. Half an inch and a half inch, it was very slow. At that end, Jin Guangyao was still asking for Qin Qin in a soft voice. Suddenly, as if he was aware of something, he suddenly turned back!

In addition to him and Qin Yu, the secret room is empty.

Jin Guangyao stood up and walked to the front of Duobao, carefully inspected the wall, and did not see the same. He took the hand back and went back.

When he suddenly looked back, Wei Wuzhen had climbed to the second grid under the curtain. There was a stack of manuscripts bounded by lines in the plaid. When he saw Jin Guangyao's neck fretting, he slammed his thin piece of paper into it.

Fortunately, although Jin Guangyao’s alertness is unusual, he is not alert to flipping through the book to see if there is any personal hiding in it.

The paper man is like a bookmark, flat in a book, not afraid to come out immediately. His eyes clung to the papers of the two previous manuscripts. Suddenly, I felt that the words I saw in my eyes were familiar.

There are beautiful bones, weeds, slightly frivolous.

This is his word.

Wei Wuzhen looked at these words carefully: "...different from winning...", "...revenge...", "...forced deeds..." There are still some broken and unclear words.

This time, he is sure. This book is his manuscript.

The content contained is an article about collecting and banned the work that he collected and compiled and added his own inference.

At the beginning, he wrote many such manuscripts, all of which were handwritten, thrown at hand, and thrown on the Yiling mass grave. Some of these manuscripts were destroyed in the cofferdam, and some were like his sabre, and they were left behind and hidden by others.

Wei Wuzhen suddenly had an idea.

Perhaps, Jin Guangyao is the one that Mo Xuanyu once harassed!

Mo Xuanyu learned that the ban was not complete, and the ceremony did not do enough. It was only learned from this broken manuscript.

The owner of this manuscript is Jin Guangyao. Since it is a forbidden manuscript, this kind of thing is naturally inconvenient for others to see, so Jin Guangyao will be careful to save and carefully close it. If you are not very close, you must never see this manuscript.

How close is it to? Lenovo Mo Xuanyu was rushed back to Mojiazhuang because of broken sleeves and harassment. It is really hard not to think too much.

If you simply harass the same door, you will not feel that you will sweep the illegitimate child with the blood of the sect. And if the object of harassment is the singularity of the price increase after the signing of the Japanese levy, although everyone does not say straight, but everyone knows the half-brother, the seriousness is completely different!

This is a complete scandal, and it must be broken. Of course, you can't take the slogan and you can only start with Mo Xuanyu, who is not high.

There is also Jin Ling. Jin Ling hates broken sleeves, and of course hates the shackles of his little uncle.

It is quite disgusting to see Mo Xuanyu’s attitude towards the top and bottom of the Jinling’s Jin’s. It seems that Mo Xuanyu is unilaterally entangled in Jin Guangyao.

If this is the case, then Jin Guangyao sees Mo Xuanyu, who still talks and laughs. If nothing happens, this person is really...

It is further inferred that perhaps in the letter, what is written?

Wei Wuzhen immediately overturned this speculation.

He believes that Jin Guangyao will not really think about Mo Xuanyu. It is very likely that Mo Xuanyu’s face is only a scam he planned, only to expel another illegitimate child who might threaten himself. Jin Guangyao will definitely grasp the boundaries and will never have anything to do with Mo Xuanyu. Moreover, although the broken sleeves are not allowed on the countertops, it is not unusual for the males to be good at the males. The Qin dynasty was born in a family, knowing a little about it, not because the husband might have vomited with what the man had. The reaction is still so intense.

Jin Guangyao’s voice came: “Auntie, I am going to host the scene, and then come to see you.”

Wei Wuzhen twisted it out from the stack of manuscripts he wrote himself, sticking to the wall and moving on. Finally moved to the plaid, but he still did not see what it was, and suddenly his eyes lit up.

Jin Guangyao came over and picked up the curtain.

For a moment, Wei Wuzhen thought he was caught by him. However, the faint fire penetrated through the curtain and he found himself in a shadow.

There was a round thing in front of him that blocked his paper body.

Jin Guangyao is fixed and does not seem to look at the things in this lattice.

For a long while, he asked: "Are you watching me?"

Of course, there will be no response. After a while, Jin Guangyao put down the curtain.

Wei Wuzhen erased this thing silently and touched it. It's cold, very hard and seems to be a helmet.

He turned to the front, and sure enough, he saw a pale face.

The sealer must call this head invisible, inaudible, and unspeakable. Therefore, the eyes and ears of this face are firmly sealed by the iron piece engraved with the mantra.

And Wei Wuzhen’s dive here is to unravel the seal on the skull and let the headless corpse that has been transported to Jinlintai and Lanling City to his head and then to his head. Killing Jinlintai and killing Jin Guangyao.

Wei Wuzhen's sleeves made of paper were pulled on the knot of the iron piece and pulled halfway. Suddenly, he felt a strong suction and went forward to the head of Nie Mingxi.

On the other side of Jinlintai, Blue forgot to sit opposite Wei Wuzhen and kept staring at his face. I saw it for a long while, my fingers were slightly moving, my eyelids were hanging, and my hand was gently touched and touched my lips.

It's very light and light, just as light as the one that the paper man hit on it.

Suddenly, Wei Wu’s body dumped forward, and Blue forgot to get up. He connected him to his arms and raised his face. Wei’s eyes were still closed, but his brows were tight. stand up.

Forced empathy!

The resentment of this head is so strong that he sucked him into the past and forced empathy!

Wei Wuzhen had no time to make any reaction. The next moment, the blink of an eye was a slap in the face and a blood shadow. A skull in front of him was separated from the body and flew out.

This person is wearing the clothes of Lushan Wen’s clothes, carrying the sun flames. Wei Wuzhen looked at his knife and returned to the sheath. A deep voice came from his mouth: "The head is smashed, and it is hung up and looked at Wen Ruohan."

Someone behind him said: "Yes!"

Wei Wuzhen knows who this is being a beheaded.

Wen Xu, the eldest son of Wen's family in Wenshan, Wenshan, was shot shortly after the start of the war. Nie Mingxi was intercepted and killed in the river. He was also stunned by his head and hung in front of the front. Demonstration.

Nie Mingxi glanced at the body of the ground, pressed his hand on the handle, and steadily walked in the other direction.

Nie Mingqi is very tall. The last time he was in love with the aunt, Wei Wuzhen’s vision was extremely short. This time, he was even higher than his usual vision, as if he had opened up a lot.

After a while, he suddenly stopped and asked his subordinates: "Who was responsible for the aftermath?"

Subordinate: "It is a monk named Meng Yao."

Before Jin Guangyao recognized his ancestors, he was named Meng Meng from his mother's surname.

Nie Ming said: "This time he was handed over to him. He did a good job. Even the affected villagers were placed together."

After a pause, he said again: "Which one is this person now?"

Wei Wuxuan said: "Sure enough, as Nie Huai-sang said, Nie Mingzhen was still quite important to Jin Guangyao."

Nie Mingqi’s masters and his enemies were stationed in several places, and Meng Yao was now divided into a cave in the mountains between the rivers. Nie Mingqi walked up the mountain, not far from the distance, saw a clothed teenager holding a bamboo tube and turned out from the woods.

The boy seemed to have just returned from the water and was about to walk into the cave and suddenly stopped again. He stood outside the hole and listened for a while. He seemed to hesitate to go in. Finally, he took the bamboo tube and walked silently in the other direction.

After a period of time, he found a position on the side of the road and smashed it down. He took out a little white dry food from his arms and slowly ate it with clear water.

Nie Mingxi walked over to him. The boy was looking down to eat, and he noticed that someone was approaching, and when he looked up, he quickly collected the dry food and stood up and said: "Nie Zongzhu."

This young boy has a white face and a small size. It is Jin Guangyao’s face that is very cheap.

At this time, he was not accepted by Lanling Jinshi, and there was no such thing as Mingzhi cinnabar. Nie Mingxi obviously had an impression on his face, saying: "Meng Yao?"

Meng Yaodao: "Yes."

Nie Ming said: "Why don't you go into the cave and rest with others?"

Meng Yao opened his mouth, and he stopped talking and smiled a little. He didn't seem to know what to say. Upon seeing, Nie Mingxi crossed him and walked toward the cave. He concealed the sound, so that no one was aware of it when he walked outside the cave. The people inside were still talking about it:

"...Yes, that's him."

"No! The son of Jin Guangshan? The son of Jin Guangshan can mix with us to become a virtue. Why don't you go back to him? You can make him not have to work so hard with his fingers."

"Do you think he doesn't want to go back? People take the tokens and find the Lanling from Yunmeng, don't you just want to recognize this? Who is the mother of Jin Guangshan? And Jin Guangshan has so many outside, son and daughter at least There is a dozen, do you think that he has recognized who he is? It is also his own humiliation. I want to say that people can’t hope for something they should not expect."

"Stupid is not stupid, there is a gold Xuan, Jin Guangshan is still rare other sons? Moreover, it is still a twin, the ghost knows who is the kind. It is estimated that Jin Guangshan heart is also guilty."

"I don't think he remembers that he had had such a problem with the woman."

"I thought that Jin Guangshan’s son would also greet us to fetch water. I am quite happy, hahaha..."

"After confessing to a fart, people can show their strength. If you don't look at him so hard, run around to do this and do more diligence, and Babadi hopes to mix up the famous people and he will admit him to go back."

Nie Mingxi’s heart burst into anger and burned directly into Wei’s chest.

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