MTL - The Gate Of Good Fortune-Chapter 1463 Undead axe

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"What conditions" even the chaotic Taojun did not consciously ask.

The undead axe has an absolute advantage here, because it is necessary to open the chaos of the inner world. If they don't kill the axe, they won't care, and they won't be strong. So many strong people can't get away here. The key is that Ning Cheng and Ye Mo are now helping to kill the axe. Although Ning Cheng and Ye Mo are not their opponents, it is enough to help them escape.

I don’t know how to break the inside of the chaos. I’m willing to go all out. But not now, I have to wait for someone to come.

"Who is waiting," asked Qin Tiantian.

The axe snorted. "When I am going to shut you down, don't say that you are not my five elements of the universe, even if it is my five elements of the universe, I don't know if you count that green onion."

Qin Mutian’s face was as calm as usual, and there was no change because of the sarcasm of the axe.

On the other hand, the power of the king said, "This is related to each of us. If you wait here for tens of thousands of years, we will wait for you."

"I'm right, I just have to wait for tens of thousands of years. The name is covered. When my master was in the universe, you were a fart. Now dare to tell me how to do it. You don't have time." Going early, no one cares that you stay here."

Chaos Daojun raised his hand and stopped the power of the king. He said to the unbreakable axe, "I don't want to kill the axe. Everyone knows your origins. Although the power of the king's words is somewhat rushing, it is also reasonable. So please do not die. Who will wait for the axe, and how long will it be said?"

For the chaotic Tao Jun, the axe is still very taboo. If you don't say anything else, the chaotic clock of Chaos Daojun is no worse than the origin of it.

"It is a descendant of Panshi. When Panshi took me to the universe, I can't continue to be a magic weapon for Pan's family, but I have to leave something for the descendants of Pan's." Said.

Everyone understands the meaning of the immortal axe, that is, the immortal axe is about to transform, once it becomes a boulevard, unless the Pan's rebirth, I am afraid no one can no longer control the axe as his treasure.

If you do not destroy the axe, it means that since the inner boundary of the chaos has been opened up, the treasures of the chaotic inner world are used to leave some benefits to the descendants of the Pan. This is equivalent to repaying the Lord.

"I don't want to kill the axe, who is the descendant of the Pan's." Ning Cheng suddenly remembered the thousand, but with the strength of the thousand, want to come to the chaos of the inner world, I am afraid it is still far behind.

Undead axe is very grateful to Ning Cheng. Ning Cheng asked, he replied without hesitation. "I don't know what the kid is called. I only know that he is carrying a little girl in the void like a headless fly." If I didn't give him a little direction, maybe he couldn't find the chaos in his life."

During the speech, the axe is drawn out and the axe is turned into a void image.

Ning Cheng saw this image and knew that it was the thousand thousand that was not extinguished by the axe. Seeing Pan Qian and Shen Mengyan, Ning Cheng is also amazed. Unexpectedly, the two men wandered in the void for tens of thousands of years, showing how many difficulties the two experienced.

Thinking of the dream of the smoke, Ning Cheng thought of the indigo.

Ning Cheng’s eyes fell on Xing Wei. He didn’t know if Xing Wei had done anything to Shacheng. If there is anything wrong with Yan Qing, he will be the **** of heaven.

"Look at the cultivation of the two people, I am afraid that tens of thousands of years may not be able to come here. In this case, we will go here alone to bring him here." Xuan Huang Gu Yan's eyes fell on the axe On the image that was drawn, the tone was dissatisfied.

"I am still the same sentence, I am willing to wait, I am not willing to wait for me. I am not willing to do anything. Even if you are all over, axe is not willing to do it, not a big shot, axe again. Return to chaos." The undead axe simply did not put the words of Xuanhuang Guyan in the heart.

Causal Dao laughed happily. "If you follow the words of the axe, you will be waiting for you to stay with you. If you don't want to wait, you can leave."

Everyone understands the meaning of the axe. If the later generations of Panshi are not able to come here, then it is not worthy of the opportunity to send out the chaos of the inner world.

Pan Qian has a life-saving grace for Ning Cheng, and he is a friend with Ning Cheng. Ning Cheng is naturally willing. Moreover, Ning Cheng is preparing to leave the inner boundary of the chaos during this time.

Ning Cheng said on his own initiative, "I am willing to wait."

"So, everyone goes to the chaotic corner and waits. Tens of thousands of hours, for us to pass by, but can not be wasted." Yi Yi scattered people followed.

Everyone understands the meaning of Yishuang Sanren. As one of the five great saints of the year, the strength of Yishuang Sanren is the most powerful. I am afraid that even the five-color king can easily kill the people. Yi Yi's proposal, that is, want to use the chaotic corners to quickly restore strength.

Despite this, no one feels wrong with the opinions of the Yishang people.

Ning Cheng did not bring everyone to the chaotic corner where he was, but Xuan Huang Lianyan took the initiative to invite everyone to the chaotic corner he found.

The chaotic corners discovered by Xuanhuang Guyan are larger than the chaotic corners of Ning Cheng, where the chaotic atmosphere is more intense. It is estimated that it was caused by some cracks.

More than 20 people entered the area, and everyone was looking for the best position in the first place. The time to wait is not one or two days. In this place suitable for cultivation, everyone wants to take the strength one step further before entering the inner world of chaos.

Ning Cheng and Ye Mojiao have found a position to sit down. In this place where the strong is like a cloud, naturally there must be some caution.

"Xing Wei, when you went to Shacheng," Ning Cheng did not practice, he has been staring at Xing Wei.

When Xing Wei heard that Ning Cheng said that he would be Shacheng, he knew the meaning of Ning Cheng. She said with a sneer, "I will raise the hand and destroy the planet. Yes, there is a woman named Dai Qing." Long, not bad, I took her back to make the fertilizer for the flowers."

Ning Cheng raging in anger, simply did not wait for Xing Wei to finish the words, raising his hand is a bang.

"Boom" Ning Cheng's break refers to the bombardment of the blue lotus, splashing endless burst rhythm.

The space in the chaotic corners is solid, and it is constantly shaking under the rhythm of this rhyme.

The chaotic road slammed, "Ningcheng Daoyou, your strength is very strong, you don't have to try again. Now everyone is doing business, if you want to fight, don't blame me."

Ning Cheng took a breath and looked at Xing Wei with a cold eye. He didn't do it anymore. His strength is worse than that of the chaos.

Calling Xing Wei to go out against the show, I am sure that Xing Wei will not leave.

Ning Cheng said to Ye Mo, "Ye brother, I want to leave here, I don’t know if Ye Xi can have a position to go out."

Ye Mo’s slight glimpse, he really did not go out of the jade. After entering the chaotic void, he has been practicing here until he enters the third step.

"Which is so troublesome, you have to go out, I will help you with an axe."

Ning Cheng said silently, "If I want to tear open the void here, I also have some methods. Just after tearing open the void, where will it appear?"

The chaotic void is so vast that once he tears open the void and appears in a completely strange place, it will be difficult to come back.

"I have a position Yu Jian, if Ning Daoyou believes me, I will give it to Ning Daoyou." Chaos Daojun seems to be completely unconcerned before the enemy, and smiled and looked at Ning Cheng.

Ning Cheng is trying to talk, Ye Mo suddenly said, "Ning brother, if it is not anxious, I suggest you better not leave here."

"I am not afraid of a leaf friend," said the singer.

Ye Mohaha smiled. "Since Ye Moe debuted, I still don't know what is afraid. Even if you are a hundred times stronger and how to want to leave me Ye Mo, you should never dream in this life."

Being ridiculed by Ye Mo, the singer's face is ugly, but there is no way to refute it. Ye Mo said that the fact is that even if Ning Cheng is gone, people here want to leave Ye Mo, I am afraid it is unlikely. Ye Mo is certainly not their opponent, even a chaotic king can not beat.

It’s two different things to beat and leave others. If you want to go, you can leave at any time. Besides, people here are not selfish, even if they fight, no one will try their best. Even taking out a third of the power is not necessarily.

When everyone was besieging Ye Mo and Ning Cheng, if everyone was fully committed, Ye Mo and Ning Cheng would definitely not be hurt by that.

Ning Cheng understood the meaning of Ye Mo. What happened here after he left, he could not stop it. Do not say that the axe does not destroy the axe, whether the axe has tens of thousands of years of patience, is the creation of a thousand axes, and does not have to spend tens of thousands of years to come here.

After all, on the way to the road, the strength is still rising. Once it is built into a big realm, as long as tens of thousands of years is also possible. Pan Qian has the blood of ancient giants, and the qualification is first-class. This is very likely.

Sure enough, Ye Mo said, "The strong here is like a cloud. If Ye Xiong can't benefit from the inner world of chaos, he will go out from here in the future. I am afraid that the strength will drop by one is silent, he wants I have to go to Taiyijie to see the whereabouts of Shi Qionghua. But Ye Mo said it is right. If he loses the qualification to enter the inner world of chaos, the future will certainly be opened with these people. Without strength, there is nothing.

Others are eager to go early, and they will lack a competitor when they leave.

Ning Cheng held a fist on Ye Mo. "Thanks to Ye Xiu for pointing, I decided to wait until I opened here."

With the agreement of many powerful people in the inner world of chaos, practicing in the chaotic corners while waiting for the arrival of the thousand, the whole chaos of the void seems to be quiet.

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