MTL - The Gate Of Good Fortune-Chapter 1464 Disk 0 is coming

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"No matter who you are, I will one day smash you up in the future..." In addition to the chaotic void, a copper-faced man with a sly face stared at the chaotic emptiness.

This man was the man who was defeated by Ning Cheng and fled from the chaotic corner. He is very clear that this life has no chance to find other chaotic corners. Therefore, it is better to take this opportunity to leave the chaos sooner. His hatred of Ning Cheng is written down.

It is a pity that he does not know that Ning Cheng is from Taisu. Otherwise, he will definitely go to Taisujie for the first time.

It’s just that this person is only half-sented, and he is shocked to stare at the vast void in the distance. Some people can’t believe it, “I don’t want to see the stone.”

Then he was pleasantly surprised. He was sure that he saw that he was not a Kunqu stone. He rushed to the next moment without hesitation.

When he reached the huge stone, he was stagnant, and the skeletal man stood above the boulder. It’s not so much a human being, it’s better to stand with a skeleton.

Don't Kunshi recognize the Lord? The copper face man was surprised and he found out that it was wrong. The rhythm of the bones is constantly sucked away by the stone, and the bones seem to have no resistance.

It’s not good. This person should have seen the non-kunshi stone after seeing it. What is Kunqu Stone? This is the ancient avenue to treasure, arguably one of the top treasures. This kind of thing can be refining and refining. That is also a skill, but it is still supported by it, and it has not been destroyed by the stone.

After understanding this, the copper face man would have to take Kunshi again.

Just when he wanted to retreat, a magnificent emptiness came.

The copper face man snorted and raised his hand was a punch. In the chaotic world, he is not the opponent of the Xeon. Now he is out of chaos, and some people dare to start with him. It is simply looking for death.

"Boom...." Answering the punch of the copper face is also a punch, two punches intersect, and the space blasts. The copper face has not had much time to come, and a powerful force dragged him up and rolled it onto the stone.

If you regret it, the copper face has already regretted countless times. He should not be close to the Kunqu Stone. This is not the shackles on the Kunshi Stone. It is obviously using the rhythm of the Kunqu Stone to confine him.

The copper face is also a strong person who comes out of chaos, and even if it is on the road, it will not easily stop.

While stretching in his precinct, the rhyme of the whole body has formed a wave of resistance rules. Want to absorb his rhyme and blood, but also ask him to agree to disagree.

There is no flesh and blood in the whole body of the Kunshi stone, but his two eyes have amazed expression. For countless years, he did not know how much blood and rhyme he had taken, but he had never met such a powerful resistance.

Under the stalemate of the two rhythmic forces, they quickly fell into a balance. The copper face could not escape the shackles of the man on the Kunshi stone, and the man could not help the copper face.

Time passed slowly, but the face of the copper was getting more and more heavy. He knew that the longer the time dragged, the worse it was for him.

When the Kunshi stone is hidden in the void, the two people who are not on the Kunshi stone are completely deadlocked at this time.

I don't know how long it has been, maybe it is a hundred years, maybe a thousand years.

The rhyme of the copper face was finally loose, only a moment of looseness, a sharp rhythm breathped into his realm, directly hitting his bodyguard rules.

"Hey..." A slight bang, the face of the copper screamed. Unable to wait for him to resist, the blood and the rhyme of his body were instantly opened to a gap, and then was continuously sucked away.

The man who was like a cockroach gradually gained some blood, and then a black mist surrounded him. His body was also strong at the speed of the naked eye. The body of the copper face gradually began to dry up.

"Stop, I tell you the way to the Avenue of Creation..." The copper face cried in panic.

"Hey... do you know the road to creation?" asked the man in the Kunshi stone.

The copper face said eagerly, "Yes, there are chaotic corners in the chaotic void. The chaotic corners are full of chaotic atmosphere at the beginning of the universe. If you can get into the inner chaos from there, you will go straight into the road of creation. As long as you Let me go, I will guide you to the chaos and take you there..."

After all, I was afraid that I was not worried about the men on Kunshi. I added that there are only three or four people there. I am not afraid of being alone. I only have four of them. I am not an opponent. I swear if there is a lie, I The road is broken and it is difficult to reincarnate."

"In this case, lead the way!" The man's tone on the Kunqu stone has no emotion, and there is no meaning to let go of the copper face.

In the face of the copper, I know that it is useless to ask for mercy. I simply point the way ahead. Even if he is embarrassed, he must bring this person to the real strong, let the guy who devours his blood and rhyme know that there are more people in this universe than him. Even if you have a non-Kunshi stone, in front of these strong people, you can only be like him, waiting for death.


The chaotic void, the chaotic corner occupied by many powerful people, fell into silence after everyone began to cultivate. Everyone uses the ban to protect the whole body and practice the whole god. In this place, no one will believe in others.

For thousands of years, for everyone, it’s also like eating and breathing, and blinking.

The eyes of Qin Mutian sneaked over the location of Ning Cheng and Ye Mo, and even he saw a place where Xing Wei was.

Everyone is practicing in one place, and he obviously feels that the three have made the most progress. Here is the breath of chaotic origin, but for his Qin Mutian, he can only condense his own cultivation, so that Shentong is more rounded. It’s not very likely that you want to make sudden progress in just a few thousand years.

The horror of the three people gathered around him, let him feel that if he goes on like this, one day, all three will surpass him.

We must not let these three people feel so indifferent to cultivation, especially Ning Cheng and Ye Mo, these two people are even more worried.

Qin Mutian stood up, but did not wait for him to speak, several strong people followed to stand up.

Qin Mutian was shocked and stared at the outside of the chaotic corner. He knew that these people stood up and had nothing to do with him, but because there was a kind of same majestic, but with a vague atmosphere, everyone felt it.

Not Kunshi? Ning Cheng was shocked. He did not practice on Kunqu Stone. This is obviously not the atmosphere of Kunshi.

I haven't waited for Ning Cheng to understand how Kunqu Stone came here, and several people rushed out. Ning Cheng naturally did not hesitate to rush out behind, not the treasure of Kunshi, suddenly appeared in this place, no one is not eager.

"You friends, this person wants to refine the non-Kunshi stone..." The copper face was left with a pair of skinny bones at the moment. Immediately after seeing everyone, he shouted.

Only his screaming abruptly disconnected, and immediately squatted on the stone, disappeared without a trace.

"It really is not Kunshi..." Chaos Dao was shocked. At about the same time, Yishen San and Xuan Huang Lianyan rushed to the non-Kunshi.

After the two men, more powerful people rushed over.

Who does not want to face the Kunqu Stone?

The man who stood on the Kunshi stone sneered, his eyes swept over Ning Cheng and Ye Mo, with a cold and murderous intention. There are so many strong people here, it will be his feast...

But his smile instantly solidified, and he soon discovered that no one here would be weaker than him, even more powerful than him.

How can this be? How could there be so many strong people suddenly? what is the problem? The man on the Kunshi stone didn't want to scream, but unfortunately the endless space forbidden him, so that he was completely incapable of resisting.

No, how could he be so madly acting? Come to the chaos of the void? His intelligence seems to be blinded by something.

An unscented voice rang in the depths of his consciousness. "I just help you with hatred. You are the bastard. I have seen the most garbage scum. I have a debt and a master. You don't have a grandfather." To provoke you, you want to kill your Duan, Duan Ye is not giving you a bowl of foot washing water..."

This voice disappeared instantly, and the man’s mind standing on the non-kun stone suddenly cleared up and shouted. "Duan Gantai is your beast..."

In the past few years, he has been bent on refining the non-kunshi, and under the stalemate of Kunshi, he did not find that the idea of ​​this ant is still there.

It is a pity that his voice stopped abruptly. The next moment a red sword mans passed directly through his body, turning him into several pieces of flesh and blood. A Yuanshen rushed out of the rush and did not leave. The Xuanhuang Lonely Swallow, who had been robbing the Kunqu Stone, suddenly took a blank handprint and pinched it. This empty handprint directly pinched this **** into nothingness.

Then there are countless roads and rhymes that have been rolled up to the non-Kunshi. All of them know that if they want to refine and not be in the rush, it is an idiotic dream.

These rhymes are doing the same thing, that is, they will not be in the boundaries of their own, and then slowly refine. It is a pity that even if it is all powerful, it is a good idea to want to collect the Kunshi stone in a hurry.

Among the people who compete for the non-Kunshi, Xing Wei’s advantage is obviously the biggest. She possesses the Qinglian, and although she can't take away the Kunshi stone in a hurry, the advantage is extremely obvious.

Chaos Daojun and Qin Mutian seem to know that these people can't grab the Kunqu Stone, and simply stand on the periphery to prepare for work.

At this time, Ning Cheng suddenly rushed in, and a finger banged on the stone.

The violent rhythm of the rhythm is ridiculous, and all the forces around it are blasted open. Not under the finger of Ningcheng, Kunqu Stone rushed out of the many rhymes and disappeared into the void of endless chaos.

A few of the Daojun have not had time to settle accounts with Ningcheng, they have to chase the non-Kunshi. However, these people just came back a few steps It’s not that they can’t catch up, but they worry that once they leave, they don’t know when the inner boundary of the chaos suddenly opens.

Compared to Hong Meng's rhyme, the attraction of Kunqu Stone seems to be smaller. What's more, not Kunshi is not so easy to collect and refine.

"A familiar familiar breath..." Ye Mo looked at the body that was killed by Xing Yu, and then frowned by the Yuan soul who was crushed by Xuan Huang Gu Yan.

Ning Cheng also feels familiar. He is trying to ask Xuan Huang Gu Yan to pinch the man. Is it because the man used to be a bad luck of Xuan Huangzhu, and he saw a huge figure striding over.

The thousand is coming! Ning Cheng immediately left this matter aside.

(Today's update is here, friends are good night. Another thing, if there is no accident, the door of creation should end at the end of March. Ending a lot of things, although the fifth wants to update more, but this is not to think I want to be able to do it. So when there is no single chapter, the fifth is to try to reduce the monthly ticket, and when the new book is out, when the explosion is more, then ask for the monthly ticket.)

