MTL - The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady-Chapter 2729 Teach you to be a man (3)

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"No, you are lying to me... Dean Ouyang said, I am his most satisfied work, I will accompany him to the highest position... He promised me... promised me..." Shen Jiayi The face was buried on the ground, and the thin body trembled.

"Works..." Shen Yanxiao chuckled, watching Shen Jiayi's eyes no longer indifferent, but full of pity.

An idiot, a woman who believes in the devil's lies, what else does she have to tell her?

"Shen Jiayi, you shouldn't have come to this step today. If you come to Jiawei with you in the same year, you can give up your plan. Your ending will not be like this. Unfortunately, you are really greedy. Yes, there is no self-knowledge." Shen Yanxiao never thought about Shen Jiayi in the past. As she said, Shen Jiayi did not deserve to be her opponent. She did not want to start with Shen Jiayi.

It was Shen Jiayi’s unwillingness to drag her into the abyss.

If she and Shen Jiawei can wake up early, even if she can't achieve the achievements of Shen Yanxiao, she can live a better life than the former Miss Suzaku family under the protection of Shen Yanxiao.

Although Shen Yanxiao does not like her, she will also care about her blood and keep her food and food.

Unfortunately, all of this was ruined by Shen Jiayi himself.

"Greed? I am greedy? Haha! Shen Yanxiao! You snatched everything that belongs to me! Suzaku should be mine, Suzaku family should be mine, everything you have now is taken from me. I just want to get back the things that belong to me. What am wrong with me! It is you! You are a curse! I took everything away and ruined my life!" Shen Jiayi looked up with poisonous eyes and looked at the **** eyes. Yan Xiao.

Everything that Shen Yanxiao has now, it should be hers.

If Shen Yanxiao is still the idiot, then it is her that gets all this and becomes the lord of the ridiculous land! All her!

"..." Shen Yanxiao looked at Shen Jiayi silently, she understood completely, Shen Jiayi has been awkward, no matter what she said, it is useless.

"You hate me, I can't wait to kill me." Shen Yan Xiaodao.

"I can't wait to eat your flesh! Drink your blood!" Shen Jiayi is like a poisonous snake, screaming at Shen Yanxiao.

"Good." Shen Yanxiao suddenly smiled, a cold light, flashing from her hands.

In an instant, an arrow crossed the entire head of Shen Jiayi.

"It’s really a little burden to kill someone who hates yourself." Shen Yanxiao’s mouth burst into a bright smile.

"This time, I will make you die very well."

The black mist continued to spread from the fingertips of Shen Yanxiao to the arrow, and swallowed Shen Jiayi's entire body in an instant.

When the fog faded, there was only a pile of white bones on the ground, and a gust of wind blew through it. The weathered white bones were instantly turned into dust and scattered in the wind.

"Although I don't like the power of the Mozu, but it is really convenient." Shen Yanxiao looked at the arrow in his hand and swept the empty earth. Then she turned and walked toward the battlefield.

Ouyang Huanyu disappeared, Shen Yanxiao could not find him on the battlefield, but she always felt that Ouyang Huanyu must be here, he must be waiting for something...

Perhaps it is an opportunity, perhaps... a more terrible conspiracy.