MTL - The Good for Nothing Seventh Young Lady-Chapter 2730 Dead day is not falling (1)

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The situation on the battlefield is not very optimistic. The mysterious team brought by Ouyang Huanyu is all experimental bodies that have undergone racial fusion experiments.

Although their number is not too much, their lethality is extremely strong. Soon after the war, the coalition forces have already suffered a lot of casualties.

What is even more shocking is that without the protection of the defensive shield, the Mozu army has begun to launch an attack against the city!

The Mozu unscrupulously promoted the siege weapons and approached the wall that was not falling. The countless flying hooks were thrown to the wall of the city, and the Mozu soldiers continued to climb along the ropes and climbed to the wall.

Most of the Alliance Army has already left the city. There are only a few soldiers who have been wounded in the city. They did not expect that the defensive shields that will not fall will be broken in such a short period of time. There is not much defensive power in the city!

Once the Demons are captured, the Alliance will be completely surrounded and there will be no room for change!

When Shen Yanxiao joined the battlefield, he discovered the intention of the Mozu to attack the city. She flew and jumped, and more than a dozen arrows came out of the string, and directly killed more than a dozen Mozu soldiers who were climbing the wall. On the wall of the city, a demon soldier flying under the wall of the city, Shen Yanxiao borrowed a force, stepped on the shoulders of the Mozu soldiers, quickly flew over the wall, and the arrows in his hand did not stop.

"Lord!" The soldiers who did not fall on the wall of the city were surprised to see the arrival of Shen Yanxiao. Many of them were still bandaged. They were not hurt in the previous battles and could not go out of town to fight. The first time they attacked the city, they rushed from the underground city to the city and boarded the wall to stop the attack of the Mozu.

The flying claws that the Mozu throws up are rooted, and each one is stuck on the masonry of the city wall. The wall that is not falling is made of obsidian. It is impossible to destroy the masonry and let the flying claws lose their borrowing power. The chain of the flying claws could not be cut at all. If not handled, the soldiers of the Mozu will only use this to quickly break into the city.

"Put all the fire oil and concentrate all the swordsmen in the city. The magician and the archer immediately go to the arrow tower to gather." Shen Yanxiao immediately issued an order, even if there is no defensive shield, it must not let the Mozu break through the day. !

A bucket of fire oil was carried to the wall, and Shen Yanxiao ordered all the soldiers to pour the oil on the ropes that the Mozu threw.

The oil slid down the chain, the coalition forces on the wall ignited the fire, and the red flame spread over the entire chain in the blink of an eye.

The hard chain was burned red in an instant and it was hot.

The burning of the high temperature made the Mozu on the rope unable to grasp the chain and climbed. After the flame spread, the demon who was carrying the chain began to fall from the sky.

On the walls that do not fall black, the burning chains are like a fire snake, spread all over the city wall.

The large siege weapons were continuously pushed forward, the hard steel was at the forefront, and the Mozu soldiers hid behind and resisted the arrows from the front.

"Lord! We can't beat the siege weapons!" The archers on the arrow tower were red-eyed. The iron shovel was really not broken by the arrows in their hands, and even the explosive magician was hard. They caused heavy damage to those siege weapons. They watched as the siege weapons continued to approach, and they were mad.