MTL - The Immortal Emperor Returns-Chapter 2 Take the opportunity to cultivate!

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Time is running out, Chu Xun didn't dare to delay, and now he converged and began to cultivate.

Practice all the way: practicing qi, building base, Jindan, Yuanying, distracting, fit, Mahayana, crossing the robbery, breaking empty.

All beginnings are hard!

Practicing Qi seems to be the most important thing.

Some people call practicing qi Nirvana. To put it plainly is to use the aura to comb the veins of the whole body and reshape the bones, just like rebirth.

Qi training and body training can be performed at the same time, but with less effort!

"What kind of exercises should I practice?"

After thinking for a while, Chu Xun still decided to use the [Qinglong Ba Ti Jue] he practiced in the last life. This refining technique is the secret of the Dragon clan, and Chu Xun also obtained it by chance.

Everything is ready, Chu Xun has no extra time to waste, and immediately enters the state of cultivation.


Chu Xun's chest machine had regular slight fluctuations, and two white breaths suffocated between his nose. Looking closely, there seems to be a naughty snake hiding under the skin walking along the meridians.

The bone clicked, and Chu Xun's forehead exuded sweaty beads, and her face was almost twisted. Breaking all the veins and bones and then reshaping it is generally unbearable for most people.

Chu Xun's teeth creaked, his whole body shook like sieve bran, and a dull roar in his throat was like an injured beast.

I do not know how long it has been?

Chu Xun began to calm down, but the two white breaths between his nose became faster, his skin began to glow with radiance, and his face also exuded a luster like jade.



time flies!

Reiki was absorbed by the Five Ghosts Array and injected into Chu Xun's body.

Chu Xun's body flickered like a star flickering in the darkness, with a breath of sorrow.

The corners of his mouth are slightly raised, and practicing again is a light road, and the speed and effect are better than he thought.

After successfully entering the early stage of training, [Qinglong Ba Ti Jue] also reached a state of revolution.

This is thanks to his thousands of years of training experience.

The only regret is that he did not have a drop of Zulong's blood.

In fact, [Qinglong Overlord] is also called [Qinglong Nine Turns]. Nine turns correspond to the nine classes of the cultivators. If you cooperate with the ancestral dragon's blood, you can fight against the immortals of the same level by relying only on your physical body.

Chu Xun opened his eyes suddenly, the golden light flowing around his eyes, and he slammed a punch on the side of the stone wall. The whole little black room trembled violently, and the sharp stones on the wall were punched into powder.

Fortunately, although the Qinglong Pa body formula has only reached one revolution, it can withstand an impact force of 500 kilograms, which is temporarily sufficient on the earth.




The door of the small black room opened, and the sun came in.

"You can come out," Li Guanjiao shouted outside.

Chu Xun slowly walked out. At this time, it was dark, and ten hours passed in the blink of an eye during the cultivation.

Li Guanjiao had a momentary encounter, and he always felt that Chu Xun was a little different when he followed. Looking closely, Chu Xun is still thin and emaciated. He seems to be weak, but Li Guanjiao feels that way.


Return to cell 4027.

Li Guanjiao left a sentence and dared to make trouble again, and then left.

"Boy, what's it like?"

After Li Guanjiao walked away, Li Hu said with a grin on the neck of Lejin.

"pretty good."

Chu Xun walked to the bed and lay down, then closed his eyes.

Everyone's eyes were concentrated on Chu Xun, and his eyes were full of fierceness and murder.

They are waiting.

And Chu Xun is waiting-waiting for the late night.

Night fell and the willows on the moon.

Li Hu and others made gestures to each other and quietly surrounded Chu Xun in bed.

Just then, Chu Xun Huo Ran opened his eyes and a cold smile broke out at the corner of his mouth.

"Before midnight, can't you wait so hard?"

Li Hu and others were taken aback by Chu Xun, who suddenly spoke out.

Chu Xun sat up and looked at them coldly.

"You didn't sleep?" Li Hu was surprised. He didn't expect Chu Xun to be awake.

"I'm waiting for your hands." Chu Xun's voice was cold.

"You ..." Li Hu's face changed suddenly, how did Chu Xun know that they were going to do it tonight?

"How do I know? I certainly know, but the cost of knowing is just a little bit higher." Thinking of the humiliating death of the last life, died under these messy fists, the unknown is dead, and the suffocation in my heart Can't stop the surge.

Although he is born again, this incident is always a thorn in his heart. If he does not pull it out one day, the demon will always follow him.

"Who told you to do this?" This is what Chu Xun wants to know most, who will cause himself to die.

"Go down and ask King Yan." Li Hu was irritable and Chu Xun almost strangled him. Even if it was not an outside order, he had no intention of letting Chu Xun go.

Li Hu had practiced martial arts. He was the boss of a small gang before he went to jail. Regardless of the small size of the gang, Li Hu punched him with one punch. In the face of the thighs, Chu Huxun, whose arms were not thick, did not look at Li Hu at all.

Li Hu rushed forward with a stride, and his fist blasted towards Chu Xun's head with a strong wind.

If this punch is real, Chu Xun will not die or be disabled.

Others saw that Li Huquan was horrifying and horrifying, and they retreated, fearing that Pingba would suffer the disaster of Chiyu.

Chu Xun's eyes were cold and he reached out his hand, and Li Hu's fierce fist was stopped in the air.

Li Hu's face changed drastically. He felt that the punch was not like hitting Chu Xun's palm, but instead hitting a steel plate, his arm hurt and his body was paralyzed.

Others saw that Chu Xun only raised his hand to stop Li Hu's fist, and could not help but widen his eyes.

Chu Xun kicked out abruptly.

Li Hu was kicked by Chu Xun, smashing against the wall, and the severe pain almost made him faint.

The other prisoners were shocked, but did not expect that the fierce Li Hu was actually solved by Chu Xun.

Chu Xun moved again, like a ghost, and instantly hit six punches.

"Hmm ..."

Six other prisoners fell down at the same time and passed out.

Chu Xun walked over and looked at Li Hu sublimely.

"I ask you to answer, conceal one sentence, I make you worse off."

Li Hu nodded horribly.

"Who told you to kill me?"

"I ... I don't know."

Seeing Chu Xun's complexion changed, Li Hu was so frightened that he struggled to get up and kneel in front of Chu Xun, "I really don't know, please believe me."

Chu Xun didn't say a word, motioned him to continue.

"I committed a homicide, the death penalty. But the day after I entered this cell, someone brought me a message saying that I could save my life. But I had to follow their orders."

"Their order is to torture me, right?" Chu Xun sneered.

Li Hu's body shook, and he shrank his head subconsciously, and said carefully: "Yes, they made me torture you day and night, not for you to spend a day in peace, but I can't kill you. At first I didn't believe , But I should have been shot one week after I came in, but after a month, I didn't move, I believe them. "

"They just let you torture me, but why did you kill me?"

"It's not me, it's them, knowing that you will be released from prison tomorrow, and they want me to kill you tonight. Then we will arrange for us to release from prison." Li Hu said in a hurry.

"Have they received the same order?" Chu Xun pointed to the other prisoners who passed out.

"Yes." Li Hu nodded. "They also said ..."

"Say what?"

"They said, if we don't have a chance to kill you, we will feed this to you." Li Hu found a paper bag from the bottom of the bed.

Chu Xun took it and opened it. A white pill was placed under the nose and smelled.

Although he didn't know the name of the pill, Chu Xun knew it was a medicine for the nerves. If you eat it, your nerves will be greatly damaged. Even if you live then, you will become insane and become an idiot.

Who is using such a sinister method to deal with himself? Chu Xun exudes a strong killing.

Insanity ... Idiot ... Chu Xun's eyes flickered.

Haven't figured out how to deal with these people before? At this point I already had an idea in my heart.

Chu Xun threw a punch, and Li Huhen passed out without a hum.

Looking coldly at the others who passed out, Chu Xun walked to a person and crouched down, put his palm on his temple, a real yuan crossed, and then the second ... the third ... no exception!

Chu Xun's eyes did not have any feelings. After seven days, the latent Zhenyuan will erupt and these people will become idiots.

At that time, he had been released from prison.

