MTL - The Immortal Emperor Returns-Chapter 3 Return from prison!

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

The next day.

The gate of Kongshan Prison slowly opened.

"Lady, don't look back after you go out."

The old guard at the door told him that he had said this to everyone who was released, but someone came in again.

Chu Xun nodded, wearing the clothes he had when he was in prison three years ago, obviously one size smaller and far behind in style.

He walked briskly forward, and he knew that no one would pick him up.

In fact, one thing Chu Xun always wonders is, why haven't parents come to visit him after he has been in jail for three years?

Under Broken Soul Mountain, Fangyuan Barren is uninhabited, but Chu Xun didn't care.

Seeing a wood in front, walked straight in and quickly took off his T-shirt.

If anyone saw it, they would be startled.

Because the scars on Chu Xun's body were healing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the scabs fell off. After a while, the skin began to emit a luster like a jade ...

A few minutes later, Chu Xun walked out of the woods.

The sword eyebrows are light, narrow and bright eyes, and thin lips set off a perfect arc, with a little laziness and indifference to everyone and things.

No one would associate this handsome young man with the tortured Chu Xun in the prison.

Entering the refining period is equivalent to regenerating Nirvana and rebuilding the figure.

Chu Xun didn't change in prison because he was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble. Now it doesn't matter.

It is a hundred kilometers away from Gujiang City, and the journey of Chu Xun has to go one day.

But he was not in a hurry, walking like a leisurely stroll in the court.

As Chu Xun moved around, the airflow around seemed to be disturbed by the invisible big hands.

In fact, Chu Xun practiced while walking. Although the earth's aura is lacking, chat is better than nothing.



The roar of the engine! A black off-road vehicle appeared in Chu Xun's sight.

Hundred meters away in a blink of an eye.

The engine again made a arrogant roar, hitting Chu Xun like a mad bull.

Through the windshield, Chu Xun clearly saw that driving was a flat-headed, dark-skinned middle-aged man who was laughing at his exposed white teeth.

The off-road vehicle rushed past, followed by the harsh brake sound, and a beautiful flick stopped ten meters away.

The middle-aged man jumped out of the car, and the steel dagger in his hand glowed with cold light, looking alert.

Because he suddenly disappeared when he was about to hit.

The middle-aged man looks around with caution.

"Are you looking for me?"

The sound of Chu Xun suddenly heard from the roof, and the middle-aged man looked up like a snake bite.

"Do it in the daytime, isn't it too arrogant?" Chu Xun looked indifferent, and someone came to kill himself as soon as he was released from prison. Who is so impatient to kill himself?

The middle-aged man held the dagger tightly for a few minutes, staring at Chu Xun with alert. He scolded in his heart: "Bastard, isn't it a student who can't help himself?" But how did the other party behave like a student just now? "

"What to do? You misunderstood. I didn't expect someone on this road. I didn't notice that I almost hit you. I'm sorry ... misunderstanding ..." The middle-aged man accompanied the smiley face.

He felt very keen, and this keen sense saved his life several times. He noticed that Chu Xun was not easy. He accidentally fell here today, and he retreated.

Chu Xun's eyes stared at the middle-aged man.

"What about the dagger in your hands? Don't say it's for fruit cutting?"

The middle-aged man's face changed, looking at Chu Xun, "What do you want?"

"I should ask this sentence, right?" Chu Xun jumped off the roof and walked towards the middle-aged person step by step. "Who sent you to kill me?"

The middle-aged man's eyes flickered and he looked at Chu Xun who was close. There was a flash of sharp mans in his eyes, and the dagger in his hand stabbed towards Chu Xun's chest.

"go to hell."

Middle-aged man yells.

Chu Xun looked coldly at the stabbed dagger, slammed a punch, and came first.


The middle-aged man was bombarded with a punch, leaving an obvious punch in his chest.

"Since you don't want to say it, keep talking to Yama!"

Chu Xun looked indifferently at the middle-aged man who was almost ten meters away.

In the eyes of the Emperor, life is cheap like a ant!

"Want to kill me, come on! I'm waiting for you!"

Chu Xun whisper! A chilling killer emerged through the body.


A few hours later, the black off-road vehicle entered Gujiang!

In three years, Gujiang City has become more prosperous.

But Chu Xun couldn't care less about it, and drove all the way to drive the car into a high-end community.

Chu Xun's family is strong, his father Chu Tianhe and his mother Liu Ran are both executives of the same company.

But when Chu Xun stood in front of his house and knocked on the door with hope, he was told that he had changed hands.

Chu Xun seemed to be broken by a puddle of cold water in the head, and at the same time his heart was uneasy.

Immediately, Chu Xun drove to Tianyuan Group, and his parents worked in this company.

Chu Xun once went to Tianyuan Group with his father.

With memory, Chu found here.

The 22-storey building looks like it has just been renovated, and it is much more grand than before.

Chu Xun parked his car, stalled when he was about to enter the door, looked up in surprise at the roof.

"So bad."

On the top of the building, there was a large sword suspended by evil spirits, and there was a faint tendency to fall.

Disgrace is about Feng Shui. Chu Xun did not understand Feng Shui, but in his spare time he had practiced a mysterious book called 【天机 引】.

[Tianjiyin] has the same meaning as Fengshui. It can also be used to understand yin and yang. But [Tianji Yin] is more advanced, and with the improvement of Xiuwei, you can see many things that peek into Tianji.

Taking Chu Xun's current cultivation as the example, this [Tiger Guide] is also weak and pathetic.

Of course, this is just what Chu Xun thinks.

Chu Xun is just a little strange. It is reasonable to say that the Fengshui Division must have seen the day when such a building was started. But why is it so bad?

However, it doesn't matter to him. Chu Xun stepped into the building and went straight to the reception desk.

Not far away, two security guards watched him alertly.

"who are you looking for?"

The receptionist was very beautiful and asked with a professional smile on his face.

"Please help me find Chu Tianhe Chu manager in your personnel department. If he is not there, you can also find manager Liu Ranliu in your sales department."

Chu Xun's voice was a little urgent.

The receptionist glanced at Chu Xun in surprise, and said, "Manager Chu and Manager Liu resigned a year ago."

Chu Xun's heart gave a sting.

"Then do you know why they resigned?"

The receptionist shook his head politely! Don't say that she doesn't know, even if she knows, she can't tell someone who has nowhere to come.

Just then, the elevator next to it rang!

Two men and one woman came out.

"Hello Chen Dong! General Bai!"

The receptionist and the two security guards could not help but stand upright and say hello in unison.

"Oh! You can't go ..."

The receptionist's words were not finished, Chu Xun had walked over and stopped in front of the three.

The two security guards startled, grasped the rubber stick in their hands, and hurried to the past.

Someone blocked the way, the three of them lagging behind and looked at Chu Xun with disappointment.

"who are you?"

Chen Hanlong frowned at Chu Xun.

"I'm here to find someone. It looks like you should be senior executives of the company. I just have some questions for you."

Chen Hanlong's face was even more displeased, and Shen said, "Fuck! You should go to the front desk to find someone, and stop us from doing anything?"

"Dong Chen, I'm really sorry! This man has a mental problem, and we'll get him away."

The two security guards rushed over and nodded and said. Their duty is to protect the security here, and now this person ran into the chairman. If the chairman is unhappy, their job will be smashed.

Chen Hanlong nodded! What was his identity, he was stopped and questioned, and he was very upset.

Two security guards reached out to pull Chu Xun's arm, trying to drag him out.

Chu Xun shook his arms and flew out of the two security guards.

"Answer my question, I can protect your life! Otherwise, if you go out of this door, you will have a **** disaster." Chu Xun said coldly.

I did n’t know where the evil spirit on the roof came from before? But now it is certain that it must be related to the person in front of him, because only three of them have a black line on his brows, which is a sign of disaster.

Of course, outsiders don't see this black line at all.

After Chu Xun's words came out, the three were more certain, and the security guards were not false. This person really had a mental problem.

Chen Hanlong was even blue. He started out as a black man and then bleached. The radon in his bones was still there. I was cursed for no reason, and I was really upset. Had it not been for his self-confidence, he would have left Chu Xunyi out.

"Call the psychiatric hospital." Chen Hanlong turned to the receptionist at the front desk, and then shouted at the two security guards who had just got up: "Show me good, or you won't be used to work tomorrow."

The receptionist and the two security guards nodded in a hurry.