MTL - The Immortal Emperor Returns-Chapter 4 Deserve it!

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Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the return of Xiandi!

Chen Hanlong snorted and greeted the other two towards the door.

It was the woman in a white professional uniform, whose waist and hips passed by Chu Xun, stopped slightly.

Chu Xun was silent, watching the three men leaving through the glass door.

"What a shame!"

Chen Hanlong was out of anger.

"Chen Dong, be careful ..."

The woman behind him suddenly screamed and shoved him in the back.

Chen Hanlong fluttered for a few steps, before he stood still, he only heard a "bang"!

Then came a scream.

When he stood still and turned his head to look, his face was horrified, and his legs were weak.

The woman pushing him fell to the ground and shivered.

The man walking next to him fell into a pool of blood, and half of his body was pressed under a large sky.

Heaven, of course, is Tianyuan.

The four large characters of Tianyuan Group are made of iron. Each character is more than two meters tall and weighs four or fifty pounds. The roof of the expansion screw that is welded by 50 cm with electric welding is not able to blow even the strong wind of class 12. Move, but suddenly fell.

If it wasn't for the woman pushing him, Chen Hanlong would have determined that he had become meat sauce.

Looking up, Tianyuan Group is missing one word in the four words.

A chill ran along the tail bone straight up to the Tianling Cap, and Chen Hanlong shivered. The other words seemed to be shaking in his eyes, as if he was about to fall on him at any time.

He suddenly thought of what the young man said. Looking subconsciously, he just passed Chu Xun's eyes through the glass door.

At this point, the entire building was in chaos.

The staff inside heard that something went down and looked down with their necks stretched out.

Coincidentally, the mental hospital was here.

However, he did not receive the so-called mental patient, but he just rescued the man who was trapped under the sky and temporarily rushed to the hospital as an ambulance.

Chen Hanlong's legs were soft like noodles, and he shouted to the ground.

This was completely frightened. When the crowd lifted the word of Tian just now, the legs of the man underneath separated, and he was broken by the metal word stiffly.

The two security guards couldn't bear to see Chu Xun, and hurried over to help Chen Hanlong. This is the best time to make a flatterer.



Chu Xun was invited to a luxurious reception room.

As for Chen Hanlong and the woman, they were helped in by security guards.

After seeing Chu Xun, after Chen Hanlong let the security guard leave, he stepped forward and usually kneeled in front of Chu Xun.

"I, Chen Hanlong, have no eyes, and offend Mr., and asked him to help me."

Chu Xun was silent, but he was a little funny. Chen Hanlong originally did not intend to kneel, it is estimated that his legs were weak and he knelt down involuntarily.

Sure enough, after finishing speaking, Chen Hanlong blushed and hurriedly got up and sat on the sofa beside him to hide his embarrassment.

Chu Xun's eyes moved to the woman with a pale face next to her, and she curiously said, "Are there any things like jade on your body?"

The woman froze for a while, and then hurriedly took off a necklace from her neck.

Sure enough, the necklace pendant is a jade buddha!

Chu Xun took the Jade Buddha and looked at Chen Hanlong and said lightly, "It seems you should not die."

After finishing speaking, he struck a finger on the jade Buddha.

Then in the shocked eyes of Chen Hanlong and the woman, cracks began to appear on the Jade Buddha, and finally broke completely.

"This Jade Buddha should have been blessed, which is what you call Kaiguang. Jade itself can purify the filth and blessing, so this lady would have such a quick response at that time and saved your life . "

"This jade Buddha was obtained by my grandmother from Fuyuan Temple, saying that it can avoid disasters and reduce disasters," the woman began.

"Thank you!" Chen Hanlong bowed to the woman. If it were not for the woman, he would have been dead.

"Chen Dong, you're welcome!" The woman stood up and said quickly, with a slight shyness on her face.

There was a hint of fun in Chu Xun's eyes, and it seemed that this lady Bai was interesting to Chen Hanlong! However, he would not go about doing what the matchmaker did.

"I have something to ask you." Chu Xun looked to Chen Hanlong.

"Sir, please."

At this point, Chen Hanlong dared to hold the shelf and said sincerely.

"I imagine you ask two people, one is Chu Tianhe and the other is Liu Ran. Do you know where they are?"

"Sister Liu Ran, are you looking for Sister Liu Ran?"

Before Chen Hanlong said anything, the woman exclaimed.

"you know?"

"Of course! I'm Sister Liu Ran pulled up by one hand." Speaking here, the woman was a little proud. "I was Sister Liu Ran's assistant when I first entered the company. Without her, I wouldn't be able to sit where I am today."

After the woman finished speaking, she realized that she had a lot of words and could not help but feel awkward.

"Is there anything wrong for the gentleman to find these two?" Chen Hanlong said in a timely manner.

"They are my parents."


Chen Hanlong and the woman stunned at the same time!

"You're Sister Liu Ran's son?" The woman looked at Chu Xun suspiciously, and said after thinking for a while, "But nothing looks like it!"

"What's not like?" Chu Xun asked subconsciously.

"Sister Liu Ran has a photo on her desk. I asked Sister Liu Ran that it was his son, called Chu Xun, but he looks nothing like you!" The woman said truthfully.

"I'm Chu Xun, like a fake replacement!"

At the beginning of the cultivation, the appearance will definitely change after washing the marrow and reborn. But he didn't need to explain to the two in front of him.

Chu Xun's gaze moved to the woman, "What's your name?"

"My name is Bai Jing!" The woman hurried back.

Chu Xun nodded.

"Do you know the whereabouts of my parents?"

Chen Hanlong and Bai Jing shook their heads at the same time.

"Since Liu Ran and Manager Chu resigned, they never contacted me again." Bai Jing said.

Chu Xun's look didn't change much. He had thought about this for a long time, but he didn't hear it or felt relieved.

"That being the case, I'll say goodbye!"

Chu Xun stood up and left.

Chen Hanlong was anxious, and hurriedly stood up. "Mr. stay away! Please sir, please let me not remember the villain, save me.

Chu Xun did not want to bother with this matter, but after thinking about it, he might use this Chen Hanlong in the future, and nodded.

"I need to go to the rooftop to see."

"Sir, please!" Chen Hanlong hurriedly led the way.

The three went to the rooftop.

Chu Xun's eyes were narrowed, and the large sword turned into a spit by a dozen meters away had solidified, all the surrounding spit rushed over to this side.

When Chen Hanlong got up to the rooftop, he felt uncomfortable, as if the blade was on his neck. This feeling was very real, and his blood was solidified. For a while, his face was pale and he didn't dare to move.

Bai Jing was better, but she was covered with hair and her face was unnatural.

"Feel it?" Chu Xun asked Chen Hanlong looking.

Chen Hanlong nodded in a hurry and asked urgently, "Sir, what's going on?"

Chu Xun also couldn't figure out his mind. He could see the big sword turned into evil spirits, which was because of the cultivation of immortals, and that he had cultivated [Tianji Yin].

But he is not a detective.

Theoretically, there should be so much sunshine and air circulation on the roof, shouldn't there be so much evil?

"Just think about it, what happened here in recent months?"

Chen Hanlong and Bai Jing glanced at each other, looking very unnatural, but shook their heads at the same time.

"Since you don't want to say it, just wait for death!" Chu Xun sneered, turned and walked away, and to put it plainly, Chen Hanlong didn't care about life or death.

"Sir stay, I said, I said ..."

Seeing that Chu Xun was about to leave, the sweat of Chen Hanlong's forehead came out and hurried out.

"I'm not afraid of the joke, this is indeed a bit difficult to tell." Chen Hanlong said after thinking about it for a long time. "Just last month, a female employee of the company jumped from here."

"Cause?" Chu Xun would not believe that someone would die for no reason.

"It's all this **** old Liu ..."

Chen Hanlong told the story again!

The deceased was named Chen Wan, who was married. She was a female employee of the company and looked gorgeous. Lao Liu is a director of the company and likes women, especially young women.

The beautiful Chen Wan was followed by the old Liu. At the company meeting last month, the old Liu was so brave that she raped her after giving Chen Wan medicine.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world, and this is a rumor in the company. Chen Wan's husband did not know how to know, and divorced Chen Wan.

Chen Wan could not bear the humiliation, and finally jumped down from the top of the building.

"Old Liu? Is that the man who was with you before?"

"That's him!" Chen Hanlong replied.

Chu Xun sneered, before thinking that the man had been wronged, now it seems that he deserves it.

However, since it was Lao Liu's fault, why did causality fall on Chen Hanlong?

"You haven't done anything in this matter?" Chu Xun asked coldly, staring at Chen Hanlong.

"I ..." Chen Hanlong didn't dare hide it, and sighed, "After Chen Wan's death, her family came to the company to make trouble. I was afraid to affect the company's image, so I sent someone out of Gujiang.

That's it!