MTL - The King of The Worlds-v8 Chapter 3 End this 1 cut

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Theoretically speaking, a single secret can be sanctified. But Qin Yi has created every mystery to the limit. Although he is now at the pinnacle of the Hualong mystery, he has been able to fight against the existence of the mysterious fairyland.

The talents of the ancient deity of the barren wasteland are also extremely powerful. Before the ancient wasteland, this special constitution was not cursed, making his practice extremely smooth and skyrocketing all the way.

This body has been built to his current limit.

"Go one step further and you will be able to step into Sendai!"

The middle-aged man sighed, his eyebrows were paler than before.

Qin Yi can see this father for a long time, sitting on the edge of a meteorite or on the mountain of a certain star, looking up at the endless distant universe. And every time he looked back, a look of fatigue and drowsiness appeared between his expressions.

He didn't understand where this emotion came from, but suddenly, in his heart, he felt a little sad.

"I thought of this, rebuilding the four mysteries, and then stepping into Sendai!"

"Before, it was a little imperfect!"

After a long while, Qin Yi sank.

"Your talent exceeds me too much, I can no longer point you, after entering Sendai, I can only rely on myself!"

Middle-aged man smiled.

In his view, the four mysteries of this son are perfect and inferior to him. If the other party realizes the enlightenment smoothly, and then goes through some battles, goes straight into Sendai and rises all the way, soon he will not be weaker than the standard emperor!

The speed of such practice is unprecedented.

Perhaps, the young man in front of him really has the attitude of an emperor. One day, the other party will even move towards an unprecedented state.

However, he may not see it anymore.

"Thank you for your care and guidance for so many years."

Qin Yi said sincerely.

From the perspective of blood relationship, the two sides are father-son relationship, but the communication between them is equal. The father of the Eucharist is very open-minded, and even if he treats his son, he will not have the slightest supremacy, and everything will be communicated with him equally.

Such a father also gave him endless convenience.

Qin Yi knew nothing about the exchange between the two people for ten years, but also in cultivation. Others, including the other's family, his mother, and other surviving people.

不 He doesn't ask, and the other party won't mention it.

"My help to you is limited. The cultivation method is mysterious and mysterious. Although the Holy Body has its own special convenience, it is called invincible."

"But when you reach the top, the bottleneck you encounter will be even greater than ordinary people, and enlightenment is almost impossible!"

The middle-aged man sighed.

He looked at the distant starry sky and made a sound after a long time.

"I'm fast, I can't accompany you anymore. In this turbulent era, no one knows what will happen in the future, and what moment can I live!"

He froze for a while, and he was Tao again.

"I've been resting for too long these years. My people, loved ones, give their lives, and fight for this time for you and me."

"You haven't let me down. I have been with you for so many years. I even believe that when you go straight to the sky, you will definitely change this era."

The words of the middle-aged man, with a smile, eyes look forward.

Such a talent is almost unprecedented, as long as you do not die, it is almost inevitable.

"Are you leaving?"

Qin Yi Road.

"I should be going."

"The limit is coming, and turmoil is coming."

"I, the dying man, should shine his own light."

"If I can end this era, then the future will definitely belong to you!"

"If you can't, in the future, you can only rely on yourself!"

The middle-aged man stood up, his eyes always staring at the distant starry sky.

Wu Qinyi looked down his eyes, and judged that this was the route they took, and it should be the hometown of a middle-aged man.

"I go back with you!"

Qin Yi said.

"When you go back, don't do anything, don't speak, just watch quietly."

"This war is still too dangerous for you!"

声道 Middle-aged man said in a deep voice.

Next, there will be a battle of body fall. He was afraid of his son's impulse, and buried a great future.

"I will not!"

Qin Yi Road.

"I believe you can control your emotions. You have been smart since your childhood and you have a good mind. You will be able to grasp everything!"

道 Middle-aged man said.

Subsequently, the two got up and, under the leadership of the middle-aged man, turned into two lights, and flew towards the section of the starry sky quickly.

Qi Qinyi is still practicing in this light.

Twenty years later, he made up all the gaps in the four secret realms, and then stepped into the realm of Sendai. The shining brilliance permeated, and the strong and ancient vicissitudes shocked the middle-aged men flying ahead.

"Do you step into the king in one step? My son is really strong! The cultivation of the mystery has reached its peak!"

After Xun entered the king, the breath of Qin Yi's body has not yet dissipated, and continues to grow.

"He has come to enlightenment, Xiu Wei can still rush up!"

The middle-aged man saw that he was a little shocked.

Qin Yi's talent is too terrible. The cultivation speed of Sendai's secret realm is even faster than before!

Another year later, Qin Yi is already known as a semi-sacred powerhouse. Based on his heritage, a middle-aged man judges that he can fight against saints!

It was also this year that they finally returned to their home star.

Unlike the pre-departure period, the mother star was withered at this time, and there was a sorrowful atmosphere everywhere. The middle-aged man looked low, walking silently on the streets full of ruins.

His departure left his clan and the star people into a deadly battle, and they were badly damaged.

Qi Qinyi finally woke up from the practice at this time, watching the tragic situation here quietly, with a heavy heart.

He knew that it was because of his birth that this emperor star would fall, and the Great Eucharist is comparable to that of the emperor. Only a middle-aged man such as a tribe with a worldly reputation would suffer.

不必 "Don't have to be sad, they died, they've given you time."

"With your talent, they will not let them die, in vain!"

The middle-aged man was sad, but still turned to comfort Qin Yi.

Qin Yi silently, he glanced at everything in the field quietly, an inexplicable emotion surged in his heart ~ ~ let him clenched his hands.

In the once glorious palace, there is now a scar, and only some old, weak and disabled soldiers are left there.

I saw the middle-aged man and Qin Yi, these remaining people rushed over with grief and joy.

"Finally back, you are finally back!"

"Dark and turbulent, they have sacrificed more than a dozen planets in blood, countless souls!"

"Blood rain bleeds vacuum, the universe is dyed red!"

惨 "Misery! Too miserable!"

The middle-aged man opened his eyes and bit his teeth.

After a short while, he shook himself up into the sky.

"I'll end it all!"