MTL - The King of The Worlds-v8 Chapter 4 Bloody Sky

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A quarter of an hour after the middle-aged man left, the majestic energy fluctuations oscillated in the starry sky.

He followed closely, and the screams shook the world, and a mist of blood bloomed like a nebula.

Outside the ruined palace, old men of the same family as Qin Yi reached out and the sight of the stars appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Wu Qinyi glanced at this person and found that the other person was higher than himself and had reached the realm of saints.

The old man was even more shocked, and was extremely shocked at Qin Yi's speed of practice. But this time is not the time to speak. There are countless figures around, and the body is full of majestic energy fluctuations, flying over and around the eyes.

"His Royal Highness!"

They saw Qin Yi and saw each other's face resembling a middle-aged man, they were a little surprised, and then said in respect.

Qin Yi nodded, then put his eyes on the scene in front of him.

In the deep starry sky, a figure walked forward, ripples under his footsteps rippled, and for an instant I didn't know how many distances to cross, he could cross the Xinghe in a blink of an eye, faster than usual. Not far from his side, a blood-colored nebula hovered, turning into a vortex, exuding a bright light.

After the death of a supreme-class strongman, the blood mist transformed by him was full of vitality and vitality like a galaxy during his lifetime. After his death, this earth-shattering vision was revealed and shocking.

The middle-aged man has a cold-faced expression, and his eyes are full of anger. The killing intentions are like raging rivers. Even though he looks at his hazy scene across an endless distance, he can still feel the anger in his body.

The Dai people died tragically. One family member left, the human planets became dust, the universe became a river of blood, and everywhere was filled with trance. This tragic situation has made this contemporary human race supremely angry.

He will burn his whole life, burn all his fighting power, and end this war, this turmoil.

The golden light shrouded it, and the whole body was covered with waves of waves. The majestic atmosphere was trembling in the hearts of everyone across the endless distance.

In the faint faintness, Qin Yi seemed to see a vast golden ocean, and golden lotuses appeared, rising and falling with the bitter sea.

Amidst the golden ocean, a full moon rises in the sound of the waves, and it takes care of the whole ocean.

He followed closely, a majestic and immortal king of immortal shores, standing on the top of nine days and looking down, crushing everything, suppressing everything.

The bitter sea-growth golden lotus, the bright moon at sea, the immortal king comes nine days!

This kind of vision surrounds the whole body of the middle-aged man of the Great Eucharist, which shocks the entire universe and allows people to feel its terrible power over a long distance.

"The Great Eucharist can fight the Emperor!"

Qi Qinyi's heart was also shaken and stirred by this power.

He has cultivated every mystery to the extreme, but it is still impossible to achieve the weather of the other party.

In a blink of an eye, the Great Sanctuary already crossed the endless galaxy and came to a blood-colored planet. He looked down, his eyes bloomed like a dazzling beam of light.

All of a sudden, this scarlet planet was shrouded in it.

In the eyes of Lu Dacheng's holy body, the intention of killing is more vigorous, and the whole body has a huge force.

Ahead of him, a figure suddenly appeared, footsteps, intertwined with all kinds of truth and reason, ripples in the void.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I have become a holy body, and my life is not infinite. You are almost here, and sooner or later you will find me!"

The figure in the dark shrouded in darkness, the voice was cold, shaking the void.

"Blood sacrifice hundreds of millions of souls, just to continue life? Really disgusting."

"Ever and others were once worshipped by all peoples, received hundreds of millions of incenses, and blessed lifelong heroes and heroes who have fallen to this day."

He shouted loudly.

"We just want to live."

"You wait with me to continue your life, we live and wait for the fairy gate to open."

"The lives of billions of souls are worthless, and it is their honor to allow such a supreme being to survive."

沉 said the man in the dark shadow.

"You are ashamed of that immortal immortal, for the sake of stealing a living!"

"Lost the glory of the past and covered your face, but you cannot hide the heinous sins you have committed."

"The darkness of turmoil comes through you, and you bear the sins of the slaughter!"

Wu Dacheng's holy body is full of anger, his body is full of breath, and his strength has been brewing to the peak.

This terrifying breath has burned everything, and all the brilliance is about to erupt.

"The human desolate ancient body is really powerful, comparable to the emperor."

"This kind of constitution is against the sky, you will be cursed. From then on, the Holy Body will not exist, the path of cultivation will be blocked, and the human race will be reduced to the food of all nations!"

He sneered at the man in the dark shadow.

"Then you die first!"

Xun Dacheng's holy body could not bear it. He shot first, carrying infinite Tianwei in one punch, shaking the void and blasting fiercely.

"Different ways do not work together. Since you don't want to live, then we will send you to the West!"

"The eight Eucharists were dead before you, but you still don't learn a lesson."

"It's sad, sorry!"

的 The man in the dark shadow also shot. His instrument was a ruler, emitting a radiant light, turning into a stern light, blinking for thousands of miles, and directed at the Eucharist.


The silent light spread, the blood-colored star split directly in the collision between the two, and the explosion of the city shattered.

Qi Qinyi and all the old people, watching all this, clenched his fists, everyone was extremely nervous.

Endless distant starry sky, the two powerful men in the world are engaged in an unimaginable war.

Lu Dacheng burned himself, the golden light was shining like a star, and his own light was blooming, while the other party was also not weak, and he battled with the Eucharist again and again.

偷 The man who has survived from Gulago and survived to this day is also a world man who is not inferior to the Eucharist. He once enjoyed the glory of all nations, but now he hides his face and commits evil to survive.

"Victory! Victory!"

Xi Qinyi heard that the people next to him were gritting their teeth and praying.

Soon, the results came out.

The body of Lu Dacheng's body is full of vitality and envelopment in the dark. The person who arrived in the dark has already arrived a long time ago, but is still renewing his life. He is soon boxed by the body and followed by his hands.


A large swath of blood rain splattered the sky, and the **** glory swept the stars.

"Choose !!"

Wu Dacheng's holy body hangs up in the sky and grows stronger.

An ancient Supreme, he was torn directly in half.

This shocking scene made Qin Yi's elders jump excitedly.

I am a group of saints ~ ~ Sendai above the secret realm, but now happy and excited like a child.

Qi Qinyi also smiled at the corner of his mouth.

But soon, everyone's smiles disappeared.

Because I don't know when, in front of the Dacheng Sacred Body, there are two strong men shrouded in shadow.

"You are really strong, but different, you have to die!"

"The path to the Eucharist is broken. Since you are, the ancient times are hard to continue. The sky is changing!"

Wu Dacheng's holy body said nothing, staring at the two men in front of him, looking dignified.

He knows that the next battle will be more difficult.

Can I cut them off and take a step forward to clear obstacles for future generations and deter the restricted area?

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