MTL - The King of The Worlds-v8 Chapter 5 The limit is coming

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The golden light filled up, shining like a star, emitting a hot glow.

Lu Dacheng's body is like a rainbow, a vision blooms, a golden bitter sea covers the sky, and golden lotuses emerge, filling a solar system.

The powerful force, the terrifying universe starry, shuddered and shuddered.

He held a mysterious battle secret and stood in the sky against two ancient murderers.

The battle between the three men was silent and silent, but it was fierce and powerful, and the strength was huge, and the ripples came out.

Outside the ruined palace, Qin Yi watched the battle calmly.

An endless brilliance blooms in the hands of a middle-aged man. Each brilliance represents an invincible law, interweaving Tao and reason, which contains the strange lines and trends of Tao.

Qi Qinyi observes these truths emphatically, in contrast to self-understanding.

Every collision between such big men can make him learn a lot.

The practice system of Wu Xuan's fantasy civilization is completely different from the world he experienced in the past. He went to this world in order to start a new civilization and learn the uniqueness of this world.

Gradually, the three men fought against the stars, and the endless potential of the Great Eucharist erupted. With one person against the two ancient emperors, he killed his face crazy.

Bright and shining, the galaxy collapses.

Suddenly, the blood rain was thrown and turned into a long river, and the extremely bright blood eruption erupted.

In front of the palace, countless people exclaimed. They saw a piece of flesh and blood on the body of Dacheng, the blood rain turned into a galaxy.

Qin Yi's eyes were slightly stunned, and he was a little worried.

处 For nearly a hundred years, this invincible powerhouse left a deep impression on him. Qin Yi had a good impression on him, and he did not want the other party to die.

But with his strength at the moment, he can't intervene in this war at all.

In the starry sky, the three continued to fight. Under the pain of the Dacheng Eucharist, he shouted from heaven. When he was angry, he broke out with all his strength, grabbed one of his heads with one hand, and yanked.

"嗤嗤 嗤嗤!"

The blood rain blew once again, and Xinghe suddenly flashed. It seemed that the man could hear the sound of pain and sorrow across the endless distance.

In the picture, the skull of the ancient emperor shrouded in the shadow was torn, leaving only a trace of scalp connected.

It became a holy body, and it was a fierce mess.

But the man was physically strong and had an amazing ability to recover. Another man came forward to stop him. The man took the opportunity to step back and recover quickly.

A dull burst of sounds came from the starry sky, pulsating the entire universe and affecting the hearts of all humans.

After an hour, Dacheng's holy body was cut off at the waist and roared again and again.

The blood-stained Xinghe reappeared, and a sorrowful sound rang out in the universe, with light scattered, illuminating the dark starry sky.

"Cut another one!"

In front of the broken palace, the saints yelled excitedly, their eyes were tearful, their complexion was red, and they were inspiring to the extreme.

Qi Qin Yi was calm and stared at the picture.

He saw that the wounds on the waist of the Dacheng Eucharist did not heal, and with the amazing healing power of the ancient Eucharist, this was impossible. The only possible reason is that the middle-aged man himself has also been hit hard.

In the following battles, it was obvious that the combat strength of the middle-aged man was declining. He was sweating again and again, but was hit hard again and again, and his mouth spit blood.

In front of the broken palace, their people wiped their tears, and they shouted.

"Tear two ancient emperors in one life, supreme, great holy body, invincible!"

"Glory to die!"

"This battle will deter the restricted area, make them tremble, do not dare to attack!"


Everyone knows that the Dacheng Sacred Body has done his best. He killed two ancient emperors who have existed since ancient times with no one knowing how old they are.

Nowadays, he has been seriously injured, and it is difficult to support him.

Qin Yi's eyes flickered and she felt emotion.

The enemies of the Great Eucharist are all at the same level as him, and even some people are even stronger than him when he is alive. But in this station, he burned himself, sublimated as much as possible, and even killed two people.

Today, there is only one person in the field. They collided with each other and killed extremely cruelly.

Blood rain is always spraying, there are some of the Eucharist and others.

Twenty-three days and three nights later, **** rivers floated around the two.

The ancient Supreme shrouded in the dark mist seemed to be afraid, and he yelled.

"Why so? If this battle continues, you must die!"

"Come on, I will return to the restricted area later."

"The world will change. If you die, the path of the Eucharist will be completely cut off. Who will wait for the future race?"

Wu Dacheng's holy body looked up, his blood-stained robe was thick, his eyes were dazzling, and he was wary.

"You are also a human being, so shameless you can do such a bad thing!"

"Even if my blood is stained on this blue sky, I will let you wait for the first evil!"

At the end of the discourse, the Dacheng Sacred Body slammed again, and the offensive was even more severe.

"You lunatic!"

The man yelled and yelled.

He has a hunch, and if he fights again, even though the opponent will die, he may not be able to survive.

This is a battle to end everything, how unfair it is to him who sacrifice his life.

Soon after, one of his legs was torn off by the Great Sacred Body, and blood rain was flowing, followed closely by his right chest and lungs. He was pierced again, and a gloomy palace emerged.

"Even the Tao Palace cultivated is so gloomy and secretive that you can no longer be called a human!"

Da Dacheng sneered.

The man snarled in anger and fought desperately.

The two continued to collide, and the body of Dacheng's holy body became more and more injured. He was carrying faith and carrying the entire human race, and his warfare became increasingly high.

Xun Ning would dedicate himself, and he would also strive for a future for the later peoples, so as not to let these dark age guys attack.

At last, the supreme figure in the shadow, torn an arm again, completely lost the opportunity to resist.

Pantai Chengsheng is panting, and will seize this opportunity to step forward to end this battle.

But at this moment, a dark shadow in the starry sky not far away turned into a streamer, stepping over a few steps.

"The human race has a character like you ~ ~ It really makes me wait and admire."

"But that's it!"

Within the starry sky, the sound of Wei'an spread, rippling ripples.

He followed closely, and Heiguang suddenly ran for a moment. He came behind the Eucharist and penetrated his right chest instantly.

Wu Dacheng's body was stiff, and the shadow in front of him was supreme, and he quickly seized the opportunity to pull away from the other side, breathing heavily.

Almost, almost, he is going to be a **** galaxy in this universe to nourish everything in the universe!

But at this moment, since he is not dead, the dead is the other party!

"You are almost here!"

Squinting his eyes and exposing his eyes, the two shadows surrounded the Great Eucharist in the middle.

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