MTL - The Legend of Futian-Chapter 5 Feng Qingxue's decision

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In a blink of an eye, more than twenty days passed, and two figures in Houshan stepped down and returned to Qingzhou Academy.

There are no small changes in Xie Ye Futian, his eyes have become more energetic, and his body is better. Walking on the bluestone road of Xue Gong, he has a feeling of dreamlikeness, like leaving for a long time.

"This guy has been hiding for so long and finally came back."

"There are still eight days left for the autumn exam. I probably can't hide it if I want to hide."

Many people in the Xue Palace whispered when they saw Ye Futian. What happened in the Qin Yi lecture hall more than 20 days ago has spread. The "legendary" who has not broken a scene for three years turned out to be the frivolous goddess Qin Shi. It is also fun to play with the wind and snow. Ye Futian's three words are now very loud in Qingzhou Xuegong.

"Someone seems to trouble me?" Ye Futian's hearing is more acute nowadays, even in a low voice.

"What do you think?" The rest of his life glanced at him sympathetically. Both Qin Yi and Feng Qingxue had first-rate looks. They were very popular in Qingzhou Xuegong, and there were many suitors, especially Qin Yi. After all, she was already Seventeen-year-old youth, hot body, this guy frivolous two beauties a day, how few people want to find him to settle accounts.

"It's all right, you are there anyway." Ye Futian shrugged.

"You can solve it by yourself now?" Dejected for the rest of his life, Ye Futian is now at the peak of his divine power, and his combat power may be even more arrogant than awakening to the sixth most incomparable realm.

"Be low-key." Ye Futian was carrying his hands swaying forward. The rest of his life looked at the shadowy figure in front of him. He used to awaken the first realm and shouted that he was a destiny mage. Now he is really a destiny mage, but should he be low-key? Can it be more shameless?

Soon after the two returned to the other courtyard, it turned out that someone was walking in the direction of the other courtyard they were in, and more than one group of people.

The two groups of people seemed to be coincidental. When they met, they glanced at each other, their eyes were sharp, they collided in the air, and then they went to the other courtyard.

"It is the people of the Knights of Budo Palace and the people of the Magic Palace." Many people came towards this side, exposing the strangeness. Those who came were all the disciples of Qingzhou Xue Palace, from the Knights and the Magic Palace. It's not that simple to be jealous.

Qingzhou Xuegong Budo Palace has battle towers, sword pavilions, and knights. There are seven major palaces in the magic palace. One of them is wearing silver clothes and is shining. It is from the knights in the name of training powerful knights.

The other person is wearing a gold shirt, which is exactly the same as silver. This is a mage from the Golden Palace, the magic palace.

"Brother Mo Lanshan, the Samsung Glory Knight; Brother Han Ye, the two-star glory Master of the Gold Department, they came at the same time." Some people recognized the two heads of the people, and their hearts were a little stunned, and then they understood why they were both Come.

Hey, what a big face!

Xiu Budo Palace and Shu Fa Palace came at the same time, naturally they did not come to Ye Futian.

In the other courtyard, Ye Futian stood aside, watching the rest of his life standing in front of the two parties, with a faint smile on his face. The guy who always stood behind him, his glory, after all, could not be covered up. Yes, and in the future, it will be even more dazzling. To this point, he is extremely convinced, just like the rest of his life believes in him.

In the previous lecture hall, Sister Qin Yi said that the rest of her life can choose the martial arts palace and the magical palace arbitrarily without participating in the spring festival next year. At that time, he wondered whether the above people would take the initiative to solicit, and now it really comes.

"You go out first." Mo Lanshan said lightly, Ye Futian naturally understood this sentence to say to him, smiled slightly, and didn't care, so he walked out of the other courtyard.

Many people are gathered outside the Tongbei courtyard at this moment. There are thousands of disciples outside the Qingzhou Academy, and the number of disciples who can be actively recruited by the Academy every year does not exceed the number of hands. There is no shortage of envy.

"The rest of my life is about to become an official disciple of Xuegong, but he will be expelled from Xuegong. It is a joke." Everyone saw Ye Futian alone, and did not hide his voice. Now the people in Xuegong are very unhappy with him. many.

"It's only three years since he was sheltered for the rest of his life. Otherwise, he might not be able to stay in the school anymore."

"I'm a little looking forward to this time, what kind of performance he will have in this autumn exam." Someone said with a smile.

"Instead of worrying about me here, think about yourself, how to cope with the next autumn exam, if the performance is too bad, I'm afraid it will lose face." Ye Futian leaned against the wall and said casually. .

"It's arrogant."

"Sure enough, the rumor is true." Many eyes stared at Ye Futian, seeing that the rest of his life that would follow him would become a formal disciple of Xuegong. He didn't have any shame?

Ye Futian closed his eyes and was too lazy to listen to those voices. It didn't take long for someone to walk out of the courtyard. People from the Knights led by Mo Lanshan walked beside Ye Futian. Then, Mo Lanshan's footsteps He paused.

"I heard that the father of the rest of your life is a steward in your family?" Mo Lanshan asked lightly, without looking back, he didn't know where to look.

"Yes." Ye Futian nodded.

"The worldly life will surely constrain people's horizons, but fortunately, with age, they will naturally understand more and more. After all, they are not a world person. How proud you are now, how humble you will be in the future. Those who have been with you There have been intersections, and in the future, you will not even have the right to look up. "Mo Lanshan said coldly, and when the voice fell, he took another step forward, his figure gradually disappeared.

From beginning to end, he did not look at Ye Futian directly, as if dismissive.

Xie Ye Futian looked a little puzzled at the departing figure. He believed that the rest of his life would not be easily decided without asking his opinions. Why would Mo Lanshan ridicule himself since he knew the relationship between him and the rest of his life? It seems that he and he have never met, right?

The people in Xunshu Palace also came out, and Han Ye looked at the disappearing figure in front of him, then his eyes fell on Ye Futian, and he smiled and said, "Even sister dares to make fun of you, you have the courage."

"Eh ..." Ye Futian was speechless, but this matter has already passed on to the official disciples in Xue Gong?

"Mo Lanshan is a member of the Knights of the Budo Palace. Although Qin Yi practiced in the sword pavilion, he was also considered to practice in the Budo Palace." Han Ye left after a word, Ye Futian's eyes flashed, his heart was like a mirror. That's it.

Xie Ye Futian returned to the other courtyard, the rest of his life saw him coming and wanted to speak.

"Don't think about it, so I want you to make a choice. I'm so sorry for your talent. Don't choose. If there is no follow-up, then they will understand what kind of genius you are!" He said casually, for the rest of his life, he saw Ye Futian didn't care about it at all, apparently he already had his own thoughts in his heart, and could not help but nodded.

He believes in him more than he believes in himself.

Uh ...

七 There are seven days to go before the autumn exam. In the early morning, the bell rang in Qingzhou Academy.

A group of figures walked out of the courtyard and converged in the same direction.

的 At this time of every year, the Qingzhou Xuegong will congregate outside students to announce something about Qiu Yi, and it is also a review before Qiu Yi's arrival.

Qingzhou Xuegong outside gate performance martial arts field is huge, can easily accommodate tens of thousands of people, even if the disciples outside the Xuegong come one after another, still looks empty.

The outside lecturers have arrived ahead of schedule. Qin Yi is wearing a tight-fitting clothing today, and she has set off her hot figure to the fullest. I don't know how many people have attracted the attention.

"That guy is here." At this moment, there was a small noise in the crowd, and many people looked in the same direction, where two figures came.

"I heard that yesterday, brothers from the Budo Palace and the Shufa Palace went to recruit the rest of their lives. Few people can afford such treatment. What qualifications does that guy have to walk in front of the rest of his life?" Many people looked at the legendary figure in front of them. Extremely unhappy, the future of the rest of his life will inevitably be a big man, but what about Ye Futian? Fear is the humblest being.

However, Ye Futian didn't seem to be conscious at all. How could other people understand his relationship with the rest of his life.

"Sister Qin." Ye Futian walked straight to Qin Yi, his eyes shining. No wonder that a glorious knight like Mo Lanshan would insult such a 'little person'.

When Qin Yi saw Ye Futian's face sank, he said, "Where have you been these days?"

"Natural practice has gone." Ye Futian said: "Since she agreed to Master Qin, of course, she must work hard to pass the autumn exam."

Jian Qinyi saw that Ye Futian was not like lying, and his face eased a bit. If it really can motivate him to practice, as long as the autumn exam is not too bad, maybe he can ask him to give him some time.

"Have you stepped into the refining environment?" Qin Yi asked.

"Sister, I have stepped into the realm of divine power." Ye Futian nodded seriously.

However, when he heard his words, Qin Yi's face suddenly cooled down, staring fiercely, she began to want to plead for him, and even believed his words.

"噗 呲 ......" Someone laughed next to him. Ling Xiao didn't know when he was not far away and looked at Ye Futian. "Sister Qin Yi, why don't you care about such a person."

"Ye Futian, there is really no time. If you still want to stay in the school, then you will work hard to enter the refining environment for the next seven days." Qin Yi was a little disappointed. It was a pity to think of the talent test three years ago. .

Ye Ye Futian seemed to be able to feel Qin Yi's mood, but a bright smile appeared on his face. At least, Sister really wished him well.

"Relax, sister, I won't let you down." Ye Futian's mouth evoked a proud arc, and the early morning sun fell on the handsome face that was still a little tender.

Qi Qinyi's heart was slightly warm, but she heard Ye Futian saying, "Sister promised me the conditions, but don't forget it."

"You are really ..." Qin Yi stomped angrily, turned and walked away, after all, she was only a seventeen-year-old girl.

Many people looked a little foolish, and then looked at Ye Futian more and more angry. There was still a bit of jealousy in his eyes. It was probably jealous that Ye Futian was able to joke with sister Qin Yishi so unscrupulously, although it was shameless ...

"Why waste time on such people." A male lecturer whispered to Qin Yi.

Qi Qinyi glanced at him and said, "In fact, he is very talented, and I don't understand why he hasn't broken the atmosphere for three years. Perhaps, this autumn exam, is there really a miracle?"

"I don't understand why you still have fantasies about him." The lecturer beside him shook his head and looked at Ye Futian's eyes very uncomfortably.

Ye Futian was also a little depressed at this moment, and said to the rest of his life, "Why is there no one to believe the truth?"

I glanced at him silently for the rest of my life. For more than twenty days, from gathering energy to divine power, who can believe?

"You and I will officially enter the palace next spring, should you help Qingxue's girl together?" Ye Futian asked.

For the rest of my life, I glanced at Feng Qingxue and then nodded. If I could practice with Ye Futian, Feng Qingxue would have the opportunity to awaken to the seventh mysterious realm before Spring Festival next year.

Xie Ye Futian found the place where Feng Qingxue was, and walked towards it. Many people involuntarily gave way, naturally because the rest of his life stood behind him.

But when approaching Feng Qingxue, there was a figure standing in front of him, Feng Qingxue's friend Murong Qing.

"Is there something wrong?" Murong asked coldly.

"I'm looking for Qingxue." Ye Futian laughed.

"I know, there is something, you can say it here." Murong Qing said again.

Ye Ye Futian looked up, ignored Murong Qing, and looked at Feng Qingxue: "I have something to tell you."

"You said the same thing there." Feng Qingxue's eyes dodged a little, and she didn't seem to dare to see Ye Futian's eyes.

"Qingxue, what does this mean?" Ye Futian wondered ~ ~ Don't understand, meaning Qingxue doesn't want to be too close to you, pay attention to size. "Murong said coldly.

Pu Ye Futian's pupils shrunk slightly, and his eyes suddenly became sharp, as if he were extremely serious, but Feng Qingxue kept avoiding him without looking at him.

"Forget it." Ye Futian's brow gradually stretched and whispered softly.

伏 "Futian wants you to practice with him in the future." The rest of his life suddenly said, his eyes were equally sharp.

Xie Ye Futian's eyes were stagnant and he looked at the rest of his life. He was never a talkative person, but the rest of his life at the moment seemed very angry.

Wu Fengqing Xue then looked up and saw the sharp eyes of the rest of her life, shouting timidly: "Brother of the rest of life."

Many eyes look towards this side. Ye Futian, invite Feng Qingxue to practice together? It is ridiculous that this guy is really crazy, but the person who said this was the rest of his life, and no one dared to intervene for a while.

"I know Qingxue respects you very much, but let Qingxue practice with Ye Futian. Do you think, Ye Futian, is he worthy?" Murong Qing looked at the rest of the road.

For the rest of her life, she never looked at her directly, ignored her words, and still looked at Feng Qingxue Road: "I want to know what you think."

She Fengqing Xuefen fist clenched, her body was shaking slightly. She looked at the rest of her life, then looked at Ye Futian, and shook her head seriously: "Elder brother, we are all grown-ups, still keep a distance."

When I said this word, she exhaled a long time, as if she had just made an important decision and became a lot easier, but she also knew that she would lose something.

Ye Ye Futian has been waiting for the answer. After seeing Feng Qingxue's decision, he shook his head with a bitter smile, and it really grew up!

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