MTL - The Legend of Futian-Chapter 6 There are dragons

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Wu Fengqingxue's answer To many people's expectations, Ye Futian even thought that he wanted to practice with Fengqingxue. Is this a disguised pursuit? There is really no self-knowledge.

Although many people know that the relationship between the two is good, probably because of years of friendship, this does not mean that we can cross the border. Feng Qingxue said that we are already adults, probably indicating our attitude.

"Have you been beaten?" Many people looked gloating, as if they had seen a good show.

Moreover, there is no room for myself at all.

Seeing the expressions of everyone, Ye Futian couldn't understand what they were thinking, a real story of dog blood, shook his head, and turned to leave.

"You ask like this from a large audience, there is really no choice for her." Ye Futian whispered softly.

"Since she acquiesced Murong Qing in front of you, she has already expressed some attitude. For your friendship for so many years, she said that she wants to keep a distance from you. What is this, no relationship?" lion.

"Young is always easy to be deceived. After all, she is only fifteen years old and knows what." Ye Futian didn't seem to be conscious of being beaten. On the contrary, he wanted to explain something for Feng Qingxue.

"Don't forget her words, her attitude is so decisive, why not give you a little face, now that a decision has been made, then this friendship ends here." The rest of his life said firmly, he was better than anyone Understand Ye Futian, there is a fiery heart under the cynical mask, especially for those around him, he wants to give her a chance regardless of everything Feng Qingxue just did.

But he didn't allow it. He had to guard something for Ye Futian, such as his pride and self-esteem. Of course he understood that Feng Qingxue had missed something just now.

He won't forget what his father said to Ye Futian. People can easily see some things when they are down, and these don't need to be concerned. When one day you shine, the whole world will make way for you.

Uh ...

At this moment, there was a loud noise from Yanwuchang, which attracted the crowd's attention. Ye Futian and the rest of his life turned to look there. I saw several figures coming from the sky in front of Yanwuchang. They turned out to be The wings were born, flapping in the void, and stopped over the Yanwu field.

"I am a master of the magic palace, a wind mage, condensing wings with wind-type spells, and flying in the air." Many people show their envy. The awakening is to break through the limits of human flesh and let the aura and flesh fit perfectly. Only When you step into the realm of glory and become a glorious mage, you can release various spells as you wish.

In the mainland of China, the status of mage is higher than martial arts practitioner.

飞行 Flying in the air in the realm of glory, only the wind mage can do it.

"Tianxiu Mountain has cleared an area. In this area, there will be no monsters beyond the realm of awakening. The next seven days will be the autumn hunting time before Qiuyu. You can go hunting and use this to Examine the results of one's practice over the past year, while hone your ability to combat and to deal with danger. "

A wind spell floating in the air said, "Sooner or later, you have to leave the school and have not experienced the trials of iron and blood. After all, you cannot really grow."

当然 "Of course, the safety of Qiu Hunting must still come first, so I hope you can go along and take care of each other."

Everyone nodded one after another. In the autumn hunting before the autumn festival, Qingzhou Academy will clear the field, which is safer than usual. Even so, there are some bold people who will enter Tianyao Mountain to practice themselves.

"In addition, the Qingzhou Academy will be open when the Qiuyu Examination arrives. Many people in Qingzhou will come to watch the ceremony. Your elders may also come. Then, do your best and don't let them down." The brothers of the Spellcraft Palace continued that these people naturally know that the Spring Festival and Autumn Festival every year are the most important events of Qingzhou Xuegong, and they are also important events for Qingzhou City.

Compared with Spring 闱, Qiu 盛 is a little bigger. Spring 闱 's main purpose is to select formal disciples, and only a few talents are the focus.

"Okay, let's get ready." The man waved his hand, and then the wings of the group instigated behind them, leaving this side, it seemed that they were heading towards Houshan.

Yan Yan Wuchang became lively in an instant, and many people gathered to discuss autumn hunting.

Don't miss this autumn hunting opportunity.

"Ye Futian, what do you think?" Qin Yi asked Ye Futian across the air.

"Sister Qin means?" Ye Futian looked at Qin Yi.

"Autumn hunting is an opportunity. You and the rest of your life should be very safe. You can take this opportunity to hone and see if you can break through." Qin Yidao.

"No." Ye Futian shook his head: "I am not going to participate in this autumn hunt."

After all, I just came down from Houshan not long ago, so there is no need to go again.

Yi Qin Yimei stared at him and said, "You are still young, don't affect your mood and become decadent because of some blows."

I thought of the lonely back when Ye Futian was rejected by Feng Qingxue before, Qin Yi was worried that he would be hit too hard.

Ye Ye Futian blinked, knowing that Qin Yi had misunderstood, and glanced at Qin Yi's figure, and whispered, "Sister, in fact, I'm not young anymore."

Qi Qin Yi looked at Ye Futian's eyes, then turned angry and said, "You are not saved."

When Ye Futian saw Qin Yi's angry look, the smile on his face became brighter and shouted, "Sister Qin, thank you."

Qi Qinyi paused, then continued to move forward.

"Very good, you can think about it." The rest of his life whispered, Ye Futian looked at him doubtfully: "What to consider?"

"Isn't it your candidate?" The rest of his life looked at Ye Futian very seriously.

"Forehead ..." Ye Futian rubbed his head, who was close to Zhu, and black to Mo.

Uh ...

The Qingzhou Xuegong became lively, and the mighty team set off toward Houshan. Many people were full of spirits. Such scenes appeared every year. A few days later, many of these vigorous figures would become decadent, and there were many Your heart will be overshadowed, and of course you will be hurt.

During the siege hunting, Qingzhou Xuegong will clear the field, but there are still powerful monsters of the seventh, eighth, and even nineth grade. These monsters will become a nightmare for some people.

The hunting is a trial and a baptism.

At the foot of Tianyao Mountain, people kept coming together to step into Tianyao Mountain. At this time, a group of people came to the foot of the mountain.

"Feng Qingxue." Many people noticed the young girl in that group. She was dressed in a fiery red shirt, and her face was beautiful and charming under the clothes, adding a little charm.

"Who is the person beside her?" Someone noticed that beside Feng Qingxue, besides her friend Murong Qing, there was actually a man with extraordinary temperament.

"That's Murong Qiu, Murong Qing's cousin, Murong Chamber of Commerce is a descendant of the ancestors, Xiu was reunited for the ninth awakening, and he went on a trial of autumn hunting with Feng Qingxue.

Many people think of a poor guy who was fiercely rejected, and can't help but shake his head. There is no self-knowledge.

Adult, keep distance? What is Murong Qiu?

If it was known by that guy, I don't know what it would be like.

"That guy was hit, I'm afraid that this autumn exam will be abandoned again." The crowd saw Murong Qiu and Feng Qingxue set foot on the back mountain, and whispered.

Ye Futian heard this from others shortly after, and some of them became inexplicably the tragic actor of this dog blood story. Although he had never thought of pursuing Feng Qingxue, he still had a little in his heart. Unhappy, nothing to do with love, just pure unhappy.

Of course, he wouldn't care too much, the next time, mainly used in spiritual practice, and strive to further strength when Qiu Yi arrived.

A few days later, in the courtyard, Ye Futian practiced quietly, and the fiery hot fire of the sun surrounded his body, smelting Ye Futian's meridian bones. He now possesses the soul of the sun and naturally practice fire properties.

Before the trials in Houshan, watching the trees and trees could perceive the rich aura of wood properties, while watching the waterfalls and waters could sense the aura of water properties, but they were not able to create the soul of the sun like watching the sun.

Is he too greedy? After all, that kind of situation is something you can't find.

With the sound of lame footsteps, Ye Futian stopped practicing, looked up at the rest of his life, and asked, "What's wrong?"

If there is nothing, the rest of his life will not disturb him.

"A lot of people came down from Houshan in the past two days, and there was a rumor in the academy that was full of excitement ~ ~ The rest of the life.

"What rumors?" Ye Futian was curious.

"In the place where Qingzhou Xuegong was cleared, some people said that they saw the dragon." The rest of his eyes burned.

"Dragon." Ye Futian's eyes flashed a bright light, the banned land was prepared for hunting, and someone saw the dragon?

Mo Mo said that it was a banned place. Even if a dragon appeared in the whole Tianyao Mountain, it was definitely a sensational news. If it is true, I am afraid it will cause an earthquake in Qingzhou City.

The dragon, a symbol of luck, is the sage of the demon, comparable to the sage of the emperor.

"Do you think it is true or false?" Ye Futian said to the rest of his life.

"Several people said they saw it with their own eyes. Today, Qingzhou Xuegong even prepares to clear the court and let the disciples return. If Xuegong really does this, it is very likely to be true."

"Go out and walk." Ye Futian stood up and walked towards the other hospital. In the past few days, many students have returned. Some people have not gone like Ye Futian. It is probably because they know that the realm is too low and dangerous. No monster can deal with it.

When the two came to Houshan, they found that many people came down from the mountain and formed a group, which was obviously abnormal.

Xie Ye Futian and the rest of his life looked at each other. Someone who looked down at the mountain asked, "What happened?"

"Bad monsters broke into the forbidden area, the teachers let us go down the mountain and don't go again." Someone responded.

"What harms the monster, the teacher can't kill directly?" Someone said in surprise.

"It is said that it is a thunder python. It has been practicing for many years, and it is terrible. It has not been won for the time being."

Everyone talked a lot. Ye Futian and the rest of his life looked at each other, and they felt that something was wrong. Is it a snake or a dragon?

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