MTL - The Legend of Futian-Chapter 7 Carved division

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On Laoshan Road, some people keep going down, some people are energetic, and some people are debilitating. Many people are talking about the presence of python demon.

Master Yun has reached a conclusion. Someone who has witnessed it doubts whether he has read it wrong. After all, those monster pythons that have been cultivated into essences are somewhat similar to dragons.

Ye Ye Futian saw a familiar figure descending from the mountain. Fengqing Xuexue's red shirt was a little dusty, but the beautiful face was still clean, radiant, and seemed to be in a good mood. He was chatting with Murong Qiu beside him.

Seeing Feng Qingxue and Murong Qiu going down the mountain, some people involuntarily looked at Ye Futian, making Ye Futian very depressed.

Wu Fengqing Xue apparently noticed this scene and saw Ye Futian, but her eyes moved away instantly, and she seemed to intentionally avoid looking at Ye Futian and stopped talking.

Murong Qiu next to him seemed to be aware of something. His eyes fell down the mountain road and fell on Ye Futian's body. The handsome face of the seventeen-year-old showed a slight arrogance, and his smiling eyes seemed a little dismissive. Just glanced away.

Xie Ye Futian didn't pay much attention to it, he said to the rest of his life, "If it is really a dragon, will Xuegong intentionally hide it?"

I groaned for the rest of my life, then nodded, and said earnestly, "Yes."

"Let's go up the mountain before it's completely cleared," Ye Futian said, and when he walked, he ran towards the mountain road.

Many people have seen this scene stunned. Feng Qingxue even stood there in a daze, staring at Ye Futian who ran towards her, wouldn't he be stimulated?

Squinting to see Ye Futian was coming to her side, Feng Qingxue stared at him, her lips moved slightly, and she just wanted to say something, but she saw Ye Futian passing directly beside her, obviously not going to her.

Yu Yusheng's sharp eyes glanced at Feng Qingxue and Mu Rongqiu beside him, passing by.

"What are they doing?" The people obviously realized that they had misunderstood. Ye Futian and the rest of his life went up the mountain at this time?

"Are n’t you crazy? I did n’t go before. Now there are python monsters. Everyone goes down the mountain. Instead, they run up the mountain?" Many people were puzzled. Ye Futian did n’t know it, but he wanted to see the legendary dragon. Observing ideas can benefit birds and beasts. What if you watch dragons?

He did the same for the rest of his life, and wanted to see what the dragon looked like.

The main road uphill was blocked, and there was a Qingzhou academy's guard there, only downhill, not uphill. Fortunately, Ye Futian and the rest of his life were mentally prepared. He did not lean on, but went around the road from the trail. .

关 Along the way, the levels are everywhere, the more so, the more curious the two people are, the stronger the guess in their hearts.

On Laoshan, in the jungle, the two sneaked quietly, asking for the rest of their lives: "It's hard to find this way, which direction should we go?"

"Where there are the most people in the blockade, go in which direction." Ye Futian's eyes brightened, and the rest of his eyes brightened, and continued to sneak in the most severe direction of the blockade.

After a little time passed, the sun went down and the night fell, making it easier for the two to move.

"It seems that there are fewer and fewer people. We may have reached the core area. Just wait here and try your luck." Ye Futian leaned against a big tree and closed his eyes to rest, and the night was getting dark. This area has a strange quietness. As if there were no monsters in this generation.

Suddenly, a flash of lightning struck the night sky, lighting the dense forest like daylight. At this moment, everyone in this area looked up and showed solemn meaning.

Are you coming?

"Booming ..." Thunder came out, and lightnings appeared one after another, more and more frequently. Ye Futian was a little excited and nervous when he saw this weird scene.

"Dragon, it is really a dragon." A voice exclaimed, Ye Futian jumped from the ground, his gaze looked towards the air not far away, where a dragon that was thousands of meters hovering and dancing, Suddenly it disappeared and appeared in another prescription. The roar became louder and louder. This area became a world of thunder and lightning.

"Dragon." Staring at the air for the rest of his life, he could not use words to describe the shock in his heart at this moment.

Over the puppet, there were powerful figures, with bright light around their bodies, back to life, extremely powerful, as proud as a peerless strong.

Above the void, a figure came down like lightning. This man was middle-aged and looked very handsome. When he appeared, many of the strong men were slightly owed, apparently this man was extremely respected.

"This is not a dragon." The figure had his hands on his back and looked up into the void. The first sentence made everyone tremble.

"This is a dragon shape. The dragon rhyme was deliberately released and revealed here." The middle-aged eyes were extremely sharp, saying: "A dragon shape with this dragon shape must come from the true dragon. Who is the person who came to Tianyao Mountain? . "

"No wonder it only reveals its shape and rhyme without destructive power. If it is a real dragon, I'm afraid we have already been destroyed." A strong man in the void said.

"Even if it is not a real dragon, there is a dragon shape in my Qingzhou city, I do not know if it is a blessing or a curse." The middle-aged eyes were divine, sweeping downwards, and seeing that there were several young people in different directions, he could not help whispering: "Really Some bold guys. "

Below, not only Ye Futian and the rest of his life came here secretly, but other people did not leave. The youth's heart was always full of curiosity, especially the legendary things.

"This group of little cubs." A strong man whispered next to him, all blocked this side, even these little guys slipped in.

At this moment, Ye Futian's heart is unshakable. In his eyes, there is only a dragon above the void, or a dragon flying at the tail, or a dragon flying in the sky, and the dragon sees the end without seeing the tail.

Wu Dazhang watched the idea work, and there seemed to be endless thunder and lightning in his palace of life, and a dragon shadow appeared.

The terrible thunderous aura converged towards his body, all lightnings traveled along his body, his consciousness seemed to fall, and in his eyes, there was only that dragon.

The scene in front of his eyes seemed to be carved into his mind.

Suddenly a flash of lightning came and pierced his eyebrows, and the shadow of the violent dragon was imprinted on his pupils.

"Hmm ..." The horrifying thunder force was walking on Ye Futian's body, making his body bear extreme power and could not help making a low roar, but at this time he seemed to be unable to escape from this state. Come out, that dragon rhyme even engraved in my head.

The sacred dragon came to his tail, and he saw the majestic dragon rushing towards him. At this moment, Ye Futian's body was shaking slightly, but he couldn't move the slightest.

"Be careful." The rest of his life roared, but it was too late, and the terrible dragon shadow rushed into Ye Futian's eyebrow frantically. Ye Futian gave a stern roar, as if a real dragon was rushing Into his mind, with endless thunder.

"Boom." His head trembled violently, and Ye Futian's consciousness gradually dissipated.

"You have finally grown up." A voice sounded in Ye Futian's mind, his body fell straight, and at the same time, the vision of this world disappeared.

"What's going on?" The strong man in the sky flashed, their eyes gazed at Ye Futian, and one person cursed, "What just happened?"

"This unlucky little guy seems to have been attacked by Long Yun." Someone said.

"It's too daring, let's see if anything happens."

"He's okay." At this point, the handsome middle-aged came over and spoke. Ye Futian looked up at him for the rest of his life, and saw that the middle-aged said, "Give him to me temporarily, and I'll take him back for a look. "

"Okay." Everyone nodded, and the rest of his life looked at him, and said, "Senior, can I go together."

"Rest assured, he will be fine, I will be in the palace." The middle-aged said to the rest of his life, his eyes had a strange magic power, people would like to believe him, and nodded for the rest of his life: "Trouble seniors."

Uh ...

Xie Ye Futian opened his eyes and felt a little bit of pain in his body.

The consciousness entered the palace of life, and sure enough, above the ancient trees of the world, there was an area of ​​thunder and lightning, and a dragon hovering there was extremely majestic.

"Suddenly, I entered the palace of life." Ye Futian's heart trembled. After passing out, he seemed to hear something and couldn't remember it.

Since the beginning of the practice, he has fainted twice. Ye Futian thought that he could not help but grin. This is really unlucky. Of course, if he can get these two harvests every time he is unconscious, he doesn't mind coming back a few times.

I felt like something, Ye Futian fiercely sat up and found that the clothes on his body were not his own, and here, obviously, it was not the other courtyard where he lived.

Standing up, Ye Futian pushed open the door of the room and went out. I saw here is a very clean and elegant courtyard ~ ~ There is a pavilion in front of which there is a young girl sitting quietly Well, it looks like painting. Next to it, there is a middle-aged and elegant tasting tea. This picture looks extraordinarily peaceful.

Walking gently to the pavilion, his eyes fell on the place where the girl painted, which was a special piece of paper, and the girl was not painting, but was constantly drawing some magical lines, with a touch of aura. Permeated.

"This is, Fa 箓." Ye Futian was a little surprised, the girl in front of her, how could she engrave Fa 箓?

So, isn't she an engraver? Isn't that too wicked?

"Have you seen it?" The handsome middle-aged put down his tea cup and looked at Ye Futian.

"No, but I have seen it in the book." Ye Futian said: "This quilt is engraved with a shield and is painted with metallic aura, it should be a defensive spell."

"Can you see?" Middle-aged was a little surprised.

"Um." Ye Futian nodded, and Dazuanzi thought was extremely sensitive to the aura.

"Want to learn?" Middle-aged asked with a smile.

"Think." Ye Futian nodded, bowing and saluting to the middle-aged man, and said, "The disciples meet with the teacher."

Don't move too fast.

Of course Ye Futian knows the weight of an engraver, and he has a scarce and rare occupation than a mage. He has a very high status. An engraver must also be a talented mage.

"You are as shameless as rumored." The girl put down her pen and looked at Ye Futian.

Ye Ye Futian smiled indifferently, looking at the girl's stunning face, and said, "Fairy, we have met again."

PS: Thank you four leaders, Yoyo, Flutter, Xiaojing, and Xinghai. The new book results are very important, and everyone supports the recommendation.

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