MTL - The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism-Chapter 1500 This monk hits people!

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With this voice, the BMW driver subconsciously stopped paying for the money ...

Everyone else heard it in the past ...

I saw behind me, I do n’t know when there was an undressed monk. This monk looked young and familiar, but he could n’t remember where he had seen it.

"Little monk, I advise you to better see nothing and go back to your car." At this time, bald.

Fang Zheng smiled slightly: "Amitabha, thank the donor for his kindness, but the poor monk just saw that the donor took out a lame chicken from his arms and threw it behind the tire of the car. Since the poor monk saw it, he couldn't help saying it ? "

Hearing this, the BMW driver suddenly said: "Mage, forget it ... just be me, let's go quickly."

Obviously, the driver was looking for Fang Zheng to help him speak, and he also knew that it wasn't as simple as rolling a chicken right now. It was tantamount to encountering a bandit road bully. He couldn't walk without giving money.

"Leave? No one wants to leave without two thousand!" Pingyuan said at this time.

A group of people suddenly dispersed and surrounded the Founder.

Founder: "All the donors, the poor monk can't even get two pieces. You have to open your mouth for two thousand, too much ... Besides, you throw the chicken, how can you blame this donor?"

The BMW driver was a bit anxious and pulled the Founder and said, "Mage, don't say ..."

The Founder said, "Don't worry, the poor monk has already called the police, and the police will come in a moment."

"What? Did you call the police?" Ping Yuan waited for someone to hear it, and he was calm.

The bald head changed the image of the good old man before. He took a step forward and grabbed the Founder's collar and said, "Dead monk, you just read it wrong. The chicken was rolled by him. You have to pay for it! Believe it or not, The police didn't come. How many of our brothers made you two like the chicken? "

Founder, with a dumb smile, said: "The donor, the chicken, you really throw it yourself. Do not believe you ask the chicken."

"Ask the chicken?" Everyone froze, and then looking at Founder's eyes, it was like looking silly.

Founder ignored them, turned his head to look at the innocent chicken on the ground, and said, "Chicken donor, who said you broke your leg? I know you can't speak. Whoever beats, you point with your wings Who. "

Everyone was speechless ...

The man carrying the pickaxe laughed out loud: "I thought I met a hero who saw justice and courage, but I ended up being stupid ..."

"Is this monk mentally ill?"

"The chicken will still identify the killer? Damn, is this monk afraid he hasn't taken any medicine?"


The bald was also happy: "This chicken can ... I Cao ..."

Before the bald head was finished, I saw the chicken extending his wings and pointing at Pingyuan.

After looking at Pingyuan, he was shocked, and then scolded: "What does the blind TM mean?"

Fang Zheng hurriedly pulled a bald head and grabbed his hand, as if the bald head was cooperating with him, he opened it in one shot, and ran to block the chicken.

With a bald head, he looked down at his hands, because the monk yanked his fingernails!

Think of the monk's strange power just now, a cold sweat suddenly appeared on the door of the head of the mind, and he subconsciously touched the knife in his pocket, and his heart was stabilized.

"The donor, the chicken said you did it, and you admit it." Fang Zheng said to Ping Yuan.

Pingyuan angered: "Admit you ..."

The words of scolding had not yet come out, and Founder suddenly shot and covered Pingyuan's mouth, and said, "The donor, if there is something to talk about, scolding is not good. Also, you can scold the poor monk, but don't scold the poor monk's family ... otherwise poor The monk would be angry. "

While listening to the monk in front of him, Pingyuan tried hard to break away from the monk's hand, and was surprised to find that the monk's hand was like an iron hoop, pinching his mouth. He was holding both hands. Can't open!

On the contrary, the harder he is, the harder the other party is, he has a feeling that his teeth have been pinched loose ... If this continues, it is estimated that he will be pinched away!

"Donor, if you agree with the poor monk's suggestion, you nod. If you do not agree, you shake your head, okay?" Fang Zheng smiled.

Pingyuan nodded hard.

Founder retracted his hand and said, "Is this good?"

"Just give up!" At this moment, the bald head suddenly pulled out a knife and pressed it against the founder's waist, meanwhile said fiercely: "Monk, don't think that after a few days of kung fu, you can come out and march to justice and get away. Click, otherwise, don't blame me! ''

Others also saw that this monk was here to make trouble.

Fang Zheng said helplessly: "All the donors, the chickens have come out to testify. Do you still want to beat people?"

"A chicken testifies? You tease me? This chicken just stretches out its wings and stabilizes its body. What kind of testimony is this? I don't believe you unless he calls three long and two short." Someone in the crowd laughed.

Founder nodded and said, "Yeah, the chicken donor, if this donor hurts you, please trouble me with three growing sounds and two short sounds."

Everyone was happy: "This monk is crazy ..."

However, the next moment, everyone is going crazy ...

I saw that chicken suddenly lifted its neck, giggles—giggles—giggles—giggles!

Three long and two short!

"I Cao ..." Someone was frightened, and all the weapons in his hand were dropped.

The BMW driver's wallet almost couldn't hold it ...

The bald head was a cold sweat, saying, "Monk, how do you ...?"

Seeing this monk turning around with a smile, he said, "Donor, if you don't want to know, unless you don't do it. It's better to stop ..."

"Master Ke, you!" Pingyuan roared suddenly, and suddenly took a hammer from his arms!

The bald exclaimed, "Don't!"

However, Pingyuan's hammer has fallen and just hit Fang Zheng's head ...

Just listen, beep!

All Martians have collapsed!

Everyone was dumbfounded ...

The hammer smashed his head, but did not smash the watermelon, but instead smashed Mars ... Is this still the head?

Pingyuan was frightened, and he was a little skeptical of life. He looked at the hammer in his hand, and looked at the monk who turned around unscathed, and said, "What are you ...?"

Fang Zheng expressed his hatred of iron and steel, "donor, if you have something to say, why use force?"

When talking, Founder's leg is just a kick!

The crowd only heard a bang, and Pingyuan was like a football. He was kicked out with a kick of more than 20 meters, fell into a ditch ... yelling, covering his stomach, but could not get up again.

"Pingyuan!" The bald exclaimed, stabbing to the Founder, only to hear Dang, this dagger seemed to be stabbed on the steel, and could not get in!

Founder turned around and shook his head slightly ...

The bald head cried, "Master, I ..."

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