MTL - The Monk That Wanted To Renounce Asceticism-Chapter 1501 Yizhi Temple is on fire again

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Fang Zheng slaps directly, only to hear a snap, his bald head was toppled to the ground, and he couldn't get up for a long time, covering his face.

When everyone saw this, they looked at Fangzheng as if they had seen him ...

Finally someone shouted, "Monk, who are you?"

The Founder folded his hands and said, "Amitabha, the poor monk's name, Founder!"

"Founder? God monk Founder? Run!" I didn't know who shouted and ran away

Others followed suit, and did not even question the identity of the people below.

He made the face look aggressive, touched his face, took a picture of the glass on the car, and muttered, "Is the poor monk fierce?"

The BMW driver on the side smiled bitterly: "Fangzheng abbot, the bad guys met you, not afraid to see you."

Founder is right, what is he talking about ...

The siren sounded suddenly, but it was the police ...

Founder glanced at the BMW driver next to him. The BMW driver quickly said, "You ... really Founder Abbot?"

Founder laughed: "Who is the poor monk? Or pay attention on the road. Don't get out of the car when you encounter this kind of thing. You should run ... you should call the police."

"Can't you run away?" The driver asked pitifully.

The Founder smiled: "Give me money."

The driver was dumb ...

Fangzheng laughed and laughed: "Give the money and call the police again, there is still a chance to come back. By the way, if the police ask, you help me say that it is a legitimate defense, poor monks are good people, but don't want to be arrested."

The driver was speechless ...

Other drivers are unclear, but in today's society, what is the Founder?

Then the driver ...

Founder apparently did not have the consciousness that he was a monk. He quickly ran to open the barricades, got on his broken car, and patted the steering wheel: "Not awake yet? Hurry up and run!"

Broken car: "Ah ... oh ... grunt, grunt ..."

Keep sleeping.

Founder regretted that he was given two more bottles of alcohol. This guy was afraid of alcoholism and could not sleep ...

Seeing the police approaching, Founder was also afraid of trouble.

In desperation, with one stroke of strength, I ran away with my broken car ...

Seeing this scene, the BMW driver has thrown away all the final doubts ... People run against the car? In the whole world, it is estimated that only the founder monk can do it.

On that day, local news ...

"Today, the police cracked a major case involving a black gang. The gang of eighteen people, claiming to be eighteen arhats, pretended to be a villager to occupy the intersection and collected tolls. They selectively ransomed the passing vehicles ... According to the parties, they seemed to have encountered the Founder. Abbot, but the police did not find the trace of Founder Abbot ... "

With the news, the locals couldn't sit still anymore, did the monks come to them? Must find it! If you find it, ask for a monk, maybe the problem you encountered can be solved ...

At the same time, some people were discussing whether Founder Abbot shot and beat him.

The result is ...

"Good job!"

"It's beautiful!"

"Unconditionally support Founder Abbot!"

"I think that the Founder's abbot's move at that time should be justified defense. He didn't take any weapons! There are so many people across and there are weapons!"

"Uh ... I don't think such a person as Founder Abbot will ever be listed as a legitimate defender?"

Everyone was silent ...

After a while, hundreds of messages broke out ...

"justifiable defense!"

"Yes, it's just defense!"

"Who objected, I smashed his glass!"

"I smashed his window!"

"I smashed his car!"


Looking at the threatening speech on the other side, there were people who wanted to argue based on reason, and proved that there was almost no dangerous environment under the dead bald, and there was no person who was justified in defense.

At this time, a lawyer stood up and said, "We should look at the nature of the matter. The essence is a group of small groups that are likely to be triads. They threaten a person's life with weapons and ask for money. This has caused a life threat to the client. At that time, whether it is magical powers or machine guns, cannons, atomic bombs, shouldn't it be taken out? "

"Looking upstairs is a barrister, barrister, where does it work?"

"Ready to take the judicial exam ..."


And at this moment, the monk in everyone's eyes ...

"Broken car! Run fast!" Founder patted the steering wheel.

The broken car was running slowly on a piece of sloppy grass, smoking black smoke, and shouting, "I'm a car, not a tractor. How can you let me run faster on this broken road? I protest!"

"The protest is invalid!" Founder said.

"Master, I'm hungry ..." Salted Fish Road.

Grunt ...

Fang Zheng's stomach was also calling.

Fang Zheng sighed helplessly and quietly restored the magic power to the red child. It didn't take long for a fiery meteor to fall in the sky. As soon as the red child cried out, "Master, you can count back to my magic power. The temple has a big deal ! "

Founder stunned: "A major incident at the monastery? Our monastery is so hidden, what else can happen?"

"The four donors, Zhao Datong, Ma Juan, Fang Yunjing, and Hu Han, didn't know what happened, but they found the temple. They also carried all kinds of adventure equipment, including satellite phones ...

As soon as they found us, they immediately released information to the outside. Then came a large group of people today, some people want to worship Buddha, some people want to see you ... there are officials, there are rich people, anyway, everyone has them. If you don't go back again, the gates of the temple will soon be crowded. "Red baby said.

When Founder heard it, he quickly said, "My obedient, go back quickly!"

With a flash of red light, several people flew to Yizhi Temple with the broken car.

Even in the sky, Founder saw a finger on the mountain, and more and more people rushed down the mountain ...

Those who know this are here to burn incense and worship the Buddha, and those who don't know thought it was to wipe out.

"Master, what do you do?" Red baby asked.

Founder sighed: "It's all like this, what else can I do? I used to do it, now I can do it, open the door, accept the incense!"

"No ... Master, our little incense burner, so many people ..." Red Baby said bitterly.

Founder Road: "Don't worry, find a way for the teacher."

"System brother, should I have a chance to draw twice? Give me a big incense burner." Fang Zheng immediately said.

"Okay, pick it up!" The system responded, and a ball of yellow light appeared in the heart of Founder's hand. Founder turned on a dream yellow beam, hiding himself, and letting the red child fall down.

After entering the temple, the Founder waved his hand, the yellow light broke, and a stone incense burner in the stage fell in the courtyard ...

Everyone is familiar with this incense burner.

After solving this, Founder was worried again ...

"Master, our temple now only gives the child Guanyin. Can everyone beg for children?" Monkey asked.

Founder Road: "System, take a thousand hands and a thousand eyes of Guanyin."

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