MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 756 Global investment (large 7K

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  Chapter 756 Global Investment (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

   12 Mount Kellett Road!

  Cao Yunshang is preparing personal clothes for Chu Huan.

   "Do you really not need me to accompany you when you go to London this time?"

  Chu Huan sat on the sofa in the bedroom, shook his head with a smile and said, "I won't stay there for two days, and I'm coming back soon. There's no need to make trouble together. Just take good care of Afeng at home!"

  Cao Yunshang nodded, and then said: "But this time we are in Keswick's territory, so we should be more careful in everything."

  Chu Huan said: "There is nothing to worry about. Henry Keswick has opponents like us in Xiangjiang, and he also has his own political opponents in London. As long as the right people are found, there will be a solution to this matter!"

  Cao Yunshang put the last piece of clothing in the suitcase, then sat beside Chu Huan, and asked with a smile, "So, you already have a plan?"

  Chu Huan embraced Cao Yunshang in his arms. After giving birth to Chu Shifeng, Cao Yunshang not only did not lose the slightest charm, but on the contrary made her more mature.

   Sucking the fragrance of Cao Yunshang, Chu Huan smiled and said, "If there is no countermeasure, I will not do it at this time."

   "Just do it, what are you doing now?"

  Cao Yunshang grabbed Chu Huan's strange hand and preached coquettishly.

  Chu Huan had a smile on his face, and Cao Yunshang's hand naturally couldn't stop Chu Huan's hand.

   "After the completion of the acquisition of Jardine and Landmark, there will be nothing to do in Xiangjiang, right?" Cao Yunshang no longer blocked Chu Huan's strange hands.

  Chu Huan said: "It's almost done. In fact, the rest is the acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank. However, since the acquisition of Hong Kong Local Bank has been postponed, there is no need to worry about the acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank. Let's wait two years!"

  Chu Huan's voice became smaller and smaller, but Cao Yunshang's breathing became more and more rapid

  Next day!

  Chu Huan took Feng Jing and his party to London on a chartered plane.

As soon as he walked out of the airport, Chu Huan saw Wu Xiaohui bringing someone to pick them up, "Chairman, everything is ready, Joe Cole will attend a charity dinner hosted by the British royal family tonight, and he has already sent invitations to Come, we can meet at the dinner party then!"

Chu Huan nodded. This time Chu Huan brought a team of 100 people, but more bodyguards were brought by Han Yang. Although Chu Huan believed that he had reached his position, Henry Keswick did not dare to play tricks. It's an indiscriminate method, but it's better to be careful in everything.

   A group of people walked out of the airport hall, and there were already buses and cars prepared by Ma Jizu outside.

After Chu Huan got into the car, Ma Jizu handed Chu Huan a stack of documents and said, "This is everyone Henry Keswick met after he returned to London. Among them are the positions and functions of these people in the British government. But also their political opponents in the government and so on.”

  In any industry, it is impossible for all employees to agree.

  Xu Ke once said that where there are people, there are rivers and lakes!

   This is also true for the British government. Henry Keswick jumped from the Xiangjiang business world to the British political circle, so his opponents naturally changed from the businessmen in the Xiangjiang business world to the politicians on the British side.

  Any resources are limited, especially in the political circles, one radish and one pit, the higher you go, the fewer pits, and naturally there will be more competitors.

  Chu Huan took the information from Ma Jizu, and began to read it seriously.

The convoy came to a mansion in downtown London. Chu Huan knew that when people talk about mansions in London in later generations, they would basically mention the famous mansion bought by Mr. Xu in London, but in fact that mansion is now Still under construction, not finished yet.

So it is naturally impossible for Chu Huan to buy it. In London, Chu Huan has two residences. One is this mansion located in the urban area. It looks ordinary on the outside, and it is also four townhouses, but the interior decoration is brilliant caught everyone's eyes.

   In addition, Chu Huan also bought an old castle on the outskirts of London. When Chu Huan inspected European business before, when he passed by London, he lived there.

   As for the bodyguards that Chu Huan brought, Ma Jizu had already settled down.

  Han Yang took a group of people to live in the villa, and more people went to the old castle outside London.

  The reason why I live here is actually to better meet Joe Cole tonight.

   “Among these people, which ones can we use, and which ones can we not use?”

  Chu Huan sat on the sofa in the study and asked Ma Jizu about the situation here, while Feng Jing sat on the other side and took notes.

   Ma Jizu said: "I have marked those who can be used cooperatively. I have visited these people at noon today. They are still very willing to cooperate with our request!"

  Feng Jing on the side looked at Ma Jizu in surprise. In Feng Jing's prediction, she followed Chu Huan to London this time, and she should accompany Chu Huan to visit senior officials and members of the House of Commons in London one by one.

  But at this time, listening to Chu Huan and Ma Jizu, it seems that such a situation will never happen. Chu Huan's visit this time is more like making overall arrangements, and some specific things seem to have been completed by Ma Jizu.


   Is this a little too simple?

Feng Jing, who succeeded Wu Shuhan as Chu Huan's full-time secretary, knew something about Ma Jizu and knew that Ma Jizu had been managing contacts for the group in Europe, and even spent tens of millions of dollars every year for this, but It is still difficult for Feng Jing to understand what kind of relationship network Ma Jizu has here.

But at this time, listening to the conversation between him and Chu Huan, Feng Jing understood a truth, that is, although she can't confirm what Ma Jizu is doing here, what is certain is that her boss's influence in Europe The power definitely surpassed those reported by the newspapers and media in Xiangjiang.

  An ordinary British government official, Ma Jizu, was able to help the group get it done, but Joe Cole, the vice president of the House of Commons, even sent someone to send an invitation to the charity dinner tonight before Chu Huan came.

  Although the British royal family has now become the mascot of England, Feng Jing also knows that the mascot of the British royal family is still very influential and can influence the political situation in England!

  Chu Huan nodded and said: "You will handle these people. Tonight I will try to get Joe Cole and Thatcher to support us!"

Regarding these relationships, Chu Huan will definitely make friends in person, but the more important thing for him to come to London this time is to solve the problem of Jardines first, so the meeting with these people can be done after the acquisition of Jardines is over. Do it again, and when Chu Huan came to London last time, he had already met these people once!

   Ma Jizu nodded and said, "Yes!"

  Afterwards, Ma Jizu said to Chu Huan: "Chairman, before attending the dinner tonight, I made an appointment for you to meet the British cabinet member Jeffrey the Chancellor of the Exchequer. He should be coming soon."

Jeffrey Howe, the longest-serving cabinet minister during Mrs. Thatcher's time, served successively as Chancellor of the Exchequer, Foreign Minister, and Deputy Prime Minister. It can be said that Jeffrey Howe and Thatcher cooperated very well in the early days of.

  However, in the later period, when Thatcher began to forcefully implement his new tax system, the two had differences. In the end, Jeffrey Howe resigned from his position in the British government, and finally issued an appeal.

   "Other Conservative Party members should reconsider their support for the Prime Minister."

   Jeffrey Howe's resignation and appeal can be said to have opened the prelude to Thatcher's resignation.

   But that was in the late stage, and they are still very close partnerships at this time!

   Sure enough, after a while, Jeffrey Howe came to Chu Huan's villa in person.

   "Chu, it's been more than a year since we last met, have you forgotten your friends in England?"

  After seeing Chu Huan, Jeffrey Howe happily hugged and laughed with Chu Huan.

  Scenes like this once again refreshed Feng Jing's perception of Chu Huan's influence in England.

   "Jeffrey, you probably forgot about me as a friend. I personally invited you to Xiangjiang this year, but you didn't go!"

  Chu Huan said with a smile.

When Geoffrey Howe was the Minister of Trade and Consumer Affairs, Ma Jizu got in touch with him. At that time, Jeffrey Howe was having a headache for a batch of British goods in Argentina. Relations with Argentina have not been great.

   Later, the Falklands War broke out.

  At that time, Ma Jizu reported the matter to Chu Huan, and Chu Huan helped Jeffrey Howe solve this problem through the relationship of his father-in-law Cao Yunshang and some dollar offensives.

   Afterwards, Ma Jizu took advantage of this opportunity to formally enter the high society in England. Of course, in the past few years, Ma Jizu has also done some business with Jeffrey Howe's family under the arrangement of Chu Huan.

  Everyone gets what they need.

   It's just these things that few people in the company know.

  As for what Chu Huan just said, in fact, Chu Huan also invited Jeffrey Howe during Chu Shifeng's 100-day banquet, but Jeffrey Howe did not go to Xiangjiang in person, but sent someone to send gifts there.

   "Chu, you know that at that time I was just preparing to take over the position of Minister of Finance, and with the relationship between us, I had to ask Joe to say congratulations for you!"

   Jeffrey Howe said with a smile.

  Chu Huan laughed and said, "Haha, Jeffrey was just joking with you, don't take it seriously as my friend!"

  The two sat opposite each other, and Jeffrey Howe said: "Chu, you should come to London this time to buy Jardine in Xiangjiang, right?"

  Chu Huan asked with a smile: "In just two days, the news has already spread in London?"

   Geoffrey Howe smiled bitterly: "How could you not know about such a big matter, and you should know that Henry returned to London earlier than you, and this matter has spread in the cabinet and the House of Commons."

  Chu Huan asked: "What's the wind like here?"

Jeffrey Howe shook his head and said: "I'm afraid it's not good for you, Chu. You should know that what Jardine He represents is not just an ordinary company, but more of his symbolic meaning in Xiangjiang. Ku wanted to buy the company quite critically."

  Chu Huan nodded at this, for such a situation, Chu Huan is very understanding.

   After all, when it comes to which country in the world cares most about their face, England must be on the list.

  In the eyes of many people in power in England, they are just a businessman in their colony, and now this businessman wants to buy their banner group in Xiangjiang.

   It is difficult for them to have a better view of this matter due to their pride.

   "Jeffrey, the acquisition of Jardine is an important strategic goal of our company. I need your help in this matter!"

Jeffrey Howe said with a wry smile: "Chu, when I received the call that you were coming to London, I guessed that you would say that, but you may not know much about our situation in England. Minister, but I also pay attention to the influence of the party, the House of Commons, and the cabinet's views on this matter."

  Old fox, at least earns millions of dollars in benefits from himself every year, and now that he has come to London in person, he is still pushing himself against him!

   "So, it's hard to succeed in this matter?" Chu Huan leaned on the sofa and spoke calmly.

  Jeffrey Hao said: "Chu, we are friends, very good friends, I personally have a very good suggestion, I hope you can listen to it!"

  Chu Huan nodded and said, "Of course, as a friend's suggestion, I will definitely listen carefully!"

Jeffrey Howe said: "Keswick has a great influence in England, and you understand the status represented by Jardines. I think such a hasty acquisition will definitely make it difficult for you to successfully acquire Jardines, and even Yes there will be some bad results.

  Instead of such a scene that none of us want to see, it is better for me to persuade Keswick to accept Chu You as the major shareholder of Jardines, but the management rights of Jardines and Landmark are still in the hands of the Keswick family.

   In addition, I can also convince Keswick that if their family wants to withdraw from Jardine in the future, how about you being the first successor? "

  Is it possible for the Keswicks to sell Jardines and Landmark?

In fact, it is possible. After the problem of Xiangjiang was identified, many Chinese consortiums from Xiangjiang were already interested in Jardines. Li Jiacheng, Zheng Yutong and others even formed a super consortium to jointly acquire Landmark. In addition At that time, Liu Luanxiong also joined in the fun, but Henry Keswick didn't care about Liu Luanxiong at all, but was very interested in the super consortium formed by Li Jiacheng and others.

  At that time, the ownership of Xiangjiang was determined, and the Keswick family had different views on the prospects of Xiangjiang, so they once said that the land could be sold.

   But in the end, the two sides still did not agree on the price, and then Keswick changed his statement, saying that Jardine and Landmark were their most important assets and it was impossible to sell them.

   At this time, when Jeffrey Howe said these words, it was obvious that he had already met Henry Keswick.

   Chu Huan had no doubts about this matter at all, because in the report sent by Ma Jizu, Jeffrey Howe was the most important person.

Chu Huan tapped the leather surface of the sofa, looked at the smiling Jeffrey Howe, and suddenly said with a smile: "By the way, Jeffrey, you should know that the Dow Jones index has risen to 815 on the day I came here. order?"

  The cooperation with the Jeffrey Howe family is more investment in the North American stock market at this stage, not only the Jeffrey Howe family, but also a number of British MPs, cabinet ministers, and important members of the two parties in England.

  Same as Sun Investment in South Korea, this is an investment company that Chu Huan made them and him a community of interests.

  In November of this year, the Dow Jones index fell below the 800-point mark, falling to the lowest point of the year at 797 points. At this time, the British Bauhinia Investment Company bought the Dow Jones futures index.

  Jeffrey Howe, as the beneficiary of Bauhinia Investment Company, naturally knows about this matter.

   At this time, when he heard Chu Huan say this, he also smiled, and said: "Mr. Chu's investment vision is amazing."

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Misfortunes come with blessings and blessings depend on them. I thought we were very sincere friends, but what Jeffrey you said now makes me really sad, because the relationship between friends The time should be to help each other sincerely, not to give up your long-term interests for your own short-term interests!"

Chu Huan's words made Jeffrey Howe's face change slightly. He knew what Chu Huan meant very well, and some dissatisfaction arose in his heart. Although there was an interest entanglement with Chu Huan, at the same time, he also owed something to Chu Huan. Humanity, but at this time Chu Huan pointed out his little thoughts, he would still be very unhappy!

   "Chu, you must know that I am the Minister of Exchequer of England, and I must consider some things from my position!"

  Chu Huan nodded, still with a smile on his face, and said: "It's natural, Jeffrey, you don't need to explain anything, if I were in your position, I would actually make the same choice as you.

   And your suggestion is actually helping me, isn't it? "

   First, he pointed out Jeffrey Howe's situation. Although it was not a big stick for the other party, what Chu Huan said now was a sweet date for Jeffrey Howe.

   And Jeffrey Howe also showed his own smile. If possible, he didn't want to become enemies with Chu Huan. As a higher-level figure, Jeffrey Howe naturally knew Chu Huan's influence better than more people.

  Being friends with Chu Huan is definitely better than being enemies with Chu Huan.

  So the embarrassment and anger after being pierced by Chu Huan just now disappeared.

"However." Chu Huan became serious at this time, and said: "Jeffrey, you should know that when Jiaku completed the acquisition of Jardine, the development of our Jiaku in Xiangjiang is basically over. , It is precisely because of this that I will be able to focus more on places other than Xiangjiang in the future, so that whether it is the stock market in North America, the industry in Europe, the development of mining in Africa, or the development of agriculture in South America, you can Take away more of my energy, then the cooperation between us will go to another level, isn't this what you want to see?"

  Jeffrey Howe was lost in thought about the plan Chu Huan had mentioned. At this moment, he was faced with a very realistic problem.

  The consideration at the national level is still the growth of self-interest!

  Chu Huan sat there without urging Jeffrey Howe. He knew that Jeffrey Howe would definitely make a very correct decision. Will the acquisition of Jardine really affect Yinglun's interests?

  Actually not, they may use Jardine to make some fuss. Just like in another time and space, when the negotiations between the two parties did not develop in the direction that England hoped, Jardine took the lead in completing the relocation.

   Or was this done at the most critical moment of negotiation between the two parties? Is this just out of Jardine's personal considerations?

In fact, it is not. In fact, there are still a lot of political factors in this re-registration. They hope to use Jardine's re-registration to give some deterrence to their hometown, so that their hometown thinks that Xiangjiang has left their England. will fall.

   This may be Jardine's greatest value in political considerations.

   But that will be two or three years later. At this time, the negotiations between the two sides have not yet started. The British side may have such an idea, but it will definitely not be too strong.

  The meaning of Jardine at this time is more about the face of England.

  If a banner enterprise is acquired by a Chinese business group, it will be hard to face.

   This is the biggest obstacle for Chu Huan to acquire Jardine now!


   Does politics need face?

   Sometimes it is necessary, and sometimes when the benefits are enough to make their hearts move, they don't need to lose face!

  High elasticity!

In addition, Jeffrey Howe needs to consider another issue. He is not Chu Huan's only friend in London. Jeffrey Howe clearly understands that Chu Huan has many friends in London, including those who are of the same status as him. It also includes those who have a higher status than themselves, and there are also many rising stars.

   If you have to say it, it can even be understood that Chu Huan already has a force in England that is not so close, but definitely has a strong influence.

  When I lose Chu Huan, what I lose is my personal interests, and when Chu Huan loses himself, it may just be a matter of making him spend more money in London.

  After thinking everything through, Jeffrey Howe smiled.

"Of course, Mr. Chu's people in Xiangjiang can accurately predict the development of the North American stock market. At the same time, I also believe in Mr. Chu's investment in other overseas places, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is our The friendship between the two parties will not be disturbed by anything!"

  Chu Huan also smiled, and said: "It's natural, Jeffrey, you are the first friend I met after I came to London, and our relationship is unbreakable!"

   When it comes to this, the two have basically reached an agreement on the acquisition of Jardine.

   "I've always known that your business is spread all over the world, but I didn't expect you to be involved in agriculture in South America and mining in Africa. It's really amazing. You must know that these places are not very peaceful!"

   It was not time to go to the dinner, and Jeffrey Howe did not leave early, but instead talked to Chu Huan about Chu Huan's investment.

  Agriculture in South America In addition to its rich iron ore industry, Brazil is actually an important agricultural country in the world. However, Brazil's rich agricultural land is not in the hands of Brazilians, but concentrated in the hands of big capitalists in Europe and the United States.

  So this has led to Brazil, which is the most suitable for agriculture, but there are people who don't have enough to eat every year.

   But these things have nothing to do with Chu Huan, he just wants to plant in Brazil like many global capitalists.

  Why you can, I can't.

  About this matter, Chu Huan is ready to let Ma Jizu go to Brazil to explore the market after the acquisition of Jardine is over.

  As for the mining industry in Africa. For the same reason, why can European and American capitalists plunder resources, but Chu Huan can't?

   As for the so-called military power, Chu Huan is really not worried about this. At this time, Chu Huan is rich, influential, and well-connected. If it is really impossible, it will not be a problem to support a puppet king anywhere.

Chu Huan has already thought about this matter with Jeffrey Howe. Although they cannot compare with Chu Huan in terms of wealth, in some places, Chu Huan cannot compare with them. , that is, they can use the power in their hands to command the army of their own country, although this is a deterrent force and does not need to be really used.

   But actually that's enough.

   What's more important is to join them in. After everyone becomes a community of interests, these people's methods are much more ruthless than themselves.

  If Chu Huan's bottom line is close to zero, then the bottom line of these people is definitely below zero!

   "There are plans to do so now. If you are interested, Jeffrey, after I get the Jardine, we can all sit down and discuss it in detail!"

  Jeffrey Howe laughed and said: "Maintaining world peace and ensuring the interests of people around the world has always been a social figure that we in England are committed to accomplishing!"

Look, this is the reason why Chu Huan wanted to win them over to join. Chu Huan can justly say that he did this for his own benefit, and these people always want to find a bright and beautiful shell for themselves in these things .

   It looks bright and beautiful from a distance, but it looks dirty and dirty up close.

  With this major premise, the discussion between Chu Huan and Jeffrey Howe became more and more enjoyable.

   Soon, it was time for the charity dinner tonight, and Chu Huan and Jeffrey Howe headed to the hotel together.

   On the other side, Henry Keswick, who arrived in London earlier than Chu Huan, had already known the news of Chu Huan's arrival in England.

   "Hmph, Chu Huan's visit to London this time is destined to be a futile effort!" The real future successor of the Keswick family, Simon Keswick, was following Henry Keswick at this time.

  In fact, after Henry Keswick left Xiangjiang, Simon Keswick stayed in Jardine to work, but when he was in Xiangjiang, he was very low-key, so he was not seen in many things.

   This time it was about the life and death of Jardine Landmark, and he followed Henry Keswick back to London.

   "Jeffrey Howe has already gone to look for Chu Huan. I believe that when Chu Huan saw Jeffrey Howe appear, he already knew that his visit to London this time is useless!"

  Simon Keswick continued to preach.

Henry Keswick nodded and said, "At the dinner tonight, I will ask Chu Huan to share some of the shares in Jardine and Landmark, but it is inevitable that he will become the major shareholder of these two consortiums. You also have to work together, so don't let the night get too tense!"


   Also, correct the typo first and then change it, Huangshan continues to code~



  (end of this chapter)

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