MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 757 British upper class (7K large

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  Chapter 757 England’s Upper Class Society (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

  Buckingham Palace, located in Westminster, London, looks very magnificent under the lights in the night.

  Chu Huan and Geoffrey Howe, the British Chancellor of the Exchequer, came here in the same car.

   "Chu, you should find a female companion. In this way, you will have less trouble after entering the banquet!"

   After the two got out of the car at the same time, Jeffrey Howe laughed and joked with Chu Huan.

  Chu Huan asked: "Why?"

"You should know that the aesthetics of Eastern people and Westerners are different, but this is only for ordinary people, and a man like Chu Ni who has both Eastern and Western aesthetics, coupled with your achievements and temperament, I believe Even girls from the old aristocrats will definitely go crazy for you after seeing you!"

   Jeffrey Howe smiled and praised Chu Huandao.

  Chu Huan stretched out his left hand, revealing Cao Yunshang's wedding ring on his ring finger, and said with a smile, "Unfortunately, I'm already married!"

Jeffrey Howe laughed and said: "Although we British girls are a bit conservative compared to the French, I believe that every girl would like to have a romantic love. Love has nothing to do with marriage. !"

  Chu Huan chuckled and said, "This idea coincides with mine!"

   Jeffrey Howe froze for a moment, then laughed again, and then walked into the banquet hall of Buckingham Palace together with Chu Huan.

   This dinner is a charity dinner hosted by the British royal family. Basically, at the end of the year, Westerners will hold some such events.

  Everyone eats, drinks, chats, and then puts out some 'commemorative' things for auction, and then the proceeds from these auctions will go to the royal family's charitable fund

  This is a typical British dinner party. The men are dressed in black and white tuxedos, and the women are dressed in various luxurious evening dresses. The dining tables are arranged in an orderly manner in the banquet hall, and different people sit in different positions.

Chu Huan's status is a bit special. He came to this dinner and it was decided temporarily, but this did not make Chu Huan sit in an ordinary seat, but at the same table with Jeffrey Howe, Joe Cole and others. , which was obviously arranged by Joe Cole in advance.

  However, this kind of dinner party is relatively casual. For example, some people are not sitting down, but are chatting with people they are familiar with with champagne.

Jeffrey Howe, as the chancellor of the exchequer of England, is also a high-ranking official. His arrival immediately attracted the attention of many people. When these people noticed Chu Huan beside Jeffrey Howe, some people showed doubts. They didn't know Chu Huan, and they were curious why Jeffrey Howe was accompanied by an Asian man.

Some people showed joyful expressions. These people were basically the British dignitaries that Chu Huan met when he came to London last time. Out of concern for Chu Huan, they naturally knew that Chu Huan was here this time. It is for the acquisition of Jardine.

  They didn't pay much attention to this matter, but one thing that made them smile was that since the cooperation with Chu Huan, these people's personal wallets have indeed bulged.

  However, these people did not take the initiative to greet Chu Huan on this occasion, so avoiding suspicion is still necessary.

Some people showed complicated expressions. The most representative of these people is naturally Henry Keswick. Although he already knew that Chu Huan would come to London and this dinner, seeing Chu Huan coming, Henry Keswick Keswick was still a little moody.

  But in the end, Henry Keswick put on a smile and walked towards Chu Huan and Jeffrey Howe.

If Henry Keswick had a certain influence on Chu Huan in England before, it was just out of hearing, but when he found Jeffrey Howe, he learned that Jeffrey Howe and Chu Huan were also 'good friends' After the relationship, it really surprised him.

  However, Henry Keswick was relieved that Jeffrey Howe was still on his side, and promised himself to persuade Chu Huan to stop the acquisition of Jardine.

   "Director Chu, I didn't expect us to meet so soon!"

  Henry Keswick clinked glasses with Chu Huan with champagne in his hand. Chu Huan, who had just walked into the banquet hall, had already taken the champagne from the tray of the adaptation student.

   "Where do we never meet again in life!" After clinking glasses with Henry Keswick, Chu Huan said with a smile, "I didn't expect to meet Mr. Keswick in Xiangjiang before, and now we meet in London!"

  Simon Keswick next to Henry Keswick frowned slightly. Everyone knew why Chu Huan was here because of the acquisition of Jardine.

   Now that the two sides are still playing charades at this time, it is really unnecessary. At least Simon Keswick thinks so.

   "Mr. Chu, I think Jeffrey has already made it very clear to you. I hope that the two of us can cooperate friendly in the future and make better achievements in Xiangjiang in the future!"

  In Henry Keswick's view, since Jeffrey Howe has gone to find Chu Huan, the acquisition of Jardine should come to an end, and before that, he also told Simon Keswick in the same way.

   "By the way, Mr. Chu, we hope that after a while, we can buy back some shares of Jardine Matheson and Landmark from Mr. Chu's hands. As for the price, how about calculating it based on the stock prices of these two companies at that time?"

  This is what Henry Keswick preached to Simon Keswick before.

  Only in terms of price, Henry Keswick is definitely going to suppress Chu Huan. Before China Land acquired Jardine, the stock prices of Jardine and Hongkong were HK$18.8 and HK$14.72 per share respectively.

  However, the purchase price of Chinese Land is HK$100 per share and HK$75 per share.

  It is clear that Chu Huan needs to use administrative power to pay for everything.

  But speaking from Henry Keswick's mouth, it seems to be a matter of course.

Chu Huan, who was holding champagne, had a relaxed smile on his face: "Mr. Keswick, have you misunderstood something? Xiangjiang's acquisition of Jardine and Landmark will end tomorrow if there is no accident. At that time, we Chinese Real Estate became the holding company of these two consortiums, why did we sell our shares to you?"

Speaking of this, Chu Huan made a look of surprise, and continued to speak to Henry Keswick: "By the way, our group has made a decision. After completing the acquisition of Jardine and Landmark, we will The management of the company will conduct a screening, and by then, Ximen, you may no longer be able to work in the company."

  Henry Keswick and Simon Keswick showed the same surprised expression at the same time, and Henry Keswick looked at Jeffrey Howe immediately.

Jeffrey Howe spread his hands and looked helpless in his clothes: "I'm very sorry my friend, I have already discussed this matter with Director Chu, and I personally think that Xiangjiang is a free, open and inclusive society. In the financial city, it is a normal business practice for China Land to acquire Jardine, and I have no other choice!"

  At this time, Jeffrey Howe has firmly stood by Chu Huan's side!

   And Jeffrey Howe's answer made Henry Keswick feel like he was struck by lightning. He didn't expect that something he thought was a certainty would have an accident.

"Mr. Chu is a good planner. I have forced myself to overestimate your influence in England, but I never thought I would underestimate it. But this matter does not end here. Jardine Landmark can only be in our hands! "

   After speaking, Henry Keswick turned and left without grace.

   Then Chu Huan saw Henry Keswick approaching an old white man, and the two were talking for some reason.

  Jeffrey Howe whispered to Chu Huan: "That is the Speaker of the House of Commons, George Thomas, and he is very good friends with Henry Keswick!"

  Chu Huan nodded to express his understanding, that is to say, whether he can get Yihe, in fact, this person is the most critical person.

  Although in name, the Speaker of the House of Commons has no rights, but in fact, as the most powerful House of Commons in England, the influence of Speaker George Thomas in the British political circles can be imagined.

  By the way, friends who often watch TV and watch the news, when you see on TV that the meeting of the British House of Commons is like a quarrel scene like an aunt buying vegetables in a vegetable market.

  Standing in the middle, a small hammer kept hitting the table, shouting: Order! Order! Order! This person is the speaker of the British House of Commons!

  Chu Huan did not go to the old man hammering the hammer. Now that his side has the advantage, they should come to discuss with him instead of going to them himself.

  So Chu Huan and Jeffrey Howe came to Joe Cole's table at this time.

   "Chu, why did you come here with Jeffrey?" Joe Cole had a bright smile on his face after seeing Chu Huan.

   Hearing Joe Cole's question, Jeffrey Howe was a little embarrassed. He went to see Chu Huan to talk about Yihe, but Joe Cole didn't know about it.

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "I wanted to ask Jeffrey about something before, so I called Jeffrey in advance!"

   Seeing that Chu Huan didn't mention Yihe's matter, Jeffrey Howe was also relieved. No matter how you say it, this kind of thing is always somewhat disgraceful.

  Joe Cole nodded with a smile, and didn't ask anything about this statement, but introduced the person next to him to Chu Huan.

   "Chu, let me introduce you, this is Ferdinand, chairman of our Great British Empire Monopoly and Merger Committee!"

  Chu Huan smiled. Although he doesn't need to deal with the other party for the time being in his business in England, there will definitely be a lot of dealings in the future.

   "Hello, Mr. Ferdinand, it's an honor to meet you!"

  Although Ferdinand was shaking hands with Chu Huan in a standard manner, in fact Ferdinand looked at Chu Huan with deep doubts in his eyes.

   Ferdinand is no stranger to Chu Huan. Although he has never been to Xiangjiang, he still knows the business situation of Xiangjiang very well.

And Chu Huan is the name he has heard the most in the past few years. A Chinese has only spent less than ten years in Xiangjiang and has become the most influential businessman in Xiangjiang, and even the most influential businessman in Asia. power businessman.

   Such achievements made Ferdinand full of curiosity.

  Furthermore, what happened now, Ferdinand also found out today that a company under the name of Chu Huan named Hua Ren Real Estate was going to acquire Jardine, the largest private consortium in England in Xiangjiang!

   This matter has spread in the political circles of England.

   "Mr. Chu is young and promising. To be honest, when I saw Mr. Chu, I thought Mr. Chu was the successor of that consortium!"

  Ferdinand greeted Chu Huan politely. Although he also had the pride of being an Englishman in his heart, for Chu Huan, he could only hide such pride.

  The Minister of Finance personally accompanied the visit, and the Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons personally introduced it. In fact, this has already demonstrated Chu Huan's influence in Xiangjiang's political circles.

   "By the way, Chairman Chu, Ferdinand is also a standard fan, and the team he loves is the Manchester United team you own!"

  Joe Cole said with a smile.

  Ferdinand was surprised again. He knew that the Manchester United team had been sold to a North American sports consortium before, but he did not expect that Chu Huan was actually the real behind-the-scenes owner of the Manchester United team.

   This also shows that Chu Huan's business is not only in Xiangjiang, but also has a large scale in North America.

   "Really, there will be a Manchester United home game tomorrow night. I wonder if Mr. Ferdinand is interested in going to the home court to cheer for them?"

  Chu Huan sent an invitation to Ferdinand.

  Ferdinand said with a smile: "Of course it is an honor!"

While the few people were exchanging greetings, a young man in his thirties, wearing a tuxedo suit, came over, followed by a young girl in an evening dress, with some baby fat on her face. Eighteen or nineteen.

  Seeing these two people coming, Qiao Keer and others got up together, and Chu Huan also stood up.

   Chu Huan has already recognized the identity of the other party, Charles of the British royal family, and Princess Diana who left a strong mark in British history.

  Although the British royal family no longer has much real power, these people who should respect the British government on such occasions will still respect them!

   Otherwise, I will be condemned by the outside media!

   "What are you guys talking about, so happy?" Charles asked the crowd with a refined smile, but his attention was more on Chu Huan.

  No way, among a group of ghosts, Chu Huan's image is too prominent.

   "We were chatting for a while about what interesting things we should shoot." Joe Cole replied.

  Charles smiled at first, and then asked Chu Huan: "If I read correctly, your Excellency is Chu Huan from Xiangjiang Jiaku, Director Chu?"

  Chu Huan also responded with a smile: "I didn't expect Prince Charles to know Chu!"

  Although Charles was very friendly at this time, Chu Huan knew that the crown prince who had been the longest-serving crown prince in British history was actually a very domineering person.

Charles said with a smile: "I have indeed heard something about Mr. Chu in Xiangjiang, but I didn't expect that Mr. Chu would be in the mood to come to our dinner party. If I had known that I should have personally sent the invitation letter to Mr. Chu, I wouldn't have Let Director Chu come here without identity!"

  At the beginning, Joe Cole and others still smiled when they heard what Charles said. After all, Chu Huan is their guest, and Charles can show respect, which is also a kind of respect for them.

   It's just that when Charles finished his last words, the smiles on the faces of Joe Cole and others disappeared.

   Still the same sentence, Chu Huan is their guest, respecting Chu Huan means respecting them, and Charles' last words are obviously disrespectful to Chu Huan, so it is naturally disrespectful to them.

   Facing Charles Chu Huan like this, he just smiled, but he had already withdrawn the hand that he had stretched out to shake hands with.

  Seeing Chu Huan's action, Charles raised his brows and directly expressed his unhappiness.

At this moment, Qiao Cole suddenly smiled and said, "Mr. Chu is my invited guest, and I have already informed Her Majesty the Queen. Prince, you are busy with affairs and are busy dating again. It is estimated that Her Majesty the Queen did not tell you about this matter." Bar!"

  This time, it was Charles who was dissatisfied. What Joe Cole said was obviously telling himself that there was a mother above him.

"As far as I know, the people we invite to this banquet are not government officials, but nobles of the country. I don't know when Chairman Chu became a nobleman of our British Empire. Why don't I know?" Charles didn't As politically sensitive as my mother, I also don't have much emotional intelligence.

  At this time, facing Chu Huan was still at his home court, so he didn't get any benefits, and Charles naturally showed it directly.

At that time, Diana, who was next to Charles, looked at Chu Huan's expression with some curiosity. Now she is still immersed in the sweetness of her passionate love with Charles, and she doesn't know what the man she is going to marry will bring to her in the future. trauma.

At this time, Diana was only 19 years old. Although she was not a good-looking person, she did not have that strong resistance to handsome guys. The most important thing was that she was very curious about what kind of background this man from Xiangjiang was. It will make these high-ranking officials in England deflate Charles.

   "I personally invited Chairman Chu to come and reported to Her Majesty the Queen. Is there any problem with Mr. Prince?"

   At this moment, a woman's voice came.

   Everyone followed the sound and looked over.

   Another woman who left her name in history!

Margaret Thatcher!

The growth of the British economy in the 1980s was inseparable from Mrs. Thatcher, which also stemmed from the resignation of Churchill. After the war, many people believed that Churchill, who led England out of the predicament, could continue to be re-elected as the British Prime Minister. " also specifically wrote.

  Winston Churchill was not only the embodiment of the British spirit, but also our strong leader. Except for the British, the whole free world has great confidence in him.

   But in the end, everyone was slapped in the face. The Conservative Party led by Churchill lost to the Labor Party led by Clement Attlee by a huge disadvantage of 197 votes to 393 votes, and lost the government's right to form a cabinet.

  After the analysis, Mrs. Thatcher found that the reason why the people abandoned the Conservative Party and Churchill was because of the bad domestic economic situation.

  After graduating from university, Mrs. Thatcher met her husband, Sir Dennis Thatcher, a wealthy British businessman.

   Knowing each other, falling in love, getting married, and then having the financial support of her husband, Mrs. Thatcher re-entered the British political arena, and finally let her serve in the cabinet in 1961, becoming a new star in the British political arena.

  By this year, Mrs. Thatcher became the first female prime minister in British history.

  For such a woman who is destined to be written into the history of England, how could Chu Huan miss making friends with her when she asked Ma Jizu to come to England?

   More importantly, Mrs. Thatcher's husband is also a wealthy businessman, and the two sides have a good foundation for cooperation.

  So Xiangjiang MacLehose thinks that Chu Huan's most powerful assistant in London is Joe Cole, the deputy speaker of the House of Commons, but in fact Chu Huan's best partner in London is actually Mrs. Thatcher.

  Charles saw Mrs. Thatcher coming and said the same words as Joe Cole, and his face became more and more ugly. This situation was something he did not expect. More importantly, Mrs. Thatcher could not afford to offend.

   It wasn't just Charles who had an ugly face. Henry Keswick, who was sitting with George Thomas, also became more and more ugly after seeing Mrs. Thatcher's behavior.

   Originally thought that after coming to London, he could easily crush Chu Huan's influence in London, but in less than half an hour, Henry Keswick realized how ridiculous what he thought before was.

  Unknowingly, Chu Huan's influence in England even surpassed that of many old British nobles.

   Even his own influence, in front of Chu Huan, began to look insufficient.

   Such a discovery made Henry Keske feel more helpless besides anger.

   "Henry, it seems that it will be very difficult for you to keep Jardine!" George Thomas sat there, his expression was not very good-looking, after all, everyone in England knew his relationship with Henry Keswick.

  Now that Chu Huan is so strong in England, this is not a good phenomenon.

  "The time of peace has been too long, making people forget the former glory of the British Empire. Now everyone's goal is to see economic growth!"

  George Thomas didn't say this sentence, he just thought about it silently in his heart, but the meaning was already obvious.

He doesn't believe that Chu Huan, who just came to England, can have such a deep friendship with so many powerful factions in England. Then the friendship they have shown now has actually shown one point, that is, the interests of these people have long been already bound together.

   Only the binding of interests can make these people become close friends in a short period of time.

   On the other hand, because of the arrival of Mrs. Thatcher, Charles also knew that he could not get any benefits here, so he left Chu Huan's table with a curious Diana at the end.

   "I'm sorry, Director Chu, because of our negligence, you have had some unpleasant experiences."

  Mrs. Thatcher sat next to Chu Huan, talking with Chu Huan with a smile on her face.

  Chu Huan smiled softly: "It's okay, it's not a big deal at all, besides, I have to thank you, Ma'am, thanks to your appearance just now."

  Mrs. Thatcher smiled and said: "It should be, Mr. Chu, you are our friend in England, and I will also thank you on behalf of the women and children in England!"

The friendship between the two originated from a purposeful charitable donation. When Mrs. Thatcher was the Minister of Education and Science, she made a decision that triggered public demonstrations and protests, which was to cancel the provision of free education to schools across the country. Milk policy.

  At that time, the "Sun" even publicly teased her as "the person who grabs milk from students".

   Later, after Ma Jizu got acquainted with Mrs. Thatcher through Jeffrey Howe, he set up a charitable foundation and proposed to provide England with an annual donation of 2 million pounds, and the donation targets were women and children in England.

  Such donations have naturally become her political achievements through the operation of Mrs. Thatcher.

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "What is taken from the people and used by the people, our Jiaku has achieved some achievements in England, so we must give back to the people of England!"

  Mrs. Thatcher smiled and said: "If all businessmen can be like you, Mr. Chu, it will really be a blessing for us in England!"

  After exchanging pleasantries, Mrs. Thatcher got up to talk to other people. During the conversation between Chu Huan and her, nothing about Yihe was mentioned.

  One is because the occasion here is not suitable.

  The second is that many things can only be understood, but cannot be expressed in words.

  Mrs. Thatcher came to Chu Huan's side as soon as she came to the dinner party, which actually explained a lot of problems.

   Next, Chu Huan only needs to find a time tomorrow to meet with Thatcher alone. The two sides put forward their own conditions to each other, and after various negotiations, they finally reached an agreement.

   Not long after Mrs. Thatcher left, the on-site charity dinner began. Since it was a charity dinner, it was natural that someone brought out their collection for auction.

  Although Chu Huan did not have any collections for auction, he also spent one million pounds on the spot to bid for an antique jewelry.

   Then there are all kinds of conversations.

   After the dinner party, Chu Huan returned to his residence.

  However, after returning to the villa, Chu Huan did not fall asleep directly. According to the time difference between Xiangjiang and London, the commercial acquisition in Xiangjiang will be over at two or three o'clock tomorrow morning.

  So Chu Huan must have no time to sleep tonight, he must be ready to answer Xiangjiang's call at any time.

   Not only was Chu Huan unable to sleep, but Henry Keswick, who was directly competing with Chu Huan, was also unable to sleep.

  Although they are all in London now, in fact their minds are more in Xiangjiang.

  At one o'clock in the morning London time, Chu Huan was sitting on the sofa in the study, holding in his hand the relationship network of Henry Keswick in London investigated by Ma Jizu.

  Everyone on this network may have an impact on the completion of the acquisition of Jardine Land.

  The door of the study room was pushed open, and Ma Jizu walked in.

   "Chairman, why don't you go up and take a rest first, and I will notify you as soon as Xiangjiang calls!"

  Chu Huan shook his head with a smile and said, "No need, there are not two hours left. Compared with us, I think those people in Xiangjiang may be more nervous in their hearts!"

Ma Jizu sat across from Chu Huan, nodded and said, "I still remember that when Brother Feng and I first arrived in Xiangjiang, I heard people from the Walled City say that sometimes Yihe can equate with Xiangjiang. Yes, I didn't expect that we would be able to acquire Jardine in just a few years!"

  Chu Huan laughed and said, "At that time, you must have never thought that you would become a powerful figure in Europe, right?"

   Ma Jizu sneered and said, "The chairman gave it to me!"

  The two of them just chatted like this, and it was indeed a little more relaxed than that of Xiangjiang.

   But at this time, Xiangjiang Jiaku is already very busy!

   Thank you everyone, the typo is corrected first and then corrected~



  (end of this chapter)

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