MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 769 20 billion US dollars petrochemical project (7K large

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  Chapter 769 A $20 billion petrochemical project (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

  When Chu Huan and his party came to the capital, it was already March when all things were recovering.

However, Chen Haichao did not come to the capital with Chu Huan, but went to Jinmen. The first color TV production line that Kyushu cooperated with his hometown has been introduced to the radio factory in Jinmen, and products will be produced in May this year. So Chen Haichao went to Jinmen to understand the specific situation.

  Chu Huan stayed at the Capital Hotel as usual.

  At the same time, I met Mr. Yu and Professor Chen Siyao at Chu Huan in the Capital Hotel.

The two of them have basically become the transit point for Chu Huan to contact his hometown. Under normal circumstances, after Chu Huan has any ideas, he will discuss with them in advance, and then the two of them will communicate with Chu Huan. Huan's idea was reported to the higher-ups, and then Chu Huan would go to discuss specific matters with him, and finally the two of them would discuss the specific implementation with Chu Huan.

  This time, when Mr. Yu and Professor Chen Siyao saw Chu Huan, their expressions were a little excited.

"Mr. Chu, I know that you have come here a few days ago. I originally wanted you to come to the capital as soon as possible. As a result, Mr. Zhu insisted on letting you stay in Longkou for a few days, but you don't know. The flowers we have been waiting for you for the past two days are all gone!"

   At the end of the talk, Mr. Yu made a joke.

  They were naturally anxious about Chu Huan's arrival, because before Chu Huan came, Wu Shuhan had already passed a word to them, that is, Chu Huan now has two super projects in his hands that he wants to cooperate with his hometown!

   Just the word super is enough to affect the nerves of Mr. Yu and Professor Chen Siyao.

  After knowing this, Mr. Yu tried to know the scale of the two projects from Wu Shuhan's mouth, so he compared the two super projects in Chu Huan's mouth with the BG project.

  Wu Shuhan told them that the BG project was not enough compared to the two super projects Chu Huan mentioned!

   Such an answer completely made the two of them unable to sit still. If Chu Huan hadn't received a call from the two of them in Longkou, saying that he would go to the capital immediately, they would have gone to Longkou.

  Facing the excited two people, Chu Huan smiled and said, "Mr. Yu, Professor Chen, am I here now? But my two projects are really big. Are you two sure that your heart is okay?"

Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao looked at each other, and they both saw excitement in each other's eyes. As the Xiangjiang businessman who paid the most attention to Chu Huan in his hometown, they were always paying attention to Chu Huan's actions in Xiangjiang. Naturally, they knew that Chu Huan Last year, Huan had already acquired the Jardine Group, the leader of Xiangjiang's listed companies.

  When they first learned that Chinese Land was going to acquire Jardine Land, both Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao thought it was impossible to succeed.

  But I didn't expect Chu Huan to succeed in the end.

This shocked the two people who couldn't see the whole picture of Chu Huan's acquisition of Jardine Land. As for the investment in this project, it was even more shocking. Acquired Jardine Land.

  The asset value of the Merchants Bureau at this time is only 100 million Hong Kong dollars!

  The country's foreign exchange reserves did not exceed 1 billion US dollars last year!

  Such a person has repeatedly emphasized the hugeness of his two investments, which has to make Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao feel pressure in his heart.

At this time, the hometown does need a huge investment, but sometimes, the greater the investment in a project, the greater the importance of this matter. The only thing they worry about now is what country Chu Huan is going to invest in. Level core class secret enterprise.

   "Mr. Chu, if you have any ideas, you can just say it. The two of us have weathered the storm, so there shouldn't be any problems!"

  Finally, Mr. Yu preached seriously.

  Chu Huan nodded after listening, and said with a smile: "Since this is the case, let's talk about the first investment first."

Having said that, Chu Huan paused for a moment before continuing to speak: "I am going to spend 20 billion dollars to invest in a huge petrochemical engineering industry chain in my hometown, including methanol, ethylene, propylene, fertilizer, oil refining, etc. A series of projects."


  Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao, even though they have done enough psychological construction, feel that they can bear the super project that Chu Huan is going to talk about at this time, but they still didn't expect that Chu Huan's first project would be so huge.

  Two billion dollars?

   Or that sentence, the country's foreign exchange reserves are less than 1 billion US dollars now!

  The most important thing is that although the project Chu Huan mentioned is huge, it does not involve the core field. That is to say, no matter whether it is domestic or foreign, there is no protection for the core technology of the project included in this petrochemical project.

   That said, there will be very little resistance to this project.

   Even, the above will very much hope that this project can be implemented in the hometown!

However, they are not without worries. In their view, such a large-scale investment is likely to allow this project to complete the monopoly of several projects in their hometown. Methanol, ethylene, propylene, and chemical fertilizers are monopolized in one port. in the hands of the merchant.

   This may be the biggest obstacle in this matter!

In fact, Chu Huan still thinks that his hometown will agree to this expanded version of the Cangjiang Project by Chu Huan. After all, in another time and space, when anyone on Taiwan Island wants to do it, his hometown is very welcome. Yes, it is simply to give land to land, and policy to policy. Anyway, as long as you want to do it, we will give you the green light all the way.

Although Chu Huan's plan was put forward nearly ten years earlier, and it was different from the general environment at that time, those people are still standing at the top of the pyramid. Chu Huan believes that they will definitely see that this project will bring more benefits to his hometown. It's convenient.

At the same time, Chu Huan still has a useless killer in his hand. I believe that as long as Chu Huan brings it up, I dare not say that his hometown will definitely agree to it, but at least he will definitely be inclined to agree to this matter. The rest is the details. discussed.

  In addition, we still have to mention the issue of foreign exchange reserves in my hometown at this stage. If this project can be successful, the foreign exchange reserves brought to my hometown every year must also be a huge amount.

Of course, Chu Huan also has his own needs in doing this, but it's not too important now. Whether it's his own needs or his own advantages, he has to bring it out little by little. Only in this way can he better talk to his hometown. condition!

   "Mr. Chu, you really scared us all. With an investment of 20 billion US dollars, you must know that this is a huge investment that has never been done in China!"

  Mr. Yu couldn't help preaching.

Chu Huan said with a light smile: "Since we are going to do it, I think it is best to do it in one go. Naturally, it is impossible to do it in one go for an investment of 20 billion U.S. dollars. In my vision, the whole plan It will be divided into ten phases, one phase will be completed, and the investment of 20 billion US dollars should be the minimum investment!"

Professor Chen Siyao couldn't help but asked: "Director Chu, some words may seem unfriendly if I say them now, but please don't get me wrong, this plan is too huge, even if we don't Ask, after we report this matter, the people above will also ask us!"

  Chu Huan nodded and said, "Professor Chen, tell me!"

Chen Siyao said: "Let's not talk about Mr. Chu's second project. This project alone has already invested 20 billion U.S. dollars. We also know that Mr. Chu had some big projects in Xiangjiang last year. Investment, so how can you assure us now, Mr. Chu, that you have so much cash in your hands to support you to complete this plan?

Mr. Chu, you should understand that once the higher authorities really decide to agree with Mr. Chu’s plan, then this will be a plan that will affect the whole country. If there is a shortage of funds, no one will be able to bear the consequences. rise! "

  Hearing Chen Siyao's doubts about Chu Huan's financial resources, Wu Shuhan on the side showed a smile. In Wu Shuhan's view, during this period, Chu Huan can be doubted about other things, except Chu Huan's financial resources.

Chu Huan is not dissatisfied with the doubts raised by Chen Siyao. As Chen Siyao said, the investment of 20 billion U.S. dollars is too big for his hometown at this time. If he really decides to start this investment , then it must be successful, and there must be no deviations, otherwise everyone will not be able to afford this loss.

"Professor Chen can rest assured that once this project is established, I will set up a special account in Jiaku Bank, and inject 4 billion US dollars into it in the early stage, and I can assure you that after the current phase of the project is completed, , will immediately add 2 billion US dollars to him, so I think Professor Chen can let you give up your doubts!"

  Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao showed a wry smile after hearing Chu Huan's assurance. Naturally, Chu Huan's actions could reassure them, but a new problem followed.

   This fund is in the special account of Jiaku Bank in Xiangjiang, and the project belongs to the hometown. In fact, it is very difficult for the hometown to investigate the situation of this fund at any time.

If you want to solve this problem, there are two ways. The first is to ask Chu Huan to transfer the funds into a domestic bank account designated by his hometown. The second is to put the Jiaku Bank in Xiangjiang into the domestic banking industry.

  For Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao, they naturally hope to switch to the first method, but they also understand one thing, that is, Chu Huan may not agree to the first method.

As members of the think tank, the two of them naturally know how many foreign banks want to enter the market since the wind direction in their hometown has changed, but in order to ensure the stability and safety of the financial industry in their hometown, at this point Control can be said to be very strict.

   Up to now, no foreign bank has been able to enter the banking industry in its hometown.

Now that Chu Huan proposes this plan, it must be said that this is very likely to be Chu Huan's second project. First, he uses a super project to impress them, and then proposes the establishment of a special fund account. Jiaku Bank of Xiangjiang can successfully enter the domestic banking industry!

   "Director Chu, let Xiangjiang's Jiaku Bank enter the domestic banking industry. This is your second project, right?" Chen Siyao couldn't help but asked Chu Huan.

At this time, Chu Huan smiled and shook his head and said: "Professor Chen will underestimate the structure of our bank, I believe that the domestic banking and financial markets will be liberalized sooner or later, and relying on the status of bank A, It will definitely become the first batch of banks to come in, there is no need to be so cautious at this time!"

  Hearing what Chu Huan said, both Mr. Yu and Professor Chen Siyao showed embarrassing smiles on their faces.

   Afterwards, the two decided to suspend the discussion on this matter. After all, they are just a voice transmission party now, and the specific decision depends on the decision of the above.

   "Mr. Chu invested in such a large project in his hometown, I think you must have your own conditions, right?"

The investment of 20 billion US dollars is still in petrochemical engineering, which is not a particularly core industry. Both Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao understand that all parts of the world will compete for this kind of investment. Now Chu Huan puts such a large investment in his hometown , Through getting along with Chu Huan, they believe that there must be a national plot in it, but at the same time, there must be some conditions that they don't know!

  Hearing the two people asking this question, Chu Huan smiled, which is considered to be on point.

   "I need half of the domestic sales!" Chu Huan stated his conditions.

Hearing this condition, the first thing Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao thought of was to oppose it. If this is the case, all the foreign exchange reserves in the valley will be emptied by this project. After all, when Chu Huan mentioned this project , the first thing they think of is to export and earn foreign exchange!

   Now Chu Huan is going to sell half of the domestic sales directly?

"You two, don't be in a hurry to object to this matter. If the higher authorities can agree to my request, I can guarantee that in the next ten years, all the income and profits generated by this project will be kept in China and used as domestic investment. , but also expand production, improve technology and invest in other projects.

  At the same time, this project can introduce capital investment from domestic banks. As for the funds, you don’t have to worry about it. At that time, domestic banks can sign loan contracts with Bank A. The money will actually be funded by Bank A.

   But the most important point here is that we must occupy the largest share of the stock, that is to say, the project has the right to operate and manage the project, and domestic companies only have the right to pay dividends! "

For half of the domestic sales of this plan, Chu Huan thinks that his hometown will still agree. You must know that in another time and space, when my hometown and the person from Taiwan Island were discussing this plan, the person from Taiwan Island talked about all export sales to all domestic sales. Chu Huan is only asking for half of the domestic sales.

   In addition, Chu Huan also decided to keep all the profits of this project for domestic investment, instead of spending money abroad like some companies do!

  The benefits generated by this project every year will promote the domestic economic development to accelerate again. Such a situation must be very much hoped to see by my hometown.

And Chu Huan actually took advantage of it even more. After all, only Chu Huan knows how fast the country will develop in the future, and if Chu Huan wants to enjoy a certain degree of freedom in this rapid development process If the current plan takes shape, then Chu Huan will not need to use his own funds from outside to invest in his hometown in the future!

At the same time, the more important point is that Chu Huan decided to introduce domestic banks to join this project. It seemed that Chu Huan had shared the interests of this project, but in fact, he had accumulated the deepest personal connections for Chu Huan. The weight of Daxing is definitely not as simple as it looks from the outside.

   This is not just a commercial investment, but also an accumulation of contacts.

  Mr. Yu and Professor Chen Siyao had mixed feelings again. I have to say that Chu Huan's suggestion moved them very much.

   But there is another problem involved, that is, Chu Huan mentioned Jiaku Bank again, that is to say, if you want to promote this plan now, you must introduce Jiaku Bank into the domestic banking industry.

"Mr. Chu, we admire your sincerity!" Regardless of whether Jiaku Bank enters the market in my hometown, one thing is certain, that is, Chu Huan's plan. Side is actually cheaper!

  That's why Mr. Yu preached to Chu Huan so sincerely.

   After listening to it, Chu Huan smiled and said, "Then you two think my plan will be approved by the higher-ups?"

Whether it is Chu Huan, or Mr. Yu, Chen Siyao both understand that this matter is not up to Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao. The only thing they can do now is to report the plan that Chu Huan proposed , As for how the above judges the decision, it can only be determined by the above decision.

  So what Chu Huan asked the two of them was whether the higher-ups would agree!

After thinking for a while, Mr. Yu said: "Mr. Chu, I can't give you a definite answer now. In this plan, we saw that Mr. Chu mentioned Jiaku Bank many times. Now we will Let’s assume that if the higher-ups agree with Mr. Chu’s investment plan, then where are you going to put Jiaku Bank?”

When they first met, Chu Huan mentioned two super plans. In the later discussions, Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao once thought that Chu Huan’s second super investment was Jiaku Bank’s entry into the banking industry of his hometown. From Chu Huan's answer, he learned that this was not the plan.

But at this time, for them, they still really want to know how Chu Huan planned Jiaku Bank. After all, Jiaku Bank's entry into the banking industry of his hometown has now become a subsidiary of Chu Huan's first super investment plan. condition.

So even though they are already very curious about Chu Huan's second project, they still need to understand everything about the first super investment plan. Only in this way can they report Chu Huan's plan to the above!

Chu Huan said with a smile: "I hope that the headquarters of Jiaku Bank in my hometown will be placed in Shenghai, and at the same time, a branch will be established in Pengcheng to invest in the development of Pengcheng. Offer some convenience!"

  Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao smiled wryly again, knowing that this matter is not that simple.

   First of all, Chu Huan set up the headquarters of Jiaku Bank in Shenghai, which is understandable to them. After all, Shenghai is the financial center of his hometown.

What they are troubled by is the establishment of a branch of Jiaku Bank in Pengcheng. It seems that this branch is to provide convenience for Xiangjiang merchants who invest in Pengcheng, and it is also investing in the development of Pengcheng. After all, the development of Pengcheng continues to be funded. ,But in fact.

Now it is Huayin that connects Xiangjiang and Pengcheng funds, and according to Chu Huan's status in Xiangjiang, if Jiaku Bank really sets up a branch in Pengcheng, then those merchants in Xiangjiang must be between Huayin and Jiaku Bank. If you choose Jiaku Bank, you will virtually take away a lot of Huayin's business.

  Standing in the positions of Chu Huan, Mr. Yu, Chen Siyao and others, what they see is not just the gains and losses of one aspect, but the overall consideration of the problem.

Chu Huan saw the worry of the two of them, and said with a smile: "You two, if you have gains, you will lose. In this matter, I have given up a lot of benefits. I think you can feel my Sincerity, and the two of you are a little too underestimating the future development of Pengcheng and Huayin, and overestimating the weight of Jiaku Bank.

I believe that in the future, Pengcheng will develop into a super city that attracts worldwide attention. Jiaku Bank has no way to eat all the markets in Pengcheng, and the development of Huayin is the same. Jiaku Bank entered Pengcheng not to compete with Huayin competes for the market, but for common development. On this point, I hope you two can understand! "

  Introducing Jiaku Bank into the domestic banking industry is what Chu Huan has been working hard for. Otherwise, Chu Huan would not have separated Alder Commercial Bank from Jiaku Bank at the beginning.

   The purpose of keeping Jiaku Bank from foreign capital is to ensure its purity. When entering the banking industry in its hometown, there is not so much resistance.

  You must know that even if many foreign banks enter the home market in the future, they will only be able to carry out some businesses in the banking industry, but will not be able to enjoy all the businesses.

  What Chu Huan has to do is to make the business level of Jiaku Bank and the bank in his hometown as similar as possible.

Chen Siyao said: "We understand what you mean, Director Chu, but the banking industry is too sensitive, especially since you have chosen such a sensitive place. Although you are very optimistic about the development of Pengcheng, it does not mean that the banking industry is too sensitive. There are people in my hometown who think the same as you, and you should know that even at this time, there are many people who have put a huge question mark on the future of Pengcheng.

  So it is really very difficult to succeed in this matter! "

Mr. Yu was worried that Chu Huan would misunderstand this matter, so he added: "However, this matter is not infeasible. I have to say that the super investment project plan you proposed, Mr. Chu, is really too tempting. Now, maybe the two sides can indeed find a balance point in the end!"

  Chu Huan also understood what the two of them meant, and nodded on this matter.

  Chen Siyao suddenly thought of something, and said to Chu Huan: "Director Chu, there is one more thing we need to confirm!"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "Please tell me!"

  Chen Siyao said: "Mr. Chu has just provided us with the conditions to ensure that we have sufficient funds, but we also know about your investment in Xiangjiang over the past few years, Mr. Chu, so the source of this fund"

  Mr. Yu's face changed, and he hurriedly said: "Mr. Chu, don't get me wrong, we don't suspect the source of your funds."

Chu Huan waved his hand and blocked Mr. Yu's words. In fact, Chu Huan understood what Chen Siyao meant. What he was worried about was that there were other overseas capital behind the source of the funds, although this petrochemical project did not involve too much The degree of confidentiality such as core technology.

  But this project is too big, and they also need to ensure the purity of this project in China. Even if Chu Huan really has other capital support behind him, they must know it well.

"Please rest assured, both of you, all the funds for this project come from Bank A, and have nothing to do with the capital of other countries. As for the source of funds, you should know that Bank A has a huge global presence. It's business, but you must not know the specific situation, if you two know the specific situation, I believe you will not doubt Aku's financial strength!"

  In fact, as long as Chu Huan told the two of them about his investment in gold, the two of them would definitely not doubt the source of Chu Huan's funds.

  But this matter, except for Chu Huan and Xu Yi and a few people who know the specific investment of Chu Huan in gold, no one knows, and Chu Huan will not let more people know.

  With the departure of Chu Huan's funds in the gold market, the global gold price immediately ushered in an avalanche-style collapse. As for the price of $850 per ounce reached by gold in another time and space, it will definitely not appear.

  The collapse of the gold market this time directly caused countless investors around the world to jump off the building, which was called the most tragic event after entering the 1980s!

   Not only that, the collapse of gold prices also triggered the collapse of the BY market, which has been on the verge of collapse.

  The Hunter brothers, who had been hyping the BY market in the 1970s, jumped off the building. It can be said that the global futures market is bleak at this time.

   But at the same time, this situation has led to another round of oil price increases.

  Simply speaking, just this fluctuation in the gold market has made the whole world lose money, and Chu Huan has made money!

Under such an environment, it is naturally impossible for Chu Huan to disclose this matter. Fortunately, when Chu Huan was preparing for this matter, he dispersed his funds and invested globally. , Chu Huan will definitely have some troubles in this matter!

  Mr. Yu and Professor Chen Siyao didn't doubt Chu Huan's words. After listening to Chu Huan's explanation, they believed it.

  After all, they also know that the current Jiaku is not only Jiaku but also Yunhai Group!

  After explaining this matter clearly, Mr. Yu asked Chu Huan: "So, what is the second super investment plan you mentioned, Mr. Chu?"

   Thank you everyone, the typo is corrected first and then corrected~



  (end of this chapter)

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