MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 770 The cornerstone of a great country (7K large

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  Chapter 770 The cornerstone of a great country (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

  There is oil in the Middle East, and rare earths in Huaguo!

  In later generations, many people regard rare earths as an important domestic and foreign weapon, and the reason for all this is naturally because of the value of rare earths!

   And this is actually what Chu Huan was looking for.

At this time, rare earths were not valued as much as later generations. The largest Baiyun Obo Mine had already begun exploration in 1949. However, in the early days, domestic rare earth separation technology was not advanced. If you want to obtain rare earths, you need Sell ​​the rare earth ore to foreign countries and wait for the foreign country to complete the separation technology, and then buy it back at a high price!

  This situation has changed with the rare earth cascade extraction technology developed by Academician Xu last year. The domestic rare earth separation technology has instantly become the world's first-class existence.

   But still the same sentence, the importance of my hometown to rare earths at this time stays at the level that I know this thing is important, but I never thought how important it is.

Academician Xu did not apply for a patent for the rare earth cascade extraction technology after he successfully developed it. Instead, he started the way of giving lectures across the country. It is a good idea to popularize this technology, but the result is Not that great.

  After learning this technology, domestic factories flocked to the Baiyun Obo Mine almost like the wind, where countless mining companies, large and small, were formed.

  The mining of rare earths in that period was disorderly and chaotic.

In the next twenty years, these people will mine almost half of the rare earths. Not only that, but because there is no orderly environment, these domestic miners will have various involutions in prices, and Overseas buyers even formed an alliance. When domestic rare earth prices fell, they stockpiled a large amount of goods, and when the domestic price wanted to increase, they released their inventories to lower the price of rare earths.

   It can be said that my hometown guards the world's largest rare earth space, but sold it for the price of cabbage. Of course, I must have gained a lot of money.

  Since his hometown in another time and space will open mining rights to private companies in the next few years, Chu Huan is confident that he will get the mining rights of rare earths in this hometown at this time.

   And this is the second of the two super projects Chu Huanlai invested in in his hometown!

Of course, although the hometown of this period did not pay much attention to this rare earth, it is not an easy task if you want to win it. This is a national strategic reserve material. Those private owners can get the mining right mainly because They have little power, and the country also needs to use them to earn foreign exchange.

  If Chu Huan wants to do it, he must unite with the country to develop it, which is almost a monopoly position. The country will definitely attach great importance to this point.

   Sure enough, after Chu Huan finished speaking, both Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao showed complicated expressions. To be honest, the two plans Chu Huan mentioned were different from what they thought.

  The two of them have also studied Xiangjiang's business, especially recently, Xiangjiang is most famous for its real estate business, or its manufacturing business in previous years.

Therefore, both of them basically thought that the plan Chu Huan was going to propose was to develop land or to enclose land in some places, but they did not expect that the two plans Chu Huan proposed were petrochemical projects and mining projects. The routines of their Xiangjiang merchants are different!

  If you want to say that this is a commercial investment proposed by the Japanese, they think it is appropriate.

"Mr. Chu, whether it is the petrochemical project you mentioned before or the rare earth project now, you have proved your strength in terms of funds, Mr. Chu, but both of them involve problems in technology and equipment. Regarding the two matters, are you ready, Mr. Chu?"

  Mr. Yu couldn't help but asked Chu Huan.

Chu Huan smiled and said, "Don't worry about this, you two. My people have already started studying at Mitsui Chemicals in terms of petrochemical engineering. As for rare earths, Academician Xu's research is already at an international leading level. As for equipment , I have also contacted the best equipment in the world, as long as the domestic side agrees, funds and personnel will enter the domestic market as soon as possible!"

  Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao were both taken aback. They didn't expect Chu Huan to be so fully prepared.

  Chen Siyao asked: "Mr. Chu, I also visited Japan last year, and I know that Japanese companies attach great importance to technology and equipment. How could they agree to Mr. Chu's request?"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "This is actually very simple, because my business in Japan itself has invested in Mitsui Chemicals, and Jiaku is also one of the shareholders of Mitsui Chemicals. In addition, my relationship with the Mitsui family and our relationship in Australia Cooperation with Brazil, at this point, they are still very willing to help!"

   Today is destined to collapse Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao's understanding of the world's business world.

  Although both of them knew that Chu Huan had a very profound influence in the global business world, they still didn't expect that Chu Huan's business scale would be so large?

   It has cooperated with super consortiums such as Mitsui & Co., and it is still in Australia and Brazil.

  Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao can be said to be the two people who know the world's business circles best in China today. They naturally know what projects Japan is investing in Australia and Brazil.

  At the beginning, they introduced Japanese funds to participate in the BG plan. First, they took a fancy to their technology and capital, and second, they took a fancy to their right to speak in the global iron mining industry.

   Now Chu Huan actually said that he has cooperated with Mitsui & Co. in Japan in these two places?

   But then the two thought of a possibility, that is, if the cooperation between Chu Huan and Mitsui & Co. is so deep, then these two investments of Chu Huan in his hometown now?

  Although Chu Huan had just guaranteed his source of funds, they really didn't dare to gamble on this kind of thing. In case, even if it was just in case, they needed to figure it out.

   "Mr. Chu, will your cooperation with Mitsui & Co., Ltd. affect the cooperation you may reach with our country this time?"

  Although he knew that asking this way again would make Chu Huan feel a little unhappy, Mr. Yu still couldn't help asking Chu Huan.

Regarding Mr. Yu's question, Chu Huan said with a smile: "You don't need to worry too much about this point. The cooperation between our company in Australia and Brazil is our company's own initiative, and Mitsui & Co., Ltd. is just a shareholder. The mine containing the huge iron ore discovered in Australia, the two of you should know, it was discovered by our company through exploration.

  As for the cooperation in Brazil, we are not planning to develop iron ore, but to enter into Brazilian agriculture. "

   There are some things that Chu Huan doesn't mind being known by his hometown, because the higher his strength is, the more his hometown will pay more attention to and cannot do without it!

This is the same as when potential companies raise funds, they don’t need to take the initiative to seek investors, investors will actively seek them, and what these companies have to do is to find investors who are suitable for their own business among these investors. Develop the most favorable investors.

   It’s not just about having money.

  If you have money, you need connections!

   "Mr. Chu, you really don't look like a Xiangjiang businessman now!"

  After listening to Chu Huan's speech, Mr. Yu couldn't help sighing.

Businessmen in Xiangjiang are more concentrated in real estate, finance, manufacturing, shipping and other industries. As for Chu Huan, he can clearly feel that he is developing in the direction of diversification, so Chu Huan is now planning to invest in his hometown. For these two industries.

  These are all projects with huge initial investment and slow returns, which is not in line with the usual investment style of Xiangjiang businessmen.

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "There are no Xiangjiang businessmen. When foreign businessmen talk about it, we are just looking for a better development direction for our group."

Mr. Yu said: "However, Mr. Chu, the matter of investing in the Baiyun Obo Mine you mentioned is, to be honest, no easier than your first plan. The Baiyun Obo Mine is actually a strategic reserve mine in my hometown. It is definitely not that simple to contract it to an individual!"

  Chu Huan nodded, and said: "I understand, but Mr. Yu has something that I think you may not have thought of!"

  Mr. Yu asked Chu Huan: "Mr. Chu please tell me!"

Chu Huan said: "As Academician Xu is now beginning to disclose the rare earth cascade extraction technology he developed, I believe that countless people will pour into the Baiyun Obo Mine soon. The Baiyun Obo Mine will definitely enter into a disorderly and chaotic development. At that time, these people will not have enough technology and funds. Then the accidents caused by that time and the pollution of various environments will affect the Where the ecological environment caused complete damage.

  Of course, I can't see these now, but there is one thing I hope you two can understand! "

  Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao couldn't help becoming nervous when they saw that Chu Huan was speaking so seriously. When it comes to issues such as the overall situation, Mr. Yu usually asks Chu Huan.

   "Please tell Director Chu the details."

Chu Huan explained: "At that time, countless people will flood into this market, and there will be a fierce infighting scene somewhere. At that time, in order to better sell the rare earth elements they produce, they will Mutual lower prices and mutual competition, if such a scene takes place, our country will always suffer the loss, and the profit will naturally be those foreign capitals.

  They will definitely use capital at that time to buy the rare earth elements we produce at a low price and control the market price. If that is the case, although we are sitting on the world's largest rare earth mine, we are just a worker. "

   Neither Mr. Yu nor Chen Siyao dared to underestimate what Chu Huan said. Although this kind of thing has not happened yet, it does not mean that such a thing cannot happen.

  Mr. Yu couldn't help asking: "Then what if we introduce Mr. Chu's investment?"

Chu Huan said: "If my hometown agrees to introduce my funds, then our Jiaku can cooperate with the relevant departments of my hometown to jointly develop the rare earth elements of the Baiyun Obo Mine. Formulate the market rules for international rare earth elements, and the foreign exchange introduced at that time, I believe it will be an astronomical figure!"

  At this moment, Chen Siyao couldn't help it anymore, and asked, "Mr. Chu, although rare earth elements are very important, let's not talk about the current technology, but the market demand is not as big as you said, right?"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "The current market demand is naturally not that big, but in the future, with the rapid development of science and technology, I believe that rare earth elements will become one of the most important minerals in the global market in the future. Business is a gamble, and now we, Jiaku, are willing to invest tens of billions of dollars in this matter, don't you all have the guts to join us?

   To put it bluntly, even if we gambled wrong this time, it would be our Jiaku, not our hometown, that would lose the most, wouldn’t it? "

  Chu Huan's words made Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao smile awkwardly again.

After being silent for a while, Mr. Yu said: "Mr. Chu, we will report this matter. As for how the upper management decides, it is not up to us, but I think that Mr. Chu should do his best to talk about these two things." The preparations for the matter, after all, with such a large investment, the higher-ups will definitely meet President Chu in person!"

  Chu Huan also knew that this was a sure thing, and said with a smile, "Yes!"

  Afterwards, Wu Shuhan handed two documents to Chu Huan. Chu Huan took them and handed them to Mr. Yu, saying, "This is the proposal for these two projects. Please pass it to the higher authorities!"

  Mr. Yu took it carefully, and then said with a smile: "If these two plans can be successful, it will be the biggest investment since the founding of Huaguo!"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "I also hope that I can complete these two investment plans in my hometown!"

The two got up, and Mr. Yu said: "Mr. Chu, we should have invited you to dinner, but your two plans are too big, we must submit these two projects to the above as soon as possible." , so our meal can only be postponed!"

  Chu Huan nodded with a smile: "It should be!"

  But when Mr. Yu was about to leave, Chu Huan suddenly asked Mr. Yu: "By the way, how are the preparations for the wedding of Hai Liang and Wei Hong going?

  Before Shu Han told me, I thought that if the two need help, we are friends, and we can help each other! "

Mr. Yu said modestly: "These two children, when I changed the wedding time before, I told them, Mr. Chu, you are so busy now, don't let them bother you, I didn't expect them to tell you, Mr. Chu !"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "Hai Liang and Wei Hong are one of the few friends I have in the capital. I am very happy to be able to attend their wedding!"

Mr. Yu said with a smile: "At that time, Mr. Chu, it will be the best blessing for the two of them to be able to participate in person. Besides, we don't have anything to pay attention to here. When the time comes, relatives and friends will gather together for a meal, and it will be considered as completed." It's wedding!"

  Chu Huan nodded and said, "Okay, then we will go there early!"

   "Thank you, Director Chu!"

  Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao left the Capital Hotel, and hurriedly reported these two projects to Chu Huan!

  Chu Huan and Wu Shuhan went to eat! .

  The two investment projects of Chu Huan are too big. After Mr. Yu and Chen Siyao reported Chu Huan's plan, that night Chu Huan received a call from them, inviting Chu Huan to his home as a guest.

   Naturally, Chu Huan had no objection to this, and immediately arranged for a vehicle to go to the old man's home to state his thoughts.

  When Chu Huan came back from the old man's house, it was already past ten o'clock at night.

  Wu Shuhan didn't go there, so after Chu Huan came back, he immediately asked Chu Huan.

   "What did the old man say? Did you agree?"

  Wu Shuhan also understood the importance of these two plans to Chu Huan, so he was very concerned.

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "How could it be possible to agree so quickly? The old man just raised his own questions about some of the situations in the plan. As for the specifics, there must be a meeting to study!"

  Chu Huan never thought that his two plans could get accurate answers within a year or two, and his hometown would definitely do various investigations.

   "But the old man can ask your boss some questions about the project, I think the other party is still very interested!"

   Wu Shuhan analyzed.

  Chu Huan nodded. If he is interested, he must be interested. After all, the investment capital of his two projects is close to 40 billion US dollars.

  Let's put it this way, as long as Chu Huan puts forward these two plans, he will be treated like a distinguished guest in every country in the world.

   But there is no way. Judging from the current situation, the two plans are most likely to be implemented in my hometown, especially the rare earth plan. After all, my hometown has such a huge source of rare earth minerals!

  Wu Shuhan asked curiously: "Boss, why don't you take this opportunity to talk to my hometown about the car we are going to build!"

   "The domestic market is immature now, and it is useless to raise it now. Wait a little longer. Now our cooperation with Ford and Sumitomo is considered successful. Don't worry, let's talk about foreign markets first!"

  Chu Huan didn't care much about the preaching. Although the sooner he enters this industry, the better he can develop more patents, but the market doesn't allow it now, and Chu Huan can't do anything about it.

  If the car-making industry is not backed by a huge market, it will be a castle in the sky.

  For Chu Huan, his hometown is the best market.

  However, according to the current development of his hometown, there is still a long way to go to satisfy Chu Huan's desire to get involved in the car manufacturing industry!

  Thinking of this, Chu Huan suddenly thought of a person. This person is not well-known in later generations, but he is a legend in Huaguo's car manufacturing industry!

   Speaking of electric vehicles in later generations, basically everyone thinks of Madman Musk!

But in fact, in my hometown, in the 1990s, there was a car-making madman who set foot in the field of electric vehicles. In 1993, he developed the first prototype of a hybrid electric car. More than 95% of the car’s accessories came from Dongou local.

  This electric car named "yf-1100" can not only travel more than 100 kilometers on a single charge, with a top speed of 80 kilometers per hour, and it is also a gasoline-electric hybrid car.

   At that time, he produced a total of 12 electric vehicles, but due to the low social acceptance and lack of maturity of the technology, the "yf-1100" with a price tag of 50,000 yuan was not sold.

   And this person is Dongou Ye Wengui.

  Ye Wengui invested 15 million yuan in order to build a car, but in the end his family property was exhausted and he still failed.

  The advanced thinking collided with the immature market and the situation without policy support. It is destined that his dream of building a car will definitely not succeed.

  Chu Huan once read the news about this person, and knew that his dream of building a car started in 1988, and there are still a few years before 1988

   Originally, Chu Huan wanted to make Wu Shuhan pay attention to this person, but then he thought that such unprovoked attention would still attract people's attention.

However, although the car building is immature, Chu Huan thinks that he can save the country with curves, so he thought for a while and said to Wu Shuhan: "Although we can't get involved in the automotive field yet, we can make a fuss in other directions. You can inform Xu Yi. In the coming period, we will seek the world's top engine, chassis, and gearbox research institutions, acquisitions that can be acquired, and cooperation that can be cooperated. Although we cannot master all core technologies in our hands, as long as we can master Part of it, when we enter the field of car manufacturing in the future, there will be no problems!"

  Wu Shuhan nodded and said: "Understood, after returning to Xiangjiang, I will tell Sister Xu about this matter!"

  When Chu Huan returns to Xiangjiang, Wu Shuhan will follow Chu Huan back to Xiangjiang to stay for a while.

Chu Huan continued: "Not only is it the core technology in the automotive field, but also after Chen Haichao came to Jinmen, he told him the same truth, to establish laboratories around the world to develop core components for the home appliance industry, to acquire R&D teams and Patents, such as compressors for air conditioners and refrigerators, gearboxes for washing machines, and LCDs for TVs!"

Although it is the finished product brands that look bright to the outside world, such as Gree, Samsung, Changhong, etc., in fact, in Chu Huan's view, they can be regarded as top-level assembly companies at best. As long as Kyushu can master these technologies, then in the future, Kyushu can dominate the survival of these industries.

   To put it bluntly, a marketing-oriented product company is just a beggar wearing fancy clothes and kneeling to make money!

   Not only the home appliance industry, but also the smart phone industry in the future. As long as Kyushu can control the mobile phone substrate, sound card graphics card, camera and other technologies, then those so-called super mobile phone manufacturers are just working for Chu Huan.

   And when that time comes, Chu Huan can also support his people around him to enter these industries, so that he doesn't have to worry about the development of his side getting better and better, and people around him can't keep up with this speed, which will lead to some bad thoughts.

  Although Chu Huan didn't say these words to Wu Shuhan, Wu Shuhan already understood what Chu Huan meant, and couldn't help saying: "Boss, if this is the case, the home appliance industry may fall under our control in the future!"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "This is the plan, but the process will definitely not be too smooth. What we can think of, other people can think of, so these things need to be fast."

  Wu Shuhan nodded and said, "Understood!"

  Chu Huan continued to speak to Wu Shuhan: "In addition, inform Joe John of Hehe International-Wheelock to order four large cargo ships from China in the name of Wheelock Shipping."

This decision made Wu Shuhan stunned. You must know that whether it is in Xiangjiang or in places other than Xiangjiang, everyone knows that Chu Huan is not optimistic about the future development of the shipping industry, but now Chu Huan actually wants to order four from China. large freighter.

You must know that the current domestic shipbuilding technology cannot be compared with that of Japan, and Chu Huan has shares in Japan's Hongdao Shipyard. Even if Chu Huan really wants to order a large cargo ship, it should be customized at Laishima Shipyard. Ah, why did you suddenly think of customizing it in your hometown?

  Facing Wu Shuhan's puzzled eyes, Chu Huan just smiled. He knew Wu Shuhan's doubts, but this kind of thing really didn't mean that he was a shareholder of Laidao Shipyard, so he had to order large cargo ships in Laidao Shipyard.

   Moreover, Chu Huan is not optimistic about the shipping industry even now.

"There are two reasons for this. First, the shipping industry in my hometown has just started, and we still need to provide some support. Of course, this is not the main reason, but an attitude. Since we want to If you want to get more investment opportunities from your hometown, you must pay some first.

As for the second reason and the most important reason, we have already told Mr. Yu and the others about our discovery of iron ore in Australia and the start of development, and they have also told the old man about this, and now BG has The construction has started, and the demand for iron ore will definitely increase in the future. I have already negotiated with the old man about signing a sales contract, and the other party is also very interested.

  Why I didn’t agree to let Joe and John sell all the freighters before, but left some large-tonnage ones, which is actually for this matter.

  Since the Australian iron ore plant is ours, its transportation is naturally at our discretion, so the cold wave of the shipping industry has little impact on us. "

  After listening to Chu Huan's explanation, Wu Shuhan understood Chu Huan's meaning thoroughly, and sighed: "I never thought you would think so far, boss!"

  Chu Huan chuckled. After he saw the old man, the first thing the old man told him was not the expanded version of the Cangjiang Project, nor the rare earth development plan, but the development of iron mines in Australia by Jiaku.

   Chu Huan naturally has no objection to this, and there is another advantage of ordering a large freighter in his hometown, that is, it is cheaper in his hometown.

  Of course, there will still be technical flaws, but it’s good enough!

  After talking about the business, Wu Shuhan told Chu Huan another matter and asked, "Boss, do you have something to do tomorrow?"

  Chu Huan shook his head and said, "No, what's wrong?"

Wu Shuhan said: "It's like this. I want you to take a look at some courtyard houses we bought in the capital. I want to find one of them and fix it properly. It will be our residence in the capital. , are you all staying at the Capital Hotel?"

   Regarding Wu Shuhan's proposal, Chu Huan had no objection, and said with a smile, "Yes!"

  Wu Shuhan continued: "After it's confirmed, I plan to order a batch of vehicles from overseas. Although we can use the cars of the Capital Hotel now, we don't have our own cars to drive around!"

  Chu Huan nodded again: "You can decide this kind of thing yourself. By the way, prepare a few cars in other cities, and use those cars that can handle all road conditions!"


   Also, correct the typo first and then change it, Huangshan continues to code~



  (end of this chapter)

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