MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 787 Rockefeller (7K large

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  Chapter 787 Rockefeller (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

  After finishing the lunch with Rong Hongyuan and Ma Shoudao, Chu Huan returned to his residence and saw Lehman who was already waiting here!

   Obviously, Lehman had seen Chu Huan's photo. Seeing Chu Huan coming back, he stood up on the sofa with a warm smile on his face.

   "Mr. Chu, hello!"

   After greeting him, Chu Huan took him to his study.

  At this time, Lehman was just forty years old, and his figure was a little thin, but it could be seen that this person was in good shape, which might also have something to do with him being a tennis player.

Lehman’s family background is very good. He has been studying in North American schools in Rio de Janeiro since he was a child until he graduated from middle school at the age of 17, so he was able to speak fluent English at a very young age. This was a skill that few people mastered in Brazil at that time. .

  When he was 7 years old, Lehman started to learn to play tennis in the country club. At the age of 17, he won the Brazilian Junior National Championship. In 1957, after graduating from middle school, Lehman went to Harvard University to study economics, and he was recruited by sports talents.

In the first year of college, Lehman’s grades were mediocre, and he almost dropped out of school. However, in the second year of university, Lehman had a bold idea. He wanted to graduate smoothly and get rid of the campus, so he decided to finish his studies in three years. four-year course.

   Then in 1960, 20-year-old Lehman graduated from Harvard University.

  After graduating from university, Lehman returned to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, and entered Deltek to work in the sales of stocks in the South American market. His first boss later became the first chairman of the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission.

  In 1961, seeing that there were not many opportunities in the embryonic Brazilian capital market, Lehman went to Credit Suisse Group in Geneva, Switzerland as an intern. However, he resigned seven months later because he felt that the company was too rigid.

   In the second year, Lehman entered the professional tennis field and started his career as a professional tennis player for one and a half years. Later, he found that it was difficult for him to make a name for himself, so he decisively ended his choice of professional tennis player.

   A reporter once interviewed him and asked him why he did not continue his professional tennis career. He said straightforwardly, "Stop the loss in time. At that moment, I realized that I couldn't make it to the top ten in the tennis world."

   Judging from this person's early behavior, it can be judged that this is a person who does not follow the rules and is full of adventurous spirit, but can accurately judge his own situation.

In later generations, Lehman's 3G investment single-handedly built the world's largest food kingdom, but all these acquisitions will not start until 1982. At this time, Lehman's main focus is on the development of Galante Bank. superior.

   This is an investment bank, not an ordinary commercial bank!

  Compared to Ma Shoudao's ignorance of Chu Huan, he needed to find Rong Hongyuan to inquire about it. Lehman was different. After all, they also had funds from Alder Commercial Bank behind their Galanti Bank.

   When Alder Commercial Bank invested in Galante Bank, Lehman flew to North America to understand the situation of Alder Commercial Bank.

   Then he knew what Chu Huan had done in North America.

   It can be said that Lehman admired this man who was more than ten years younger than himself, and he was even more surprised by the other party's eyes.

   This can be seen from Chu Huan's series of investments in North America. North America and Brazil are not far away. In addition, Lehman has learned English since he was a child. Naturally, he has a very good understanding of North America.

  In such a country that declares fairness to the outside world but is full of discrimination everywhere, it is a miracle in itself that Chu Huan was able to create such a large fortune in North America.

   Then Lehman began to look for Chu Huan's investment in Asia. After he learned part of Chu Huan's business empire in Asia, his admiration became even stronger.

   "Now Chu Huan is already one of the most influential people in the world. If Chu Huan is given another ten years, he will become one of the most influential people in the world!"

  This is what Lehman said to his two partners Thales and Skubila about his evaluation of Chu Huan.

   It is precisely because of this judgment that Lehman readily agreed to Alder Commercial Bank's investment in Galanti Bank.

   "Standing on the shoulders of giants allows us to gain the same vision as giants!"

  At this time, Lehman was sitting across from Chu Huan, looking at this young and outrageous man, his eyes were burning.

   "Mr. Chu, you are very welcome to Rio, this must be a city that makes you feel very happy!"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "I have already felt the enthusiasm of Rio!"

After exchanging pleasantries, Lehman began to ask Chu Huan for advice on the future development of Galante Bank. This does not mean that Lehman will definitely follow Chu Huan’s suggestion to develop Galante Bank. Lehman still wants to hear more Suggestions from more successful people on the development prospects of Galante Bank, and then combined to find the most suitable direction for them.

"Any investment bank is actually inseparable from its soil. In my opinion, Garlandi Bank should focus on one direction in the future, instead of simply learning the Goldman Sachs model like it is now. A successful investment bank must learn from others. Take advantage of it, then use it for your own use, and finally form a model that belongs to you alone.

  In China, there is an idiom story called Dong Shi Xiao Yan, which means

In my opinion, although the Galante Bank at this time can be called a success, it is not really successful. The main reason why I asked Alder Commercial Bank to invest in you was not because of the Galante Bank. development plan, but took a fancy to your ability in Lehman. "

   Regarding Lehman’s advice, Chu Huan still seriously explained his doubts. After all, the better Lehman develops, the more profits will be made for Alder Commercial Bank, which represents Chu Huan’s interests!

  At this stage of Chu Huan, apart from having to do things in a few general directions, Chu Huan actually doesn't have much energy to do more specific things.

  For example, when Chu Huan went to South Korea, he only made plans to acquire Dongming Timber, "Central Daily" and "North Korean Ilbo", and to establish a Xinghai real estate whose main mission is to develop the Jiangnan District.

   The rest of the details are handled by professional Jiaku talents!

The current situation is also the same. Whether it is investing in Lehman's Galante Bank, or investing in Microsoft, Apple, etc. in North America, Chu Huan simply told him that the specific matters are naturally arranged by Alder Commercial Bank. people to be responsible.

The investment of Galante Bank has a professional term in A-bank, which is called secondary investment. A-bank itself invests in enterprises, which is called primary investment. The investment of some important assets in various countries is called secondary investment. At the same time, there are three levels behind it. Nouns such as level investment, level four investment and so on.

  In fact, the fundamental purpose is not to divide their investment scale, but more about the closeness of the relationship with the A library.

  Of course, in addition to this noun, there are noun divisions of investment scale and importance.

Take Galanti Bank as an example. They are D-level projects in the secondary investment under the name of Jiaku. Of course, if Galanti Bank really grows into the world's largest private equity fund under the leadership of Lehman and others in the future After one of the 3G investments, the 3G investment will be upgraded to an A-level project in the secondary investment.

   And Chu Huan's investment in Brazil's agriculture and mining industry is called an A-level project in the first-level investment of Jiaku!

  This is because the entire Jiaku understands that as long as these two projects are successful, their future profits and influence will be top-notch.

   Unlike Galanti Bank now, their future is unknown!

   "Thank you, Director Chu, for your trust!" Lehman was very happy with Chu Huan's approval, but he didn't show it.

   "However, Mr. Chu, I still want to hear your suggestions on specific aspects!"

Chu Huan tapped on the desktop, and then said with a smile: "Brazil is a big agricultural country, but its agricultural business ecology is different from other countries. At this time, the Garlandi Bank does not have the strength to enter this market, but Garland If Imperial Bank wants to find the most suitable direction within the scope of agriculture, then my personal suggestion is to make a fuss about the food field.

  In addition, Galanti Bank has a very good advantage, that is, his partners are very capable people, especially Thales and Skubila.

  So I think that Galanti Bank does not need to learn from other investment banks, but simply invests in a certain industry or a certain company, and does not need to invest in this company because of its appreciation of managers like me. "

Lehman thought about Chu Huan's words seriously, and then smiled: "I understand what you mean, President Chu, just like Thales' management of Buhama Brewery and Skubila's management of the American Store. ?”

Buhama Brewery is a little-known brewery in Brazil. When it was on the verge of bankruptcy, it was acquired by Galante Bank. Thales volunteered to manage it. Now it has already achieved profitability and is in the Brazilian market. share is also increasing year by year.

  Even in the future, this brewery has completed a cross-border acquisition and won Budweiser!

The same is true for the American store. After being acquired by Galante Bank, it is also very dilapidated. It is not far from the day of bankruptcy. In three months, the value of the company tripled.

Chu Huan nodded and said, "Yes, since your partners have proven their abilities, I don't think it is necessary to deprive them of such abilities, which is why my advice to you is to focus on a certain industry, because in this way You can maximize the advantages of each of you!"

  Chu Huan's suggestion is actually the future development path of Galante Bank. After a long period of exploration, Lehman and others have found the most suitable path for their development.

  Now Chu Huan has given them suggestions in advance, as for how much Lehman can absorb at this time, it depends on his ability.

  After Lehman left, Chu Huan groaned for a while, then called Xu Yi who was far away in Xiangjiang.

   “We need to start a seed company!”

  Xu Yi, who was far away in Xiangjiang, was sleeping at this time, and he didn't complain to Chu Huan about the jet lag as he did at the beginning, but he quickly cleared his mind, and then asked Chu Huan.

  "Boss, do you want to take the route of acquisition or self-development, and at the same time, what are the main R&D targets of this seed company? Finally, where do you want this company to be registered?"

  Before when Chu Huan and Ma Shoudao discussed Brazil’s agriculture, they mentioned the link of agricultural materials, which includes seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural machinery and other small links.

  Although this link will not allow Chu Huan to catch up with the four major grain merchants in a short period of time, it is also possible to find the most suitable direction for research.

  At present, the hometown is still studying the petrochemical project proposed by Chu Huan, but according to Chu Huan's analysis, the other party should not refuse this matter.

   So as long as this project is launched, Chu Huan will have a base in the fields of fertilizers and pesticides, and the rest will be seeds and agricultural machinery.

  Agricultural machinery, which involves a lot of technological requirements of heavy industry, Chu Huan has no good solution in a short time.

   Then there is only the seed aspect left!

  But there are tens of thousands of crops and fruits in the world, even if Chu Huan is rich, he needs to find a direction to specialize in.

   This is why Xu Yi asked this question!

   "Soybean, corn, kidney bean, sugar cane and rice, and some suitable fruits in South America also need to be studied!"

  Chu Huan took the lead in giving the research direction of the seed company, and then on the development direction of the company, Chu Huan thought about it again, and then gave a speech.

"Conduct research on global seed companies, buy those that can be acquired, and don't force those that cannot be acquired. We will do our own research. In addition, I will give you five years. Within five years, we will increase the number of scientific researchers in seed companies to 3,000. People, these people must be real talents, and in terms of treatment, give them the best treatment among similar companies in the world!"

  Although the seed company is not strictly guarded by European and American countries like those high-tech companies, it is not so easy to acquire, especially the existence of the four major grain merchants is involved.

  So what Chu Huan values ​​more is his own talent training!

   "Finally, the company's registration place is in Xiangjiang, but the company's headquarters is in Brazil!"

  The seed company itself is facing agriculture in South America, so Chu Huan naturally wants to put the company's headquarters in Brazil.

  Xu Yi replied: "Okay, after dawn, I will pass on your request, boss, to the think tank of the group, and come up with a complete plan at that time!"

   "In addition, inform Joe John to take the earliest flight tomorrow and come to Rio. I have something to talk to him about!"


   After Chu Huan hung up the phone, he called Guo Henian again.

  Hearing that it was Chu Huan calling, Guo Henian also woke up from his sleep and asked, "It's so late, why did you remember to call me, A Huan?"

  Chu Huan asked with a smile: "Uncle Guo, are you interested in coming to Brazil to enjoy the sunny beach here?"

  Guo Henian was stunned holding the phone. Fortunately, Guo Henian understood Chu Huan's personality very well. Even if Chu Huan really wanted to invite him to travel, it was impossible for him to call him at this time!

  There is only one reason why Chu Huan can call at this time, that is, Chu Huan must have business matters and wants to cooperate with him, and the scale of this business must not be small!

  The title of Xiangjiang God of Wealth is not fake, Guo Henian didn't think about it at all, and immediately said: "Okay, I will book the ticket after dawn!"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "Then I will wait for you, Uncle Guo, here in Rio!"

  Guo Henian laughed and said, "Ah Huan, if you hadn't driven your private jet away, I would be leaving now!"

   This year, Chu Huan's custom-made private jet and luxury yacht are already in place, but not all of them, but one each!

At the beginning, Chu Huan originally wanted to fly to Tokyo first, and then transfer to Rio after reuniting with Mitsui Takacho, but at that time, Boeing called Chu Huan, saying that the private jet customized by Chu Huan had been completed. The production of one aircraft was completed, and the test flight mission was completed.

  Now that his private jet is ready, Chu Huan naturally has no reason to take the airline's plane again.

  When Chu Huan's private plane arrived in Xiangjiang, it really caused quite a stir. There were countless rich people playing yachts in Xiangjiang, but there were not many people playing private jets at this time.

   At that time, Gu Chengxi even suggested to Chu Huan that the reporter of "True News" wanted to take a picture of the interior of Chu Huan's private jet, but this kind of thing didn't need Chu Huan to talk about it, so Gu Chengxi refused.

   "We can return to Xiangjiang together!" Chu Huan said with a smile.

  Guo Henian laughed and hung up the phone.

  After Chu Huan hung up the phone, Anhui Tanaka found Chu Huan and told Chu Huan, "Brother Huan, Mitsui-san is here!"

  After Mitsui Takacho and Chu Huan arrived in Rio together, they went to deal with their Mitsui & Co. business in Brazil. The two just said that after completing their respective tasks, they could meet and go to the mine!

   "Come in, please!" Chu Huan said with a smile.

   Then Mitsui Gaochang came to Chu Huan's study.

   "Seeing your residence, Chu Sang, I knew that Director Chu must have been in Brazil a long time ago!"

   After Mitsui Takacho walked in, he directly smiled and preached.

   "I remember that this was once the property of the Guino family, the richest man in Brazil. I just didn't expect their family to have an alternative Jorge Guino, who actually listened to the advice of the Rockefeller family and lost all of his family property in the end!"

Obviously, in the upper circles, a point of view that everyone generally agrees with is that the reason why Jorge Guino was able to squander all the 2 billion US dollars left to him by his father in a short period of time is not only because of Jorge Guino The dandy attribute, more people are fueling the flames.

   And this person is generally recognized as a member of the Rockefeller family.

  Chu Huan chuckled lightly and said, "Mitsui-san, you know that you like buying real estate around the world very much!"

Regarding Chu Huan's denial, Mitsui Takahashi didn't insist on anything, but reminded Chu Huan: "Chu Sang, the Rockefeller family really likes the Copacaba Palace Hotel, the only asset in Jorge Guino's hands. I know that you, Chu Sang, are in Jiaku, Xiangjiang, and are now actively preparing to flex your muscles in the hotel industry, but at this time, it is best not to have too much conflict with the Rockefeller family!"

  Chu Huan showed a playful expression. He had just concluded a verbal deal with Jorge Guino for the Copacaba Palace Hotel. Mitsui Takacho suddenly came over now and mentioned the Rockefeller family, which is a bit interesting!

   "Mitsui-san, are you here to be a lobbyist for the Rockefeller family?"

  Mitsui Takamaga smiled, and did not deny Chu Huan's question, but just said with a smile: "Is it the Rockefeller family? Always give some face."

Chu Huan said: "The face of the Rockefeller family must be given, but it does not mean that I have to give the face of every member of the Rockefeller family. Everyone in the mall competes for their own interests. For this matter, you can invite Sanjiang-sang to be a lobbyist, it seems that this person's status in the Rockefeller family is not high!"

The strength of the Rockefeller family is beyond doubt. Although many people in later generations have begun to have doubts about this matter, in fact, what they doubt is only a certain member of the Rockefeller family, and they think that any member of the Rockefeller family should be Over the top.

   This is actually a misunderstanding. Any family, even if it has been passed down for six generations, cannot be united.

  In fact, since the old Rockefeller, the struggle within the Rockefeller family has not stopped. When everyone is out, they usually do their own things under the title of the Rockefeller family.

   Take the Rockefeller family who plotted against Jorge Guino as an example. If they were the core members of the Rockefeller family, they would definitely not do such picky things, at least they would do it more secretly.

Mitsui Gaochang laughed, and was not dissatisfied with Chu Huan's words, and said: "I said, Chu Sang, you can't be persuaded like this! But what I should say, I have said it, so I am in House. I have an explanation, but Chu Sang, don’t take this matter to heart, when I was in North America, I owed the Rockefeller family a favor, this time it’s purely to repay the favor!”

  Chu Huan also laughed after listening, and said: "It seems that this House, even if he returns to North America, will not feel very good!"

  The favor of the Mitsui family let him use it in this way. If the people in power of the Rockefeller family knew about this, they would be so angry that they would vomit blood.

   "To be honest, I have to thank you, Chu Sang, for this matter. If it wasn't for your sudden move to buy the Copacaba Palace Hotel, I wouldn't be able to repay the favor!"

  Mitsui Takahashi happily preached that he originally owed the other party a watermelon, but now the other party only asked him to pay back a sesame seed. It’s no wonder that Mitsui Takachang was not happy about such a good thing!

   "This house, according to Mitsui-san, doesn't seem like a person who can plan and plot against Jorgeguino?" Chu Huan asked curiously.

Mitsui Gaochang nodded and said: "The benefits are touching. At the beginning of this matter, it was indeed House who was plotting against Jorge Guino alone, but the Guino family's industry in Brazil is really exciting, and then Some other members of the Rockefeller family participated, which naturally complemented House's plan.

In addition, this House would also like to thank Ruogeguinuo. To be honest, Chusang, although I also agree that there will be some prodigal sons among the clans, but at least they have received elite education that ordinary people cannot get to. education, no matter how stupid this person is, he can't lose all his assets so easily!

   But reality is a good teacher. He will always tell us that no matter how absurd things are, they are actually possible. "

  Chu Huan also smiled helplessly. This is the tragedy of education. Although many people are clamoring for fairness, in fact there has never been fairness in this world, and the same is true for education.

  The investment of wealthy families in education is completely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

  Take Chu Huan as an example. In order to allow his offspring to receive the best education, he is willing to invest more than one billion Hong Kong dollars in this era to establish a top comprehensive college in Asia.

  Do you think that the students in this college will be like ordinary school students, who study by themselves early in the morning, attend classes in the morning, attend classes in the afternoon, and study by themselves in the evening?

  That's completely wrong. For students studying in this institution, learning is only one of their relatively important tasks in this institution.

  In addition to this, they will also accept foreign languages ​​from various countries, shooting, equestrianism, tennis, golf, swimming, etiquette and many other items that ordinary people may not be able to touch in their lifetime.

   In addition, Chu Huan is still planning to build a new campus in the Alps and Lake Leman after the Xiangjiang campus is on the right track, in order to enrich the daily life of the school students.

  This is truly a top school.

   "Maybe the other party's pursuit is like this!" Chu Huan said indifferently.

Chu Huan doesn't have any opinions on Ruo Reguinuo's life, at least he enjoys it when he is squandering. With his height and appearance, all the Hollywood actresses are crazy about him. Of course, this because of his wealth.

   But still the same sentence, he doesn't care about his own life anymore, Chu Huan must have a lot of free time to evaluate his life.

   Mitsui Takachang just smiled at this and didn't say anything else.

Maybe it was about the education problem. Mitsui Takahashi said to Chu Huan: "Chu Sang, is there a specific time for the completion of your Qingyun Academy? I plan to send a few children from the family to school. what do you think?"

   Certainly not a direct lineage!

   But this is not important, just like the Rockefeller family mentioned above, outsiders will not deliberately distinguish whether they are direct or collateral, as long as they are Rockefellers!

   Mitsui Gaochang is willing to let the children of the Mitsui family go to Qingyun Academy, which in itself is a kind of publicity for Qingyun Academy!

   "Of course, but Mitsui-san, you have to prepare for the tuition fee. The tuition fee for a student is 1 million Hong Kong dollars a year!"

   Mitsui Takacho just smiled indifferently at the exorbitant tuition fee.

  Finally, Mitsui Takazhang reminded Chu Huan: "Chu Sang, this House is a very arrogant person, no matter what you have to be careful!"

  Chu Huan nodded!

   Also, correct the typo first and then change it, Huangshan continues to code~



  (end of this chapter)