MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 788 Reorganization of Wheelock Shipping (7K large

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  Chapter 788 Reorganization of Wheelock Shipping (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

  The afternoon sun fell on Copacabana Beach, and the entire coastline was bathed in golden sunlight.

Chu Huan and Tanaka Anhui walked hand in hand on the coastline. Some people were surfing on the sea, some were walking on the beach, some were playing beach football, and some were playing beach volleyball. The golden sun shone on their bronzed skin. Hui.

  After resting in the villa for a while in the afternoon, Chu Huan and Anhui Tanaka came here to feel the enthusiasm of Brazil.

   Nothing but.

  Copacapana Beach is well-known, but if the modifiers on her are removed, Chu Huan doesn't think there is any difference between the beach here and the beaches in other places.


  People here are more open, just entered the 1980s, here is already the world of bikinis!

  A somewhat dilapidated football kicked at Chu Huan's feet, and several Brazilian teenagers in the distance waved to Chu Huan, and shouted in Portuguese, asking Chu Huan to kick the football over to them.

Although Chu Huan couldn't understand what they were saying, he still understood the meaning. Just as he was about to kick them over, another shout came from behind Chu Huan. The voice was obviously directed in Chu Huan's direction. shouted.

  Chu Huan subconsciously turned around, and there were also a few teenagers, but they were obviously more hostile than the few teenagers who played football just now.

  At the same time, these people still have some sloppy temperament that people don't like.

  Chu Huan ignored them and passed the ball directly to the teenagers in front.

  The boys happily waved at Chu Huan.

  But the young men behind were immediately dissatisfied when they saw this, and then they took out a few daggers from their waists and came towards Chu Huan and Tanaka Anhui.

   Seeing this, the teenagers in front did not run away, but ran towards Chu Huan instead.

  The teenagers who wanted to trouble Chu Huan were stopped by Han Yang and others before they reached the five-meter radius of Chu Huan.

   Those teenagers were obviously not afraid of Han Yang and the others who seemed to be unarmed. The boy in the lead didn't even speak, and stabbed at Han Yang with the dagger in his hand.

Han Yang also didn't expect the opponent to be so tough, but this did not prevent him from fighting back. He saw that Han Yang's body was slightly sideways, and while avoiding the opponent's attack, his right hand turned into a palm knife, and quickly chopped down from top to bottom. , just hit the opponent's wrist, and at the same time as the dagger landed, Han Yang kicked out with his left foot and kicked it on the opponent's lower abdomen. The man flew several meters in an instant, and fell to the ground and turned into a boiled prawn!

   After a face-to-face meeting, the boy who took the lead had already been crippled, and the boys behind him were frightened when they saw this.

  The teenagers in front who wanted to come over were also frightened when they saw this appearance. At the same time, the people protecting Chu Huan on the other side stood in front of Chu Huan and stopped them.

  The boy holding the football waved at Chu Huan. Zhang Jun, who was in charge of Chu Huan's safety with Han Yang, glanced at them and found no weapons, then turned his head and nodded to Chu Huan.

  Chu Huan indicated that he could let the other party come over.

  The boy holding the ball came to Chu Huan and babbled for a long time, but basically Chu Huan didn’t understand what he said. Seeing this, the boy preached in broken English.

   "Hello, I'm Benny, those people don't know that you are a distinguished guest, I'm very sorry, can you stop haggling with them!"

  Chu Huan looked at the 17-year-old boy in front of him and smiled. In Brazil, don’t think that a 17-year-old boy is still a child. It is very likely that he has been a member of the club for many years.

  Rio de Janeiro is known as the City of God.

But this is not a very good compliment. I have already said it before. It is not far from the villa where Chu Huan lives now. There is a slum in Rio, where there are constant gunshots every day. Those who you thought were shooting Are all adults?

  But anyone who has seen the movie "City of God" will not think so.

  Of course, it would be a bit biased to define this city based on just one movie, but the key point is that this movie is based on real people and events.

  In addition, Chu Huan also saw the introduction to Rio in the report sent by Lin Yi, so it can only be said that a lot of content was deleted for the release of the movie.

   "Do you know each other?"

   Benny nodded and said: "Yes, we all live in Rocinia, they think you are ordinary tourists!"

   Rocinia slum, one of the most famous slums in Rio de Janeiro!

  The meaning in the words is very clear. If Chu Huan and Tanaka Anhui are ordinary tourists, then the next thing will definitely not be very good.

  Of course, Chu Huan was not in the mood to emphasize words on such things. Chu Huan was not interested in the boys behind him, but was interested in Benny in front of him, and he preached with a smile.

   "This is my first time in Rio, please tell me about the situation here!"

   Benny was stunned for a moment, and then saw the dollar handed to him by Zhang Jun, and then the doubt on his face instantly turned into a smile, and said: "No problem!"

  So Chu Huan had Benny beside him.

   To make Jiaku develop and grow in Brazil, it is not only necessary to understand the business environment and political environment of this country, but also to have a comprehensive understanding of this country.

   Only in this way can we better integrate our group into this country.

  Under Chu Huan's guidance, Benny easily told Chu Huan about his situation.

Benny is not some Brazilian boy who intends to use football to change his life. He comes from the slums of Ronesia and is a member of one of the two major clubs there. As for the boy who wanted to trouble Chu Huan before, his name is Santos. Member of another society in the slums of Nicaea.

  Chu Huan asked Benny with a smile: "Since the two of you are two different associations, why do you plead for him?"

   Benny smiled indifferently: "Although we are in different clubs, we still know each other. The grievances of the club are the grievances of the club, and the personal friendship is the personal friendship!"

   After hearing this, Chu Huan laughed. Through the conversation just now, Chu Huan actually felt that this Benny should be the kind of tactful, sophisticated, righteous and friendly person.

  People like this mix in associations, no matter in their own associations or in the Jianghu, they will not have too many enemies, but more friends.

"Although there are many bodyguards around you, I still want to remind you that the boss of Santos, Ailair, is a very crazy guy, so you should be careful. If there are any problems that cannot be solved, you can let your Someone come to Rocinia to find me!"

   Benny didn't think it was ridiculous for him to say this sentence.

Although there are about ten bodyguards around the Chinese man in front of him, and they look very powerful, but this is Rio, and now it is on the beach, so everyone has no weapons on them. If it is in other places, their bodies But they all carry weapons.

  The weapon here is not a small dagger, but a firearm.

   As the saying goes, a strong dragon does not overwhelm a snake. Although Benny doesn't know this sentence, he does understand the meaning.

  Anyway, in Benny's opinion, Chu Huan is a wealthy Chinese.

   Such a person is not uncommon in Rio, at least the Chinese in Rio are very timid.

   There is no need for Chu Huan to explain this, he just smiled and said to Benny: "It seems that you are still very influential in Rhonesia!"

   Benny smiled triumphantly.

  After Benny learned something about the lives of ordinary people in Rio, the two of them separated directly.

  Chu Huan didn't take this matter to heart at first, and thought that he and Benny would never meet again from now on, but what he didn't expect was that after only a few days, Chu Huan found someone to find Benny again.

  Of course, that's another story.

   After Chu Huan enjoyed two days of sunshine in Brazil, Qiao John and Guo Henian arrived in Brazil on the same plane.

   "After going back, tell Xu Yi to let her call Boeing and ask them to order seven more business jets, which are placed in North America, Italy, England, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Brazil!"

  Chu Huan preached to Joe John.

  As for Guo Henian, although he is also in Chu Huan's villa at this time, he is not in Chu Huan's study. He is currently playing with the pets in the garden of the manor.

  Now Jiaku is obviously a super consortium with a global layout, and its business must also be globalized. There will definitely be more things like this flying around the world in the future.

   There are some private business jets for the convenience of the group's senior management in handling business.

  Joe John nodded: "Yes!"

  Chu Huan then told Qiao Yuehan the reason why he let him fly directly to Rio this time.

   "How is Wheelock Steel doing now?" Chu Huan asked Qiao Yuehan.

  Joe John said: "The company's oil tankers have almost been dealt with, and the steel business is currently limited to Xiangjiang."

When Chu Huan took over Hehe International-Wheelock, the first strategic goal he set was actually to reorganize Wheelock Shipping, sell its oil tankers, and rebuild it into a steel factory. The main service object is actually Xiangjiang’s real estate industry.

To put it simply, the reason why Hehe International-Wheelock was able to obtain sufficient funds in a short period of time was not because of Chu Huan’s financial support, but more because of the income Wheelock received from the sale of oil tankers. Benefit.

   "What about tanker prices now?"

  Chu Huan asked Qiao Yuehan.

  Joe John said: "The market price of a brand new 250,000-ton tanker is 70 million US dollars, and second-hand ones are cheaper. The specific price depends on various issues such as the condition and age of the tanker!"

Chu Huan nodded. It seems that the market situation is not much different from another time and space, but this is also the last glory of the shipbuilding industry. Take the 250,000-ton oil tanker mentioned by Qiao Yuehan as an example. There's another $70 million left.

  But by the time of 1985, the price will drop to a price of two to three million U.S. dollars.

  The huge drop directly led to the closure of more than 80% of the shipyards around the world, and this price drop was naturally caused by the cold winter of the shipping industry!

   “Five years from now, I want to re-form Wheelock Shipping!”

  Chu Huan spoke amazingly to Joe John.

   After Qiao Yuehan finished listening, he didn't show a shocked expression, but it became more complicated.

  In fact, this can be seen from the fact that Chu Huan ordered four freighters in China before.

   "Chairman, do you mean that you want Wheelock Shipping to undertake the group's iron ore investment in Australia?"

The management of Jiaku’s investment in iron mines in Australia is known to the senior management. The iron mines in Australia have already started construction, and it will take at least two or three years to complete the construction, then produce, and then sell, basically three or four years The time is enough, but now Chu Huan said that five years later, he will start to reorganize Wheelock Shipping, which is the only thing that puzzles Qiao Yuehan.

  Combining the time required to customize the tanker, it is estimated that the reorganization of Wheelock Shipping will be something after the 1980s.

   He naturally didn't know that it would be the cheapest period in the global shipbuilding industry at that time.

  Of course, Chu Huan didn’t have to start customizing the freighter at the last bargain. The main reason is that Chu Huan, Cao Wenjin, and Bao Yugang all have cooperation contracts, and the contract period of both parties ends in 1987.

  Customized in 1985 and completed in 1987, there is no problem in terms of time!

   "Not only the iron ore investment in Australia, but also the investment in Brazil!" Chu Huan said.

  Chu Huan's investment in the iron ore industry in Australia is larger than that in Brazil, and has a greater voice.

But Chu Huan's investment in agriculture in Brazil is even bigger, and Chu Huan is sure that when the agricultural groups here develop, the four major grain merchants will definitely have the right to encircle and suppress Chu Huan. They will cause a lot of trouble for Chu Huan in every link.

   What Chu Huan can do now is actually try his best to make up the gap with them with money in all aspects. Only in this way can he truly survive!

  The transportation industry is naturally an industry that Chu Huan must master.

   Only when the two parties reach a mutual fear, can they truly survive together!

  Joe John was able to sit on the position of Hehe International-Wheelock Taipan, he was naturally a very smart person, and he immediately understood the meaning.

   "Chairman, what do you mean about the transportation of goods between Brazil and China?"

  The expanded Cangjiang plan was discussed by Chu Huan at the high-level meeting of Jiaku, and Qiao Yuehan naturally knew about it.

  In the Cangjiang plan, there is one item that is to produce and research chemical fertilizers, and chemical fertilizers are an indispensable raw material for planting.

  Chu Huan nodded. Most of the agricultural products grown and purchased in Brazil are not eaten by South Americans, but by Eurasian continents.

  So ensuring the transportation between the two places is actually a very important part of this industry.

   "If this is the case, in order to prevent someone from making trouble, Chairman, we should also do something in Brazil's port industry!"

   Qiao Yuehan suggested to Chu Huan.

  Chu Huan nodded. This is an essential link, and of course it needs to be operated slowly. After all, the ports in Brazil have just signed contracts with some contractors for a few years.

  Jorge Guino’s father was able to become the richest man in Brazil at that time. In fact, the main reason was that he contracted the management right of Santos Port.

  At that time they signed a 70-year contract.

  In the 1970s, we ended contract.

   "Let's go step by step. The reorganization of Wheelock Shipping is five years away, but now you have to make preparations. The most important thing is the transportation demand for freighters!"

  Chu Huan told Qiao Yuehan.

  Joe John nodded and said: "I understand, if this is the case, after the chairman, I plan to return to Xiangjiang, I will ask someone to contact Tosao Tsubouchi in Japan and the shipping company in my hometown!"

Toshio Tsubouchi’s Kuishima Shipyard has shares in Japan’s Koku. As for the shipping company in his hometown, it is because Chu Huan has just said that one of the tasks of Wheelock Shipping’s reorganization is to complete the cooperation between Brazil and Brazil. For the transportation of goods between China, not only Brazil, but also the hometown will be one of the important markets of Jiaku.

   Even in the future, it will become a transfer station for Jiaku's agriculture and mining in Asia, so it is necessary to establish a good relationship with his hometown.

  Even the port in my hometown needs the participation of Jiaku, so now it is necessary to customize the freighter at the shipping company in my hometown.

  The four large freighters before are obviously not enough!

   There is no need for Chu Huan to tell you about this kind of thing, Qiao Yuehan can figure it out by himself!

  Chu Huan nodded and said, "That's right."

  In terms of geographical location, political influence, and its own advantages, it is most appropriate to use Xiangjiang as a transit point.

But the most critical issue is that although Jiaku has initially formed a monopoly position on Xiangjiang Port after acquiring Wharf's Modern Container Terminals Co., Ltd., the size of Xiangjiang's terminal is obviously unable to meet the requirements of Brazil. , the goods from these two places in Canada are transported.

In addition, at the high-level meeting of Jiaku, Chu Huan has clearly stated to the senior management of Jiaku that he is very optimistic about the future business development of his hometown. Although many people still doubt this, but this matter Chu Huan It has been finalized, so they can only keep their doubts in their hearts, and then make serious plans in this regard according to Chu Huan's request!

   In addition, after all, the petrochemical project is to be placed in the hometown, which is more conducive to the transportation of goods between the two parties.

   "If it's my hometown, chairman, our petrochemical project must be carried out in a coastal city. Only in this way will it be more conducive to transportation. At the same time, we will discuss the port issue with our hometown!"

  Joe John continued to preach.

  Chu Huan nodded and said: "Xu Yi has already made a note of this matter, and we will put forward this condition after the reply from my hometown!"

  The so-called expanded Cangjiang project is actually only defined by Chu Huan in this way. For others, the official name of this project is the petrochemical project of Jiaku!

  In another time and space, the reason why this petrochemical project is called the Cangjiang Project is because the selected site is located in Cangjiang.

   Chu Huan was not going to change this either.

  Where is indeed a very suitable place.

"I understand. After I go back, I will immediately ask the people in the group to make a detailed plan for this matter. However, the chairman, because this matter involves the port investment plan in Brazil and the petrochemical project plan in my hometown, I need President Xu's cooperation!"

  Joe John no longer had any doubts at this time, but began to ask Chu Huan!

  Chu Huan also understood that this was necessary, and said to Qiao Yuehan: "Okay, I will inform Xu Yi about this matter!"

   "Thank you, Chairman!" Joe John nodded.

Qiao Yuehan came and went in a hurry. After discussing with Chu Huan, he left Chu Huan's residence and stayed at the Copacaba Palace Hotel. In the next few days, he would ask Chu Huan about some details, and then return to Xiangjiang , host this matter.

  The reorganization of Wheelock Shipping this time is actually the beginning of the strategic transformation of Wohe International-Wheelock.

  At this time, there are three large-scale real estate companies in the entire Jiaku system, namely Zhulu Real Estate, Hongkong Land, and Hehe International-Wheelock.

   Such a situation will cause internal friction among the three groups in Xiangjiang, so in order to use the resources of the three groups more rationally.

  Wheelock International-Wheelock, a comprehensive group, will gradually withdraw from the real estate industry of Xiangjiang, and transfer their main projects to steel, transportation, ports and other fields.

  Landmark's main business direction will be centered on Xiangjiang, overlooking China, Southeast Asia, Europe, and three places.

  Zhenlu Real Estate will also be centered on Xiangjiang. In addition to developing in China, the business scope of Zhulu Real Estate will be Japan, South Korea, North America, South America and other places.

  Try to keep their resources from overlapping too much.

   After Qiao Yuehan left, Guo Henian came to Chu Huan's study.

   "A Huan, I didn't expect you to have such a paradise-like manor in Brazil!"

  Guo Henian smiled and sat opposite Chu Huan, with envy in his eyes.

At this time, the merchants in Xiangjiang are still thinking about how to better expand their business empire in Xiangjiang, but at this time, Chu Huan has already set his sights on the world, and even came to this rarely mentioned place Brazil!

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "I am different from Uncle Guo. Uncle Guo likes to live in his own hotel, but I prefer to live in my own home!"

  Guo Henian also has his own villa in the mid-levels of Xiangjiang, but Guo Henian prefers to live in his own hotel. This is something that the business community in Xiangjiang has already known.

   "No way, only in this way can we better understand the problem of our hotel!" Guo Henian laughed.

   After the two exchanged pleasantries, Guo Henian asked Chu Huan: "Ah Huan, you called me to Brazil this time, you don't mean you just want to discuss the scenery of Brazil with me?"

Naturally, it was impossible for Chu Huan to just discuss the scenery of Brazil with Guo Henian. He said, "I invited Uncle Guo over this time because I know that your family, Uncle Guo, has been doing research on soybean processing. Now we Jiaku has officially decided to enter into Brazilian agriculture.

Uncle Guo, you also know that Brazil is rich in soybeans and has always been one of the important producers of soybean processing in the world. Therefore, our Jiaku wants to cooperate with your family, Uncle Guo. Our Jiaku is responsible for funds, raw materials, transportation and other links. Guo Uncle, you are in charge of production, and Yunhai Group is in charge of sales! "

   This is why Chu Huan invited Guo Henian to Rio.

  Chu Huan wants to get involved in the processing of soybean products, and Guo Henian is actually the best partner.

  In later generations, ADM, one of the four major grain merchants, cooperated with Wilmar Group founded by Guo Henian and his nephew Guo Kongfeng to establish Yihai Kerry Group.

  The well-known Arowana brand comes from Wilmar Group of Guo Henian!

  However, the Arowana brand was developed in the early 1990s. Although the current Guo family has also researched soybean products, it is far from the grandeur of later generations. Now this is only a very small industry in their family business.

  Guo Henian looked at Chu Huan in surprise. He thought that Chu Huan came to Brazil this time for the mining industry in Brazil. After all, Chu Huan had invested in his own mine in Australia before.

  At the same time, coupled with the relationship between Chu Huan and Mitsui & Co., it should be a matter of course for Chu Huan to enter the mining industry in Brazil.

  But he didn't expect that what Chu Huan was thinking about was Brazil's agriculture.

   "A Huan, isn't your plan too big? Agriculture has always been dominated by the four major grain merchants. If you rush in so rashly, they will definitely take action!"

  Guo Henian couldn't help but remind Chu Huandao.

  Actually, Guo Henian did not know the scale of Chu Huan's investment in Brazilian agriculture, but Guo Henian understood one thing. If it was a small-scale investment, Chu Huan would definitely not fly to Brazil to preside over the matter.

  At the same time, it is impossible to cooperate with their Guo family.

   Now Chu Huan not only flew to Brazil in person, but also called himself to Brazil to discuss cooperation in soybean processing. This has actually proved one thing, and Chu Huan's investment this time must not be small!

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "There is competition in any industry. Could it be that because our Jiaku has entered the hotel industry now, are you not going to continue the development of your own Shangri-La Hotel, Uncle Guo?"

  Guo Henian said with a relaxed smile: "The situation is different. A Huan, you are a shareholder of our Shangri-La Hotel. We are all partners. Or is it that your agricultural investment in Brazil, A Huan, is also in cooperation with the four major grain merchants?"

  Chu Huan shook his head and said, "It was independently invested by us, Jiaku!"

  Guo Henian smiled wryly, knowing it was so.

  Although cooperation with Chu Huan is something that every Xiangjiang businessman hopes to happen, Guo Henian has to think more about it. If they cooperate with Chu Huan, although there are many advantages, there are also many disadvantages.

Let’s not talk about external problems, but only about internal problems. This time, Chu Huan has involved both Jiaku and Yunhai in this cooperation. Obviously, in this cooperation, their Guo family has no way to get the management right. .

  Management rights are not willing to give up to any businessman whose foundation is industry!

  After talking about internal issues, let’s talk about external issues. Chu Huan is only getting involved in Brazil’s agriculture. As I just said, Chu Huan’s investment is likely to attract the encirclement and suppression of the four major grain merchants.

  If Chu Huan can't succeed, their Guo family will offend the four major grain merchants, which is not what Guo Henian wants to see.

Seeing that Guo Henian didn't answer his cooperation question immediately, Chu Huan understood what the other party was thinking, and just smiled and said: "Uncle Guo, you can think about this matter carefully, I am not in a hurry here! "

   Thank you everyone, the typo is corrected first and then corrected~



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion