MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 789 The Copacaba Palace Hotel was shot down (7K large

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  Chapter 789 The Copacaba Palace Hotel was shot (7K chapter, please subscribe~)

  In the presidential suite of the Copacaba Palace Hotel!

  House Rockefeller, who was already in his fifties, sat there with an angry expression on his face, and he couldn't see the slightest of the city that should be at this age!

  Many people who know the Rockefeller family and House, will have such an impression of this person, that is, it is difficult for this person to be worthy of the surname Rockefeller!

  However, this can only be an outsider's idea. House is very good at birth. No matter what outsiders say he is not worthy of the surname Rockefeller, he is still a member of the Rockefeller family.

  Rockefeller was angry at this time because of two people.

  Chu Huan!

   Mitsui Takacho!

  As Mitsui Takacho said, there is no way for people like House to plan a bankruptcy plan against Jorge Guino, but this is not important.

  When House brought Jorge Guino to Hollywood, the Rockefeller family had already noticed this man, so other Rockefeller family members also got involved.

   Then Jorge Guino completely lost himself in various investment projects, and almost spent his inheritance.

  However, most of the previous rest income was taken away by the Rockefeller family, and House is about to get his own asset, the Copacaba Palace Hotel.

  Before Chu Huan came to Brazil, House had been planning this matter. He always wanted to lower Jorge Guino's asking price, and wanted to exchange some of his inferior assets with Jorge Guino.

All of this was going smoothly, but Chu Huan came out, and Mandarin Oriental proposed much better conditions than him to acquire the Copacaba Palace Hotel. All of House's previous plans fell through at once. up.

   This made House very angry.

However, although House was angry, he didn't take this matter too seriously at the time. He thought that Chu Huan must not know that he, a member of the Rockefeller family, was buying the Copacaba Palace Hotel. House believed that as long as Chu Huan knew I am also buying the Copacaba Palace Hotel, so I will definitely give it up very wisely.

  So House called Mitsui Takachanga, and asked Mitsui Takachanga to tell Chu Huan, let him retreat in spite of the difficulties, and stop thinking about buying the Copacaba Palace Hotel.

  The result was unexpected, Chu Huan unexpectedly rejected the kindness he had released to him without knowing what was good or bad.

   Next, House is angry at Mitsui Takaaga.

The reason why the Mitsui family is strong is because they are strong in Japan. They can be strong in Japan because North America showed mercy and let Japan go, and also funded Japan's economic development. It is under these circumstances that Mitsui The family just grew up again.

  How the North American economy developed was entirely driven by their families.

   That is to say, the Mitsui family was able to succeed in Japan because of the support of their Rockefeller family, which led to the current situation.

  House doesn’t want what others think, he only needs to think what he thinks!

Now I just asked Mitsui Takacho to do a small thing, and it turned out that Mitsui Takacho didn't even understand it. If this was the case, House wouldn't be too angry with Mitsui Takacho, really What made House angry was that Takacho Mitsui actually told the matter to the current Patriarch of the Rockefeller family.

  However, after the current Patriarch of Rockefeller knew about this incident, he actually called and reprimanded him.

   This is something that House cannot accept.

   "Mitsui Takacho, you can't understand such a simple thing, and you told my elder brother about it, what do you think, don't you worry about the anger of our Rockefeller family?"

  At this time, House faced Mitsui Takanoga and preached angrily.

  He never hides his thoughts, because in House's view, this is not necessary at all, because he is a member of the Rockefeller family!

Mitsui Gaochang glanced at House indifferently, and said indifferently: "House, it doesn't matter what I think, the important thing is that you have to figure out your identity, Rockefeller is your surname, you rely on The Rockefeller name is proud, but the Rockefeller name is humiliated by your existence."


  House looked at Mitsui Takacho angrily, he didn't expect Mitsui Takacho to dare to talk to himself like that!



  Before House could say the following words, Mitsui Takacho had already slapped the opponent hard in the face, and House, who was caught off guard, was directly slapped on the sofa by this slap.

  House covered his cheeks, and looked at Mitsui Gaochang in disbelief.

At this time, Mitsui Gaochang was condescending, looked at House jokingly, and said calmly: "If it weren't for thanking you for finding me on this matter, today would not be a slap in the face. In the future, think clearly about what you are doing. Whoever you talk to, even the Patriarch of your Rockefeller family, must be polite when talking to me, what are you!"

   After finishing speaking, Mitsui Takacho turned and walked out of the room, leaving behind a furious House!


  Mandarin Oriental people have arrived in Rio, and they signed a sales contract with Jorge Guino very smoothly.

  Since then, the Copacaba Palace Hotel in Rio has officially belonged to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group!

   Naturally, House's idea has really come to nothing!

   On the day Mandarin Oriental signed the contract with Jorge Guino, House moved out of the Copacaba Palace Hotel.

  That night, Guo Henian was in his room at the Copacaba Palace Hotel, discussing Chu Huan's suggestion with their Guo family on a conference call.

  The Guo family is a huge family, and Guo Henian is not the only one, but the most outstanding one is Guo Henian, and Guo Henian is also the head of the Guo family's generation.

  The voices of the Guo family came from the phone.

"In fact, we have no choice at all in this matter. Our research and development of soybean products may be regarded as a good company in Southeast Asia, but in Chu Huan's view, it is not enough at all. I can guess what's behind Chu Huan. Thinking about it, if we give up the cooperation with Chu Huan, then Chu Huan will definitely set up such a company in Xiangjiang by himself.

Although Chu Huan may not be successful in this industry, we should understand that according to Chu Huan's financial resources and influence at this time, he can buy other manufacturers and set up a production line in the shortest time. With a retail network covering the entire Asia, the success rate of this brand will increase infinitely.

  And our survival market will definitely be squeezed by the other party.

As for the four major grain merchants you are worried about, I think it is completely unnecessary. First of all, our size is too small to attract the attention of the four major grain merchants. Even if Chu Huan's investment failed this time, in fact, for For us, it is nothing more than the loss of an unimportant development project.

  But we can get a deeper friendship from Chu Huan and get more help on our main projects. You should understand that this matter is more beneficial to us! "

In fact, Guo Henian had considered these things the other party said these days, but the pressure from the four major grain merchants was still too great, and Guo Henian was never representing one person, but their Guo family. , so this matter must be supported by other clansmen.

   Now that the family has no objections, Guo Henian naturally has no worries.

   "I see, I will meet with Chu Huan again tomorrow and explain this matter clearly!"

   "Okay, after you come back from Brazil, don't stay too long in Xiangjiang. Go back to Singapore first. Chu Huan's investment this time is definitely not small. We need to plan to keep up with Chu Huan's footsteps!"


  Guo Henian hung up the phone. After confirming the matter, Guo Henian felt no pressure and was ready to turn off the lights and go to bed!

Da da da.

   A hasty voice suddenly sounded, and Guo Henian even hid under the desk immediately, because he recognized that it was a gunshot.


   In the early hours of the morning, in the study of his manor, Chu Huan saw Guo Henian, who was still in shock, and asked with concern.

   "Uncle Guo, I'm really sorry about the hotel, it made you worry and frightened!"

  Guo Henian had regained his composure at this time, and asked Chu Huan with concern: "Ah Huan, what happened to the hotel? Are they targeting the hotel? Someone in the hotel? Or you?"

Just when Guo Henian had just finished talking on the phone with his family and was about to go to bed, a car suddenly stopped at the entrance of the Copacaba Palace Hotel, and then a few masked men with guns got out of the car. There was a burst of shooting at the entrance of the Copacaba Palace Hotel.

  Fortunately, because it was early in the morning, there was no one in the hotel lobby, so casualties were avoided.

  Chu Huan knew about this at the first time, and immediately asked Lin Yi to add manpower to his manor, and at the same time sent people to the hotel to pick up Guo Henian.

   "I don't know yet, but I believe I will soon!" Chu Huan said calmly.

   Seeing Chu Huan like this, Guo Henian knew that Chu Huan must be really angry, and said: "Ah Huan, this is not our place, no matter what happens, we should pay attention!"

  Chu Huan nodded and said, "Thank you, Uncle Guo!"

  Guo Henian patted Chu Huan on the shoulder, and followed the servants in the manor to leave Chu Huan's study.

  At this moment, Anhui Tanaka held the phone and said to Chu Huan, "Brother Huan, it's Joao Figueiredo."

Chu Huan took the phone in Anhui Tanaka's hands, and the voice of Brazil's current president, Joao Figueiredo, came from the phone: "Director Chu, I personally feel very sorry for what happened in Rio. The people at BOPE have been notified and they are now on your way to your residence.

   Please rest assured that we in Brazil will provide you with the safest living environment! "

  BOPE, Brazil's special police operations unit, was established to fight against Brazilian flour merchants. The members wear black clothes and flat hats, and the heavily armed vehicles are painted with exclusive patterns of skulls and interlaced pistols!

Joao Figueiredo is very concerned about Chu Huan's safety. First of all, Chu Huan's global influence has to be paid attention to by Joao Figueiredo. If there is a problem with Chu Huan's personal safety in Brazil, it is estimated that by then Newspapers and media around the world will criticize Brazil.

  Secondly, Joao Figueiredo also understands that Chu Huan has a very close relationship with politicians from many countries, including North America and European countries. It is impossible for Joao Figueiredo to underestimate this matter just because of this relationship.

Finally, leaving aside public and personal factors, before that, Joao Figueiredo was able to get millions of dollars in cash from Chu Huan every year, and now Chu Huan decided to increase investment in Brazil, and Joao Figueiredo Naturally, Gredo will benefit from more funds!

  Therefore, there must be no problems with Chu Huan's safety.

For this, Chu Huan did not hypocritically refuse, but expressed his gratitude to Joao Figueiredo. Although he still does not know the reason why those people did this, Chu Huan did not want to put himself in a potentially dangerous place. the point.

   Later, Chu Huan expressed that he would donate 1 million US dollars to this army to improve their weapons and equipment!

  Joao Figueiredo was also very happy about Chu Huan's return. After caring about Chu Huan for a few words, he hung up the phone.

   "Chairman, we are still investigating this matter, I assure you, before nine o'clock in the morning, we will definitely be able to investigate this matter clearly!"

  After Chu Huan hung up the phone, Lin Yi, who had been waiting in the study early, preached to Chu Huan with a serious face.

  At the same time, Ma Jizu also came to Chu Huan's side immediately.

  Chu Huan nodded and said, "Okay!"

  Who is doing it? Chu Huan is also confused about this matter. If the other party is targeting him, then why is the other party doing this?

   Because of the previous incident?

Chu Huan's business in the world is too big now, and it is not ruled out that they are sent by other competitive relationships, but those who are qualified to be Chu Huan's opponents should understand Chu Huan's influence, as long as he has a normal brain, Everyone should understand what the consequences would be if he did so.

  And the other party did it at the Copacaba Palace Hotel. If it was said that it was the place where I lived, the possibility of this guess would be several times higher.

   What if it is not an overseas competition, but Brazil?

  The four major grain merchants?

This is also impossible. Although Chu Huan has already discussed with several people about investing in agriculture in Brazil, these people are basically people with the same interests as himself, and they should not tell this matter to others. The four major grain merchants.

   And even if the four major grain merchants really knew about this matter, they would definitely be polite before fighting. It is almost impossible to do such a thing without discussing with themselves.

   Salute first and soldiers later?

  At this moment, a name suddenly appeared in Chu Huan's mind.

   "Find someone to investigate whether Haus Rockefeller is still staying at the Copacaba Palace Hotel tonight!"

  Sherlock Holmes once said that when you eliminate all impossible situations, the rest, no matter how unbelievable, are facts!

  Chu Huan is not sure whether this matter was done by House Rockefeller, but Mitsui Takacho once told himself that House is a very crazy person without much brain.

  I have just completed the deal with Jorge Guino for the Copacaba Palace Hotel, and as a result, the hotel is in such a situation.

  So now Chu Huan can only place the main suspect on House.

   "In addition, the person who told us that at least three of the people who did this must be alive!"

  If it was House who did it, then Chu Huan needs to have a witness in his hands!

   "Understood!" Lin Yi nodded seriously.

At this time, he was also extremely angry. Chu Huan had gone to so many countries, and there was no accident. Now that he is in Brazil, he will encounter such a thing. Although nothing happened to Chu Huan, but From Ji Dong's point of view, it's still because he didn't do enough.

   Just when Lin Yi was about to give Chu Huan's order, Chu Huan suddenly thought of someone and preached to Lin Yi.

   "There is a man named Benny. Help me find him. This man lives in Rhonesia and is a member of the two major societies. He should be a famous person. Help me find this man."

Although it is not sure who is responsible for this incident and who is the person who acted, people from the local community in Rio are still very suspicious. People from the local police in Rio are definitely not as good as them in this kind of thing There are so many things people know!

  Lin Yi didn't ask Chu Huan why Chu Huan knew a person who lived in a slum in Ronesia.

   At this time, the servants of the manor came to report, and the people from BOPE came!

  Chu Huan signaled Ma Jizu to arrange for those people, and sat on the sofa in the study.

   "Brother Huan, may I make you a pot of tea?"

   Seeing Chu Huan's expression, after everyone went out, Tanaka Anhui began to look ugly, and asked cautiously.

  Chu Huan nodded.

  Tanaka Anhui began to prepare all the procedures for making tea. When she started to make tea, Ma Jizu walked in with a man wearing black clothes, a flat hat, and epaulets on his shoulders.

   "Chairman, this is BOPE's Captain Cafu!"

  Chu Huan got up, smiled and said to the other party: "I'm sorry, I'm bothering you this time!"

Cafu said with a stern face: "Mr. Chu, please rest assured that with us here, no one will endanger your safety. In addition, please rest assured that my colleagues have already investigated this matter. I believe it is very serious." There will be an answer soon!"

  Chu Huan nodded and smiled, "Thank you!"

In fact, Kafu wanted to remind Chu Huan that with them, the bodyguards in Chu Huan's manor would not be needed, but before he came, he had already received an order from his chief, and he had to give Chu Huan absolute respect .

  Because of the equipment money for their troops this year, Chu Huan has already prepared it for them!

   "Mr. Chu, I noticed that there are already quite a few of your bodyguards here. In order to ensure that everyone can provide you with more reasonable protection, I hope to meet with the leader of the other party to discuss the steps for cooperation."

  Although he couldn’t ask Chu Huan to remove his bodyguards, Kafu still looked down on Han Yang and the others. After all, in Kafu’s view, they were a regular game, while Han Yang and the others were nothing more than motley crew.

   Did not propose to replace Han Yang and others, this is already the greatest respect Kafu gave Chu Huan.

  Chu Huan didn't care about Kafu's thoughts, but he also understood that Kafu's suggestion was good, so Chu Huan asked Ma Jizu to call Han Yang in, and asked them to negotiate!

  Han Yang came in and saw Kafu, his eyes were flat. Han Yang didn't care about the disdain in Kafu's eyes, he would not be influenced by this situation at all.

  The two sides shook hands, and then got to know each other under the introduction of Ma Jizu, and then went out to discuss the specific situation of protecting this place! .

  The early morning calm in the slums of Rhonesia was broken because a group of heavily armed outsiders entered here.

  For the outsiders to come in, the people here instantly became nervous, and many of them came out of their own homes. They had weapons in their hands, but they were only some pistols, and the better ones were ordinary submachine guns.

  Although they do not have an advantage in weapons, they do have an advantage in numbers, dozens of people.

   As for the outsiders, it was different. They were just a ten-man squad, but the weapons in their hands were the envy of these people in the slums.

   All American equipment, all of which are the most advanced and powerful weapons today.

  At the same time, these ten outsiders were accompanied by a resident of a Rhonesia slum, who looked less than twenty years old.

   "Sonny, what are you bringing outsiders here for?"

  A man holding a revolver asked loudly.

If only ten outsiders came in hastily, the residents here would have already started looking for valuables on them, but the other party is now fully armed, even with his mother's hand grenade hanging around his waist, it is obvious that these people make them I can't afford to offend people, so I can only ask.

Sonny is a person who lives here, but he is different from most of the young people here. He is not like a gangster. Back then, his brother was a member of a large club in Rhonesia, and he had already reached the top level, but that so what?

  The grade before the age of 19 has died, and ten years have passed, and even that club does not exist anymore.

  Sonny's goal since he was a child was to leave here, hoping to live in a normal community in Rio and not have to sleep listening to gunshots every night.

So he brought Zhang Jun and others here today, and he will get the reward he wants, 100,000 U.S. dollars and his family will leave here, have a house in Sao Paulo, his father, he can get A well-earned job!

  With these bases in place, Sonny is naturally not afraid of the people here.

   "They're here for Benny!"

   "Benny?" The person who asked the question was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "What do you want Benny to do?"

  Sonny didn't answer the other party, because he didn't know that Zhang Jun didn't understand Portuguese, but the people who came with him were all people who worked hard with Lin Yi in Brazil, and they had already learned Portuguese.

  However, these people did not answer each other's questions. They came to take Benny to see Chu Huan, not to answer these people's questions.

   And with so many people now, if Benny runs away, then there is something wrong with them.

   Fortunately, in the current situation, Benny, as a member of the club and a high-level executive, is himself in the crowd, and Zhang Jun has already seen Benny under Sonny's identification.

   "You are Benny, our boss wants to see you, the one who chatted with you on the beach before!"

  The people who came with Zhang Jun saw Benny under the identification of Zhang Jun, and then preached to him.

   Benny in the crowd was stunned, that guy on the beach?

   Soon, Chu Huan appeared in his mind. After all, Chu Huan is of Chinese descent, and these people in front of him are also of Chinese descent.

   "He wants to see me? What are you doing?" Benny didn't run away, but stood up and asked.

   "You will know when you go, don't worry, our boss won't do anything to you!"

Benny also understood at this time that he must go. In the current situation, these people in front of him have shocked the bumpkins in their slums. Or grab some company's goods, there must be no problem.

  But in the face of these heavily armed people, they don't have the guts!

  As for the control of Rio by the Rio community in the news reports of later generations, it is actually just a report out of context. Do you really think that those societies can control the entire Rio?

  What they control is only their territory, and their territory is just a slum area from the beginning to the end. The government doesn't want to manage these places. It's fun to see the people in these associations take care of the people in the slum area!

   "Okay, I'll go with you!" Benny said loudly.

  Someone from the community behind him wanted to stop him, but Benny stopped him. After explaining a few words, he left with Zhang Jun and others.

  Zhang Jun and others left Rhonesia by car and came to Chu Huan's manor.

  Benny, who was sitting in the car, couldn't help being shocked when he saw the person guarding BOPE at the gate of the manor.

  Brazil's corruption is well-known all over the world. The reason why they can be arrogant in poor areas like Ronesia is actually because they have connections with the local police.

  But they are not enough in front of BOPE, because the establishment of BOPE was actually aimed at them.

   It is rumored that there are still clubs that can attack BOPE people, but such a club is obviously not something that Benny's club can do.

  He didn't expect that the Chinese he saw on the beach had such great energy in Rio that he asked people from BOPE to be his bodyguards!

   But at the same time, Benny was glad that he came with him. After all, such a force is simply not something they can provoke!

   Soon, Benny came to the study under the leadership of Zhang Jun, and then Benny met Chu Huan.

  Seeing Chu Huan again at this time, Benny's mentality is completely different, and his tone is humble, and he asks: "Dear guest, I don't know why you called me here?"

  Chu Huan sat on the sofa, without any nonsense, and asked directly: "I want to ask, do you know who those people who shot at the entrance of the Copacaba Palace Hotel this morning are?"

   Also, correct the typo first and then change it, Huangshan continues to code~



  (end of this chapter)

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