MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 805 Huayin's power (7K large

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  Xiangjiang, Kai Tak Airport!

   Today, there are four people here that are more eye-catching, because these four people, the men are not only handsome, but also extravagant, and the same is true for the women, beautiful and temperamental.

   "Honey, look at the third prince of Zhonghuan!"

  A young couple recognized the four of them, and the girl held her boyfriend's arm and preached excitedly.

   "The third prince of Zhonghuan?" The boyfriend obviously didn't know them well, and asked, "The prince of that group?"

   "What kind of group? It's Chen Boqiang, Zhang Guoying, and Zhong Baobao. Now Chen Boqiang, Zhang Guoying is the singer, and Zhong Baobao is the host. By the way, last year's "Unemployed" was the three of them starring!"

  The girl began to popularize the three of them to her boyfriend.

   But obviously, the boy's focus was not on the three of them, but looking at the beautiful short-haired girl next to them, and asked curiously.

   "Who is that girl? Is she also a singer? Haven't you seen her before?"

  The girl pursed her lips, and said indifferently: "She, a young TVB actress, seems to be called He Chaoqiong, and I don't know why she is with the third prince of Zhonghuan."

The boy's eyes lit up. He hadn't heard of the third prince of Central, but He Chaoqiong had. He hurriedly told his girlfriend, "I know who she is. It seems to have been mentioned in the newspaper that this is the second wife of Haojiang Gambling King Ho Hongshen." Big daughter!"

   "Okay, how do you know a girl so well, do you want to be the son-in-law of the king of gambling?"

  The girl threw off the boy's arm angrily, and left straight away. Seeing this, the boy hurriedly chased after her and apologized.

   "Danny, even if you quit the music scene, you don't have to leave Xiangjiang?"

  Paul Zhong spoke to Chen Boqiang with some reluctance at this time.

   Just the day before yesterday, Chen Boqiang and Youyu Records issued a joint statement, Chen Boqiang decided to quit the Xiangjiang music scene, and went to Europe to study, with an uncertain return date!

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately caused a huge sensation in the Xiangjiang music scene. Chen Boqiang can be said to be the most famous solo singer among the young generation of Xiangjiang in the past two years. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if Chen Boqiang continues at this speed of development If the Xiangjiang music scene develops, it is very likely to become a male singer at the level of Tan Yonglin.

   As a result, Chen Boqiang chose to retire at this time, which is unbelievable.

  However, some people who understand the internal cause still know that Chen Boqiang offended a terrific person, not because he wanted to retire, but because he had to.

  But Chen Boqiang's fans don't know, they can't accept Chen Boqiang's retirement from the music scene.

   During this period, Xiangjiang music fans are still very crazy. Yesterday, hundreds of Chen Boqiang fans ran to the building where Youyu Records is located to sit in and demonstrate in front of the Chinese People's Bank, wanting to keep Chen Boqiang.

  However, in front of capital, fans' thoughts are always insignificant.

  Whether it is now or in the future.

In the future, South Korea's SM Entertainment will launch the first-generation boy group HOT, and it will be popular throughout Asia. At that time, because of the signing of the contract, SM Entertainment decided to disband HOT. As soon as the news came out, HOT fans flocked to the SM building frantically, demanding that SM Entertainment tried to keep HOT, and even the company's stock price plummeted.

   But as a result, eggs are useless!

   Should be disbanded or should be disbanded!

  The same is true for Chen Boqiang's fans now. They seem to be very powerful, but they are also Mao. No one in Xiangjiang except Chu Huan can change this decision.

   Standing there, Chen Boqiang looked at He Chaoqiong affectionately. Facing Chen Boqiang's eyes, He Chaoqiong dodged a little.

   Seeing He Chaoqiong's reaction, Chen Boqiang felt pain again in his heart.

  In fact, after Chen Boqiang was forced to make the decision to withdraw from the Xiangjiang music scene, Chen Boqiang specifically approached He Chaoqiong and confessed to He Chaoqiong in person. As a result, He Chaoqiong rejected Chen Boqiang's confession.

   This made Chen Boqiang make up his mind to leave the sad place of Xiangjiang!

   "Actually, it would be nice to change the environment!" At this time, Chen Boqiang could only say such a sentence in a lonely way.

  Zhang Guoyu didn't know that Chen Boqiang's confession to He Chaoqiong was rejected, but he just thought it was a decision Chen Boqiang had no choice but to make.

   "After a while, the over there will not be so angry. I'll intercede for you, maybe you can come back!"

  Zhang Guoying preached to Chen Boqiang.

  At this time, if Chen Boqiang said that he didn't hate Chu Huan, he must be lying, but now he also understands that there is no relationship between Chu Huan and He Chaoqiong, and he was thinking about it at the time.

   But Chen Boqiang would definitely not be able to accept Zhang Guoyi to intercede with Chu Huan on his behalf.

   "No need, actually I don't really care if I sing or not."

  After Chen Boqiang finished speaking, the airport broadcast also began to remind Chen Boqiang that this wave of passengers had boarded the plane. Chen Boqiang calmly preached to He Chaoqiong.


  Actually, He Chaoqiong didn't know what to say to Chen Boqiang at this time. If so many things didn't happen between the two, maybe when Chen Boqiang confessed to He Chaoqiong, He Chaoqiong agreed.

  But this time He Chaoqiong knew very well that it was impossible for him to be with Chen Boqiang, so he firmly rejected Chen Boqiang's confession.

  But no matter what, the former friendship made He Chaoqiong feel a little sorry for Chen Boqiang at this time.

"Bon Voyage!"

   All the thousands of words, in the end, it was only gathered into such a sentence!


   "Why are you here again?"

  In the Chinese industry, Chu Huan looked at He Chaoqiong helplessly. He just thought it was troublesome and didn't want to have anything to do with He Chaoqiong, but this didn't mean that his big sword was no longer good.

  If He Chaoqiong came to the company to find him again and again, he was not sure if he would give He Hongshen a surprise.

   "Danny just left Xiangjiang by plane, and I don't think he will come back in the future!"

  He Chaoqiong didn't care about Chu Huan's attitude, sitting on the sofa thinking a little lonely.

Chu Huan said with a smile: "Let's go, if you don't want to, just be a pair of runaway men and women with him, so I also admire you two as a pair of men, the key is what are you doing here now? , don't you know that Xiangjiang's market is not very good now?"

  The recent market situation of Xiangjiang is indeed not very good. The most intuitive manifestation is the real estate industry.

  Entering the second half of 1982, the real estate industry of Xiangjiang seems to have suffered a direct fracture. Land prices generally fell by 40% to 60%, with the largest declines being industrial land and high-end residential land.

  The selling price of industrial land in Kowloon Bay, calculated in terms of floor area, has fallen from the highest level of 360 yuan per square foot in December 1980 to the current price of 25 yuan per square foot, a drop of up to 93%.

  The high-end residential land along Nanwan Road on Hong Kong Island also fell from the highest level of 1,502 yuan per square foot in September 1980 to 540 yuan per square foot now, a drop of 60%.

  The price of residential properties in North Point fell from 1,067 yuan per square foot at the end of 1981 to 664 yuan per square foot at present, a drop of 38%.

The biggest impact on Aku is that the monthly rent of Grade A office buildings in the Central District has dropped from 28 to 30 yuan per square foot at its peak in mid-1981 to the current 21 to 24 yuan per square foot, a drop of about 20% to 25%. .

  The reason for all this is not only the cyclical factors in the real estate market in Xiangjiang, but also the greater factor is that the meeting about the future of Xiangjiang is becoming more and more likely to happen.

  This uncertainty about the future has led to the current land price in Xiangjiang.

  If you ask Xiangjiang what business is best to do now, it must be the best business for immigration applications. Many Xiangjiang people are thinking about immigration at this time.

  He Chaoqiong couldn't help giving Chu Huan a blank look, but her behavior didn't have the slightest influence in Chu Huan's eyes, but it added some charm to Chu Huan's eyes.

   "Mr. Chu, is it really interesting if I'm joking?"

  Chu Huan sat on the sofa and said with a smile, "Hurry up and tell me, what's your business? I will have an interview with the person in charge of Huayin in the afternoon to discuss the joint establishment of UnionPay Tongbao!"

  After entering the 1980s, Huayin's business development in Xiangjiang became more and more active. At the beginning of this year, the person in charge of Huayin approached Chu Huan to discuss the establishment of a company that provides automatic teller machine computer connection services.

  In fact, it is to realize the business that the automatic teller machine can collect deposits from various banks.

   This is not a new technology in later generations, but it is still very new in Xiangjiang at this time.

  He Chaoqiong said with a downcast face: "I have already resigned from TVB!"

  Chu Huan nodded, and said impatiently: "I know, and TVB didn't ask you for liquidated damages. It's really disgusting."

  He Chaoqiong has learned to block the complaints in Chu Huan's words at this time, and said: "I want to stay in Xiangjiang to start a business!"

  At this time, He Chaoqiong has actually figured it out, let's go to TM's actor dream, the most important thing is to start a business honestly.

  Chu Huan said: "Go out and turn right, enter the elevator, go to the first floor, then drive to the Star Ferry Pier, take the boat back to Haojiang, and find your father to invest!"

  He Chaoqiong shook his head and said: "I don't want to look for my daddy. Doesn't your Dazhong International Investment have a business that specializes in investing in small and medium-sized enterprises in Xiangjiang? Why don't you invest in some for me?"

  Chu Huan laughed: "What do you think? You said it. It's the funds to invest in Xiangjiang's small and medium-sized enterprises. You just sit here alone without any funds. Why should I invest in you?"

He Chaoqiong sat up straight at this time, with a confident smile on his face, and said: "Although I don't have any projects now, it is undeniable that my identity is more solid than the bosses of many small and medium-sized enterprises in Xiangjiang. up.

In addition, I know that my daddy has always wanted to deepen cooperation with you, brother Huan. If he knows that I can get investment from you, he will definitely be interested in this project of mine, and then he will definitely invest in it when the time comes of.

   That way, at least my company doesn't lack start-up capital.

  The rest is the problem of the project, which is also easy to solve. I have also met many people in the entertainment industry during my work at TVB.

  Although Youyu Records is now the largest record company in Xiangjiang, there are still many things that cannot be touched or done properly.

  Such as event planning for actors, concert planning, etc., these problems have always been the weakness of Youyu Records.

   And this project can also become the start-up project for me to start a business in Xiangjiang! "

  Chu Huan sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, and looked at He Chaoqiong with interest. When he was reborn, He Chaoqiong had already assumed the status of the successor of the He family.

  Actually at that time, He Chaoqiong had already proved herself with her ability and was qualified to become one of the most capable female entrepreneurs in Hong Kong and Macau.

   But that is a later life after all. When Chu Huan first met He Chaoqiong here, she was still a little Douding. Now that she is older, she has fallen into the relationship with Chen Boqiang again.

  So before this, Chu Huan had never connected the He Chaoqiong in front of him with the He Chaoqiong of later generations. Only now did Chu Huan realize that He Chaoqiong was still the same He Chaoqiong.

   Perfectly used all the relationships around him.

   And there is no such thing as an ordinary rich second generation who has high eyesight and low abilities. When they first came up, they focused on those industries that came in quickly. Instead, they chose to plan this industry. At this stage, this industry is probably the industry she knows best?

   "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with me today?"

  He Chaoqiong looked at Chu Huan's eyes and asked a little strangely.

  Chu Huan shook his head and smiled and said, "No, this is good. Since you want to start a business, how much start-up capital do you need, and at the same time, how much investment do you want to take from me, and how many shares will you give me?"

  He Zhaoqiong saw that Chu Huan was no longer the same as before, and immediately said with a smile: "I need Director Chu to invest 500,000 Hong Kong dollars. Do you want to take a share? How about giving you 24.5%?"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "I will give 24.5% here, and I think you will give 24.5% when your father buys shares in the future, right?"

  He Chaoqiong also smiled happily: "It's still Mr. Chu who sees it thoroughly!"

  Chu Huan did not hesitate, took out a checkbook from his jacket pocket, wrote a check for 500,000 Hong Kong dollars, tore it off and handed it to He Chaoqiong.

   "I hope your business will get better and better!"

  He Chaoqiong took the check from Chu Huan, and immediately said with a smile: "Mr. Chu, since we are partners now, there is still something that needs your support!"

Chu Huan shook his head and said, "I won't say hello to Youyu Records and the black and white video for you. This is your own business. If we can solve everything for you, why don't you change to another one?" You can do it by yourself, if that's the case, I'll invest in what you do, just let Black and White Media set up such a company by itself!"

  Hearing what Chu Huan said, He Chaoqiong showed a helpless expression, and said: "Okay, I will solve these things myself!"


   "Wang Dong, long time no see!"

  In the afternoon, Chu Huan waited for Wang Chuanqi, the chairman of Xiangjiang Huayin, at the Huaren Bank.

  Wang Chuanchuan took the initiative to shake hands with Chu Huan and said, "Mr. Chu, thank you very much for your support this time. I came here specially to thank you this time!"

  The establishment of UnionPay Tongbao, in fact, does not have much benefit for Jiaku Bank, or the advantages of cooperation with Huayin are not so obvious.

  Although Huayin has started to make efforts in the past two years, in Xiangjiang, Huayin has not grown into the second largest banking group in Hong Kong in the future.

   On the contrary, Jiaku Bank, due to the crazy expansion with the full cooperation of Xiangjiang Jiaku in the past few years, has still become the second largest bank in Xiangjiang, second only to Xiangjiang HSBC, and tied for second with Hang Seng and Standard Chartered!

  In addition, Jiaku Bank is also the bank with the second largest number of branches and ATMs in Xiangjiang. It is still second only to HSBC, but surpasses Hang Seng and Standard Chartered.

  So the cooperation with Jiaku Bank at this time can be said to have indirectly enhanced the influence of Huayin in Xiangjiang.

  However, due to its backing from its hometown, Huayin’s future development trend must not be underestimated.

  This is also the reason why Chu Huan is willing to cooperate with Huayin.

   "Wang Dong is too polite, it is our honor to cooperate with your bank!" Chu Huan said with a smile.

  But the cooperation that Chu Huan is talking about here is not the cooperation between the two banks in Xiangjiang, but the cooperation in their hometown.

  With the start of construction of Chu Huan's two super investments in his hometown, Jiaku Bank opened a branch in his hometown at this time, and opened up several cities.

   They are Beijing, Lin'an, Ludao, and Jiuyuan!

  At the same time, Beijing Jiaku Branch has also reached some cooperation with Huayin, which is also very important for Jiaku to increase its influence in its hometown.

  Actually, the details of the cooperation between the two of them have already been finalized. Wang Chuanqi came here this time to deepen the relationship with Chu Huan.

   After all, according to the analysis of Huayin's senior management, if Huayin wants to expand its influence in Xiangjiang, then the cooperation with Chu Huan is indispensable.

   "I haven't congratulated Director Wang yet. I heard that your bank has reached a consensus with the Hong Kong government. The other party has agreed to sell the land on Garden Road in Central to you?"

In the history of commercial buildings in Xiangjiang, Huayin Building is an inescapable building. Although the building was only started in 1984, the land was actually bought by Bank of China in 1982. , and began to plan, Huayin specially invited I.M. Pei to design this building for them!

  Wang Chuanqi smiled bitterly and said: "Don't make fun of us, Mr. Chu. Once this news is announced, the Xiangjiang side will already be in trouble!"

  Chu Huan comforted with a smile: "I don't think there is anything to worry about, this kind of trouble will be over!"

  The reason why the land of Huayin Building caused excitement in Xiangjiang as soon as the transaction was completed, the main reason is that the Hong Kong government bought the land too cheaply.

  In February this year, Zhulu Real Estate bought the land in Central that was auctioned by the Hong Kong government at a price of 4.5 billion Hong Kong dollars. According to the land price at that time, it should be 31,250 Hong Kong dollars per square foot.

The piece of land sold by the Hong Kong government to Huayin is a directional sale and has not been auctioned. It is paid off in installments over 13 years, and the annual interest is only 6%.

   Such a move, it is hard not to let the real estate developers of Xiangjiang have guesses about the ownership of Xiangjiang.

"These people are just too smart. Smart people tend to think too much. The Hong Kong government did this because of the ownership of Xiangjiang. It just wanted to show favor to their hometown on this matter. I hope Let them continue to maintain management rights over Xiangjiang!"

  Wang Legend gave a sermon with a complicated expression.

  Chu Huan understood Wang Chuanqi's mood. After all, for Huayin, this matter must have been taken advantage of, but the idea of ​​the Hong Kong government will definitely not be realized.

  It is impossible for the hometown to give up the plan for Xiangjiang because of this kind of thing.

   "Things have already happened, so there is nothing to think about. Just build this Huayin Building according to your own plan!"

  Chu Huan said with a smile.

  Wang Chuanqi said: "Speaking of the construction of the Huayin Building, Mr. Chu, we have something we want to discuss with you, Mr. Chu!"

  Chu Huan said: "Please tell me."

   "We have already invited Master I.M. Pei to design the plan for the new building. After Master I.M. Pei's design comes out, we want to invite Golden Gate Architecture and Gonghe Architecture to jointly undertake the construction of Huayin Tower!"

   This is Huayin's reciprocation, Chu Huan said with a smile: "No problem, I will talk to these two companies when the time comes!"

   "Then please trouble Mr. Chu!" Wang Chuanqi said happily.

  After talking about this matter, Wang Chuanqi's expression became serious, and he asked Chu Huan seriously: "Director Chu, according to your perspective, what will be the economic situation of Xiangjiang in the future?"

  The position is different, and the angle of viewing things is also different.

In the past, Huayin was actually very low-key in Xiangjiang, and rarely participated in such a big topic, but the situation is different now. Now the hometown has confirmed its attitude towards Xiangjiang, and Huayin's strategic positioning is naturally It's different.

   What's more, although this period was a negotiation between England and his hometown, in fact, the economic development of Xiangjiang also played a vital role in this negotiation.

  That's why Wang Chuanqi asked Chu Huan this question at this time. As the number one person in Xiangjiang, Chu Huan owns Jiaku, the largest consortium in Xiangjiang. It can be said that the quality of Jiaku is directly related to Xiangjiang's economy!

  Chu Huan pondered for a moment, and said: "It won't be too good, there are not only the impact of the development cycle of Xiangjiang's industry, but also the impact of future negotiations that may occur.

  And from the current land price and stock market trend of Xiangjiang, you can also see that Xiangjiang is now in a very sensitive period. Any bad news may have a bad impact on Xiangjiang's economy! "

  The morals of the real estate industry have just been talked about. In fact, the stock market in Xiangjiang is not very good now.

Last year, the Hong Kong Hang Seng Index reached its historical peak of more than 1,800 points, but then began to slide, and now it is only maintained at around 1,200 points. Compared with last year's peak, it has fallen by more than 600 points, and this drop The trend continues.

Wang Chuanqi's face was a little dignified. After thinking for a while, he continued to ask Chu Huan: "Mr. Chu, you and I both know that this negotiation is inevitable, and I think you know the attitude of my hometown. This is not a question I want to ask, but the higher-ups want to ask, if one day in the future, after my hometown announces its attitude towards Xiangjiang, can Jiaku come forward to help stabilize Xiangjiang's economic situation!"

   When he said this, Wang Chuanqi looked a little embarrassed.

After all, at the beginning of this year, Xiangjiang had already exposed the topic of cash flow problems in Jiaku, but now Chu Huan doesn't need to say it, Wang Chuanqi knows it himself, as long as the two sides start negotiations and his hometown announces After Xiangjiang's attitude, Xiangjiang's economy will definitely usher in a big setback.

  If you want to prevent such an economic environment, you must need a huge amount of cash to prop up Xiangjiang's stock market.

   In this regard, they can only seek Chu Huan's help.

   And Chu Huan actually understood what Wang Chuanqi meant.

   To put it bluntly, Xiangjiang's economy is the bargaining chip for both parties.

  Before the hometown did not make a clear statement, what the British side hopes is that Xiangjiang's economy will be prosperous, so that the world can see how healthy Xiangjiang is developing under their management.

  At the same time, if during the negotiation process, the hometown side really insists that Qingshan will not let go and wants to return to Xiangjiang, the British side will hope that Xiangjiang’s economy will experience major fluctuations, and the purpose is actually to increase pressure on the hometown.

  Look, before you return to Xiangjiang, the economy of Xiangjiang has problems!

  In another time and space, Jardine chose to relocate at that time, which is actually the purpose!

"Actually, I've always told outsiders that I'm just a businessman!" Chu Huan thought for a while, and said calmly, "Wang Dong, don't worry, besides this sentence, I often tell outsiders other things. In a word, only when Xiangjiang's business environment is good enough can the development of our Jiaku be better.

  So the stability of Xiangjiang's economy is also very important to our Jiaku! "

  When Chu Huan heard the first sentence, Wang Chuanqi thought that Chu Huan wanted to reject him, but when he heard what Chu Huan said later, Wang Chuanqi understood what Chu Huan meant.

   This is a promise to myself!

  At this time, Wang Chuanqi showed an excited expression on his face. This matter was a task assigned to him by his superiors. Now that he has received a positive answer from Chu Huan, it means that his task has been completed.

   "Mr. Chu, thank you very much for your support. My hometown let me tell Mr. Chu that your contribution will never be forgotten by anyone!"

  Chu Huan said very modestly at this time: "This is what we should do!"

  After this matter was confirmed, the negotiation between Wang Chuanqi and Chu Huan was over, and Wang Chuanqi also needed to report Chu Huan's decision to his hometown as soon as possible, so Wang Chuanqi got up and said goodbye!

  After Wang Chuanqi left, Chu Huan called Xu Yi.

   "Notify Ma Jizu that I will fly to London tomorrow!"

  Chu Huan flew to London at this time, naturally not to tell there the conversation he just had with Wang Chuanqi. This year can be said to be a particularly important year for Jiaku.

  In this matter, although Chu Huan will try his best to avoid involving political issues, as long as Chu Huan supports Xiangjiang's economy at that time, some people in London will definitely be dissatisfied.

  So Chu Huan went to London at this time to convey some benefits to his relationship in London in advance, so as to ensure that Chu Huan would not make too many people feel dissatisfied in his next actions.

  As long as this incident can be successfully concluded, whether in his hometown or in London, Chu Huan's status will become unshakable!

  Thank you everyone, please correct the typo first~

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