MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 806 Chu Huan's conspiracy (large 7K

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  Chu Huan's private plane landed at Kai Tak Airport in Xiangjiang.

  Cao Yunshang personally came to pick up Chu Huan.

   "What are you doing here with a big belly?"

  After meeting Cao Yunshang, Chu Huan spoke worriedly.

  Cao Yunshang sat in the back seat of the car, stroked her stomach, and said with a smile, "It's okay, the little guy is very honest, this matter is too important, if I don't come to pick you up, I won't feel at ease at home!"

  Chu Huan said softly: "Actually, it's not that important. As long as you have money in this world, there is nothing you can't do. The same is true for those politicians in London."

  Cao Yunshang asked excitedly: "So everything went well?"

  Chu Huan nodded and said, "Of course it went well. After all, this time I only talked about the Standard Chartered Bank."

  Chu Huan went to London this time to convey benefits, but it actually deepened the cooperation between the two parties. As for what to do next, he must not tell them.

   Only when the interests of both sides are deeply entangled, even if Chu Huan does something that is not good for Yinglun later, these people will turn a blind eye and close one eye!

  But Chu Huan also needs a specific reason for going to London this time, and this reason is about the acquisition of Standard Chartered Bank of England by Alder Commercial Bank.

If it was the previous two years, Chu Huan would definitely have been blocked by some people in England when he acquired Standard Chartered Bank. Such an important Standard Chartered Bank is not so troublesome.

  Cao Yunshang asked excitedly: "So, we can start to act?"

  Chu Huan shook his head and said: "Don't worry, there are still two introductions missing for this matter. When these two introductions break out, we can start!"

  Cao Yunshang asked: "What introduction?"


  When Chu Huan, who returned to Xiangjiang, sent Cao Yunshang back to No. 12 Mount Kellett Road, he came directly to HSBC without a break and met Roy Bentley.

   "My friend, why did you suddenly want to see me today?"

  After seeing Chu Huan, Roy Bentley laughed and got up and hugged Chu Huan.

  In the past two years, HSBC and Jiaku, two of the largest consortiums in Xiangjiang, have developed peacefully, and there have been many cooperations, which have significantly improved the strength of HSBC compared with the previous two years.

   But what made Roy Bentley the happiest was that without the help of Jiaku, they supported the two consortiums of Carrian and Eagle.

  In the past two years, Roy Bentley mentioned Carrian and Great Eagle many times on HSBC's board of directors, saying that these two consortiums were HSBC's Pao Yugang in the 1980s.

   This shows how much Roy Bentley values ​​Carrian and Eagle Lord.

   It is precisely because HSBC is developing well that Roy Bentley is also in a very good mood.

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "I just came back from London, so I came to see you!"

When Roy Bentley heard what Chu Huan said, he was a little confused and excited. He was puzzled about Chu Huan's going to London, but at the same time, as soon as Chu Huan came back from London, he came to see him. It was definitely not a trivial matter for Chu Huan to act like this.

   Judging by Chu Huan's expression, it seemed to be a good thing.

   "I don't know if Director Chu has any happy event to tell me?"

  Chu Huan nodded and said: "I went to London this time and specially met Ferdinand, chairman of the British Monopoly and Merger Commission."

  Roy Bentley couldn't sit still anymore, and hurriedly said: "Director Chu, wait a moment, I will call Shen Bi and Pu Weishi."

  Chu Huan naturally had no objection to this.

   Not long after, Shen Bi and Pu Weishi came to Roy Bentley's office.

   "Director Chu, if you have any news, just tell me!" Roy Bentley stopped Shen Bi and Pu Weishi from asking, and asked Chu Huan.

Chu Huan said: "I met with Ferdinand this time, and I specifically talked about HSBC's acquisition of Midland Bank of England. This time, Ferdinand has no previous negative attitude towards HSBC's repurchase of British local banks. Keep things open!"

  Roy Bentley, Shen Bi, Pu Weishi HSBC Big Three all showed excited expressions on their faces at this time.

  Last year, even with Chu Huan's help, HSBC's acquisition of the Royal Bank of Scotland was abolished.

However, this time is different from another time and space. In another time and space, the British Monopoly and Merger Commission rejected this acquisition, but this time, it was because of the resolute protest of the Scots. In order to stabilize the mood of the Scots, the British government It can only stop this transaction.

  But after HSBC failed to acquire the Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC did not give up its observation of European banks. In the end, HSBC selected Midland Bank, one of the four major settlement banks in England!

  Mitland Bank was founded in 1836, about 30 years earlier than HSBC. At that time, the name was Birmingham and Midland Bank, headquartered in Birmingham, an important industrial city in England, and it was a bank that started in the industrial area of ​​central England.

  In the late 19th century, Midland Bank's business developed rapidly and its headquarters moved to London.

  In 1891, Midland acquired London's CentralBank and became the leading bank in England.

  After the First World War, Midland followed the expansion of England and was hailed as the world's largest bank. It had been the leader of the British banking industry for a long time.

  However, after World War II, with the disintegration of England and the gradual decline of the British national power, Midland Bank is also going from bad to worse.

  By the end of the 1960s, National Westminster and Berkeley Bank rose one after another, and Midland Bank was reduced to the end of the four major settlement banks in the UK, even Lloyds Bank.

  One of the reasons for this situation is the rigid management system of the bank.

From the 1970s to the 1980s, Midland, like other large western banks, was committed to expanding its international business, especially the large amount of loans to developing countries such as Mexico and Brazil, resulting in large bad debts and losses of up to 2.4 billion U.S. dollars .

  However, Midland Bank is one of the four major settlement banks in England after all, ranking third in terms of asset value and fourth in terms of number of branches.

  Mitland Bank is headquartered in London, has 2,100 branches in the UK, and has a huge business network in Germany, France, Switzerland and other European countries.

  The acquisition of Midland will undoubtedly greatly strengthen the foundation of HSBC Bank in Europe, so as to complete its coveted "three-legged stool" strategic deployment.

  But the difficulty of acquiring this bank is actually not weaker than the difficulty of HSBC's acquisition of the Royal Bank of Scotland.

  Although the Bank of Midland is no longer as strong as it was at its peak, it is also one of the four major settlement banks in England.

  The British are proud. Even though their national power has begun to decline seriously, they are still proud.

  Proud British people naturally cannot accept a bank registered in Xiangjiang to acquire their country's settlement bank.

  So this acquisition was rejected by the British Monopoly and Merger Commission at the initial stage, but this time HSBC obviously did not want to give up so easily.

  So based on the experience of the last acquisition of the Royal Bank of Scotland, HSBC acquired a securities company headquartered in London named Zhan Jinbao, and based on this company, it once again proposed the acquisition of Midland Bank.

   But the process was not very smooth.

   This matter can be said to be the most troublesome thing that plagues HSBC now. Even in order to complete the acquisition of Midland Bank, HSBC sold new shares to raise funds for an unprecedented time last year!

  Simply speaking, the two sides have been talking about this matter, but there is no result.

Looking at the excited expressions of the three, Chu Huan said with a smile: "I have already negotiated with Ferdinand, and the other party allows HSBC to acquire a part of Midland Bank's shares first, and then deepen the cooperation between HSBC and Midland Bank, and send directors to enter The Board of Directors of the Midland Bank, familiar with the operations of the Midland Bank."

   "Director Chu, what happened this time is really"

  Roy Bentley held Chu Huan's hand and said excitedly: "I really don't know how to thank President Chu!"

Chu Huan said with a smile: "You and I are a partnership. HSBC can complete the layout in Europe. In fact, it is also very helpful to Jiaku's business in Europe. These are what I should do! "

  Compared to Roy Bentley's excitement, Shen Bi's expression is a bit complicated.

   "Director Chu, he was able to persuade Ferdinand to agree to HSBC's acquisition of Midland Bank. It can be seen that the relationship between Director Chu and Ferdinand is extraordinary!"

   Shen Bi said with a smile.

  Chu Huan said with a relaxed smile, "Boss Shen is thinking too much."

  Shen Bi continued to ask: "So the funds needed to acquire the shares of Bank of Midland?"

  Chu Huan waved his hands and said: "This is something that should be discussed between your bank and the board of Midland Bank, and I will not participate!"

  Roy Bentley said excitedly: "I am very grateful to Director Chu for being able to do this!"

  After talking about this matter, Chu Huan left HSBC Bank. Now that the bait has been put down, the rest depends on whether HSBC Bank will take the bait!

  After Chu Huan left HSBC, Roy Bentley, Shen Bi, and Pu Weishi sat together and began to discuss this matter.

   "Shen Bi, you should go to London right away and discuss with Midland Bank about acquiring their shares and joining the board of Midland Bank!"

   Roy Bentley sat there, preaching with some excitement.

  Shen Bi did not immediately agree to Roy Bentley's order, but asked suspiciously: "Roy, what happened this time is a bit strange?"

  Roy Bentley was taken aback for a moment, then thought of something, and said, "Are you trying to explain why Chu Huan did this?"

Shen Bi nodded and said: "Although we have many cooperation projects with Chu Huan, these cooperations are more from Xiangjiang, not from Europe. In fact, Alder Commercial Bank also has their business in Europe. Chu Huan There is no need to cooperate with us, but now he suddenly flew to London to help us solve the biggest trouble, does it make sense?

  I think there should be a motive for doing anything. We don't know the motive of Chu Huan's doing this now. I'm worried that if we act too hastily, we will easily fall into a passive position later! "

  Roy Bentley also fell into a brief silence. After years of experience in the position of HSBC Taipan, Roy Bentley has also made great progress in business sense compared to before.

  Naturally understood what Shen Bi meant, and also knew that if Chu Huan really had some plan for this matter, they would definitely be at a loss when the time comes.

"This matter is a bit difficult to handle. I think Chu Huan will definitely understand our worries. He is actually asking us a multiple-choice question, whether to choose to continue our triangle stool strategy, or because of something we don't know yet. Give up this opportunity because of the situation!"

  Pu Weishi also expressed his opinion.

   "Should we first consider, if we really agree to acquire the shares of Midland Bank during this period, how much cash do we need to pay?"

"If you want to acquire the shares of Midland Bank, you must pay a premium. I think that the board of directors of Midland Bank will definitely open their mouths. At that time, our premium will be at least 80%-130%. , which means we have to pay at least 5.5 billion Hong Kong dollars!"

  Roy Bentley really hopes to complete the strategic layout of HSBC's triangular stool during his term of office.

   Now that the scale of Jiaku led by Chu Huan in Xiangjiang has surpassed that of HSBC, this matter will definitely be recorded in the history of HSBC.

   As the HSBC Taipan during this term, if he does not have more dazzling achievements, then he will be nailed to the stigma of HSBC.

Before, HSBC completed the acquisition of Ocean Milan Bank in North America, which can be regarded as making up for a little reputation, but if you want to change your name from the pillar of shame to the honor roll, then it is imperative to complete the acquisition of Bank of Milan OK!

  So Roy Bentley knows the situation of Midland Bank very well.

   "Wait a minute!" Shen Bi said suddenly, then looked at Pu Weishi and asked, "What did you just say?"

  Pu Weishi didn't understand what Shen Bi meant, but he still repeated what he just said.

  After hearing this, Shen Bi muttered, "This period? This period?"

  Roy Bentley and Shen Bi looked at Shen Bi at the same time and asked, "Did you guess something?"

  Shen Bi did not directly answer the two people's questions, but asked them: "What do you say is the most important thing for Xiangjiang during this period?"

   Is this still an answer?

   During this period, for Xiangjiang, the most important thing is naturally the issue of Xiangjiang's future.

Shen Bi said: "Do you still remember one thing that Chu Huan said when we acquired the Royal Bank of Scotland before, if we want to complete the acquisition of the European Bank, there is one of the most critical problem, that’s why HSBC is in Hong Kong.”

   At this time, Roy Bentley also figured it out, and immediately preached.

   "So you mean, this time Chu Huan actually wants us to relocate and leave Xiangjiang? And then reduce our influence in Xiangjiang, so that the Jiaku Bank Group can replace us?"

  Pu Weishi also understood what Shen Bi and Roy Bentley meant, but he had his own ideas.

"If this is the case, could it be that Chu Huan is a little whimsical? Even if Xiangjiang's problem is really solved by Huaguo, according to the agreement of the year, Xiangjiang will not change until 1997, and As long as Yinglun manages Hong Kong for one day, no matter where HSBC is registered, it is impossible for any banking group to replace HSBC.

   In addition, according to the situation in Huaguo, even if Xiangjiang returns in the future, only Huayin Group can be compared with our HSBC in the banking industry of Xiangjiang. It cannot be the Jiaku Bank Group? "

Shen Bi shook his head and said: "Things can't be calculated in this way. Even now, Jiaku Bank Group has grown into an important force in Xiangjiang's banking industry. If we choose to relocate and leave Xiangjiang at this time, then we will definitely be punished. Influence, if Huayin Group wants to grow, it needs time, and it also needs policies. This will not be possible until at least the 1990s. .

  For nearly ten years, according to the influence of Jiaku Bank in Xiangjiang, I dare not imagine what kind of behemoth Jiaku Bank Group will grow into ten years later! "

  Pu Weishi said: "Since this is the case, then we will give up this acquisition of Midland Bank!"

  Roy Bentley and Shen Bi shook their heads at the same time.

It was still Shen Bi who explained: "Chu Huan has conspired for us. There is one thing we must understand. Until now, no one can be sure what the future situation of Xiangjiang will be like. If Xiangjiang continues to be under England's management, everything will be fine.

But if Xiangjiang is really taken back by Huaguo, then the status of our HSBC will definitely change. We can cooperate with Huaguo as much as possible during this period of time to ensure that we can retain more rights and interests in the future , but Huaguo has its own Huayin, that is to say, no matter how we cooperate with Huaguo, it is impossible to replace Huayin in Xiangjiang.

  Under such circumstances, our triangular stool strategy is even more important, because we have more choices, and we will not hang ourselves on this tree in Xiangjiang.

   But this time."

   When he said the last thing, Shen Bi shook his head helplessly.

  This multiple-choice question is really hard to choose!

In the end, it was Roy Bentley who made the final decision: "Since it is difficult to make a choice, then don't make a choice yet. Shen Bi, you still go to London to discuss with Midland Bank about buying shares, but there is no need to be so anxious. We will Wait a little longer, I believe that the negotiations between Huaguo and Yingling should be held this year, let's see how the negotiations between the two sides are going, and then make the final decision!"

   Shen Bi and Pu Weishi looked at each other. At this time, they had no choice but to agree with Roy Bentley's suggestion! .

   "Boss, will HSBC relocate?"

  After Chu Huan returned to the China Bank, Xu Yi asked Chu Huan about his trip to HSBC.

  Chu Huan sat on the sofa and said with a smile: "HSBC has no other choice. In fact, even if HSBC itself does not want to re-register, the British side will definitely let them re-register."

  Xu Yi asked a little incomprehensibly: "Is it because the acquisition of Midland Bank must be a bank registered in London?"

  Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "It's not just this reason, there is a deeper reason."

In another time and space, during the game between England and Huaguo, they chose Jardine as a bargaining chip for their economy in Xiangjiang. Triggered a wave of relocation in Xiangjiang.

   It has dealt a blow to Xiangjiang's economy.

   Now that Jardine is already in Chu Huan's hands, if Yinglun wants to achieve such an effect, it must have a consortium at the same level as Jardine to do this.

  The only one with such a level in Xiangjiang is HSBC!

  Actually, when Chu Huan went to London to negotiate this time, the London side also hinted that Chu Huan hoped that Chu Huan could cooperate with them and let a significant group under Jiaku relocate and leave Xiangjiang.

   But at that time Chu Huan rejected London's request.

   "Xiangjiang is the base of Jiaku. If you leave Xiangjiang Jiaku, you will be like duckweed without roots. This will not only affect Jiaku's business in Xiangjiang, but also affect Jiaku's global business."

   This was the answer Chu Huan gave at that time.

  The other party saw that Chu Huan had no intentions in this regard, and was worried that his own interests would be damaged, so he didn't say much.

  “Although HSBC is a company and is not affiliated with any department in England, it is undeniable that the development of HSBC is inseparable from the support of England.

   Especially at that time, after Xiangjiang’s problems are settled, HSBC will understand that their position in Xiangjiang will become awkward, and even if they don’t want to, they will have to take the road of re-registering! "

  After listening to Chu Huan's analysis, Xu Yi nodded, then smiled, and said: "If this is the case, the next ten years will be a particularly important year for the development of Jiaku Bank Group!"

  Xu Yi also understands that as long as Xiangjiang's problem is confirmed, no matter how good the relationship between Chu Huan and his hometown is, the rise of Huayin is unstoppable.

   And at Chu Huan's current level, to put it bluntly, his hometown will definitely have some precautions.

   "The two most important points, Alder Commercial Bank's acquisition of Standard Chartered, Jiaku Bank's acquisition of Hang Seng and some small and medium-sized banks in Hong Kong, these two points are the most important things for us this year!"

  Chu Huan preached seriously.

  As always, Xu Yi knows Chu Huan's plan best. Although Chu Huan can't tell Xu Yi the exact situation of the future environment, he can tell Xu Yi his plan so that Xu Yi can complete it in detail.

And Xu Yi is also among all the people, the most loyal person to do things according to Chu Huan's will. Even though there are actually many uncertain factors in this plan, it seems to outsiders that it requires a lot of luck, but Xu Yi Still faithfully carrying out Chu Huan's orders.

"Xu Yi, this battle can actually be regarded as our Jiaku's last battle in Xiangjiang. As long as it can be completed, there will never be any groups or individuals in Xiangjiang alone in the future." Or the forces have had an impact on our Jiaku."

  Chu Huan repeatedly asked Xu Yi how much he should attach importance to this matter.

Mastering the banking industry of Xiangjiang basically means controlling the financial industry of Xiangjiang. In addition, the monopoly of the three real estate groups of Zhulu Real Estate, Landmark, and Hehui in the real estate industry of Xiangjiang, and other companies under the name of Jiaku have control over other industries of Xiangjiang. monopoly.

  That's why Chu Huan said that this year's battle is Jiaku's last battle in Xiangjiang!

  Xu Yi also said solemnly: "Boss, don't worry, I will confirm the problems in each link again, and guarantee that there will be no mistakes in this operation!"

  Chu Huan nodded in satisfaction, then said with a smile, "Very good!"


  After dealing with the company's affairs, Chu Huan returned to No. 12, Mount Kellie Road. Before Cao Yunshang went to pick up Chu Huan, the reason why Chu Huan was nervous was because Cao Yunshang's due date was just a few days away.

  So Chu Huan will definitely stay at No. 12, Mount Kellie Road during this time.

   "Is everything settled?" Cao Yunshang asked Chu Huan again after seeing Chu Huan.

  Chu Huan nodded, smiled and said: "I have already ordered, and now I am waiting for the second introduction to explode!"

  Cao Yunshang asked curiously: "The international gold price has been falling for the past two years. Is it really possible that it will skyrocket?"

   The second introduction that Chu Huan was waiting for was actually the increase in the international gold price!

"It's impossible to skyrocket!" Chu Huan shook his head and said, "The international gold price has been falling since the last skyrocketing, which makes many people feel uneasy. As long as the current international gold price rises slightly, For many people, this is an opportunity not to be missed, and Xie Liyuan Gold Shop will definitely cause a wave of crowding out!"

The run of Xie Liyuan Gold Shop will lead to a wave of run for two or three years in the Xiangjiang banking industry. What Chu Huan is doing now is actually waiting for this matter. This wave of crowding will far exceed another time and space, and will be more concentrated.

  Cao Yunshang nodded, and said: "Xie Liyuan Gold Shop has a history of 100 years in Xiangjiang. After experiencing this wave of crowding out, I am afraid it will not be able to continue to operate!"

  "The ups and downs of the business world have always been like this. Some things can't be helped. Adventurous advances may bring more benefits, but at the same time, they may also bring greater risks to themselves. Everyone has to pay the price for their own choices!"

  Chu Huan preached silently.

  In fact, Chu Huan and Xie Liyuan did not have any conflicts, and the two parties even met at the gatherings of Xiangjiang business circles many times, but now it involves the development of Jiaku itself, and Xie Liyuan Gold Shop is indeed the most suitable introduction.

   Then there is no other way, but to use him to sacrifice to heaven!

   Just after Chu Huan finished speaking, he found that Cao Yunshang's face was a little pale, and the sweat dripped down immediately. Seeing this, Chu Huan hurriedly asked.

   "What's the matter? I'm about to give birth? Isn't it five days before the due date?"

  Cao Yunshang clutched her stomach and said, "It's probably because she can't bear it anymore, and wants to see this world soon!"

   "Doctor Hu, Doctor Hu!" Chu Huan hurriedly stood up and cheered loudly for the resident doctor, Dr. Hu. At this time, the servants in the entire villa also started to get busy!

  Thank you everyone, please correct the typo first~

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