MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 826 Postscript 6

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  Chapter 826 Postscript 6

  In mid-June, the capital city began to become more and more sultry, but at the same time, the capital city became more and more lively. Olympic flags began to be planted in the alleys, and there were more children playing football.

At this time, Chu Huan was wearing an ordinary T-shirt and paired with a pair of big pants. He was sitting under a big tree in the alley. Under the big tree, two old men were playing chess. With a demeanor, he gave these two old men various tricks, and then they drove them away.

  Back to Chu Mansion, Chu Huan already had an extra egg-filled biscuit in his hands, the kind with eggs and sausages added.

   "Boss, I've told you many times that these foods are unhealthy, so don't eat them!"

  Dr. Jonathan has been with Chu Huan for fifteen years. Since Chu Huan was 40 years old, he found Jonathan and listed him as his personal doctor.

   It's not that there is something wrong with Chu Huan's body. Rich people naturally cherish their body more, so Chu Huan has Jonathan and Jonathan's team by his side.

   "Jonathan, it's just a pancake, a traditional delicacy in Huaguo, isn't there any problem?"

  Chu Huan shook the pancake in his hand, and said with a smile.

"Oh my God, my generous boss, don't you know how these things are made? If you want to eat, you can invite the boss to make a cleaner countertop and let him make it for you! "

   Just when Jonathan persuaded Chu Huan, Chu Huan was about to take a bite. The complex flavors of the egg spread, crispy, sausage, green vegetables, and hot sauce hit Chu Huan's taste buds.

   "I don't think it's a problem to eat one!"

  Seeing that Chu Huan was so persistent, Jonathan could only shake his head helplessly.

   "Brother Huan, are you making Jonathan unhappy again?" At this time Wu Shuhan came over, and the years made her more graceful.

  Wu Shuhan arrived in the capital yesterday by private jet.

   "Qin Peng is here, waiting for you!"

  When Chu Huan heard Qin Peng coming, he laughed and said, "Isn't he in Pengcheng? Why did he come to the capital all of a sudden?"

  Qin Peng's investment company is headquartered in Pengcheng. At the beginning, their investment company was only established for those who retired from the army to start businesses.

  However, as their investment companies became more and more famous, they finally increased their own investment directions, and some private enterprises will also invest.

  Wu Shuhan said with a smile: "You have come to the capital, how could he not come to see you, Lin Feng was also going to come, but the doctor said that Lin Feng's body is no longer suitable for a long-distance journey, so only Qin Peng came here!"

After hearing this, Chu Huan sighed. When Lin Feng’s group of five followed him, Lin Feng was the oldest among the five, but he was only 35 years old at that time. Looking back now, Lin Feng is already 71 .

  After getting older, Lin Feng began to come to him for the injuries he suffered on the battlefield, and now his body is getting worse day by day.


Just when Chu Huan was feeling emotional, his hair was all white, and 63-year-old Qin Peng walked over. Compared with Lin Feng, Qin Peng's health was much better. Although his hair was already white, his condition was still very good .

   "Qin Peng!" Chu Huan took the initiative to extend his hand to Qin Peng, and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for a few years, and your hair is gray?"

  Qin Peng smiled heartily: "At first I wanted to dye it, but then I thought about it, white hair is white hair, it doesn't matter if you dye it or not!"

  Chu Huan passed the egg-filled biscuit in his hand to Wu Shuhan. Although it was good, Chu Huan really didn't want to eat too much.

   "How is Lin Feng doing now?" Chu Huan took Qin Peng to sit on the rattan chair in the courtyard!

  When Lin Feng was mentioned, Qin Peng showed a trace of sadness on his face, and said sadly: "The doctor said, I'm afraid I won't last this year!"

  Chu Huan's complexion changed, and he asked, "Didn't you say you were just feeling unwell when you called earlier? Why is it so serious?"

  Qin Peng shook his head and said: "It's all old injuries from back then, but now that I'm older, I've found them all!"

  Chu Huan turned his head and said to Wu Shuhan: "Contact our hospitals in North America and ask them to summon experts!"

Zhanlan Pharmaceutical has not only set foot in the pharmaceutical industry in North America, but also acquired two large hospitals in North America. The medical level ranks among the top in the world. At the same time, in a case like Lin Feng, Chu Huan can invite all the world's top medical experts for him. consult for it.

   Then Chu Huan said to Qin Peng: "You call Lin Feng and ask him to prepare to go to North America for treatment!"

Qin Peng said sadly: "No need for the chairman. After Brother Feng's illness came out, we also consulted some foreign experts and domestic experts. Everyone is not very optimistic about Brother Feng's situation, and Brother Feng himself said He doesn't want to die outside."

  Chu Huan was speechless when he heard Qin Peng say this.

  Although many friends have been sent away over the years, Lin Feng followed Chu Huan when Chu Huan was just starting out, and this feeling is still there.

   "Chairman, I am here this time. Brother Feng wants me to ask you one more thing. He wants his son Lin Xiajian to take over the position of chairman of the company."

  The expression of Wu Shuhan who was sitting next to Chu Huan changed slightly. Everyone knew that Chu Huan no longer took care of the company's affairs. Lin Feng now asked Qin Peng to ask Chu Huan about this matter, which actually broke the company's rules!

  Especially Lin Xiajian.

Lin Xiajian, Lin Feng's eldest son, was born before Lin Feng came to Xiangjiang, and he is over 40 years old this year, but Lin Xiajian's ability is a bit superior, his heart is higher than the sky, and his life is thinner than paper. That's his kind.

  Back then, in his hometown, the separated life in Xiangjiang made Lin Xiajian eager for quick success and instant benefits when he grew up. Working under Lin Feng's hands for these years, he basically lost 800 million if not 1 billion.

   "What do you, Yang Wei, Ma Jizu, and Li Zhenguo think?"

  Chu Huan did not answer Qin Peng's question immediately, but asked Qin Peng.

Five Elements Investment Company, that is, the investment company jointly established by Lin Feng and Qin Peng. At the beginning, the five of them jointly invested 100 million Hong Kong dollars, and Chu Huan invested 150 million Hong Kong dollars. When the investment company was established, Chu Huan cared that Qin Peng was by his side The time is the longest, and the money should be the least. Therefore, out of the 150 million Hong Kong dollars invested by him, 8 million Hong Kong dollars was allocated to Qin Peng, making him share the same shares as the other four.

   Over the years, they have indeed made many successful investments in China, such as Wanda, Shanshan, Vanke, and even Huawei.

   And these investments are still there.

  It can be said that the Five Elements Investment at this time is definitely a top existence in the domestic investment industry.

  However, they mostly follow a low-key personality. Not many people know about Wuxing Investment Company, and even their headquarters has no obvious signboard.

  Qin Peng pondered for a while, and said: "Although Ah Jian's ability is not very good, it won't be a big problem if we have a few of us staring at him."

Chu Huan understood that the four of them still hope that Lin Xiajian can succeed Lin Feng. There must be a role of affection in this, but more Chu Huan thinks that they still want to control themselves and have an attitude. Decades have passed , My side has never asked about their investment.

  But no matter what, Juvenile Investment is the major shareholder of this company.

   "You know, I've retired, and I seldom ask about the company. Have you discussed this matter with Afeng?"

  Chu Huan still did not give an accurate answer.

  Qin Peng hurriedly said: "I have already asked, and Afeng has no opinion on this matter."

  After Chu Huan finished listening, he nodded with a smile and said, "Since Afeng has no objections, I naturally have no objections either. The company is handed over to Afeng, and he is the one who decides."

  Seeing what Chu Huan said, the uneasy mood on Qin Peng's face finally disappeared, and he immediately showed an excited expression: "Brother Feng will be very happy if he knows about this!"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "I hope it can help his condition!"

  Qin Peng chatted with Chu Huan for a while before leaving.

  After Qin Peng left, Wu Shuhan asked Chu Huan worriedly: "Boss, do you want to ask Ah Feng what he thinks?"

  Having been by Chu Huan's side for decades, Wu Shuhan naturally knows Chu Huan well, and she can clearly feel Chu Huan's disapproval of this matter.

  Chu Huan waved his hand and said: "No need, this matter is actually my problem, and I must have no choice but to come to Afeng's side now."

  Lin Feng's group of five, although they were originally Chu Huan's bodyguards, the things they were responsible for afterwards were really important.

In particular, Ma Jizu was in charge of the entire intelligence system and political cooperation in Europe and America. He knew too many secrets about Chu Huan. Big trouble!

   "You are also cruel. Such a big business empire said that Afeng was allowed to manage it all by himself, so he really let him manage it. How old is Afeng. With such a big industry, you are not afraid of crushing that child!"

  Wu Shuhan preached with some distress.

  Chu Huan put away the haze in his heart, smiled and said: "If you think so, then you really underestimate A Feng. I think he must have his own ideas about this matter!"


  Xiangjiang, Chinese line.

Chu Shifeng's office was pushed away, and a man in sportswear walked in. Chu Shifeng, who was dealing with the matter, did not look up. In the whole Xiangjiang, there were not many people who could enter his office without notification, and now except in Xiangjiang Except for this person, no one else is in Xiangjiang.

   "Boss, the investigation has been clear. Mr. Qin went to the capital yesterday and met the old chairman!"

   Tang Feng preached in a steady tone.

  Chu Shifeng raised his head and said, "Have you arranged everything I asked you to arrange?"

   Tang Feng nodded and said: "It's in progress, but it still takes time!"

  Chu Shifeng asked: "How long?"

  Tang Fengdao: "It will take at least five years."

  Chu Shifeng nodded: "5 years is 5 years, let people pay close attention to Wuxing Investment Company, and tell our people, don't deny Lin Xiajian's decision!"

   Tang Feng said: "Understood."

  Chu Shifeng said: "I'm going to the capital in a while, and I'll meet with the dignitaries who participated in the Olympics. This matter can't go wrong!"

  Tang Feng: "Understood!"

   "Well, go do something!" Chu Shifeng waved his hands and said nothing.

  Tang Feng turned and left Chu Shifeng's office.

   After Chu Shifeng left, Chu Shifeng took out a satellite phone in the safe, and after dialing, Chu Huan's voice came from there soon.

   "Do you know everything about the capital?"

  Chu Shifeng nodded and said, "Tang Feng just told me, what do you think about Daddy?"

   "Tang Feng?" Chu Huan asked, "Is that your classmate who grew up with you in Qingyun School?"

  Chu Shifeng said: "Yes."

   "It's good to have a shadow, but if you do it for too long, your mind will inevitably become dark. You believe him, but I don't believe him!" Chu Huan said calmly.

  Chu Shifeng said: "Tang Feng can only work for 10 years, and I will change his position later!"

  Chu Huan said: "You just have to have a plan in your heart."

   "Where is the Five Elements Investment Company?" Chu Shifeng asked.

   "It's human nature, those who are able to stay, and those who are not, just give a sum of money. It's not good to let the people around you feel cold!" Chu Huan said after a moment of silence.

  Chu Shifeng said: "I know, if there is nothing wrong with Lin Xiajian, I will meet Uncle Qin and the others in person."

  Chu Huan said: "That's your own business. I'm old, and I still hope that when I am really old, I can still have some old friends by my side."

  Chu Shifeng: "Don't worry, Daddy, I just want to guarantee 100% to get back the relationship with Europe, America and other places!"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "How can it be 100%? Azu has been operating in Europe and the United States for decades. If I say that I don't have my own friends, I don't believe it."

  Chu Shifeng, who had been very calm all this time, was a little dazed, and asked, "Since this is the case, why haven't you moved, Daddy?"

  Chu Huan's voice was a little calm, and he said: "That's because I believe in Azu, and I also believe in my relationship. You have to learn to balance many things, and you must also learn to be skeptical and useless, and not to be suspicious when employing people!"

The two fathers and sons hung up the phone, and Chu Shifeng sat alone in his office, feeling a little complicated. At the beginning of the conversation between the two fathers and sons, it was obvious that his father agreed with his actions, but the last words made Chu Shifeng feel uncomfortable. Some began to doubt.



   "Boss, will this cause some confusion on Afeng's side?"

  Wu Shuhan asked worriedly.

  Chu Huan waved his hand, and said: "There is always something to experience. Ah Feng has abilities, but he is still a little young, and sometimes he tends to go to extremes. Let this incident be an experience for him!"

  Seeing what Chu Huan said, Wu Shuhan stopped being entangled in this matter.

   "Boss, Ding Sanshi from Netease, Zhang Physics from Sohu, Ma Xiaoyun from Ali, and Ma Penguin from Tencent have come to Beijing and want to meet you. Would you like to meet them?"

After entering the millennium, the global Internet business began to develop, and Chu Huan’s Jiaku naturally entered this industry, but at this time, Chu Huan had no intention of making a similar product on the market, so in the end Chu Huan chose Invest in Internet companies at home and abroad.

  For example, Yahoo, Google, Amazon, Facebook, etc. in North America, of course, there are also domestic companies such as NetEase, Ali, Sohu, Ali, and Tencent.

However, when investing, Chu Huan chose a different situation from another time and space. In another time and space, in order to obtain absolute control of the company, these people adopted the method of AB shares, but this time Chu Huan was sure. They will not agree with them to do so, so they can only have management rights during the company's development with a small part of the shares.

  During this period, Ma Xiaoyun tried to break away from Jiaku’s investment. As a result, an online shopping platform similar to Taobao appeared on the market the next day. At the same time, it was able to get a large number of brand owners to join, and Taobao was almost wiped out.

  The situation is stronger than the people. When these network industry entrepreneurs find that they have no way to fight against Jiaku, they can only choose to join.

  They and their team have the management rights of the company, but they only have the voting rights of their own shares.

  Simply speaking, they are companies like Li & Fung, CMB, and KMB in Heung Kong. A library will give them the right to operate independently, but don’t think about getting out of the company’s control.

   "Let's talk about it in a few days, I'm leaving the capital for a while!" Chu Huan said calmly.

   "Understood!" Wu Shuhan didn't say much.

   After Wu Shuhan left Chu Huan's study, Chu Huan took out a notebook from the safe in the study, on which were densely written the names of some political leaders from various countries. It was sent to Chu Huan by Ma Jizu, Yang Wei, and Li Zhenguo.

  Subsequently, Chu Huan called Liu Hui.

  Liu Hui, Chu Huan's bodyguard, has been with Chu Huan for more than 10 years after Han Yang.

   "Get ready for a private jet, I want to fly to Pengcheng!"


  Two days later, Chu Huan arrived in Pengcheng. After getting off the plane, Chu Huan went directly to a private hospital in Pengcheng.

   "Chairman, why did you come here in person?" Lin Feng, who was lying on the hospital bed, saw Chu Huan, a little excited and wanted to support his body and sit up.

   "Lie down, lie down!" Chu Huan came to Lin Feng's bedside, and asked with concern, "Why did you become like this?"

  Lin Feng smiled wryly and said: "The illness came like a mountain, I thought it was a minor ailment, but I didn't expect it to die!"

  Chu Huan sat there, and said emotionally: "It's been decades, and I still want to find you guys to go to my small island for a while!"

  Lin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "I'm afraid I won't have this chance in this life!"

  Chu Huan said softly: "Then in the next life, if possible, I still hope that you can appear by my side again!"

Lin Feng was lying on the hospital bed, his face flushed with excitement, and said: "The most fortunate thing for us these years is that we met you, the chairman. If it weren't for you, we still don't know what to do now, maybe we will be with those low-level Xiangjiang people. Same, live in a subdivided room and wait to die!"

  Chu Huan waved his hand and said: "You are capable, even if you don't meet me, your life will not be bad!"

  Lin Feng asked with some embarrassment: "Chairman, are you here this time for A Jian's business?"

  Chu Huan said: "I have already agreed to Qin Peng on this matter, and you also know about the company's affairs. I have already handed it over to Ah Feng, so the future matters belong to their young people!"

  Lin Feng said with some emotion: "I thought I had seen everything through, but I didn't expect to be old, and I still couldn't get out of the family. Did you disappoint the chairman?"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "There is nothing to be disappointed about. We have worked hard all our lives, isn't it just to make our descendants have a better life?"

After the words fell, Qin Peng, Yang Wei, Ma Jizu, and Li Zhenguo came to the ward. When they saw that Chu Huan was in the ward, they immediately showed surprise expressions, especially Qin Peng, who had just met Chu Huan in the capital. On the other hand, I didn't expect Chu Huan to appear in Pengcheng.

   "Chairman, why didn't you say hello in advance when you came here?" Qin Peng asked excitedly.

  Chu Huan said with some seriousness: "Is it okay for me to visit my old friend?"

   Several people looked at each other, all showing excited expressions. At Chu Huan's level, being able to come and see Lin Feng in person was enough to make them very excited.

  The four of them sat down and chatted with Chu Huan. This time they didn't talk about the company, but the things they had been together back then.

After a long time, Chu Huan looked at the five of them and said seriously: "I don't know what will happen in the future, but you can rest assured that as long as Jiaku is still there, your descendants will have a certain life." It won't be bad!"

  The five of them actually understood what Chu Huan meant, and everyone showed some embarrassment and more excitement.


  When Qin Peng wanted to say something, Chu Huan waved his hand and said, "Okay, I came here as soon as I got off the plane. I was really tired, so I went back first. Call me if you need anything!"

  After Chu Huan walked out of the ward, the five of Lin Feng looked at each other in blank dismay.

   "The chairman still remembers us!"

  Finally, Ma Jizu preached like this.

   Several people nodded

  In the evening, Chu Huan was eating in his villa in Pengcheng when a servant came in with a young man and woman.


  27-year-old Chu Shiqin sat next to Chu Huan, with a complaining smile on his face: "Why didn't you tell me when you came to Pengcheng, Yisheng and I can go to the airport to pick you up!"

   "Daddy!" Yang Yisheng called Chu Huan nervously.

  Yang Yisheng, a poor student from Xiangjiang Qingyun School, took a scholarship from Qingyun School and completed his university and postgraduate career at MIT, focusing on battery research.

Chu Shiqin and him grew up together as childhood sweethearts, but they didn't establish their relationship until they were in college. The most important condition was that Yang Yisheng relied on his own ability to enter the MIT Lithium Battery Research Institute. Center, became the youngest researcher there.

   After passing the family certification, Chu Shiqin began to be in charge of the battery business that had been spun off from Kyushu. Now he is focusing on the two projects of lithium batteries and photovoltaic power generation.

  Chu Shiqin and Yang Yisheng can be regarded as husband and wife. Last year, Chu Huan presided over their wedding in Xiangjiang.

  However, due to the unsuitable environment in Xiangjiang, this year, after discussing with Chu Shifeng, Chu Shiqin moved the headquarters of the battery project to Pengcheng.

   "What can I do if I call you? I don't even have time to have dinner with Daddy!"

   Chu Huan complained.

  Chu Shiqin smiled and said: "I can't help it. The guy from BYD came to the company today and chatted with him for a while. Isn't this a waste of time?"

   In addition to its own research and development direction, Kyushu Battery's most important investment is BYD.

  Actually, Jiaku also has its own car brand. When the Soviet Union disintegrated, Chu Huan personally went to the Soviet Union, recruited scientific and technological personnel, and bought some Soviet car brands.

  But now this car brand is under the name of Jiaku.

   "Hehe, why didn't I realize that you are still a workaholic before, and Yisheng is with you, maybe you have suffered a lot of grievances?"

  Yang Yisheng hurriedly explained: "No, Ah Qin was wronged by being with me."

   "Daddy, did you see, I didn't say that!" Chu Shiqin said proudly.

  Chu Huan chuckled, didn't say much about their affairs, and asked, "Where is Ah Qing, isn't she also in Pengcheng?"

  Chu Shiqing, the second daughter of Chu Huan and Miao Kexiu, is 25 years old this year.

  Chu Shiqin said: "Ah Qing is not in Pengcheng, and he said that he has a project in Lin'an that he wants to investigate, and I didn't ask the specifics!"

  Chu Shiqing just graduated last year, and then got the family venture fund, and he is still messing around!

  Chu Huan didn't ask too much, he had these children from all over the world, and the only way to get them together was during the Chinese New Year.

   "What did the guy from BYD ask you for? Back then, I asked the company to invest in them. Over the past few years, their development has been considered smooth?"

  Chu Huan asked casually.

  Chu Shiqin replied: "Actually, it's not a big deal. They still want to enter the Southeast Asian market, so they discussed with me about borrowing our sales channels."

  Chu Huan asked, "How did you answer?"

  Chu Shiqin smiled and said: "Of course I pushed the eldest brother to him. I am not responsible for this kind of thing."

  Chu Huan nodded, then looked at Yang Yisheng, and asked, "How is the company's lithium mine base in China?"

  Yang Yisheng replied: "After several years of development, it is now ready for mass production, but the market prospect is still a bit vague!"

  Chu Huan encouraged: "Since you are researching this direction, you must believe in the future of lithium batteries. According to the current prospects, electric vehicles will sooner or later be an important direction in the future automotive field."

  Yang Yisheng nodded and said, "Understood!"

Then Yang Yisheng asked Chu Huan: "Daddy, I have researched with Aqin that photovoltaic power generation may become an important branch of the power generation field in the future, so I think that the company will not only invest in the field of photovoltaic power generation in the future, but also invest in its own research and development." Some domestic photovoltaic power plants?"

  Chu Huan waved his hand and said: "That's your own business, just do it if you want!"

  (end of this chapter)

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