MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 827 Postscript 7

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  Chapter 827 Postscript 7

  The capital city in July is getting hotter and busier. Although there is less than a month before the opening of the Olympic Games, many tourists have already arrived in the capital ahead of time.

  Chu Huan had also returned to the capital in Pengcheng at this time, but Chu Huan was not very happy when he came back to the capital, and the reason why Chu Huan was unhappy was actually because of his daughter Chu Shishen!

   "So, she is going to avoid me all the time?"

  Chu Huan was displeased and preached to Lin Qingxia who also came to the capital in July.

  Lin Qingxia persuaded Chu Huan: "Isn't she worried that you don't like her boyfriend, and she also said that she wants to use the summer vacation to find a company for an internship!"

  Chu Huan snorted coldly: "Are you looking for a company for an internship, or are you going to travel in Africa?"

Lin Qingxia had no way to answer. Obviously, Lin Qingxia knew about her daughter's itinerary. When she was in Xiangjiang, she told Chu Shinan before, hoping that Chu Shinan could persuade her sister, but in the end Chu Shinan Nan's persuasion scared Chu Shishen even to the capital.

   Directly booked a flight ticket to Africa with my boyfriend!

   "My own sister didn't even come to support her participation in the Olympics, but she even went to Africa with her boyfriend. What does she think she is?"

  Seeing that Chu Huan was really angry, Lin Qingxia didn't dare to persuade her anymore, and quickly turned her attention to Chu Shinan who had come to the capital in advance to practice the venue and environment.

   "Daddy, don't be angry, Ah Shen is still young, don't worry, I will definitely persuade her!"

   "Is she younger than Zhang, Zhang knows to come here to cheer for you at this time!" Chu Huan still didn't calm down.

  Chu Shizhang, the youngest son of Chu Huan and Lin Qingxia, born in 1990, has turned eighteen this year!

  Chu Shizhang who was sitting next to him hurriedly said, "Daddy, I just graduated and I'm fine."

  Chu Huan chuckled and said, "You guys are united. Why do you think I shouldn't be angry?"

  Seeing Chu Huan's reaction, Lin Qingxia, Chu Shinan, and Chu Shizhang were afraid to speak.

  Chu Huan said to Lin Qingxia: "Starting from today, all her funds have been cut off. Isn't she in love? I want to see how she can fall in love without financial support!"

   Speaking of this, Chu Huan said to Chu Shinan and the others: "Also, all of you are not allowed to lend her money. If you let me know, you will judge the consequences yourself!"

  After speaking, Chu Huan turned and went back to his room.

  Lin Qingxia and the three sat in the courtyard, looking at each other, never expecting that Chu Huan's punishment would be so severe.

   "Daddy, what's the matter today, when Sister Qin was with her brother-in-law before, didn't I see Daddy so angry?" Chu Shizhang whispered.

"The situation is different. Sister Qin has already told Daddy about her and brother-in-law Yisheng at the beginning, and brother-in-law Yisheng is also fighting for his own strength. Now Ah Shen, let's cut it first and then play it. Her man My friend went to Africa with Ah Shen during their school holidays, it's no wonder Daddy isn't angry!"

  Lin Qingxia said worriedly: "But your sister is in Africa, and she is unfamiliar with the place, and your father has cut off his source of income. What if something happens?"

Chu Shinan looked at his mommy, and reminded: "Mommy, you know Daddy's temper, you must not secretly give money to Ah Shen for this matter, otherwise you will really make daddy feel sad. so angry!"

  Lin Qingxia asked helplessly: "Then what should I do?"

  Chu Shinan said: "There are two ways, one is to ask Ah Shen to come to the capital to confess his mistake to Daddy, and the other is to find Big Brother. At this time, Big Brother can persuade Daddy!"


  Some people are unwilling to come to the capital, and some people come to the capital.

  Chu Shige came to the capital, first to sign a contract with Liu Xiaoxian, and second to cheer for Chu Shinan for next month's Olympic Games.


  After arriving in the capital, Chu Shige first came to the Chu House in Shaojiu Hutong.

  Chu Huan was drinking tea at this time, when he saw Chu Shige coming over, he immediately showed a smile on his face, and asked dotingly: "I asked the chef to cook what you like, and it will be ready soon!"

  Chu Shige sat next to Chu Huan, and coquettishly said: "Daddy, you are the best!"

  Chu Huan asked with a smile: "Why did you come so early, isn't the company busy?"

  Chu Shige said: "I came this time mainly to sign a contract with a spokesperson of Gucci, and watch them shoot a new commercial. This commercial will be launched in August."

  Chu Huan didn't pay too much attention to this matter after hearing it, but just told Chu Shige: "No matter how busy you are at work, you should take care of your body, you know?"

   "Understood." Chu Shige nodded first, and then asked: "Where is Mommy? Didn't she say that she would also come to the capital to watch the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games?"

   "Your mommy and Vignelli auntie are in Italy, and they probably won't come to the capital until the next few days."

  Chu Huan replied.

  Chu Shige hummed. Unlike Chu Huan, Cao Yunshang has not completely resigned from his position in the Imperial Fashion Group, so there are still many things to do every day.

  According to Cao Yunshang, she will wait two more years until Chu Shige has fully grown up, and then she will officially hand over the Imperial Fashion Group to Chu Shige, and then resign to live her own retirement life.

   "By the way, what about Ah Nan and the others. Didn't she come to the capital to familiarize herself with the venue?"

  Chu Shige looked around but did not see Chu Shinan, so he asked aloud.

  Chu Huan said: "Now there are a few children who are willing to live with their parents. They lived here on the first day when they came to Beijing, and moved to Park Hyatt Mansion the next day."

  Chu Shige smiled and said, "Then I'll stay here with you, okay?"

  Chu Huan snorted and said, "You still have a conscience!"

  Although Chu Shige said that she would live here, she actually had a lot of things to do. After eating, she went directly to the branch of the Imperial Fashion Group in Beijing, where she met Liu Xiaoxian who was already waiting for her.

   On the other side, Chu Huan also saw Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long, who had just arrived in the capital, in the Chu residence.

"A Huan, I didn't expect you to have such a paradise in the capital!" At this time, Li Xiaolong was still thin, but he was in good spirits. Very sigh.

  Cheng Long said: "I bought some courtyard houses in Beijing before, but none of them can compare with Brother Huan."

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "I also happened to come across this yard, so I bought it."

   Cheng Long asked: "Brother Huan, you must have spent a lot of money on the renovation of this house, right?"

  Chu Huan said: "It's all taken care of by Shu Han, I didn't ask."

The meeting of old friends naturally had a lot of common topics, but the three of them chatted for a while, and Li Xiaolong said that although the scenery here at Chu’s house is good, but there is less fireworks, Chu Huan also wanted to go out to see the rural scenery, so So I called Yu Qian.

Originally in another time and space, Yugan’s racecourse was only started in 10 years ago, but now it already exists. In this capital city, I want to find a place where I can have fun and eat happily. Yugan’s racecourse It must be the first choice.

   It happened that Yu Qian didn't have a performance task today. After receiving Chu Huan's call, he immediately welcomed Chu Huan to go immediately.

   "Let's go, take you to see a friend, his side will definitely make you happy!"

  Chu Huan got up and spoke with a smile.

  Hearing what Chu Huan said, Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long naturally had no objections, and the three of them arrived at Yugan's racecourse in Daxing soon by car.

  Although Yu Gan’s racecourse has started to be built now, it still looks very simple, but it is because of the strong rural atmosphere, which gives people a refreshing feeling.

   "This master will enjoy it?" Cheng Long said with a smile while sitting in the car.

  Li Xiaolong also said with a smile: "Although the farms in North America don't look as normal, they do have a special flavor."

  The three of them came to the office area of ​​the racecourse by car. Rows of big trees shaded the glaring sunlight. Chu Huan even saw that Yu Gan was cooking a big pot with his apprentices.

  The hearth that I built by myself, next to it is dry firewood, and there is a big goose that is passing the water on the hearth.

  Seeing Chu Huan's car arrived, Yu Gan handed over the work in hand to his apprentice. When he was about to greet Chu Huan, he saw Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long behind Chu Huan.

   Such a combination made Yu Gan a little dazed. Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long naturally knew each other, but he didn't expect that Chu Huan would come here with them.

"Hey, Brother Chu, you really shocked me. You said you were waiting for two friends, but you didn't say it was these two masters. They are all international superstars. If I had known, I would definitely have done well. ready?"

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "What? You didn't prepare well when I came?"

   "Where is this? I have to treat you well when you come here. The main reason is that I have so many distinguished guests here at once. Isn't it flattering!"

   Yu Gan joked.

   Seeing Yu Gan speak humorously, Li Xiaolong smiled and said: "It seems that A Huan really brought us to the right place this time!"

  Yu Gan hurriedly said: "You praise me, but Brother Long, you have to leave a signature for me in a while. With your signature, my business here will definitely be better!"

  Li Xiaolong laughed and said, "No problem."

  Then Yu Gan said to Cheng Long again: "Brother, you too, I grew up watching your movies!"

   Cheng Long also agreed with a smile.

  Seeing that they were chatting happily, Chu Huan didn't say anything, and went straight to the fence. There were several Falabella horses running inside, that kind of pony, and one of them was given to Yu Gan by Chu Huan.

   "Brother Chu, you brought these two great gods here, and you told me so, I was a little caught off guard!"

  At this time, Yu Gan walked up to Chu Huan and preached in a low voice.

  Chu Huan chuckled lightly and said, "Don't think too much, just treat him as your friend!"

  Yu Gan nodded and continued to talk to Chu Huan: "Brother Chu, I still have two friends here. One is acquainted with elder brother, and the other is also in the entertainment industry. Can I invite them too?"

  Chu Huan said indifferently: "No problem, if there are more people, it will be more lively!"

   "Okay, with your words, I feel relieved!" After Yu Gan finished speaking, he took the phone to make a call.

  They didn't go to the house either, they were in the yard, and after a while, a round table was set up, and all kinds of hard dishes were served on the table.

   "I know you like to drink, so I brought a few bottles of good wine, let's taste it later!" Chu Huan signaled Liu Hui to go to the trunk and take out the rare Moutai he brought.

  Actually, Chu Huan doesn't drink much now, and only occasionally has a drink or two when he has nothing to do.

   "Brother Huan, does this Yu Gan still not know your identity?" Cheng Long sat beside Chu Huan and asked with a smile as he looked at Yu Gan who was discussing things in the distance.

When the three of them came here just now, Yu Gan put more attention on Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long. This was the basis for Cheng Long to judge that Yu Gan didn't know Chu Huan's true identity. After all, anyone who knew Chu Huan With a real identity, it is impossible to put your attention on another person.

  Chu Huan said with a smile: "I am enjoying my retirement life now, what do I know so much?"

   Cheng Long nodded and understood what Chu Huan meant.

   "Three, let me introduce two good friends to you!"

   At this time, the two friends Yu Qian had just started talking to Chu Huan also came over, Ma Weidu and Wu Yu!

  Chu Huan didn't know when the three of them met in another time and space, but at this time, they must have known each other.

   When Ma Weidu and Wu Yan saw Cheng Long and Li Xiaolong, they also showed surprised expressions.

   Ma Wei has known Cheng Long for a long time, and even had dinner with Cheng Long. He was surprised by the appearance of Li Xiaolong, a Hong Kong movie sweeper, and at the same time Cheng Long at this time.

  After all, in Ma Weidu's memory, every time Cheng Long appeared, he would always be surrounded by him, especially his family-making class followed Cheng Long all the time.

  But this time, he only saw Cheng Long alone, no one from the family-making class was there.

Wu Xie's surprise was even more direct. In fact, Wu Xie followed the path of Li Lianjie in the early days. After winning the national martial arts competition, he starred in the Hong Kong film "Kung Fu Boy Breaks Love". Unfortunately, Xiangjiang's The director has always wanted to find a second Li Lianjie, but has never been successful.

The same is true for Wu Xie. After several years of ups and downs in the domestic entertainment industry, he returned to the Xiangjiang film industry, but his performance has always been tepid. Later, he starred in "Slaying the Wolf" produced by Xiangjiang Black and White Video, in which he played the role of Ajie amazed the audience and gained him some status in the Hong Kong film industry, but his resources have not been very good, and he can only play supporting roles in some B-level movies.

  This year, I directed and acted in a movie "Spike Fang", hoping to make a comeback, but the movie has not yet been released.

  Wu Yu, who has been in the Xiangjiang film and television circle, has a better understanding of the status of Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long in the Xiangjiang film and television circle.

   "Brother Long, really, it's so exciting, I didn't expect to see you two here!"

  After Ma Weidu greeted Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long, Wu Zhen also shook hands with them excitedly.

  Li Xiaolong suddenly laughed and said, "I watched the fight scene between you and Yu Yudan in "Slaying the Wolf". It was very amazing and wonderful!"

   "That's right, I watched it too. It was a very exciting fight, even the most exciting fight in Hong Kong movies in recent years!"

   Cheng Long also said aside.

Hearing the praise from the two seniors, the smile on Wu Yu's face became more humble, and he said: "This is because the two seniors helped us juniors to open the door to kung fu movies. I still have a lot to learn from the two of you." !"

  The arrival of Ma Weidu and Wu Yan made the scene even more lively. Obviously, Yu Gan called Wu Zhen this time because he wanted to show his face in front of Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long and win more opportunities.

   After a while, the chat at the dinner table turned into a situation where everyone chats individually.

  Li Xiaolong was discussing with Wu Xie about the difference between Huaguo traditional martial arts and western fighting techniques, Cheng Long was asking Ma Weidu for some collections, and Yu Gan was chatting with Chu Huan.

   "Brother Huan, I just heard the story about the twelve beast heads told by Mr. Ma, what do you think if I make a movie about searching for antiques?"

Although Chu Huan has not given any specific stories to these people for a long time, but now Chu Huan is here, plus Chu Huan gave them advice on his own movie style, and the story of helping Li Xiaolong with "Jing Fu Men" , making Cheng Long want to hear Chu Huan's opinion at this time.

  After listening to Chu Huan, he knew that Cheng Long was talking about the movie "Zodiac".

"I remember that you only made two films in the "Brothers of Dragons" series. At first, the company wanted to develop this series, but you had other ideas, treasure hunting, I think it is very suitable. For this series, you can take this series out and treat it as the third filming!"

   Cheng Long nodded earnestly after listening and said: "Then I will discuss it with Mr. Fang when I go back!"

  Cheng Long now actually set up his own film company in his hometown for the film market in his hometown, but it still follows the process of Xiangjiang black and white video back then.

  It was jointly invested and established by Black and White Image and Cheng Long.

   There are not a few Hong Kong stars who have such a situation in their hometown, but the most famous ones are the film companies of Cheng Long and Zhou Xingchi.

As a black-and-white image of the Xiangjiang film industry, in fact, in the past few years, the production of Xiangjiang has been slowly reduced. The most important thing is the IP series that Chu Huan settled down back then, including Xiangjiang Police and Bandit Universe, Wuxia Universe, Xianxia universe!

  Although many movie stars will increase their popularity after participating in the shooting of these IPs, most of them are the big hits of these IPs.

   Those who really have personal box office appeal are actually just a few, and Cheng Long and Zhou Xingchi are the most popular among them.

But before that, Zhou Xingchi had already chatted with Fang Jianhui. After "Yangtze River No. 7" released at the beginning of this year, Zhou Xingchi was no longer willing to appear in front of the big screen, but hoped to put more experiences behind the scenes, so Now there is only Cheng Long left.

  Now if Cheng Long wants to pick up the IP of "Brothers and Tigers", he still needs to contact Black and White Video, after all, the copyright of this series is still in the hands of Black and White Video.

   "If you want to shoot, tell Fang Jianhui about it quickly, he will retire after this year!" Chu Huan reminded Cheng Long.

Following Xu Yi's resignation, the Jiaku people of Chu Huan's generation have actually begun to resign one after another. Fang Jianhui, who has been in charge of the Xiangjiang film industry for more than 30 years, is no exception. Playing differently, Fang Jianhui also called Chu Huan before.

  Although he will take his wife on a trip around the world, after finishing his journey, he still hopes to return to Xiangjiang to spend the rest of his life.

   Chu Huan has no objection to Fang Jianhui's thoughts, but Chu Huan thinks that even if Fang Jianhui leaves black and white images, he will not leave the entertainment circle.

   After all, his son has now become a leader among the new generation of directors in Xiangjiang.

   At that time, Fang Jianhui will definitely rely on his influence to continue paving the way for his son!

  The few people on the scene are Cheng Long and Wu Xie. They can know what kind of influence Fang Jianhui's resignation black-and-white video has on Xiangjiang Films and domestic films.

  Cheng Long was better. After all, he knew Chu Huan's identity, so he was only surprised by Fang Jianhui's departure, but Wu Chen was different.

He has also been in the Xiangjiang film industry for several years, but he has never had the opportunity to meet Fang Jianhui. For him, Fang Jianhui is already a figure in the sky, but now when there is no news from the outside world, the middle-aged man in front of him He already knew the news of Fang Jianhui's resignation.

   And it seems that his identity is obviously higher than Fang Jianhui, so he is even more curious. When he was in Xiangjiang, he had never heard of a person named Chu Huan?

  But he also knew that such a thing must not be asked here.

  I can only bury my curiosity in my heart.

   "There are too many hidden wealthy families in Xiangjiang, and I don't know which Bodhisattva it is!"

   Wu Yu thought silently.

   "Uncle Long, big brother, the movie I directed has finished filming, and now I'm doing post-editing. I wonder if the two of you have time to guide me when the time comes?"

  After keeping Chu Huan's identity in mind, Wu Yu still extended an invitation to Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long.

  The two of them showed curious expressions when they heard that Wu Chen had directed and acted in a movie by himself, but their generation was still very supportive of the younger generation, so they began to ask Wu Chen about his new movie story.

  Chu Huan sat there and listened quietly to Wu Qian talking about his movie, "That's right, it's the "Spike Fang" I watched."

  After listening to the movie story told by Wu Yan, Chu Huan was sure which movie Wu Yan was about.

  The popularity of this movie is actually not high, but the fighting scenes in it are very amazing, especially the final battle where Wu Xie fought against a hundred, which was even more amazing.

  After Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long finished listening, they frowned slightly. Seeing their expressions, Wu Qian's heart trembled, and he couldn't help asking: "Uncle Long, brother, is there any problem with this story?"

   Cheng Long looked at Li Xiaolong, obviously respecting Li Xiaolong's identity.

   "If the fighting level of this movie can be maintained at the level of that fight between you and Universal Dan in the alley, this movie can almost reach the standard of the middle and lower."

  Li Xiaolong preached simply.

Seeing Wu Xie's puzzled look, Cheng Long added: "In fact, the main problem is that the story of your movie is too weak, and it is difficult to resonate with the audience emotionally. There are many, but the overall storyline is indeed somewhat lacking.”

  Two people who have been criticized for having a weak storyline in their own movies, now they are saying that Wu Yan’s movie story is weak. If those keyboard warriors knew about it, they would definitely criticize them.

  Keyboard Man never cares about seniority, only about his own preferences!

Cheng Long continued to laugh and said, "Actually, things like the storyline can be ignored in many cases, but in other places, you have to add, such as some science fiction movies and action movies, which are actually very weak in terms of storytelling." , but this is different, science fiction films can rely on grand scenes and science fiction presentations to make the audience forget the weakness of the story, while action films”

Having said that, Cheng Long paused for a moment, and then said: "Take me, Brother Long, and Ajie as examples. Brother Long can be said to have pioneered the hard bridge and hard horse of Hong Kong Kung Fu movies, and To a large extent, the content of Long Ge's movies has an emotion that can make the audience empathize.

Back then, when Brother Long was preparing for the movie "Fist of Fury", the people in Xiangjiang had stronger emotions towards China than they do now, so Brother Huan proposed to support the emotion of the whole movie with the love and hatred of the family and the country. Let Long Ge's kung fu movies establish his own style.

As for me, I actually wanted to imitate Long Ge's style at the beginning, but it was obviously a failure. Later, I got advice from Huan Ge. If a filmmaker wants to last for a long time, then he should You must have your own style, so under Brother Huan's suggestion, my senior brother and I started a humorous action movie.

  And this style has been deeply implanted in the hearts of the audience after decades of development, so even if the storyline of my movie is weak, everyone likes to see how I skillfully use the surrounding things to defeat the opponent.

Ajie’s situation is actually a bit complicated. His action style has actually taken shape, but unfortunately, his style is too advanced, so ordinary audiences can be satisfied with this style of action movies in a short period of time , but hardly sustainable.

  Because watching a movie itself is a relaxing and enjoyable process.

  This is also the reason why, in his last few years in Xiangjiang, his movies were not well received. "

   Cheng Long sincerely described to Li Lianjie his understanding of Kung Fu movies, which benefited Wu Kai a lot at this time.

   "That is to say, if I want to make great progress in this field of action movies, I must find my own style?"

   Wu Yan couldn't help asking.

  Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long both nodded after listening.

  Knowing it is one thing, but being able to do it is another. Such a result made Wu Chen fall into deep thought.

  Yu Gan on the side suddenly said: "Just now Brother Long, the elder brother said that Brother Chu gave advice in the process of forming his film style. Brother Chu, why don't you give advice to Ah Jing?"

  (end of this chapter)

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