MTL - The Most Powerful Tycoon Reborn In Xiangjiang-v2 Chapter 828 Postscript 8

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   Several people at the table looked at Chu Huan at the same time, some with curiosity, and some with anticipation.

  Chu Huan thought for a while, then said with a smile: "I'm just a retired old man, how can I know what kind of movies young people like to watch now!

  However, with the hosting of the Olympic Games, there will definitely be a wave of patriotic enthusiasm in China. If Ah Jing has an idea, I can help you contact some investment companies. "

  No matter what period the main moviegoers are, young people are always the number one.

   That is to say, if you capture the preferences of young people, basically the box office of the movie will not be too bad.

Chu Huan naturally knows what young people like to watch nowadays, but as Chu Huan said before, he has already retired, and except for a few things, Chu Huan will be tempted, and there are very few things that bother him. Thoughts.

   Now is no exception.

  But Wu Chen will indeed become a banner of Chinese-language movies. Although the development of black-and-white images in China is good, apart from his own IP movies, he still lacks a character who can carry the banner. Wu Chen is quite good.

   Invest in this person in advance. As for whether he can still make movies like "Wolf Warrior", it depends on his own ability.

Hearing what Chu Huan said, Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long showed disappointed expressions. They really wanted to hear Chu Huan's introduction to some movie stories in Hong Kong and the domestic film industry. Although Li Xiaolong has retired now, Cheng Long Long understood better. His energy is still very strong. If he can get some pointers from Chu Huan, he might be able to break through his current bottleneck in the domestic box office.

  Yu Qian and Ma Weidu were not so disappointed. As for Wu Yan, he was really happy. What is lacking in filmmaking is not creativity, but investment.

   Seeing that Li Xiaolong and Cheng Long respected Chu Huan so much, he knew that Chu Huan was definitely not an ordinary person.

   This matter was just a small episode, and it passed quickly, and then the few people chatted all over the place, and of course they couldn't forget to drink.

   But Chu Huan doesn't drink too much now, just taste it. Li Xiaolong hasn't practiced his drinking capacity for so many years, so Cheng Long and the three of them are drinking and chatting vigorously.

  At sunset, Chu Huan and Li Xiaolong left first, while Cheng Long was drunk and stayed at Yu Qian's racecourse.

  Next day!

  Chu Shixiao and Han Ying got up early, seeing Han Ying's nervous look, Chu Shixiao smiled.

   "Don't be nervous, haven't you met my daddy? As for my mommy, she's actually very easy to get along with!"

  Today Chu Shixiao is going to take Han Ying to the Chu residence to meet Chu Huan and Wu Shuhan!

  Han Ying asked: "By the way, you haven't told me what uncle and aunt like, so I can go buy some later!"

  Chu Shixiao said: "No need, we have everything in our house, as long as you go!"

   "How can it work? Why don't I buy some wine and cosmetics?" Han Ying has no experience in this kind of thing, so she can only prepare according to the answers she read online.

  Chu Shixiao said with a smile: "I really don't need it, our family has it!"

  But this time Han Ying didn't listen to Chu Shixiao and insisted on buying some gifts.

  In the end, Chu Shixiao could only let it go.

  After greeting Chen Bin and others, Chu Shixiao took Han Ying and left here.

  Han Ying, carrying cosmetics in her hand, stood in front of the door of Chu House in Shaojiu Alley, with surprise and timidity in her eyes.

  Although Han Ying is not from the capital city, when the team comes here, Han Ying occasionally visits the forums in the capital city, mainly to search for interesting and delicious food.

  At that time, she remembered that she had searched for this place, and it was named the most mysterious courtyard house in Beijing at that time.

  Prince Heng’s Mansion was transformed into a courtyard in the early years, but it was bought by a mysterious person in the late 1970s and refurbished. It was completely built according to the specifications of Prince Heng’s Mansion back then.

  This is part of the report in that article.

  But now, Han Ying never expected that she would enter the most mysterious courtyard house in the capital.

  At this time, Han Ying thought of the scene when she first met Chu Huan. At that time, Chu Huan explained that her father was a retired businessman from Xiangjiang with some money.

  But. Can all this in front of me be obtained by an ordinary Xiangjiang businessman?

   "Ah Xiao, I'm a little scared!" Han Ying whispered to Chu Shixiao.

  Chu Shixiao could only continue to comfort him: "There is nothing to be afraid of!"

   After finishing speaking, Chu Shixiao knocked on the door, and the servants at home opened the door. As Chu Shixiao walked into the mysterious Prince Heng's Mansion, Han Ying suddenly felt like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden.

  Everything in front of me is so unbelievable.

  Taking Han Ying to the backyard, Chu Shixiao saw his father sitting in the courtyard chatting with Ding Sanshi of Netease.

In the past few years, Ding Sanshi relied on Netease's popularity in games and became the richest man in China at that time. He was in the limelight for a while. Although the ranking has retreated in recent years, Ding Sanshi is still the idol of many young people, and of course many parents. Bad guy in the eyes.

   Han Ying naturally met Ding Sanshi on the Internet. In fact, Han Ying would play Fantasy Westward Journey when she was free.

  What Han Ying didn't expect was that she would meet Ding Sanshi here.

   "Daddy, Mr. Ding!" Chu Shixiao walked over with Han Ying, and Han Ying also concealed her curiosity at this time, calling Chu Huan and Ding Lei: "Uncle, Mr. Ding."

  Chu Huan nodded, smiled and said, "Your mommy is in the living room, you go there first!"

   "Yes!" Chu Shixiao nodded, and took Han Ying to the living room.

   After coming to the living room, Han Ying saw three women, a well-maintained middle-aged woman, and two young and beautiful girls.

   "Mommy!" After seeing Wu Shuhan, Chu Shixiao immediately walked over with a smile, and at the same time shouted: "Second Sister, Sister Nan!"

   It was Chu Shige and Chu Shinan who chatted with Wu Shuhan.

   "How many days have I been in the capital, if I didn't call you last night, wouldn't I come here today?"

  Although Wu Shuhan was complaining about Chu Shixiao, he couldn't hide the pampering on his face. At the same time, he also set his sights on Han Ying who was behind Chu Shixiao.

  Han Ying shyly called Auntie again, and at the same time called Chu Shige and Chu Shinan two sisters.

  When Wu Shuhan met Da Han Ying for the first time, she must have asked about it. Han Ying didn't hide it. Basically, whatever Wu Shuhan asked, she would answer.

  Chu Shige and Chu Shinan asked about Chu Shixiao's situation.

   "I heard that this year's WCG Global Competition will be held in Xiangjiang, and I will take you Brother Zhaoxi to cheer for you!" Chu Shinan said happily.

  In the entire second generation of the Chu family, only Chu Shinan and Chu Shixiao are engaged in sports competitions, and Chu Shilang is more involved in management than engagement. The relationship between the three of them is still very good.

   "Really, that's great, but let's make an agreement, when the time comes, you have to treat our team well!"

  Chu Shixiao preached happily.

  Chu Shige said from the sidelines: "Your team is still in the grassroots stage. I think it's better to form a club directly."

Chu Shixiao replied seriously to Chu Shige: "Brother told me before, but we are still in school, and I want to wait for us to graduate before forming a club. There is more energy to put into it.”

   "It's good that you have your own plan. Do you want me to vote for you?" Chu Shige asked with a smile.

  Chu Shixiao shook his head and said: "No, I have enough money of my own, but second sister, can you find some sponsors for us?"

Chu Shige thought for a while, and said: "My industry has nothing to do with your e-sports industry. How about this? I will tell your third brother when the time comes. I heard him say that the e-sports industry is One of the main directions of Sonic Sports in the future, maybe the two of you can talk together!"

Seeing Chu Shixiao hesitated, Chu Shige smiled and said: "Don't worry, your club will definitely have the final say at that time, but hanging under Sonic Sports will also bring you more attention At that time, there will naturally be no shortage of sponsors!"

  Chu Shixiao said with some embarrassment: "I didn't mean that, I."

Chu Shige interrupted Chu Shixiao, and said with a smile: "I know what you mean, but A Xiao, it's good for a few friends to get together to start a business together for hobbies, but you should also know that if you really If you want to grow big, then relying on friendship alone is not enough.”

   "Okay, let them handle their own affairs, what is a club doing so seriously?"

  At this time, Chu Huan walked in.

  Wu Shuhan, who was chatting with Han Ying, said to Chu Huan: "Ding Sanshi is gone?"

  Chu Huan nodded and said, "Let's go!"

  Wu Shuhan shook his head and said: "I never thought that Ding Sanshi would come over in person. It seems that the conflict between Danny and the others is irreconcilable!"

Ding Sanshi had proposed to visit Chu Huan before, but was rejected by Chu Huan, but in the end Ding Sanshi still ran over for no other reason. The professional manager sent by Jiaku in the past, and Ding Sanshi's plan for NetEase's future Serious disagreements arose.

  Ding Sanshi came here this time to seek Chu Huan's support, hoping to hand over the management rights of NetEase to him.

   "Danny's thinking is still stuck in foreign management, fundamentally ignoring that NetEase is an Internet company in China."

  Chu Huan preached calmly.

  Chu Shige thought of the problems from the Huaguo District of the Imperial Fashion Group, and immediately asked Chu Huan: "Then what do you think about this, Daddy?"

  Chu Huan smiled and glanced at Chu Shige and asked, "What? Are you having a headache about the Imperial Fashion Group?"

  Chu Shige did not hide it, and said: "Well, now the foreign school and the local school on the Imperial Fashion Group are already in trouble. If this problem cannot be resolved, it will definitely affect the company!"

Chu Huan said to Chu Shige: "The localization of foreign-funded enterprises in China must be carried out sooner or later. Sometimes, although a strong man cuts off his wrist, it will cause short-term damage, but it still has a certain impact on the company's long-term development. In a more favorable situation, your elder brother is much more courageous than you in this matter!"

  Chu Shige said coquettishly: "Who can compare with big brother? He followed you to the company when he was seven years old!"

  Chu Huan chuckled, and said: "The general direction is actually very easy to determine. The difficult part is in the details. The details can be seen in the details. This matter still requires you and your sister-in-law to study it slowly."

  Chu Shige also knew that his father would not talk about the details with him after he said this, and could only hum twice to express his dissatisfaction.

   Sonic Sports? Netease? Empire Fashion Group?

  Han Ying, who had been sitting there, began to wonder if she had auditory hallucinations, and always felt that what she heard seemed to be some fantasy.

   "Okay, it's almost time, let's eat first!" Chu Huan said aloud.

Soon, several people sat at the dining table. As for Zhong Chuhong and the others, they were not here, but in another courtyard. After all, this was the first time Chu Shixiao brought his girlfriend here. Zhong Chuhong, Lin Qingxia and the others did not show up.

At the dinner table, Chu Huan didn't ask Han Ying any more questions. After lunch, Wu Shuhan told Chu Shixiao, "At the end of the month, your elder brother and younger sister will come over. Don't forget to come back."

  Chu Huan added from the side: "By the way, bring Miss Han too!"

Hearing what Chu Huan said, Chu Shixiao immediately showed a pleasant expression on his face. Before Chu Huan asked him to bring Han Ying to the house for dinner, in fact, he had already recognized the relationship between Han Ying and him, and now he specifically reminded him, That means that the relationship between himself and Han Ying is a certainty.

   "I know, Daddy, Mommy, you two, don't worry!"

After chatting for a few more words, Chu Shixiao took Han Ying out of the Chu house and sat in the car. After Han Ying slowed down for a while, she couldn't help but asked Chu Shixiao: "Shh I'm dead, but what exactly does A Xiao and your family do, and your family's relationship sounds weird to me?"

   This strange, more comes from Chu Shige, Chu Shinan's name for Wu Shuhan.

Now that Chu Huan has recognized Han Ying's identity, Chu Shixiao has nothing to hide, so he told Han Ying about his family relationship. As for what the family does, this matter will be discussed for a while. I don't understand, so Chu Shixiao just said that their family has a lot of investment in their hometown.


  After listening to this, Han Ying couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, but this didn't dispel the peace in her heart.

   "When I used to watch Xiangjiang movies and TV shows, I always heard how the wealthy families there were. How is it? I didn't expect you to be the son of a wealthy family in Xiangjiang."

  After finishing speaking, Han Ying suddenly asked Chu Shixiao: "But it's always been said in the news that Xiangjiang wealthy families like yours have very strict rules, and what's the point of matching each other, the two of us?"

  Chu Shixiao said with a smile: "There are indeed some rules, but they are not as big as you imagined, and since my daddy said it today, there will be no problems between the two of us."


   "Daddy, you already agree with the matter between Ah Xiao and that girl Han Ying, why don't you agree with the matter between Ah Shen and her boyfriend?"

  At this moment, Chu Shinan couldn't help asking curiously.

Chu Shige next to him smiled and said: "You still don't understand Daddy, although Daddy doesn't care much about the so-called sect opinion, but our other half must be an outstanding person in our own industry, just like Ah Shen Boyfriend, let alone daddy, I can't even agree!"

Chu Huan glared at Chu Shige and said, "As far as you know, boys and girls are different in this respect. Boys have stronger self-esteem. If you can't give girls a sense of security in any way to satisfy yourself Normal boys will have low self-esteem, and low self-esteem sometimes brings them more dangerous behaviors.

Not to mention anything else, let’s just say that the boyfriend Ah Shen found, besides holding the title of a prestigious university, what is he capable of? Personality, the two of them will finish playing sooner or later! "

   Obviously, although Chu Huan has never met her daughter's boyfriend, she has investigated it!

  Chu Shige said in a low voice: "Daddy, Ah Shen called me. Do you want her to leave South Africa first, and then slowly educate her about the following things?"

  Chu Huan said: "She wants her love and I will give it to her, but if she wants her own love, she can't want my family affection. Let's talk about it when she calls me!"


   Time soon came to the end of July, and the atmosphere of the Beijing Olympic Games became more and more intense.

  During this period of time, many people came to the capital again.

  For example, Kaili, Chu Shiyu's mother and son, and Chu Shipei and Chu Shiguang are also with them. Chu Shiguang has long hair and looks decadent.

  Obviously, the two successfully let Chu Shiguang see the true face of his girlfriend clearly, and now Chu Shiguang is still not recovering from his emotional injury.

   Not only them, but Yasuo Tanaka, son Chu Shixuan, daughter-in-law Sumitomo Noriko, daughter Chu Shiyin, and fiance Mitsui Takayoshi who live in Japan.

  Hanaoka Nanakura, daughter Chu Shipei.

   also came to the capital at this time.

  Of course, the parents-in-law Chen Yalu and Sumitomo Ryoko, who have now settled in Japan, and their children are also indispensable!

The arrival of these people obviously made the Chu residence more lively, but it is obvious that young people don't like living here, so basically the second generations of the Chu family have left here and lived in other places .

   Even Chu Shige, who had clamored to live here with Chu Huan before, moved in with Chu Shilan and others who came to the capital at this time.

  That night, in a private club on Chang'an Avenue, a group of second generations of the Chu family gathered together.

   "Second Sister, when will Big Brother and the others arrive in the capital? I haven't seen Big Brother for a long time?" Chu Shiyu sat there and asked with a smile.

  Although many people have come to the capital, but Chu Shifeng has not arrived, they always feel like they are missing a backbone!

  Although Chu Shige is not the oldest among them, but besides Chu Shifeng, he is the most majestic, so these people will center on Chu Shige when Chu Shifeng is not around!

  Chu Shige said: "Brother still has some things to deal with, and we have to wait for Ah Rong and the others. It is estimated that we will not be able to arrive in the capital until August!"

  Chu Shilan said with lingering fear: "Arong and the others are probably living in our previous life now, and I don't know if they have learned their homework well. Big Brother has never shown mercy in this regard!"

Chu Shiguang said helplessly at this time: "I don't know why my elder brother is so energetic. Not only does he have to deal with so many things in the company every day, but he even takes care of our homework. Sometimes I really doubt that my elder brother may not be human." , but a robot!"

   "Haha, Ah Guang, you dare to say that about big brother. Believe it or not, when big brother comes to the capital, I will give you a small report?" Chu Shipei said happily.

   "Hehe!" Chu Shiguang sneered, and said, "You still report on me. If you let the elder brother know what you and A Pei did, let's see if he punishes me or you!"

   "Hey, hey, don't take me in the grievances between the two of you, I'm a good boy!" Chu Shipei immediately said loudly.

  Chu Shiguang and Chu Shiyu looked at Chu Shipei at the same time, and then made a gesture of vomiting at the same time.

  Everyone burst into laughter upon seeing this.

   Afterwards, the conversation became more and more lively. In the middle, Chu Shilan got up to go to the bathroom, and no one cared, but when Chu Shilan came back angrily, it attracted everyone's attention.

  Chu Shipei was the first to ask, "What's wrong with Alan?"

  Chu Shilan said angrily: "It's okay, just when I was in the bathroom, I met a **** who wanted to pick me up, and I lost my appetite!"

  Chu Shige asked immediately, "Did you suffer any losses?"

  Chu Shilan then turned his anger into joy and said: "How could we be at a disadvantage, the people sent by Daddy are by our side, and that **** was taken away by Daddy's people."

  Hearing what Chu Shilan said, Chu Shige was relieved.

  Others didn't take this matter to heart. It's not an accident to meet such a **** in this kind of place, as long as you don't suffer a disadvantage.

  Afterwards, everyone didn't care, and continued to drink and chat, but it was really late now, so after a few rounds of drinking, they got up and prepared to arrange their own nightlife.

  Next day!

  Chu Shige was still sleeping, when the phone rang on the bed, he opened his eyes in a daze, and saw that it was Chu Shipei calling.

   "Brother Pei, why are you so early?"

   Chu Shipei's laughter came from the other side of the phone and said: "There is something I want to tell you."

  Chu Shige sat up on the bed and asked, "What is it?"

   The fact that Chu Shipei can make a call so early, Chu Shige thinks it should be something worth paying attention to.

  Chu Shipei said: "Didn't Alan have some conflicts with a **** last night? I just found out who it is!"

  Chu Shige heard this kind of thing, and said indifferently: "I should think it's something, but you are quite free, and you want to inquire about this kind of thing?"

  Chu Shipei said: "I didn't inquire about it on purpose, the other party found me!"

  Chu Shige showed a hint of interest, and asked: "Who is it? If he wants to apologize to Alan in person, tell him, Alan probably has almost forgotten who the other party is now!"

  Chu Shipei smiled and said: "Then you are really wrong. He didn't want to apologize to Alan face to face at all, but wanted Alan to apologize to him, and said that as long as Alan apologized to him, he would not trouble us!"

  Chu Shige is really interested this time. In fact, their growth environment basically does not have that kind of pretentious plot. After all, they don't have such bad tastes.

  But I didn't expect that someone would take the initiative to come forward.

   "What's going on? I forgot to ask Alan what happened yesterday!"

  Chu Shipei must also feel that this matter is interesting, and told Chu Shige the situation with a smile!

It turned out that the person who wanted to pick up Chu Shilan last night was also the son of a wealthy family in Beijing. His family was engaged in real estate. In the early years, his father went to Xiangjiang, married a widowed rich woman, and then won With my own start-up capital, I did some real estate business in Xiangjiang, and after accumulating a sum of money, I returned to Beijing in the late 1990s and continued to do real estate business.

  Now in the capital city, he can be regarded as a powerful party in the real estate industry, but his son is not the son he had with the rich woman in the capital city, but the son born to his ex-wife.

"That kid drank too much last night. When he saw Alan in the corridor, he was a little outspoken. You know Alan's temper. He slapped the other person directly. At that time, that kid was so angry. When he wanted to fight back, he just He was stopped by the bodyguards next to Alan.

However, a female celebrity who went to the club with this kid last night recognized Alan for some reason. It happened that this kid also knew Prince Long. They were a couple, and Prince Long also knew who Alan was. I have been persuading the kid that things are like this.

  But I think that kid should have never suffered a disadvantage, so he didn't listen to the words of the Dragon Prince at all, and clamored that he must make Alan look good, so the Dragon Prince told me what happened there! "

  After Chu Shige listened to it, he said: "I told you a long time ago that Prince Long relied on his status as an old bean to make friends with a bunch of messy people. Sooner or later something will happen, and you still don't listen."

  Chu Shipei smiled, and said: "I just drink with him when I'm bored. Didn't Laodou also say that no matter who you are, you should have a few wine and meat friends!"

  Chu Shige didn't bother to persuade Chu Shipei, and said: "I know about this matter, you don't need to worry about it, let me handle it. A real estate developer really thinks he is worth a few pounds?"

   After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone!

   After hanging up the phone, Chu Shige thought for a while and dialed Wu Shuhan.

   "Auntie, I want to trouble you with something!" Chu Shige told Wu Shuhan about Chu Shilan's situation on the phone.

  Wu Shuhan smiled and said, "What am I supposed to do? I know about it. There is no need for their family to stay in the capital."


  On that day, in a certain villa in the capital, a middle-aged man was sitting in the living room with a pale face and cold sweat.

  His current wife is already his third wife. She was also in the entertainment industry before and participated in "My Fair Princess".

   "What happened, I've never seen you like this before?"

   "Hey, I don't know which **** he offended. Just this morning, all the cooperative banks of our company called and said they would terminate their cooperation with us!"

  The middle-aged man snorted coldly while preaching.

   When the celebrity wife heard this, she broke into a cold sweat instantly. If a real estate company lost the support of the bank, then the real estate company would not be far from bankruptcy, and naturally her luxurious life would be gone.

   "Could it be your business competitor?"

   "Impossible, if they had this ability, I would have fallen down long ago."

   "If it's not you, it's someone in our family who offended someone!"

  The middle-aged man instantly thought of his troublesome son

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