MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-Chapter 379 (War of the Worlds VII)

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"Well, what's the situation?"

Just walking out of the space crack, Yin Mu, who was holding a book, glanced at the battlefield, and couldn't help frowning.

"Red Earl, Whitebeard, Kaido, Rayleigh, Dragon... What did you do to let such a group of legendary pirates and the revolutionary army join hands to attack the Red Earth Continent?"

"Now is not the time to talk about that,"

Yin Mu, who was injured at the waist, stepped aside quietly, covering the wound, and spoke unhappily.

"Help me get rid of them!"

"Well, that's part of the deal."

The second Yin Mu who was holding a book shrugged, and as the heavy book in her hand was flipping open, she glanced back:

"Where is the Knights of God?"

"The subordinates are here!

! "

A group of men in black robes came galloping, the number seemed to be hundreds or thousands, and they all knelt down on the ground with wild eyes.

And the leaders are naturally five 'five old stars' wearing black suits.

For people like them, now is the happiest moment. Not only can they look up at the face of 'God', but they can even see the 'Avatar of God'. Even if these black-robed men were to die immediately, they would not have any complaints!

That's right, in the eyes of the "Knights of God" in black robes, Yinmu is naturally the only true **** in the world, and Yinmu, who is holding a book, is the incarnation of God!

how come?

It actually takes an adult to launch this trick!

As the Wu Laoxing who is closest to the pinnacle of power, he naturally knows that Yoom holding the book is also the real Yoom: just Yoom from another world. But forcing Yin Mu in their world to activate the ability to "pull people to help the battle" already shows that the battle situation is very pessimistic.

We must go all out, otherwise the world government is really in danger.

"My lord, the territory of God has all gone for refuge,"

"The descendants of the nineteen kings are all safe and sound!"

The five old stars who knelt on one knee reported: They were not paddling before, but first confirmed that the Tianlong people had been transferred, and then came with the "Knights of God". The most important thing in the Knights of God is loyalty, but strength is second. Although everyone is strong and strong, they are not domineering.

The purpose is to cooperate with this Lord Yinmu from another world.

"Paper Angel Armed!"


As the book in the hands of the second Yinmu was opened, a large amount of paper flew out, and floated towards the fanatical "Knights of God".

As the paper wrapped around the black-robed men of the "Knights of the Gods", they quickly formed platinum-gold armors, with white wings stretched out from behind, holding swords, scepters and other weapons to surround the two Yinmu.

At the same time, various flames, thunder and lightning, strong winds, armor turned into diamonds, gold, rocks, etc. began to appear on their bodies... all of which were obviously endowed with devil fruit abilities.

"Holy, holy, holy!"

"Lord of hosts, **** of dragons, the earth is filled with your glory! You are to be feared above all kings!


These angel-shaped armored knights formed a regular and rigorous battle order in a blink of an eye. Shouting the holy name three times, they are ready to charge for their 'god' with great momentum, and they will not hesitate to die!

"Gu la la la ~~ Today is really an eye-opener."

White Beard took a step forward. These armor-capable users only rely on foreign objects. Although they also have the strength of about 400 million bounties, they are not yet considered by the world's strongest men, but:

"Is this some kind of joke? The second Yoom..."

Even Rayleigh couldn't help showing a wry smile. Although the wound on his body had been urgently stitched up by Dover, if he wanted to continue fighting the two Yinmu, it would be better to just wipe his own neck.

"Why, the dignified 'Pluto' is actually scared? Ton, ton, ton~~"

He raised his head and took a few sips of strong wine. Relying on the strong resilience brought about by the awakening of animal phantom beasts, Kaido, who was cut in half before and now healed, his eyes were as red as blood, and his momentum did not drop. Anti-increase!

As the animal nature that is best at 'sit-ups', Yuezhan Yueyong is the characteristic of their lineage.

"Such a powerful enemy is worthy of our all-out effort! Are you right, Lingling?"


On the other side, in the ruins of God's Domain, a fat figure stood up.

"Ah, you're right, Kaido."

Throwing away the tattered 'Napoleon' in her hand, Charlotte Lingling spread out her palm amidst the cries and dissuasion of the thundercloud 'Zeus' and the flame 'Prometheus', and a ball of light representing life came from her palm emerge.

"Take my ten years of life in exchange for the fall of the king of the world!"

This is not someone else's life, but Charlotte Lingling's own life! Once consumed, there is no way to replenish it.


Swallowing her own ten-year lifespan, Charlotte Lingling's size immediately increased wildly, and the agility lost due to obesity returned to her again. With both hands, the Thundercloud'Zeus' and Flame'Prometheus Si' put it on like a glove, his body covered in lightning, thunder and flames, and he entered the ultimate mode.

"Whoever dares to give me without using all my strength, I will be the first to kill him!"

"Oh lol~~~"

Throwing the wine jug in his hand, Kaido, who had become a half-dragon man, wiped the corners of his mouth drunkenly, and his aura had reached its peak.

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Domineering, bloodthirsty, crazy, and: indomitable!

Now Kaido is no longer the "smart general" among the pirates, but the strongest creature eager to fight and kill!

"This battle will determine the future of this world."

The howling wind swept again, and huge tornadoes fell from the sky one by one, and then devoured and stirred each other, and finally a giant black tornado emerged, and several CP0 agents and armored angels who were on the periphery were involved. , It turned into blood mist in the blink of an eye!

Skip disintegration, smashing, let alone screaming.

The wound on the neck was also sutured, and the dragon joined the battlefield again. Even Kozuki Oden, who had a huge stitched wound on his chest, gritted his teeth and fought again.

"Be careful, everyone,"

"I'm not a doctor!"

Since the start of the war, Dover, who has done nothing but is busy sewing wounds for his teammates, has a stinky face. If these guys didn't drag him down, he wouldn't let Rossi fight alone.

"Hmph, how dare you utter wild words in front of God?!"

With the CP0 agent and the armored angel in front, the five old stars who are closest to the two Yinmu also tore off their suits.

No, there is one more person who didn't "start the battle and take off his clothes", that is, the bald Wulaoxing with glasses who pulled out the first generation Onitsu. But just by the black and red light rising from the first generation ghost in his hand, it shows that he is also a top swordsman. and:

"The old man has experienced 367 battles in his life, and there is no scar on his body!"

The old man in a Wano country bathrobe looked proud,

"A mere pirate dares to act presumptuously in the Holy Land!"

"CP0 is the shield of the Celestial Dragon, and our five old stars are the shield of Lord Yinmu."

The blond-haired and blonde-bearded Wulaoxing took off his suit, revealing a domineering black-and-gold armed body: not the kind that requires a certain amount of strength to see, but everyone can clearly see that his skin has turned black .

It's like a black knife!

"It is my dereliction of duty to let you set foot on this sacred place."

Wu Laoxing, who is tall, likes to stand, and has a long beard, shook his head. He is in charge of the CP agency, and intelligence is his specialty.


As his figure continued to expand, this five-old star turned into a huge dinosaur: two rows of sharp-sharp teeth in the huge head, undulating tight muscles that could not be covered by pitch-black scales, and strong thighs Full of explosive power, people subconsciously ignore the short forelimbs.

Dragon Fruit · Ancient Species · Tyrannosaurus Rex Form

And he is not the kind of "piracy ability" given by the second Yin Mu, but a real ancient devil fruit.

And it is also the king of dinosaurs, the tyrannosaurus famous for its ferocity!

"With us here, don't think about passing it easily."

Wulaoxing with spots on his forehead stood still, his whole body was shining with white metallic light, and upon closer inspection, he could see that his whole body was constantly flowing like a liquid.

Only the Wu Lao Xing who was holding a cane remained motionless.

However, just like this, in Rossi's knowledge and color perception, he is the most dangerous one!

As soon as these five men stood up, their aura soared instantly. It seemed that they were also admirals, the level of the Four Emperors?

"Alright, anyway, there is no way out today."

Up to now, although the Golden Lion has been pinched into a figurine, Oden was seriously injured and his strength dropped drastically, and Kaido, Dragon, and Rayleigh were all hanged, but there are still the strongest White Beard and Red Earl intact, and those who just came from ' Dover, who has retired from the medical post, and BIGMOM who has already started to "krypton life", naturally Rossi will not back down:

"Mr. Newgate!"

"Keep an eye on that Yoom who uses the space ability,"

Space ability combined with her three-color top domineering, is the most terrifying assassin in the world; and the ability of Yin Mu who is holding the book is strengthened and endowed, I hope she did not break the rule that one person can only eat one fruit Iron law, otherwise Don Quixote's coalition forces will be really in danger today.

"Hey hey hey, it's so unfair that so many people beat up a dozen of us."

At this time, the golden city that had been 'hanging up' since it landed on the Red Earth Continent behind it began to melt and deform, turning into a tall golden colossus and a super super super giant of rocks covering the sky and the sun!

It's a pity that although Pica's rock giant is 800 meters, normal humans are not even ants in front of him, but in the eyes of experts, they are just big sandbags.

However, sandbags also have the purpose of sandbags. At least this mountain-like giant attracted a lot of attention when he appeared on the stage: and there are only a handful of great swordsmen who can slash a thousand meters. Not everyone can easily solve it.

Besides, Pica still has teammates.

"Door, leading to the place illuminated by the magic mirror—"

The mirror in Virgo's hand reflected the battlefield in front of him, and then a door was formed out of thin air, and then figures came out of it one by one.

'Phoenix' Marco, 'Diamond' Jozzy, 'Battle Chef' Sarge, 'Foil Sword' Bista, and Tiki with a simple and honest face! Immediately afterwards: the end of the 'flame disaster', the 'plague disaster' Quinn, Yamato who was beaten crazily by his father...

Then there are two great swordsmen from Wano Country, nine red sheath warriors from Oden, and several captains under the command of the Golden Lion. Finally:

"Ha, almost missed!"

'White Dragon' Balf Tani stepped out of the space door and took a deep breath.

"The battle at the pinnacle of the world, if you don't see it with your own eyes, it's the biggest loss for a pirate!"

"It's really... an exaggerated battlefield,"

Jinbe, who followed closely behind, couldn't help but sigh with emotion. On this battlefield, the real bounty of 500 million is not as good as a dog, and the bounty of 1 billion is everywhere. Only those with a bounty of several billion can shake it. But in front of those two Yin Mu, they all paled.

"Is that the **** of the Celestial Dragons: Yoom?"

There is no need for any verbal explanation, as long as anyone has seen it, they will not mistakenly recognize the "king" of the Tianlong people.


"Why...two people?"

Gilder Taizuolo couldn't help asking, just looking at Yin Mu, the breath on the other side made Taizuolo's breathing stagnate, and his whole body trembled involuntarily. Domineering is even more terrifying than Rossi and Dover, but there are actually two of these indescribable 'things'? !

"It doesn't matter, Rossi will make a move."

Pique, with a cigarette in his mouth, walked out of the portal and calmly glanced at the battlefield.

"Our opponent is these amazing CP0s, and those armored birdmen, right?"

"That's right,"

As the personnel arrived, Torrepol, who pressed his top hat, pointed to the battlefield ahead:

"Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, kings against kings!"

"Our goal is to send our king to the opponent's king, everyone—winners and losers, this is the one move!"

I have to say that although Torrebol is a bit timid, he still has no problem with eloquence. And those who can come here are all the best among the pirate groups, so they naturally understand what they are doing now, there is no retreat!

Step into the Holy Land and attack the Celestial Dragons.

According to the laws of this world, it is not impossible to destroy the bones and ashes, implicate the nine clans, or even the entire country!

"That's right,"

After the initial silence, Rosie regained her composure.

"Everyone, I believe everyone has adapted to that Yinmu's fighting style."

This is the first time I have encountered this kind of three-color domineering peak that uses space ability to silently, even if Rossi brings these top sea powerhouses, they will be killed in seconds. But after knowing the opponent's ability and being on guard, although he is not an opponent, at least he can react and resist a few moves.

And this is one of the opportunities for victory!

"I have a plan,"

After a brief observation, Rossi found a second opportunity for victory.

Read The Duke's Passion