MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-Chapter 380 War of the Worlds (8)

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"Fuck these lackeys of the world government—"

As the cadres of the major forces boarded the Red Earth Continent, they immediately rushed to fight with a large number of CP0 agents and armored angels.

The CP0 agent is proficient in the six styles, and the animal-type ability users are even more rough-skinned and thick-skinned; the armored angel comes with various strange devil fruit abilities. The combination of the two is definitely an army that can sweep the sea.

But the cadres who dare to come here are basically masters who are proficient in two-color domineering. They are covered with armed domineering and domineering colors. As long as they are not overwhelmed by those strange abilities, their strength exceeds that of CP0 agents. and armor of angels.


"Plague Bomb Mummy!"

As the obese Quinn fired a large number of shells, after the explosion, the large CP0 immediately felt hot all over, and the high temperature would gradually spread from the hit place to the whole body, and soon he exhaled in pain like a bathing fire , followed by blood gushing out from the dry and cracked skin, and gradually the body would even become as dry as a mummy.

I have to say that although this thing is very sinister, it is really sharp when used in team battles: the people who come up have obtained the antibodies provided by Quinn in advance, while the CP0 side can only use their bodies to resist, and this kind of The biggest feature of the plague bomb is contact infection!

Caught off guard, a large number of CP0 agents spread ten or ten to a hundred!

Although it will not make these well-trained CP0s fall down immediately, but after adding two 'burning' and 'bleeding' DEBUFFs to them, they are not the opponents of the captains, cadres, and family members who are like tigers. It was even more defeated.

But those armored angels performed very well: the paper armor on them was extremely strong, and with the fruit ability they were endowed, they forcibly withstood the impact of everyone.

"Ticky, are you okay?"

Originally, only a few top-ranked captains of the Whitebeard Pirates participated in this attack, but Tiki, who usually does not show his face, suddenly expressed his intention to join, and also showed his impressive strength. Although Marco decided to let him come up in the end, he was still worried that he would not be able to adapt to this wild battlefield.

"Thief hahaha~~ I'm fine!"

Five fingers covered with strong arrogance, Tiqi dodged the opposite CP0's finger gun with a kind of flexibility that didn't fit his fat body, slapped on the opponent's mask, and then tore it fiercely!



Even the CP0 agent couldn't help covering his face and fell to the ground, because his mask was ripped off by Tiqi forcefully.

"I'm also my father's son. If I don't go all out at this time, when will I wait?"

"be careful,"

Marco, who was waving his wings, nodded, his wings trembled:

"Pineapple gravel!"

A large number of cyan flames flew out from his wings and landed on the people of the Don Quixote coalition army, providing continuous treatment for everyone.

"Fire Dragon Emperor!"

Wrapped all over in a leather jacket, Jhin, not revealing an inch of skin, wrapped the flame behind his head on the long knife, cut it out, and the flame opened its teeth and claws, roaring and turning into a giant oriental dragon! The billowing flame has a magma-like texture, not only high temperature, but also terrifying viscosity.

The magma fire dragon pounced on those 'armor angels', and ignited the armor on them on the spot, turning them into screaming torches.

"Follow me,"

Ka Er can be said to be the most relaxed on the battlefield, because compared to other masters, his knowledgeable domineering can "predict the future", and it is simply a dimensionality reduction blow to deal with these CP0 agents and armor angels.

Not only is it easy to shoot one by one, but it can also take care of the eldest son, Smoothie and others.

"Gold Funeral!"

The golden slash that soared into the sky tore apart everything, and Diamanti and others joined the battle one after another: Although their strength can only be regarded as the second tier in the sea, they are enough to deal with CP0 agents and armored angels, even if it is the awakened animal system The CP0 is nothing more than a sibling.

With Diamanti, Virgo, Pika... and the cadres of the Whitebeard Pirates, Kaido Pirates, and BIGMOM Pirates entangled CP0, Armor Angel, Rossi and other strong people, Only Wulaoxing and two Im are left.

What really determines the outcome of this war depends on the battlefield of the top powerhouses:

"Don't even think about passing!"


The Tyrannosaurus Rex, transformed from the bearded star, was the first to bear the brunt. It suddenly opened its huge mouth with two rows of sharp fangs and bit at Rossi. Rough and messy, it shone with a dark black metallic luster, and there was a row of sharp and hideous bony spurs on its back.

"Go away, ancient species!"

Amidst the roar, Kaido, who had the slender body of the Oriental Dragon, the sharp horns and the long beard, rushed over from the side, and dragged the Tyrannosaurus rex Wu Laoxing away with one roll and one wrap. Suddenly, sand and rocks flew, smoke and dust billowed, and the roar of the dragon spread in all directions like ripples.

"Mitian Two Swords Style · Taoyuan Ten Fist!"

Kozuki Oden, who was injured in the chest, rushed towards the bald man in bathrobe and glasses with two knives in his hands. Amahaba and Enma crossed and slashed at the first generation Onitoru. Although Oden was the most injured, it is still no problem to hold a five old star of.

"Let me show you the domineering hardness of Your Excellency's armed forces."

On the other hand, Lei Li found Wu Laoxing, who was domineering and dyed black and gold, with a scar on his chest, and blond hair and blonde beard.

"Speaking of which, we haven't seen each other for more than twenty years."

"That's right, 'Pluto' Rayleigh."

The Wu Laoxing, who took off his shirt and revealed his muscles, nodded.

"When I was in the Valley of Gods, I would like to thank you Roger Pirates for their action. But since you dare to set foot on the holy land of Mary Joa, don't even think about leaving today."

"Hehe, we're not going to leave like this."

call out,

With a flash of light, Lei Li's western sword entwined with black lightning collided fiercely with the opponent's fist!

woo woo woo woo-

And the serious-faced dragon didn't bother to talk nonsense at all, and drove the pitch-black tornado to strangle the five old stars with huge mustaches and bald spots. And this five old star was not a vegetarian either. He raised his hands, and a large amount of silver-white metal shot up into the sky with a crash.

"Mercury Holy Shield!"

Special Superman Mercury Fruit

After being covered with domineering, it is solid metal, with liquid fluidity, and even poisonous... Coupled with the same top-notch two-color domineering, the strength of this five-old star is also very powerful, which is also the dragon's way to deal with it. his reason.

Others are afraid that his mercury is highly poisonous, but a dragon who is a nature-type "Fruit of the Wind" has no fear.

In the end, the Wulaoxing who was holding a cane didn't make a move, but stepped back when Im waved his hand lightly.

"It's our turn,"

With a flash of Im's ability to master space, the figure disappeared into the air.

"Gu la la la ~~"

"Empty shock!"

The 'Cong Yunqie' of the Twelve Workers of the Supreme Great Sharp Saber slashed out horizontally, blasting the air with white light into countless cracks, and the continuous vibration spread for kilometers away! Whitebeard, who is currently at his peak, is definitely the most destructive person in the sea.

"Hmph, Whitebeard..."

Emerging from the air, Im snorted with a displeased face, her white and tender fists shook Cong Yunqie without fear, and the layers of azure blue domineering all over her body gave her the confidence to fight against Whitebeard physically.

If it was just White Beard, she would even be able to win with her powerful arrogance and experience, but:

call out---

With a flash of crimson light, the umbrella named 'Tranquil Garden' rushed towards Im from a tricky angle, forcing her to turn around and punch, blocking the Red Earl's attack with her other hand.

"The Red Earl..."

The shock brought by the white beard shocking fruit made it difficult for Im to use abilities such as 'space teleportation', and the speed of the top swordsman of the Red Earl Sea could threaten Im. Under the attack of those who are stronger than Im, he can only block and parry for a while.

Of course, Im's strength is undoubtedly the ceiling of this world, and Whitebeard and the Red Earl can only hold her back. It is simply unrealistic to win, and there is another Im.

"Mom keeps hitting!"

Charlotte Lingling, who gained tremendous strength and speed after "Krypton's Destiny", has already rushed towards the Im holding the book.

Swinging both fists at high speed does not require any skills or changes: one of Charlotte Lingling's fists is wrapped in a huge black thunderball, in which infinite lightning and thunderbolts can be faintly seen wandering and flickering, as if the whole world is flowing naturally. Thunder and lightning are concentrated in it.

Flames rolled around the other fist, and wherever the fist went, even the space was distorted into a hemispherical shape, as if endless flames and lava were rolling!

As Charlotte Lingling's fists fell like raindrops, the red earth continent, which was the battlefield, severely cracked and sank on the spot, lava churned like waves, and thousands of residual lightning bolts swam densely on the ground, with a mighty momentum.


"Charlotte Lingling,"

Im, who was dodging lightly with a book in his hand, raised his brows,

"Just because of you, you want to fight me?"

As a few blank sheets of paper floated out of the book in her hand, they quickly turned into two 'long swords'.

Hanging a huge book on his waist, Im holding two swords faced Charlotte Lingling's onslaught, and the two swords in his hands moved forward in a circle.

"Magnetic power grant sword!"

Im's twin swords carry positive and negative magnetic forces, and move forward, turning into a deep and bottomless magnetic vortex, which instantly transfers, absorbs, and swallows the lightning created by Charlotte Lingling Thundercloud 'Zeus' , and then turned into two giant lightning swords, blatantly slashing at Charlotte Lingling.

"Thunder Sword Double Cut!"


Even Charlotte Lingling's talented body known as the 'steel balloon', in front of the real ceiling-level Im, was instantly torn with two huge wounds on her chest, which made it difficult for people who had been fighting for a long time and did not know how to dodge. Charlotte Lingling shrank her fat all over, and instinctively dodged to the side.

"Dover, help me!"

"Fufufu, no problem."

And Rossi and Dover have also rushed towards 'Im' holding paper double swords at high speed.

When seeing Im pulling out the second Im, Rossi also felt a moment of despair. But after careful observation, he found the opportunity for victory:

Two Im, guarding against each other!

That's easy to understand, who is Im? The man who lived forever for 800 years, the **** of the Tianlong people, and the ruler of the whole world!

How can such a person trust others? Even the "self" in other parallel time and space, for Im, is also an enemy that may threaten his rule.

If Im is really like a "big president" who can also pull people from parallel time and space, for his country to be the first to "pick up a napkin", after winning the "golden roundabout", knowing that he must die, Dozens of big presidents in parallel time and space are all united, relay each other, and never give up.

So today the coalition forces organized by the Don Quixote family naturally have only one way to defeat!

But since the two Im not only don't seem to work together at all, but even guard against each other, then give Rossi and others a chance—

"White Waves White Line!"

With Dover hooking his hands with ten fingers, the entire battlefield was quickly assimilated into a large number of white silk threads.

Immediately afterwards, these silk threads swept towards the twin sword Im like a wave. Although the thread fruit is not enough in lethality, it is very good in control. What's more, these Dover are covered with armed domineering silk threads, which are enough to cut super giant sea kings.

"boring spider silk,"

However, Im holding two swords just glanced at Dover's awakening ability with disdain, and the two swords swung out at will, easily protecting himself. Dover's domineering silk threads covered with armed colors were really as powerless as 'spider silk' in front of her.

"Brother Doflaming, how dare a weakling like you come to this battlefield?"

Obviously, this Im knows Dover, but she knows Dover in her world, so she is doomed to suffer:

"Bailang·Thousand Arrows Piercing Heart·God Kills!"

While Im cutting and tearing the surrounding white silk threads like waves with ease in his hands, Dover pulled his ten fingers suddenly, and ten pitch-black silk threads hidden in a large number of white silk threads suddenly strangled towards Im from all directions. .

? !

There are dark lightning bolts on these silk threads, which are a sign of the overlord's entanglement: and this Im has just been 'pulled over', and he has no idea that there are capable people who can block the domineering power in this battlefield, so he was caught off guard on the spot. Ten pitch-black silk threads bound in place.


However, even if it is entwined with domineering domineering, Dover's fingers are tense and he shrinks and cuts with the strongest force, but he can only rub sparks out of Im's black robe!

"Oh? I never imagined that you in this world would have such power?"

Although he didn't know why his domineering aura suddenly failed, Im, who was bound by Dover's ten black silk threads, was not flustered. As soon as his hands were loosened, the two white long swords in his hands fell down, and then suddenly turned in the air, flying towards Dover like a 'flying sword'.

Of course this is not a flying sword,

It's the ability of 'target target fruit'!

"In the face of my multiple abilities, mere fruit—?!"

The moment this Yim spoke proudly, her face suddenly changed, because a domineering air came from behind that made her feel cold all over!

A figure in a black feather coat suddenly appeared behind the restrained Im, holding the three-generation ghost in his hand high, and swung it with all his strength without reservation—

The slash of light and cold, like the clear sky splitting, black and red rays of light traverse the battlefield, and cut down!

This knife has both the majesty and majesty of splitting the island and breaking the sea, but also the strange and fierceness that was silent before it was fired. Under the full force of the explosion, even Im who has the same ceiling in another world:


Im, whose whole body turned into a diamond, dodged to the side, but was firmly restrained by Dover, and was still slashed on the back by Rosie!

Although in the face of Im's diamond ability + pinnacle armed domineering, the three generations of ghosts only cut half a palm deep, but there is no doubt:

Second Im injured!


PS: I have to admit that I underestimated the new crown~~~