MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-v2 Chapter 31 Sand crocodile: this high-end game

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"woo woo woo woo--!"

The whistling sandstorm surrounds the entire desert oasis city named 'Yuba', and the tawny tornado that goes straight into the sky covers all directions, and there is no shadow of the sky, the sun, or the horizon at all, just like being surrounded by a khaki cliff . If you listen carefully, you can also hear the continuous sound of houses falling and trees being destroyed in the periphery.

As long as Crocodile, who caused the sandstorm, had a thought, the city and the hundreds of thousands of 'villain troops' living here would be submerged in an instant, without leaving even a trace!

People in the whole city hid in the buildings, but the shaking houses and the howling sound made them lie in the corner and under the table, praying frantically with their heads in their hands: whether it is gods, royal families, or anything else, just ask able to save them, their loved ones.

And on the outskirts of the city of Yuba, in order to prevent such a tragedy from happening, a battle between heroes and villains is in full swing.

"Two swords style, two cuts, should ascend the tower!"

Sauron, holding the "He Dao Yi Wen" and "Xue Zou", rushed towards Crocodile. He entered with the knife, raised the knife with both hands above the top, and jumped into the sky. The face of a sand crocodile.

Facing the man in front of him who was in the "Seven Martial Sea" like Hawkeye Mihawk, Sauron naturally would not have any reservations. The two knives fell down, powerful enough to chop rocks and rocks, and cut off water with the knives! Coupled with a big sharp knife in his hand, a sharp knife is even more lingering.

clang! clang!

"Desert Sword."

However, Crocodile just grabbed it out of thin air, and a golden scimitar made of highly condensed and compressed yellow sand fell into his hand.

With his random swing, amidst two violent metal impacts, he easily blocked the two swords that Sauron slashed down, and even flipped the scimitar, and sent Sauron flying away with the sword. , is also a 'sword hero' impressively.

Of course, the title Jianhao is nothing more than 'belittling' to Crocodile.

Swordsmanship is just a pastime for him to practice in his spare time. The real strength is the devil fruit ability and his well-trained body.

At the same time, the golden iron hook in Crocodile's left hand has met the giant ax that was split on the other side!

She was obviously a petite girl, but Nami waved her two-meter-long one-handed giant axe, carrying a rumbling sonic boom, and blasted towards her like a heavy artillery bombardment.

Before the giant ax arrived, the wind pressure brought by it rushed towards Crocodile first, and instantly crushed the desert under his feet into a huge semicircular crater out of thin air! And Nami, who swung this blow, poured all of her blood into the giant ax "Blood Roar" in her hand, giving off a ferocious, domineering, and wild faint red light, which made Crocodile's eyes move.


Crocodile, with a cigar in his mouth, raised his left hand, and met Nami's giant ax with a golden iron hook, head-to-head!


With a piercing impact that went straight up into the sky, it actually briefly overwhelmed the whistling sound of the surrounding sandstorm. Sparks splashed, the faint red light clashed fiercely with the golden yellow, the huge ax that looked like a door panel collided with the golden hook that was as big as a fist, just like using a thumbtack to resist a hammer.

However, after a fight, it was the giant ax 'Blood Roar' that was raised high and backward!

The huge ax flew backwards with Nami, and crashed into a building with a bang, the masonry exploded, and the walls were broken. Nami fell into the dark building gap with her weapon and her body.


Weiwei, who was grabbed by the arm of the rebel leader 'Kosha' next to her, shouted anxiously. Fortunately, in the next second, Nami's voice came from the big hole in the building.

"I'm fine...ahem,"

Nami, dragging a huge ax in her left hand, stepped out of the hole in the building wall and grinned at Weiwei.

And the right hand hidden behind was already trembling and drooping. Blood vessels were broken, muscles were broken, bones were cracked in the fight just now... dripping with blood! She can still stand up, which is already considered amazing in her will.

It's a pity that if you don't master domineering, before transforming the illusory will into real power, you can't defeat a powerful enemy with will alone!


Got it!

Just when Crocodile knocked Sauron and Nami away from the left and right at the same time, the air behind him was twisted strangely, and a figure emerged out of thin air, and kicked him fiercely on the back of the head, Kick the head of the sand crocodile directly into pieces with a sound of "噗呲", blasting out the yellow sand all over the sky.

All over the sky...yellow sand? !

"Be careful, Sanji!"

Before the sound of shouting reminders sounded, Luffy had already appeared in front of Crocodile whose head was 'kicked through' amidst the flashes of thunder, and punched him with fists.

Luffy's fist hit, and a huge white spherical lightning wrapped around the fist. The air distorted and deformed wherever it passed, as if torn apart by thunder. The radiated thunder light scattered out continuously, blasting the desert on the ground into pieces, and in the blink of an eye, he was in front of Crocodile. The name 'Thunder Fist' was not just for fun.

"Foot, Luffy—"

"Desert Great Sword!"

As soon as Rossi's reminder sounded in Luffy's heart, the desert below suddenly spewed out: the yellow sand shot out gained a terrifying speed in a short moment, and turned into a sharp blade capable of cutting everything. The shape of the pierced towards Luffy's waist.

This blow was sudden, swift, and extremely fierce!

If Rossi hadn't been reminded in advance, maybe Luffy would have been cut in half on the spot.

"Thunderbolt Fist!"

Faced with the sudden attack at the foot, Luffy, who had no time to dodge, directly changed the attack route, and blasted down with his fist of huge spherical lightning.

rumble rumble rumble~~~

The thunder light exploded, and it was scorching white. Countless thunder and lightning surged in all directions, quickly spreading and spreading in all directions. Wherever it passed, the desert exploded, and yellow sand flew all over the sky. At the same time, Luffy's figure has already soared to the rear of Crocodile in an instant in the flash of lightning, and he pulled his hands to the sides:

"Thunder net!"

With Lu Fei's ten fingers pulling, countless crackling sounds were pulled out, and the electric python and silver snake intertwined and wandered around the power grid, with an unparalleled dazzling white light, swooping down on Crocodile from behind with overwhelming force.


However, the Lightning Network shrouded out, but fell into nothing.

Crocodile's whole body fell into pieces, and instantly changed from a big living person to yellow sand flying all over the sky, passing through the cracks in the lightning network. Blinking past Luffy, a figure in a coat appeared behind him, the golden hook in his left hand pointed at Luffy, and at the same time a black light flashed across it.

Domineering armed color!

"Scorpion Venom Needle."

With a wave of Crocodile's left hand, the golden hook turned into a golden light and stabbed at the back of Luffy's head!

Quick, precise, and especially armed with arrogance, even if Luffy has mastered 'elementalization', he can't avoid this blow. And once it is hit, it doesn't even need the poison attached to the hook. The power of Crocodile alone is enough to make Luffy's head explode—

“Shoulder SHOOT!”

At the critical juncture, the air behind Luffy's head suddenly fluctuated violently, which was the trace left by an invisible object moving at high speed.

A black combat boot kicked **** the golden hook from the side, blocking the blow for Luffy.


With a dull thunder that made the listener's heart sank, with the gold hook and the boots colliding as the core, the air blasted and tore like a cannonball... The golden hook was kicked away and emerged from the air, Sanji, who was wearing a black battle suit, also flew to the other side, seemingly evenly matched.

But when Sanji landed on the ground, the right leg that kicked out just now made a strange cracking sound, which sounded like crushing a lot of fried beans through a cloth bag. After the strange noise passed, he sat down in the yellow sand with his whole right leg twisted, obviously:

The bone is broken!

"After being hit by my domineering power, I still can't make a sound, so kind!"

Crocodile, who was smoking a cigar, glanced at Sanji. The other party's black high-tech combat uniform always gave him a familiar feeling. Before he could figure out the identity of the blond boy, Luffy rushed forward again with anger.

"Damn it, I can't hit it no matter how hard I hit... Is this the natural system?"

The "Elementalization" of the natural system is indeed a very perverted skill. If it doesn't have the three things of "Hai Lou Shi", "Domineering" and "Attribute Restraint", it really can't even do effective damage.

"Hehehe, brats."

"I'm not on the same level as you."

With this superb elementalization, Crocodile on the battlefield can easily play with Luffy and others.

Of course, even without elementalization, he can still defeat everyone.

As he said, the grade difference is too much!

Although Luffy and others have received Rossi's training, it would be a fool's dream to say that they can bridge the gap with Crocodile.

"Cut the decadent self in the world into two."

On the other side, Sauron, who was wearing the apron on his head, had already started to 'recite poems', and at the same time put his two swords back into their sheaths, posing in a 'Iai Zhan' shape. Then draw the knife—

As soon as the knives were unsheathed, the speed immediately changed from extremely slow to extremely fast. The two knives seemed to have crossed the boundary of time and space, and disappeared in a flash. Banged through.

"Dual sword style, Iai, Rashomon!"


Two rays of light flashed across, and Crocodile, who was wearing a fur coat, was split into three petals silently! However, there was still no trace of blood at the fracture of the torn body, but flowing yellow sand.

"Good swordsmanship, but—"

It's just not bad!

"Arclunate dunes."

Crocodile, who closed in a sudden turn, waved his right hand, and his arm turned into a huge crescent-shaped sand blade! It was like a super-long scimitar slashing towards Sauron. Although Sauron had dodged for the first time, he was still hit by the sand blade on his right arm.

"Ahhh, my hand!"

It was his right hand withered like a mummy that could make Sauron, who was not making a sound with his sword and body, lose his composure so much! Down from the part that was swept by the sand blade, Sauron's muscular well-proportioned arm lost all moisture in an instant, and became only a layer of dry flesh and blood covering the bones, and he couldn't even hold the word "He Dao Yi" in his hand.

How can Sauron not be surprised and angry?

"Doctor, doctor!"

Just finished setting Sanji's bones, the panicked Chopper yelled and rushed to Zoro and suddenly regained his senses.

"By the way, I am the doctor... Sauron, don't move, let me treat it as severe dehydration first..."

"Hehe, it's very desert style—"

Just when Crocodile laughed at Sauron calmly, Luffy's roar sounded behind him, and his body was full of dazzling lightning. Amidst the roar of thunder, Luffy's whole body had turned into a long dragon of thunder and lightning. In the middle, he rushed straight to Crocodile.


Luffy's furious blow, in terms of power alone, has been able to overthrow hundreds of millions of pirates! The strength of the thunder fruit as a natural type can be seen at a glance, but—

"It's useless, brat."


Before the thunder dragon pounced on him, Crocodile took the initiative to enter the 'elementalization', and his whole person instantly disintegrated into pieces like a sand sculpture. No matter how violent the thunder and lightning are, it seems like they can't hit them, they are all useless attacks.

"Thunder turns to light!"

However, the thunder dragon that flew into the air suddenly emitted a blinding light! From thunder and lightning to light, and the light turned into high temperature in an instant, instantly irradiating the surrounding area of ​​more than ten meters into a scorching white, as if a miniature sun fell into the battlefield, and the whole battlefield was only left with the scorching heat that boiled the sea and burned the sky. Outside of heat, nothing else.

? ? ? ?

In an instant, a large amount of yellow sand in the air melted, deformed, and crystallized in the high temperature, and was actually directly melted into colored glaze by the strong light.

"Smelly brat!!"

Amidst the roar, a figure suddenly began to gather at the edge of the strong light, and it was Crocodile with a large 'burn' on his chest. From the beginning of the war to the present, he was finally injured.

"Ha, you're not invincible either—?!"


Luffy, who had just used a move of thunder to light, light to heat, and injured the yellow sand with the high temperature, suddenly trembled, lowered his head in surprise, and looked at the golden hook that pierced his waist.

"Who do you think... am I?"

As the golden hook passed through Lu Fei's waist, yellow sand flew in and formed a complete Crocodile behind the golden hook. It's just a skin injury.

"Bounty hunter Luffy, a stupid young man like you who talks about 'justice'..."

"On the great line, everywhere!"

? !

Facing the domineering sand crocodile when he was serious, Luffy's defeat was completely reasonable.



Just when the injured Zoro, Sanji, Nami, and Chopper who gave them emergency treatment roared and prepared to rush up, Luffy, who was pierced by Crocodile, suddenly raised a hand, and put his five fingers together into a palm to stop their approach.

? ? ? ?

And the one who was most shocked was the sand crocodile that was close at hand. For a moment, cold sweat ran across the face of Qi Wuhai, and every cell in his body was screaming crazily!

Run, run, run, run, run! !

"Yo, Lao Sha."

The next second, 'Luffy' who was pierced by Crocodile raised his head, showing a sunny and mature smile.

"Bully a few juniors, you are promising."


In an instant, Crocodile almost instinctively entered elementalization, as if being held against his throat by a supreme sharp knife, and the whole person seemed to be blown back tens of meters by a gust of wind, before stopping to gather again.

"Who are you?!"

Facing the sand crocodile, who was facing a formidable enemy, 'Luffy' first frowned and glanced at the wound on his waist, and then stroked it with his palm.

Muscle peristalsis, blood vessel connection, skin regeneration... In just a few seconds, the punctured wound healed rapidly, and Crocodile's pupils shrank.

"Life returned?"

Moreover, it is an advanced application of life return, who is this guy?

"Long time no see, Lao Sha."

After treating the wound on his waist, 'Luffy' hooked his fingers at the vigilant sand crocodile.

"Come on, let's make out and make out."

This attitude, this breath...

A figure in a black feather coat flashed in Crocodile's mind, his face changed drastically, and he spoke hoarsely and tentatively:


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