MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-v2 Chapter 32 Right time and place

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"No, not right!"

How can I say that Crocodile has also worked hard in the new world, and has seen many powerful "Qiwuhai". Even if the domineering decline is caused by the psychological shadow, it can only be regarded as the middle and lower level in Qiwuhai, but his insight is still there.

"You are not Rossindi!"

After a brief panic, Crocodile calmed down.

"If it's the real Rosindi, I'm no match at all... Or maybe I was beheaded without even reacting just now?"

Although Crocodile is very proud of his strength, he also understands that Rossi, who was able to lead the heroes of the sea to attack the Red Earth Continent a few years ago, and even severely injured the "god" Im of the Tianlongren, was too strong on him. In Crocodile's own words, the grades are different.

"It is rumored that both you and your brother Dover disappeared on the Mariejoya battlefield. Is this state some kind of devil fruit ability?"

The ability of a devil fruit is a box, and anything unreasonable can be put in it.

Regarding the judgment of the sand crocodile, Rossi didn't bother to refute it, he just moved his hands and feet casually, and at the same time, there were continuous thunder skyrocketing from his body, straight into the sky.

"You say yes,"

"Hehehe, that is to say: the invincible, powerful, 'Black King' of the Tang Jike family is in a very weak state?"

Crocodile, who had calmed down, could already see that although the boy in front of him had Rossi's aura, the aura was just an aura. The physical fitness is not bad, but only good. That is to say—

"Now is the best chance to kill you!"

woo woo woo~~

Spreading out his right hand, a miniature sandstorm tornado danced in Crocodile's palm.

In just a few seconds, Crocodile thought he saw Rossi's 'embarrassment' and felt that he was doing it again.

"That's where you're wrong,"

In Sand Crocodile's view, Rossi became a "boy" due to some accidents, and also became much weaker. But the real situation is that when Luffy lost, Rossi took over control of the body. Even if Luffy is killed, it won't affect Rossi in the sky, but—

"Just because I get weaker doesn't mean you get stronger, Lao Sha."

"If you want to kill me, you can't do it."

Facing 'Luffy', or 'Rosy' who shook his finger easily. Crocodile directly threw the small sandstorm in his right palm forward:

"Sha Lan!"

Once the 'small sandstorm' the size of a fist is released, it grows in the real sense when it sees the wind, and its volume rapidly expands into a tornado sandstorm!

"Leave it to me here, you go to the treatment."

Facing 'Luffy' who was waving easily, Zoro and others who knew that it was 'Mr. Rossi' nodded one after another, and immediately the city 'Yuba' behind them receded.

I don't know if I don't fight, this 'sand crocodile' Crocodile is worthy of the Qiwuhai, easily crushing all of them! Staying here will only interfere with Teacher Rossi's battle.

"Be swallowed by the desert!"

Under Crocodile's control, a violent wind and sandstorm hit the face, instantly covering Rossi, who was controlling Luffy's body, in the overwhelming dust. The sky and the earth were dark and yellow, making him unable to distinguish east, west, north and south. The wind was howling ghosts and wolves, and the wild sand was raging, tearing the skin of 'Luffy' like countless sharp knives, trying to smash him into pieces in an instant.

"Well, although I can only control Luffy's body to fight, people are different."

Although shrouded in this terrifying sandstorm tornado that can instantly strangle those who lack domineering power into scum, Rossi did not panic at all.

Due to his age, Luffy lacks fruit development and combat experience, but who is Rossi? This famous top powerhouse in the sea has basically fought once, and with his strength to control the thunder fruit, it is naturally easy to catch—


Seeing the terrifying sandstorm tornado strangling, Rossi controlled Luffy's body and suddenly 'exploded'.

In a short moment, 'Luffy''s body elementalized, instantly entered the quantum form and expanded to thousands of meters, and his own space coordinates changed from a definite one to an uncertain number, becoming ubiquitous in a blink of an eye. everywhere.


In the next moment, Luo Lu, who was covered in thunder and lightning, appeared behind Crocodile!

Expanding the body into countless space coordinates, even Rossi can only maintain this state for a moment, and then it will re-present the specific existence position as the space coordinates collapse and restore. But even so, it is possible to achieve real 'space teleportation'.

Moreover, this kind of teleportation that intervenes in the space with lightning elements is a teleportation that truly penetrates everything, not the high-speed teleportation of the physical body that would be intercepted like the "meatball fruit".


Crack, a finger landed on the back of Crocodile's neck, and at the same time Rossi's playful voice sounded.


The coldness on his neck surprised Crocodile, followed by endless terror and anger.

As Rossi said, he had died 'once' just now.

"Heavy Shalan!"

The fear of death and the anger of being played made Crocodile burst into a violent giant sandstorm centered on himself!

For a moment, apart from the howling wind that tore the eardrums, there were only uprooted coconut trees and houses rolling in the air like paper bundles, not to mention the ordinary people and rebels hiding in the city : They are like a group of densely packed ants, flying all over the sky like someone blowing their breath.

The only ones who can protect themselves in this chaos are the powerful Nami, Sanji, Zoro, Chopper who transformed into a "human form", and Vivi and Koza who are protected by Chopper.

"no no!"

Seeing countless childhood partners being blown into the sky, Weiwei and Kosha were extremely angry. However, in the face of this natural disaster, they couldn't even stand up except for being incompetent and furious.

"Tsk, large-scale attack?"

With a flash of thunder, Luffy controlled by Rossi appeared on the edge of the giant sandstorm.

It has to be said that Crocodile is still a bit of a brush: after realizing that "Rosie" is far superior to him in terms of knowledge and arrogance, and his fighting skills are far superior to him, he directly exploded a large-scale attack, so as to make Rossi unable to attack.

Although under the control of Rossi, it is equivalent to gaining top-notch knowledge + top skills + fine fruit control, but the body is still Luffy's. Physique, strength, armed domineering, and domineering domineering cannot appear out of thin air, and the attack power is seriously insufficient. .

Otherwise, with Rossi's character, how could it be possible to play the "click to stop" trick just now?

In the face of this kind of giant sandstorm that does not distinguish between enemy and friend, Luffy's body can't bear it.

"It seems that empty-handed is still a bit difficult,"

Rossi controlled Luffy's whole body to instantly turn into a winding white lightning, and then returned to the original place after a flicker, as if he hadn't moved at all, but he already had an extra knife in his hand.

The knife is not a magical weapon, it is just an ordinary long knife left by the rebels, but it made Crocodile's pupils in the middle of the sandstorm shrink!

"Ghost Slash—"

As Rossi controlled the figure of "Luffy" and slashed forward with a long knife, Crocodile, surrounded by violent sandstorms, instantly felt as if he had entered an ice cellar, and his whole body froze.


In the next moment, without even giving Crocodile time to react, the 'Luffy' controlled by Rossi teleported behind Crocodile who was protected by the sandstorm.


Before Crocodile could whisper, countless criss-crossing thunderbolts erupted from his body, and then his entire body was turned into fragments flying all over the sky, and these body fragments turned into a large canopy one after another. The yellow sand that exploded.


In Rossi's voice, Crocodile, who had the thought of "I'm already dead" flashed in his heart, reacted belatedly, and the yellow sand all over the sky suddenly gathered to the side.


"Are you kidding me?!"

The angry Crocodile bit off the cigar he was dangling, and his whole body was filled with shock and anger. With Rossi's arrogance, this knife is enough to kill him instantly, but he chose to humiliate him with an attack without arrogance...


With his eyes flickering, Crocodile, who had been killed 'twice' in seconds, forcibly calmed down.

Something is wrong, with Rossindi's character, he would not do this kind of behavior to tease his opponent, could it be—

Oh, it seems that Lao Sha has noticed it.

Don't look at Rossi controlling "Luffy" to hang and beat Lao Sha easily, just like hitting a grandson. But this is based on Rossi's powerful and unparalleled domineering, as well as combat skills and experience.

But without enough armed domineering and physical strength, even Rossi is a bit of a "smart woman can't cook without rice", and it is difficult to cause fatal damage to Crocodile.

"Don't be distracted,"

When Crocodile's eyes flickered, the ordinary long knife that the 'Luffy' controlled by Rossi dropped after throwing a move, used teleportation again.


With a flash of lightning, the prostrate 'Luffy' appeared in front of Crocodile. Because of teleportation and crouching on the ground, Crocodile didn't even notice that Rossi was close at hand.


Putting his hands on the ground, he kicked his feet up suddenly, and kicked **** Crocodile's chin, who hadn't reacted.

? !

Kicking Crocodile straight into the air with one move, Rossi controlled Luffy's body to turn over and point at Crocodile who was kicked into the sky with his five fingers.

"Shock Yu Lei!"

As Rossi controlled Luffy's body and pulled it down out of thin air, the thunder and lightning that had been spreading into the sky before had changed the situation, and layers of enchanting electric snakes spread and wandered around in the gaps in the dark clouds. Many, like hundreds of rivers returning to the sea, quickly gathered together, forming a bright and dazzling giant lightning chain like a waterfall, which crashed down.

"three times,"


The thunder was like a pillar, several meters thick, instantly drowning Crocodile in the sky, and the light illuminated the entire battlefield white! Immediately afterwards, it went straight down, blasting out a huge black crater in the desert, which made the people watching the battlefield horrified and inexplicable.

Is this the world of the strong?

It's just a gesture of a "god"...


However, just when the thought of "winning" flashed in the minds of others, Crocodile's wild laughter sounded in the super giant sandstorm surrounding the city.


"Rosindi, you can't use your arms to look domineering, right!"

In the howling sandstorm, yellow sand flew out continuously, recondensing into Crocodile's figure.

No matter how strong the thunder light is, it is impossible to kill all the yellow sand in the sky. Moreover, Crocodile is also armed and domineering, so it is no problem to resist this simple elemental attack. And since the 'Rosinindi' in a strange state in front of him doesn't have the domineering look of arms, that is to say:

I have the advantage!

Crocodile, who was beaten into a mess by Rossi, returned to his spirit.

"Hahaha~~~ You can't kill me! In the desert, I am invincible!"

Floating in the air, Crocodile with arms outstretched was ecstatic. If you can kill the "Black King" of Don Quixote's family here... No, no, no, arrest him, it will be enough to dig a large piece of meat from Don Quixote's family—

"Old Sha, you don't think you're going to eat me, do you?"

Rossi standing in the desert controlled Luffy's body and rolled his eyes. If there was really nothing to do with the sand crocodile, Rossi's character would have taken him away long ago.

"I'm not doing useless work. When it comes to thunder and lightning, what is the first thing that comes to mind?"

Facing Rossi's question, Crocodile frowned, with his upper body condensed and his lower body still floating in yellow sand.

"dark clouds?"

Under normal circumstances, there are dark clouds before lightning... Wait, dark clouds? !

Thinking of a possible Crocodile, he suddenly raised his head, and with a snap, cold liquid fell on his cheek.


What caught his eyes was the dark clouds with thunder and lightning, and the raindrops that began to fall continuously. Soon, amid the roar of thunder and flashes of lightning, the raindrops falling from the sky became denser, and the light rain turned into a heavy rain!

Under the washing of the heavy rain that fell, the sandstorm surrounding the city called 'Yuba' was also washed away. Countless yellow sand mixed together, forming a khaki sand flow and spreading everywhere. After losing the yellow sand, the simple tornado gradually began to weaken and dissipate.

And most importantly:

"Old Sha, General."

Crocodile, who was drenched by the heavy rain, has recovered his human body, facing the 'Rosie' who stretched out his fingers, his face was gloomy and livid.

Although he has a trick called 'Corrosion of Reincarnation' that can wither, dry, and collapse large areas of buildings into deserts, it is realistic to use it to dry up the heavy rain that falls from the sky. And once the elementalization is lost, facing the 'Rosie' in front of him, there is only one way to defeat.

"Hmph, the winner hasn't been decided yet—"

Crocodile, whose body was wet and whose fruit ability was suppressed, put on a fighting stance, and aimed the golden hook at Rossi.

"I'm... Crocodile!!"

With a roar,

The sand crocodile rushed forward and charged towards Rossi who was controlling Luffy's body!

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