MTL - The Most Wasteful Fruit Among Pirates-v2 Chapter 33 determined

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In the desert, a sandstorm tornado struggled to move forward, but its intermittent appearance was completely lacking in its former arrogance. After flying crookedly for a while, it finally couldn't hold back and turned into a half-kneeling figure.

Crocodile's face no longer had the confident arrogance of the past, only gray and embarrassed, sweat mixed with blood dripped from his forehead, and he didn't even have time to wipe it off.

The black fur coat was missing, the orange plaid long-sleeved shirt had become strips of cloth, and there were slender wounds all over the body, which continuously leaked dark red blood: it was not that Rossi wanted to torture him, but that the armed forces In the case of insufficient color and domineering, all the skin trauma is caused.

However, the superimposition of dozens of hundreds of skin injuries is enough to turn the 'sand crocodile', one of the majestic Seven Martial Seas, almost into a gourd of blood!

"Old Sha,"

With a flash of lightning, Rossi, who controlled Luffy's body, appeared behind Crocodile who was in a panic. In his hand was a picked up long knife, but it was enough to deal with the **** Crocodile.

"Being entrenched in the desert kingdom of Alabasta will not only make you invincible, it will only make you weaker."


The embarrassed Crocodile stood up and turned to face the pursuer.

too strong!

In the past few years, Crocodile has often practiced and practiced, but in the first half of the great route, what kind of "master" can it encounter? It's all abuse. Because of being despised by Rossi and Hawkeye many years ago, the sand crocodile of "Striving to Be Strong" still maintains a two-color domineering, but its strength is pitifully low, and it can't even be black and hard.

Facing the 'Rosie' in front of him, he couldn't even touch the corner of the opponent's clothes, he was completely hung up and beaten.

This is the domineering crush of knowledge and knowledge!

Of course, Luffy's thunder fruit is also an important factor in increasing the speed. Otherwise, even if Rossi can 'foresee the future', it would be nonsense if his body reaction could not keep up.

"You are hiding in this country because you are coveting the legendary ancient weapon 'Pluto', right?"

When Crocodile Tong Kong shrank and trembled all over his body, Rossi, who was controlling Luffy's body, sighed and shook his head.

"Old Sha, since you believed in Pluto more than yourself, you have already lost."

? !

"You... why do you know?"

Crocodile said bitterly, plotting the "Pluto" is his biggest secret, even Nicole Robin, who is a collaborator, doesn't know it!

"What's so hard to guess?"

Although Rossi knew all this from the comics in his previous life, it did not prevent him from inferring the 'process' from the 'conclusion' in reverse.

"I used to be a 'Dragon Man' anyway, so I naturally know that the Neferutari family is also one of the 'Twenty Kings', and the information about the ancient weapon 'Pluto' is collected by their family."

"You Shichibukai, living in this country blocked by the world government so that the technology and culture are still stuck 800 years ago, what else can you do besides plotting the 'Pluto'?"

After finishing speaking, Rossi controlled Luffy to take a step forward, and the words in his mouth were murderous:

"Actually, I know where Pluto is."

? ? ? ?

Under Crocodile's shocked gaze, Rossi smiled slightly.

"How about it? Instead of racking my brains to plan this country, as long as I can be defeated, I will tell you the whereabouts of Hades. ——With my Rosindi character, I can guarantee the authenticity of the information."


"Heh, in your opinion, the weak who rely on external forces are not worth mentioning?"

Crocodile is not an idiot, so he can naturally hear Rossi's overtones: Only one who is strong can be truly strong!

"You should have heard of the power of the 'Heavenly King', who is also an ancient weapon, right?"

Rossi continued to speak. Before he brought people to the Red Earth Continent, he took a shot from the king of heaven: it was a weapon that could instantly destroy a country, but it was nothing more than that in front of many strong men.

Strong is strong, but it is just a dead thing.

"If Yin Mu is just relying on the trash of the 'king of heaven', what do you think will happen to her now?"

Whether it's the spaceship "Uranus", the "Pluto" known as the most fierce battleship, or the "Sea King" who can control super giant Neptunes, in Rossi's opinion, they are all tasteless!

Can't deal with ancient weapons, and can't deal with the people who control weapons?

As long as the manipulators are killed, the 'king of heaven' and 'king of the underworld' are just a pile of scrap metal.

As for the 'Sea King' mermaid princess, let alone: ​​it is not too easy to assassinate directly, even if it is surrounded by super giant sea kings for protection, unless she does not show her face, otherwise it is just a matter of effort for the strong to kill a mermaid princess in seconds .

"You can only stand if you are strong."

"Old Sha, give up the title of Qiwuhai and start working hard again as an apprentice sailor."

? !

Although Rossi's words were a bit hurtful, Crocodile had to admit that he couldn't even beat the "weakened version" of Rossi in front of him. Even if he really got Hades, Rossi would easily kill him.

It seems... I really left the New World for too long!

"Hmph, you don't need to teach me."

In fact, the reason why Rossi persuaded Crocodile to turn back was because he didn't want to see his "acquaintance" so depraved, and on the other hand:

Don't look at Rossi controlling Luffy's body and chasing Crocodile to flee in embarrassment, but in fact Luffy's body is almost at its limit: after all, he is only half a teenager, and his physical strength is a shortcoming. On the other hand, Crocodile, although he was hacked to pieces, was still a long way from dying.

It has to be said that most of the strong men in this world are blood bulls.

"next time,"

Crocodile, who was covered in injuries, took a serious look at Rossi who was controlling Luffy's body, as if he wanted to engrave this form in his soul.

"Next time, I will challenge you squarely!"

"welcome any time-"

Facing Crocodile, which turned into a sandstorm and flew to the distance again, Rossi shrugged while controlling Luffy's body, and then walked back. If you continue to chase, it will cause irreversible injuries to Luffy's body.


"Water, it's water!"

"It's raining, woo woo woo~~~"

As a heavy rain caused by the Thunderbolt fruit fell, it extinguished Crocodile's ambition, and also washed away the fighting spirit of the rebels in the city of "Juba". After all, they had to rise up only because they couldn't survive.

If possible, who would want to wield knives and guns, and tie their heads to their waistbands to die?

"Chopper, how is Luffy doing?"

A big battle came to an end, the Crocodile Crocodile was beaten away, and everyone was repairing the largest building in Juba.

As for Luffy, who brought down the heavy rain, he is undoubtedly the hero of the entire Uba... no, the entire Alabasta! All kinds of materials are given priority to Chopper, and Chopper is worthy of being the ship doctor who followed the Rocks Pirates: the reindeer who learned medical skills from Kureha, and quickly stabilized everyone's injuries.

"Phew... there is almost nothing I need to do except consume too much."

Chopper wiped the sweat from his forehead, and explained to Zoro with his arms hanging, Sanji with his right leg in plaster, and Nami, who was sick and finally a bit delicate and feminine:

"Luffy's injury has healed. This should be the advanced use of the 'return of life' that Mr. Rossi said."

Facing Luffy who was lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, Zoro, Sanji, and Nami breathed a sigh of relief, followed by a preoccupied silence.

"Without 'Ms. Rossi,' we would have..."

Nami, who was lying on the hospital bed, couldn't help but grasp the sheets tightly. Because of her adoptive mother Bermel, she believed in the existence of "justice" since she was a child. But after meeting the powerless Weiwei, and the sand crocodile who doesn't think there is any problem with his behavior, he deeply understands: the truth of the world is the winner and the loser!

Justice must prevail?

Of course, because victory is justice.

"That's right."

His right arm was hanging in front of his chest, and the nutrient solution was continuously poured into the bottle next to him. Zoro, who didn't know when this withered arm would recover, nodded.

"After entering the great route, we will know what it means to be strong. If we can't become stronger, we can only wait to die!"

"I want to be stronger!"

Sanji, who had a cast on his right leg, glanced at Luffy who had fallen asleep,

"It was Luffy who invited me to go to sea,—next time, when Luffy is in danger, I will stand by his side."

"I...I will do my best too!"

The reindeer Chopper, who was busy treating the four of them, also raised his hooves,

"I'm sorry, Nami, Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, because of me, I caused you..."

After asking people to contact the capital and appease the rebels at the same time, Weiwei rushed to thank everyone with an apologetic face. If it wasn't for the mysterious 'Mr. Rossi' who possessed Luffy and beat Crocodile away with great power, then Luffy and others, as well as everyone in this city, would be buried in the desert today .

This is what Vivi never wants to see,

"Ann, it's been said that we are 'bounty hunters'."

Nami waved her hand to Weiwei easily,

"Where there are pirates, there are us!"

"This is our own choice, even if we die because of it, it is-"


A beautiful figure with blue hair rushed over and hugged Nami tightly.

"Don't say anything!"

"I'm so sorry, if it's because of me that you..."

"Hehehe, since you are not reconciled, let's become stronger!"

When Weiwei was holding Nami and crying bitterly, a familiar voice sounded, shaking everyone's spirits.


"you're awake-"

"It's not just you, Weiwei, I'm also very unwilling."

Luffy clenched his fists and looked serious:

"The decision to crusade against the 'Sand Crocodile' was made by me, but in the end, if it wasn't for Mr. Rossi... I should be the one who should say sorry!"

After speaking, Lu Fei, who was sitting cross-legged on the hospital bed, put his hands on his knees and bowed deeply to everyone.

"As the leader, it is my fault to put everyone in danger!"


"What stupid things to say, it is my wish to see the strong."

Zoro raised his withered arms indifferently, with a look of interest on his face.

"I have gained a lot from this battle. After my arm is healed, Luffy, I want to have a good fight with you!"

"Okay, I will accompany you anytime!"

"Fighting, rather than killing the unarmed... I prefer to stand on the side of ordinary people. Of course, it would be even better if I fought for beautiful women."

Sanji, who had begun to reveal the essence of the old snake skin, took out the cigarette and was snatched away by Chopper before he lit it.

"Patients should stop smoking!"


"Hey, I hurt my leg, not my lung—"

"I am a doctor!"

Sanji, who was stunned by Chopper, leaned back on the hospital bed and began to lie flat.


"very hungry!"

When Lu Fei rubbed his stomach that was almost on his back, Wei Wei reached out to the door to signal:

"I know you must be hungry, I have already prepared enough food!"

As trays of food were brought in, Luffy and the others left and ate and drank wildly with their cheeks off, making Rossi who was hanging in the sky watching all this domineeringly gratified.

Weakness is not scary,

The terrible thing is that we are weak and don't know how to work hard.

After being crushed by the 'sand crocodile' Crocodile, the powerlessness, unwillingness, and despair will become the motivation for their growth. I believe that even without Rossi's urging, they will work harder in the future: Rossi will What they do is to prevent them from over-exercising and damaging their bodies.

Get stronger!

Whether it is a dream or a friendship, it needs enough strength to protect it.


another world,

The 'Calai Bali' flying in the sky has changed drastically.

In addition to dividing a large 'site' as the residence of the Straw Hats, one of the Four Emperors, the most striking thing is the top of this site, where a huge metal creation like an 'egg' floats in the air.

This is a huge 'egg' in a high-tech laboratory with strong high-tech protection capabilities, and the one protected inside is Vegapunk's brain!

Vegapunk, a brain fruit capable person.

His fruit ability allows him to record all the knowledge he has seen, and the more knowledge he records, the bigger his brain becomes. You must know that Doubly Huge itself is not as tall as Luffy, but if you add his huge head, it can even be comparable to a giant.

So Vegapunk, who thought this huge head was too troublesome, cut off his 'brain' and kept it in this egg-shaped technological building.

"Fufufu, cut off your own brain?"

Dover in a suit who visited this high-tech laboratory couldn't help pushing his sunglasses. Even for him, it was hard to imagine the scene of digging out his own brain: Should he be called a scientist?

"Well, I'm going to build a 'brain network'."

The little old man who looks exactly like Rossi's previous life "Einstein": Vegapunk ontology is promoting his project to Dover.

"Through my brain as a terminal, everyone's knowledge is recorded, and everyone can look up all kinds of knowledge, so that there will be no gap in the knowledge of the whole world, and everyone can become a learned person..."

"Fufufu, as long as you are happy."

For Vegapunk's dream, Suit Dover just smiled and said nothing.

how is this possible!

Why should important knowledge be shared with others?

And even with this knowledge... Dover seems to have seen the scene where Vegapunk's high-tech knowledge has spread, clone legions, plague gas bombs... and so on.

"The main body, Mr. Dover from another world."

At this moment, the Vegapunk avatar 'Shakya' with the word '01' on the helmet came over.

"I just spoke to the 'Dragon' of the Revolutionary Army on the phone."

"The 'Batholomew Big Bear' who was rescued by them suddenly left the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army by himself, and according to the information I intercepted: the bear crashed into the Red Earth Continent and landed in the Red Earth Port in Paradise, and is being captured by the World Government attack, the revolutionary army also rushed there."

"very good,"

Hearing the news, Suit Dover nodded in satisfaction.

"We will launch an attack from the 'Red Earth Port' in the New World, and the Revolutionary Army will attack the 'Red Earth Port' in the direction of the paradise, so let us—"

Attack left and right, and attack the Red Earth Continent in one go!