MTL - The Other Shore of the Immortal Firmament-Chapter 953 saint

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Dazheng has collected more than 500 fairy cities in the past few months. Even though Dazheng's laws are extremely friendly to the people, it is still somewhat difficult for everyone to fully recognize Dazheng in just a few months.

But now, Xiao Nanfeng is going to confront the saints, who are the minions of the heavens, who are the natural enemies who come to enslave them and prepare to send them to the heavens for slaughter.

At this moment, no one hesitated and raised their right hands one after another.

"Immortal Emperor, use my power to kill the saint."

"Heaven's minions should be killed, I will lend my power to the Immortal Emperor."

"Emperor Immortal, please use my power to kill the saint."

"Everyone raise their right hands, hurry up!"

Countless shouts sounded in the sky above Yongding Immortal Capital, and one could see streams of white light quickly gathering from all directions, heading straight for the Golden Dragon of Fortune, which was the power borrowed by the people of Dazheng.

The Luck Golden Dragon seems to have become a storage thing for this great national power, and I saw an extremely huge aura slowly emitting from the body of the Luck Golden Dragon, and it even stirred up a billowing storm.

Xiao Nanfeng soared into the sky and flew to the Golden Dragon of Luck. The Luck Golden Dragon also flew towards him, this time it didn't enter his body, but he stepped into the Luck Golden Dragon.

Suddenly, he felt that he was integrated with the golden dragon of luck. At this moment, he seemed to be a golden dragon of ten thousand feet. With a loud sound, the Luck Golden Dragon let out a loud roar, and there was a huge tremor in the surrounding space.

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"It's such a terrifying situation in the world of Dazheng. How many people in Dazheng have lent Xiao Nanfeng's power?"

"I think that all the people have borrowed their strength. Six hundred fairy cities, the power of this country is going to be overwhelming?"

"The Immortal Dynasty is different from the Dynasty Dynasty. The Dynasty Dynasty has limited power to control the power of the country, and the power that can be exerted is limited. With the Golden Dragon of Fortune, it can fully exert the power of all the power of the country. How much power should it have?"

Countless people exclaimed.

With a roar, the Wanzhang Golden Dragon flew towards the battlefield between Liu Miaoyin and the Void Saint.

On that battlefield, the blue sea was the boundary and the green sea was the heart. Two peerless powerhouses fought fiercely, where the blue light and green light pierced the sky and the earth, where the law of reincarnation and the law of death clashed, creating a huge aftermath of the battle.

Liu Miaoyin knew that she couldn't exert enough power because of her lack of cultivation, so she didn't dare to delay and tried her best as soon as she came up.

Suo Ming Sanyin can only be used as an assistant. She fully mobilized the power of the law of reincarnation to form countless green lotuses, wrapping towards the Void Saint.

When the Void Sage was torn apart, he looked at the countless lotus-shaped reincarnation powers, and said with an extremely ugly face: "Are you an ultra-limit squeeze law token? Are you a law token? Do you want to die with me?"

"I can revive after death, can you? The law of reincarnation, ten thousand lotuses burn!" Liu Miaoyin shouted coldly.

"No, you lunatic, die to me!" The Void Saint shouted.

There was a big bang, and a terrifying wave of emptiness swept across the four directions. The world in all directions trembled violently, and at the center of the explosion, the void burst, as if a hole had been blasted into the sky and the earth.

A suction force suddenly appeared in the hole, and with a whistling sound, everything around the big bang was sucked in. Liu Miaoyin, the Void Saint, the blue sea, the green sea, and the beam of law light converged and disappeared, and the world was instantly quiet.

"Where are they?"

"Missing? Breaking the void, crossing time and space?"

"Did they go to the Demon Emperor's Secret Realm?"

Countless people showed astonishment and kept guessing.

The next moment, the void trembled, and two figures reappeared.

There were a lot of cracks in Liu Miaoyin's body, and for a while, she seemed to be seriously injured, even more like she couldn't move. The Void Saint on the opposite side was not much better either. He spat out blood, clutched his chest, and was hunched, and seemed to be seriously injured.

"Liu Miaoyin, you lunatic, you're going to die with me? You're not qualified yet, ahem, come again!" The Void Saint spat out blood and said angrily.

"I'm coming!" A cold shout sounded.

The Void Saint turned his head, only to see a golden dragon flying towards him.

"Golden Dragon of Luck? Is this the trend of the world?" The Void Saint asked in surprise.

"Senior Miaoyin, leave it to me." Wanzhang Golden Dragon shouted loudly, and flew closer.

Faxiang Liu Miaoyin did not respond, but stood there motionless.

The sage of the void said with a hideous look on his face: "It's Xiao Nanfeng? You want to fight with me too? Do you think it's enough to control the power of a country? You are really an idiot!"

While speaking, he waved his hand, and once again waved a blue sea of ​​hell, rushing towards the ten thousand-foot golden dragon.

The ten thousand zhang golden dragon swung its tail down, and with a bang, the entire sea of ​​hell was thrown into a huge wave, and even exploded into pieces.

"It's impossible!" The Void Saint exclaimed.

At this moment, the dragon's tail flicked in front of him, and in his astonished eyes, hit his face. With a bang, his dharma form was thrown upside down, and the beam of law light behind him also suddenly dispersed.

There was a gasp in the Yongding Immortal Capital, and countless people watched in disbelief as the sage was slapped.

"How can Dazheng's national power be so strong? It's impossible!" the Void Saint shouted.

However, the ten thousand zhang golden dragon had already come close, tearing at it again with its dragon claws, and the Void Saint greeted him with a palm.

With a bang, three huge holes were scratched out of his palm, and blood spurted out.

With a scream of ah, he flipped his hands and hit the Wanzhang Golden Dragon, and the Wanzhang Golden Dragon also wrapped around him, and the two sides became entangled with each other.

Although the ten-thousand-foot golden dragon is huge, the figure of the Void Saint is also nearly ten thousand feet in size, so they are about the same size. However, the size of the Luck Golden Dragon can be large or small, and it became bigger in a blink of an eye, entwining the dharma of the Void Saint.

A man and a dragon fought fiercely at high altitude, and for a while, the aftermath of the impact from both sides caused the void to vibrate continuously.

The blue ocean envelops both sides again, and the beam of law light flashes again. Everyone can only see that in the blue ocean, one person and one dragon are tearing fiercely.

A large piece of dragon scale was shattered and thrown away by the huge force, and the flesh and blood of the Void Saint's dharma form was constantly torn off by the golden dragon.

"If I hadn't been seriously injured by Liu Miaoyin, which round would you hurt me? Let me die!" The Void Saint roared angrily.

"Roar!" Jin Long roared.

With a bang, the two sides tore a crack in the void again, causing the void to vibrate and create waves. Suddenly, a Faxiang's arm was torn off and flew out, spilling blood into the sky.

The golden dragon seemed to have infinite power, and during the battle, it became more ferocious and invincible. It created a monstrous storm in the blue ocean, causing countless voids to burst in all directions.

Countless monks in the city saw their scalps explode.

"Is this the power of a saint? It's terrifying!"

"Is the power of the Immortal Dynasty so strong?"

"It's not that the power of the Immortal Dynasty is strong, but that of the Great Zheng. How many dynasties can have six hundred immortal cities? In the past, the Great Yin and the Great Chi only had three hundred immortal cities. Secondly, not every immortal emperor To control the power of a country, the common people can all rely on it. Dazheng's national power this time is hard to replicate."

"It's too exaggerated. In this battle, even if the peak Daluo Jinxian enters, he will definitely die!"

Countless monks were shocked.

They couldn't see the center of the battlefield clearly, but they knew how terrifying the power of the battle was from the aftermath of the surrounding space.

What's more, on Da Zheng's side, Liu Miaoyin's faxiang stopped in the air. The frightened monks gradually calmed down at this moment, because they saw that one arm of the sage's face was torn and thrown away, which showed that Xiao Nanfeng had a great advantage.

With a bang, the blue sea suddenly exploded, and a huge hole burst out in the void, sucking countless blue seas into it, and then disappeared.

The Golden Dragon and the Void Saint suddenly separated.

The golden dragon had a lot of damage all over its body. The dragon's scales were torn off countless times, and its horns were also broken. Its body was full of scars.

On the opposite side, the image of the Void Saint has been torn apart, revealing the appearance of the Void Saint's body, but at this moment, his body is not much better, he is covered in blood, one arm was torn off, and he was caught by the other arm , There is a big blood hole on his head, which seems to be pierced by a dragon's claw, and he even vomits blood.

"Come again!" Jin Long roared.

The void sage trembled all over. He glanced at Liu Miaoyin who was watching the battle not far away. How could he have the idea of ​​fighting again?

"Xiao Nanfeng, I will come to you for revenge, just wait!" The Void Saint shouted.

With a bang, he turned around and fled towards the distance.

The ten thousand zhang golden dragon roared, opened its mouth and spit out, a beam of thunder and lightning, like a rainbow piercing the sun, chased away, and hit the Void Saint with a bang.

With a scream, the Void Saint once again burst out a lot of blood, but he was not shot down, but disappeared into the sky at a faster speed with a whoosh.

"Win?" Countless people were surprised.

But Jinlong shouted loudly: "I tell all the people in Dazheng, with our joint efforts, the saint of the void has been defeated and fled. This battle shows that the minions of the heavens are nothing more than this, and the saint is nothing more than this. This is the first time I have used Qi You are not familiar with Yun Jinlong going to battle, next time a saint comes, I will kill him."

"The Immortal Emperor is invincible!"

"Okay! Heaven's minions are nothing more than that, and saints are nothing more than that."

"Kill the saint, cut off the minions of heaven!"

Countless cheers came through Jinlong's feedback, and at this moment, the whole country was boiling.

Not only Countless monks watching the battle also showed astonishment.

"It turns out that saints are not invincible? Immortal emperors can also defeat saints? Quickly pass the news to me, Emperor Chaoxian."

"Xiao Nanfeng's defeat of the Void Sage has increased the confidence of the common people. Quickly, tell the sect and spread the word to the world."

"The newly promoted immortal emperor defeated the saint? This news must be known to all the common people."

Countless monks kept sending news through their avatars in excitement.

However, Xiao Nanfeng stepped out of the Wanzhang Golden Dragon, and the Golden Dragon flew up into the sky, and once again floated in its original position, overlooking all directions.

At this time, Liu Miaoyin's dharma form suddenly disappeared, and Liu Miaoyin disappeared, revealing a black lotus inside. Xiao Nanfeng hurriedly stepped forward to hold up the black lotus, and disappeared in place in a flash.

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