MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 241 Strange energy value

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  Chapter 241 Strange energy value

When various countries are constantly striving for the same plan, the three major earth-moon platforms have established an extremely complete satellite local area network. In this way, the Daxia ground command center has the authority to see the images detected by satellites of other countries .

  In this way, the satellite detection range can almost cover the entire solar system.

  Since a year ago, all satellites have been continuously detecting abnormal signals and capturing the figure of the alien fleet.

  5 years seems very short in such a development.

  When the twelve fairy palaces rose from the ground, more than half of the five-year period had passed.

   Judging from the satellite images taken, the twelve fairy palaces like Qionglou and Yuyu echo each other, forming a Beidou pattern on the entire earth.

  At the same time, these twelve fairy palaces are like the head of a giant dragon, located in Huaxia.

  The Tianding, which has been more than half completed, is the golden ball in the dragon's mouth.

   On the day when the construction of the Twelve Immortal Palaces was completed, bursts of cheers came from every construction site.

  In the past few years, the twelve construction sites did not dare to stop at all, just for today.

  Now that Asgard is completed, the person in charge of the construction can finally breathe a sigh of relief. The most important line of defense to defend the earth has been formed today.

  The architectural style full of oriental characteristics makes these twelve fairy palaces extremely eye-catching in various countries.

  Any building will be eclipsed in front of this first palace, especially the top of the fairy palace, which looks like a tower top. When the sun shines, it will faintly reflect light.

  There is a great sense of sight that the myth shines into reality.

   People from all over the world will also be amazed after seeing the Asgard.

   This is the charm of the ancient oriental country. Every brick and tile here interprets the cultural heritage of a big country for 5,000 years.

  But the people can only watch from a distance, it is difficult to get close.

  Because every country attaches great importance to this fairy palace, heavy troops were sent to guard it as soon as it was completed. The range of several kilometers was set as a military restricted area, and no unrelated people were allowed to approach.

  After the Asgard project was completed, the elite engineering team was quickly sent to the building to support the Tianding Project.

  At this time, the Tianding, which is more than ten meters high, has basically been built, but it needs to be heated continuously to draw the traces.

This is not a light job. The craftsmen have to bear the high temperature and use special equipment to quickly engrave the magic mark on it when the heating reaches the optimal temperature. However, because they cannot withstand this high temperature for a long time, the progress of the project very slowly.

   It’s fortunate that most of the craftsmen are genetic people of more than three generations. If they were ordinary people, they might not be able to hold it for even a second under the high temperature that can make the surface of the zenith soft.

  As engineers from all over the world came, although the overall progress was still slow, compared to before, the speed had improved a lot.

  But now there are only less than eight months left before the five-year period, so the engineers dare not delay at all, and work overtime day and night.

On the top of this mountain, especially in the dark night, you can always see the celestial cauldron that has been heated to a fiery red surface, like an artificial sun, dispelling the darkness in all directions and becoming the hope in the hearts of mankind Light.

   "Beep beep..."

  At the same time, in the command room on the ground of the brightly lit building, Zhang Keqi stood solemnly in front of the big screen and watched the monitoring images of satellites from various countries on the big screen.

  As a panicked siren sounded, a technician said hurriedly:

   "Commander! The computer satellite has detected an alien spaceship, and it has entered the solar system!"

   "It's finally here..."

  Even though Zhang Keqi was mentally prepared for this moment, he still felt uneasy when he actually heard the news.

  The images of the Tiannao satellite instantly appeared on the big screen, and a large number of flying saucers at the edge of the solar system flew into the detection range of the Tiannao satellite at an extremely fast speed.

   Obviously, the alien fleet has no intention of hiding at all. Otherwise, with their technology, they can completely appear in the sky above the earth without being discovered by satellites.

  Zhang Keqi gritted his teeth, his heart suppressed with anger, and the alien civilization's contempt for the earth can be clearly revealed through this.

   "The report currently monitors that more than 30 flying saucers have entered the solar system..."

  Technical staff are constantly reporting the latest developments, which also means that the time for Earth to prepare is running out.

   In a few months at most, alien flying saucers will come over the earth, and the 5-year war will finally begin.

   "Report! These flying saucers seem to be only a force for outer protection, and some positions of the core fleet have entered the solar system!"

  When the new news came, Zhang Keqi quickly pushed his glasses and looked at the updated picture seriously.

  On the edge that can be detected by Tiannao satellite, the head of the battleship like a hill has appeared.

  More and more battleships showed the tip of the iceberg. Due to the huge size of the battleships, they still couldn't see the whole picture of the battleships after a while.

   "Immediately conduct a global early warning and quickly hold a joint meeting!"

  Zhang Keqi immediately issued an emergency order. As the technician opened the dusty button with a key, and the moment he pressed it hard, there were rapid and piercing sirens from the space agencies of various countries.

  At the same time, a sharp air defense siren was heard over the entire building.

  All the practitioners withdrew from the practice one after another, looking up at the sky in surprise, all of them looked dignified.

  In the newly built secret dojo in Kunlun Mountain, 800 practitioners who were the first to step into the third realm and have reached the peak formed a secret elite team in the Kunlun Mountain Dojo.

   Among them, there are many familiar faces.

   Zhou Xiaoxiao and the others looked up at the sky in surprise. Although they couldn't see anything at the moment, the simultaneous sounding of the national air defense alarm meant that the five-year period was approaching.

  Gu Ye subconsciously turned the big knife in his hand, and Chen Ye, who was standing beside him, unconsciously put his hand on the holster around his waist.

Practitioners from all over the place stood up as if they were facing a formidable enemy. The moment these practitioners completely let go of their aura, a strong wind composed of breath was set off in each dojo, whistling in the mountains and forests, stirring up the forest. There are countless birds.

   And those foreigners who supported the construction of various industries in the building also stopped their work and looked out the window nervously.

  Everyone's face is full of panic, this day will come after all.

  The alarm sounded, indicating that the alien fleet had entered the solar system.

  This inevitable battle has officially entered the countdown, and the survival of mankind has also begun to face a gamble with an unknown outcome.

  After receiving the notice, the heads of state entered the joint meeting room in a hurry.

  Since extremely stable signal transmission channels have been established around the world, all the leaders in the joint meeting room appear in the form of holographic projections.

  They are all sitting in their respective conference rooms, and with the appearance of holographic projections, each leader can appear here as if they were personally on the scene.

  Big Xia Supreme Commander Feng Jiwen looked at everyone solemnly and said:

   "The latest news, my country's Tiannao satellite has detected the alien fleet entering the solar system.

  These alien fleets obviously didn't intend to hide from the earth at all, and broke in just like that.

  According to what we know so far, the alien flying saucers that entered the solar system were used as reconnaissance teams.

  At present, we have not been able to discover the overall appearance of these main battleships. Only part of them have entered the solar system. It can be seen that these battleships are huge, far beyond our imagination.

  From now on, all countries are on alert. In the next few months, all practitioners in Daxia will also make a final impact.

   Now is still the most critical moment, please be fully prepared! "

   This is the shortest meeting that has been held since the establishment of the joint meeting project. The entire meeting process is less than 10 minutes.

  But in such a short meeting, the heads of state are talking about major issues that are related to the life and death of the entire planet.

  As the heads of state of various countries withdrew from the meeting one after another, all countries quickly sounded the highest level of alarm, and a large number of soldiers and armored vehicles passed through the streets.

  Gunship helicopters, fighter jets are constantly passing by in the air.

   All this made all the people clearly aware that the five-year period is now drawing to a close.

   In a few months at most, this unprecedented battle is about to start.

  At the same time, various Wen Dao bureaus in the building reported the information of the practitioners from all over the place to the Beijing General Bureau.

  The director of the General Administration quickly reviewed the materials, and then reported to the supreme command. At present, most of the practitioners have entered the third realm.

  The rest of those who have never stepped into the second realm are already at the peak of the second realm, and they are going to sprint to the third realm with all their strength in the next few months.

   Regarding this data, Feng Jiwen couldn't actually make a clear judgment, because he didn't know what kind of strength this third realm could exert.

   It is best for Su Yun to answer this kind of matter, but it has been almost 5 years since Su Yun retreated, and he has never left the closed door, and there is no sign of leaving the closed door now.

   This made Feng Jiwen very anxious, and he called Zhao Guofeng more than once to ask about Su Yun's situation.

   Now the earth has reached its final juncture, and it is the time when Su Yun's appearance is most needed to stabilize the overall situation.

  After all, no matter it is the Twelve Immortal Palace or the Heavenly Cauldron, only Su Yun can activate it, so that it can really play a role.

   Therefore, Feng Jiwen couldn't help but worry about it. If Su Yun still didn't leave the customs when the battle started, what would happen to the earth?

  A few years ago, Feng Jiwen would never have imagined that one day the fate of all mankind would depend on one person.

   But now when Feng Jiwen has this kind of worry in his heart, he instinctively thinks of Su Yun, the Great Xia Dao Patriarch, an unprecedented legendary figure.

   But Feng Jiwen is also very clear that it is meaningless to think so much now, and the most urgent task is to formulate a perfect countermeasure as soon as possible.

  These practitioners in Daxia do not have the strength of Su Yun, so once the alien warship appears above the earth, these practitioners will not be of much use for the time being.

   Unless the air defense capabilities fail and these alien fleets land on the ground, practitioners will have the power to fight the alien civilization.

   Therefore, the first to enter the state of emergency combat readiness is naturally the three major earth-moon platforms, and Nantianmen has naturally become the most important tactical deployment area.

  One hundred and thirty door **** mechas are urgently assembled on the platform at this moment.

  Compared to the last invasion of alien flying saucers, Nantianmen's technological development has never stopped in the past five years.

   Today's door **** mecha has faster speed, stronger firepower, and even stronger defense capabilities.

  In addition, the power of all energy cannons has been greatly enhanced, and the nuclear magnetic barrier is also sufficient to allow the three-party platforms to be connected to form a protective network over the earth.

   Followed by fighter jets from various countries and the close deployment of surface-to-air missiles.

  Once the first line of defense formed by the three major platforms is breached, alien warships will enter the earth, and then fighter jets and the latest missiles from various countries will be their second line of defense.

  If even this line of defense fails to stop the alien fleet, all countries can rely on the practitioners of the building, the Twelve Immortal Palace and the Heavenly Cauldron.

  If the situation really develops to this point, then the cultivators of today will really shoulder the heavy responsibility of the rise and fall of the whole world.

   Just as the whole people were on alert, and countries began to prepare for a battle that could start at any time, an accident that no one expected suddenly happened.

  Tracking and detecting the building of the alien fleet 24 hours a day, the ground command center was the first to discover this weird problem.

  In the last second, the latest monitoring images continuously formed by satellites were displayed on the screen.

  But in the next second, the alien fleet on the screen disappeared inexplicably.

  All the technicians looked at each other, and Zhang Keqi's eyes widened in astonishment.

   No matter how to strengthen the satellite detection energy, it is impossible to capture any alien spacecraft.

   "What's going on? Could it be that these alien fleets suddenly activated the shielding system?"

   Zhang Keqi's speculation is not unreasonable. After all, with the technological capabilities of the alien fleet, it is easy to block the detection of the earth.

   But soon, a technician frowned and said:

   "Commander, it doesn't seem that simple.

  At the moment when the alien fleet disappeared from the satellite detection screen, the Tiandao satellite detected a surge of energy.

  The intensity of this energy is unprecedented on the earth, and this energy does not have an upward trend that should exist, but appears and disappears in an instant.

  This... does not conform to the laws of energy..."

  This result made Zhang Keqi feel as if he was facing an enemy, and quickly reported it to the highest command.

   Not long after, all the heads of state of the countries learned of the news, and they were all dumbfounded...

  (end of this chapter)