MTL - The Police Called Me For The Filing, Revealing Me, A Master-Chapter 242 earth catastrophe day one

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  Chapter 242 The first day of Earth Disaster Day

  The alien fleet suddenly disappeared?

  After hearing the news, the heads of state were puzzled.

   For a while, no one knew what the alien fleet was going to do?

  Since there was no intention to hide, and entered the solar system so openly, why did it suddenly disappear without a trace not long after?

   And this disappearance is not simply blocking one's own signal.

  Through that weird energy fluctuation, Zhang Keqi and other technicians speculated that the alien fleet really disappeared in the solar system.

   "Could it be that they suddenly changed their plans?"

   "Or is there another conspiracy?"

  In the joint conference room, the heads of state were all in a daze, discussing endlessly.

  Feng Jiwen was also sitting in the conference room with a solemn expression at this time, thinking over and over all the possibilities.

  Because this is a war for all mankind, relevant news has been open to the public through the official media.

  Originally all Daxia cultivators, I have already made preparations for the war in a few months.

  Now after learning the latest news, everyone is dumbfounded.

   "What's going on? What are these aliens going to do?"

   "I don't think it's that simple, maybe the aliens are brewing some bigger conspiracy."

   "It's unreasonable to say that. After all, in the eyes of aliens, our earth is very backward. If they want to invade, it is enough for us to drink a pot. There is no need for any conspiracy, right?"

   Not only the general public, but everyone in the world is wondering about this matter.

   It took 5 years of hard work to prepare. Although everyone hoped that this battle would not start in the end, it did not end inexplicably like this.

   This makes everyone uneasy, always feel that alien fleets are likely to suddenly appear in the sky above the earth.

   This is also the concern of the heads of state, so the patrol fleets of the three platforms are constantly patrolling around the clock.

  The space agencies of various countries have also launched all satellite retrieval procedures, continuously searching for the figure of the alien fleet.

   But as a few days passed, these alien fleets disappeared without a trace as if they had suddenly evaporated.

  All countries seem to have suddenly lost their goals at this moment, and the inner anxiety has not eased due to the passage of time.

  All countries are still on the highest alert, and the air domain has become the main concern of various countries.

   No one really believed in the alien fleet. After finally coming to the solar system, they suddenly gave up the plan and turned away.

  They are more willing to believe that the alien fleet, perhaps hiding themselves, is quietly approaching the earth.

  All the practitioners in Daxia are well aware of the responsibilities they bear, so although they also feel flustered, they adjusted their mentality in the shortest possible time and entered the practice again.

  Zhang Keqi has never given up on the investigation of the alien fleet. The Tiannao system has been searching for the alien fleet 24 hours a day within the detection range of the solar system.

  All countries are still fighting, they have to prepare for the worst.

  Once an alien fleet appears over the earth one day, if they go into combat readiness at that time, they will probably miss the best time to engage in battle.

   Therefore, the sudden disappearance of the alien fleet did not reassure various countries, but instead fell into a more anxious state of tension.


  This night, Shenzhao Kingdom was shrouded in darkness, and most people had fallen asleep.

   A small number of people who just got off the night shift returned home, and at this time they were also exhausted sitting on the sofa, watching boring TV series to relieve the mental pressure of the day.

  Shenzhao Country is surrounded by the sea on all sides, so the wind in the four seasons will bring the salty and humid feeling of the sea.

  But for some reason, the sea breeze that blows into Shenzhao Kingdom today has a very strong stench.

Some people who hadn't fallen asleep soon smelled the stench. They stood up one after another, walked to the window suspiciously and closed the window, but the smell could still come in through the cracks and lingered for a long time. .

   At this time, in the self-defense guard area established in the Donghai Port area, the soldiers wearing the Shenzhao Kingdom military uniform also frowned at this time, and looked towards the dark sea in doubt.

   "Why does it smell so bad all of a sudden?"

   "Looks like a bunch of dead fish have been rotting for ages..."

   "It's time for us to take care of the ecology of the sea area. This smell is really disgusting."

  The soldiers frowned, pinching their noses and complaining. When someone subconsciously glanced at the sea, they quickly noticed that there seemed to be something floating on the sea within the range covered by the light.

   "Look, what is that?"

   More and more soldiers came to the beach, and some even took out night vision binoculars to look towards the sea.

   It doesn't matter if you look at it, but the sea is full of dead fish with belly upturned, densely spread on the sea surface, which makes your scalp numb.

  The stench seems to come from these dead fish.

   Soon, Ichiro Yamamoto, the head of the guard area of ​​the East Sea Port Self-Defense Force, hurried over, and the soldiers insisted on giving way.

   "What's going on? What are you all doing here?"

   Suppressing the disgusting stench, Ichiro Yamamoto took the night vision binoculars from the soldiers and looked towards the sea.

  The densely packed dead fish on the sea surface vary in size, and you can even see some giants in the fish school.

Ichiro Yamamoto quickly reported the incident. The originally quiet guard area quickly dispatched many ships to the sea to salvage the dead fish, and prepared to take samples to check the dead fish. what is it.

  The soldiers on the boat approached the dead fish slowly. The stench became stronger as they walked forward, and in the end it even made people feel a little breathless.

  When the fishing nets were cast down, tens of thousands of dead fish were dragged onto the fishing boats one after another.

  But at the moment when they saw these dead fish, all the soldiers were a bit astonished in their eyes.

  Most of these dead fish have been fragmented, and many of them have even disappeared from the lower half of their bodies.

  This phenomenon is obviously completely different from the previous speculation that a large number of fish populations may have died due to pollution.

  The soldiers also became more and more confused, what caused this phenomenon?

   At this moment, a soldier on another fishing boat seemed to have discovered something. While looking into the distance through the binoculars, he shouted loudly to the others:

   "Looking at the distance, it seems that something is floating over..."

  When all the soldiers looked through the binoculars, they realized that there was a huge monster like a hill floating on the sea.

   A whale!

   This whale is obviously dead, and gradually drifts towards the sea with the waves.

   This is not a matter that can be solved by relying on the guards. The salvage department received a call overnight and quickly dispatched staff.

  The lights of the salvage ship illuminated the offshore area, and the operation of a large-scale equipment caused the whale to be gradually dragged to the shore.

   There is a large through-hole on the body of the whale, which looks like tooth marks.

   You must know that whales are the largest mammals on earth today, and this whale is the largest subspecies of whales, the southern blue whale.

   Its body length alone has reached 30 meters, and its weight is more than 200 tons.

   Such a dominant existence, how could there be piercing tooth marks?

   This must be caused by an animal several times larger than a whale, so in the concept of everyone, this is absolutely impossible.


   Just when everyone was puzzled by this, the originally calm sea suddenly set off a stormy sea, accompanied by waves of tremors.

  Shenzhao Country has a special geographical location, and earthquakes and tsunamis are commonplace in Shenzhao Country.

  However, under normal circumstances, earthquakes and tsunamis are below magnitude 5.

  But this time the earthquake was completely different, and the entire Shenzhao Kingdom began to shake in an instant.

  The citizens woke up from their sleep one after another, screaming and ran out of their rooms, onto the open ground.

   Citizens in pajamas, messy hair, and helpless eyes can be seen everywhere.

  They didn't know what happened at all, and the moment they woke up from their sleep, they instinctively ran out.

  The tranquility of Shenzhao Country was broken, and the technicians in the Geological Bureau quickly began to estimate the magnitude of the earthquake and its possible duration.

  And as the data on the screen in front of me continues to rise, the current earthquake has only just begun, and it has already reached a terrifying level of 7.

  Earthquakes above magnitude 6 are already considered extremely destructive earthquakes, not to mention the depth of the epicenter is very deep. According to various data, it should be a submarine earthquake.

   All of a sudden, the phones in the Geological Bureau rang one after another, and the top leaders of the country called to ask why there was no warning before the earthquake?

   But this is also the doubt of all the technicians in the Geological Bureau. There was no warning for this earthquake, so it is impossible to give an early warning.

  A large number of houses collapsed, and the city near the sea was turned into ruins in a short period of time.

  The technicians are frantically operating in front of the computer, and their task is to give early warning to all natural disasters.

   At this time, it is natural to figure out what is the cause of this inexplicable earthquake.

  In order to detect the seabed environment, Shenzhao Kingdom has long set up multiple radars below.

   The detection radar of the Geological Bureau also played a role at this moment, and the basic situation of the seabed at this time can be roughly grasped through the radar.

   "Beep beep..."

  On the big screen, after the radar was activated, the radar value reached its peak in an instant, and at the same time, an extremely piercing alarm sounded.

   "Report, the east seabed radar has detected a high-speed moving object!"

   "Report, the radar in the west has also detected it, looking at the data is a big thing!"

   "Report, the southern radar has been destroyed and the signal has been disconnected."

   "Report, the video imaging of the northern radar only intercepted part of the picture, and it was also destroyed!"

  The director of the Geological Bureau came to the big screen with his brows furrowed. This situation was something they had never encountered before.

  These radars are all set up deep in the seabed, and in order to prevent the fish from approaching, there will be some interfering radar waves released, so that the fish will stay away from the radar.

  And the metals that make up these radars are not something that ordinary fish can destroy. Even when sharks see the radars, they will choose to take a detour.

   What went wrong, two of the four radars were destroyed?

   "Turn the video screen over immediately!"

   Following the director's order, the technicians quickly adjusted part of the picture formed by the last radar to the screen.

  The entire video is only two seconds long, and there are two huge green objects on the dark seabed, approaching the radar at an extremely fast speed.

  The moment the object approached the radar, the radar screen disappeared, but at the end of the disappearance, the director was shocked to find that behind the two huge green objects was an endless black shadow.



  Everyone present was surprised by this. Obviously, this picture shows that the radar was destroyed by a creature.

   But everyone couldn't figure out what it was.

  Because the bottom of the sea is pitch black and the light of the radar is limited, it is difficult to see clearly what is attacking the radar.

   "Beep beep..."

   "Report! There are unknown creatures on the bottom of the sea, approaching the sea at a very high speed!"

   Another piece of frightening news, the director reported the news to the emperor immediately.


   At this moment, the sea surface of Donghai Port exploded, and the waves were hundreds of feet high.

  The entire Shenzhao Kingdom was shaking violently, as if it had encountered the doomsday.

  The streets and alleys are full of citizens fleeing in panic, and they are looking for the nearest shelter.

  But this sudden eruption on the sea can hardly fail to attract the attention of the citizens.

  When the citizens looked towards the sea one after another, they saw two green lanterns looming amidst the monstrous waves.


  Accompanied by a deafening and strange roar, a colossal creature appeared in its entirety in the dark night.

   A giant beast hundreds of meters long rushed out of the sea, and the green beams were actually the eyes of the giant beast.

  If Su Yun was present at this moment, he would be able to recognize this monster at a glance.

   It is the starry sky behemoth that followed the alien fleet and could travel the universe!

  At this moment, it is like a flying mountain, approaching the Shenzhao Kingdom overwhelmingly.

  In an instant, an alarm was raised over the entire Shenzhao Kingdom, and the Emperor looked at the picture sent back from the scene, his eyes widened with everyone, and disbelief was written all over his face.

   It's like a monster in a sci-fi movie. The giant beast's body is covered with an unknown black metal, and its **** mouth opens wide, as if it can easily swallow the entire Shenzhao Kingdom.


  The flying speed of the behemoth is very slow, but its whole body is extremely hard, and the houses and houses collapsed in the places it passes, and there is a tendency that there will be no grass.


   "The monster is coming!"

  The citizens fled in a panic and screamed. In a short period of time, Shenzhao Kingdom truly staged the doomsday in the sci-fi movie...

  (end of this chapter)