MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 74

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The housekeeper Yin Yin was outside the door, holding a whole box of protective equipment, and then Mr. Huo went to his side to take a cold shower and used two inhibitors for himself.

The housekeeper was lying on the side, regretting: "Mr. Huo..."

Huo Lan didn't like his tone for some reason, frowned and turned around.

The housekeeper did not dare to persuade him, so he prepared auxiliary drugs to reduce side effects: "Mr. Liang doesn't mind, you-"

Huo Lan said in a deep voice, "He's not healthy."

Mr. Liang usually acts too healthy, the housekeeper almost forgot about this, he was stunned when he heard the words, and didn't say anything.

Huo Lan took the inhibitor, closed his eyes and rested for a while, and pressed his forehead.

The housekeeper handed over the auxiliary medicine: "Are you worried?"

Huo Lan whispered: "His agent said that he went to the flower bed when he was drunk."

In order to prevent Mr. Huo from not being able to deal with Mr. Liang who was in a drunken state, the housekeeper had already told him in detail once, and was stunned: "Yes... I was found later."

When the housekeeper and the agent exchanged information, he listened very carefully: "When Mr. Duan went to look for it, he also saw Mr. Liang drunk and crying alone in the lounge..."

Huo Lan: "He was sober at that time."

The housekeeper was stunned.

Huo Lan didn't say more, got up and walked back to the master bedroom.

Mr. Liang spent a long time in the bathroom.

Huo Lan waited at the door for half an hour, finally worried, tried knocking on the door a few times, but heard no answer.

Huo Lang's heart was hanging: "Liang Xiao?"

The bathroom is quiet except for the faint sound of water.

Huo Lankan stopped and his voice was soft.

Liang Xiao rested on the edge of the bathtub and slept heartlessly.

It seems that most of them are worried that they will slip into the bathtub. In the last limited time of sobriety, Liang Xiao also wrapped himself around the hose of the shower several times with a sense of safety.

Huo Lan stood for a while, almost shocked by his extraordinarily full safety awareness, pressed his forehead, and squatted down.

Liang Xiao thought that he was blocking the light, so he grumbled dissatisfiedly, and ripped his head aside.

Huo Lan cooperated to move away some places, let the warm light shower him, and leaned against his shoulders.

Liang Xiao had probably slept for a while, and there was almost a bit of ice in the place that was not submerged in the water, and several obvious red marks were strangled by the spring metal tube.

His complexion is pale, and the red marks are already a little scary. However, Mr. Liang, who was very safety-conscious, was still particularly firm. Huo Lan tried to pull him several times, but he firmly held on to his safety rope.

"It's alright...I'm here."

Huo Lan coaxed him in a low voice: "I'm here."

Liang Xiao opened his eyes with both hands and struggled to identify for a long time: "Huo Lan?"

Huo Lan held his hand and kissed his eyes: "Yeah."

Liang Xiao cleared his mind completely, and opened it more than usual. He was happy when he saw him, holding the shower head and mercilessly sprayed the water on their face, Mr. Huo.

Huo Lan: “…”

Liang Xiao really always wanted to know: "Will it freeze into an ice mask? Take it off..."

“…” Huo Lan: “No.”

Huo Lan wanted to make him happy, patiently, answering questions softly: "It will freeze a layer of frost."

Liang Xiao: "?!"

Huo Lan took the shower when he wasn't paying attention, tested the temperature, and poured some hot water on him carefully: "When I first differentiated, I couldn't control anything."

Liang Xiao thought about the little Huo Lan who had a layer of frost on his eyebrows, and was amused by himself and laughed non-stop: "Young and old... I wish I could see it."

Huo Lan raised the corner of his mouth and touched his head: "Originally——"

Liang Xiao was very worried that she would accidentally drown in the bathtub, so she didn't dare to take a good dip, and shook her head reluctantly.

Huo Lan didn't rush him, he helped him steady, and put the shower back: "Soak for a while."

Liang Xiao is very picky and not satisfied: "I'm panicking."

Huo Lan was slightly startled when he heard the words, he supported him with one hand, and tried to touch: "It's cypress."

Liang Xiao didn't know cypress very well, but he knew Mr. Huo's shoulders well. Sitting in the water, he tugged at the sleeves of Huo Lan's shirt.

Huo Lan: “…”

Mr. Liang not only has a strong sense of safety, but also has a very accurate estimate of his drunk performance.

Huo Lan had used the inhibitor, and was no longer worried that he would freeze to him.

Liang Xiao buried herself on the familiar chest and shoulders, firmly grasped the hem of Huo Lan's shirt, completely relieved, and the whole person slowly melted into the water.

Huo Lan protected him and said softly, "Liang Xiao."

Liang Xiao slipped further and further down, vaguely feeling that it was not enough to just pull on the shirt, so he touched and tugged at random.

Huo Lan: “…”

Huo Lan raised his hand and tried his best to protect: "Liang Xiao."

Liang Xiao was woken up a little and looked up in confusion.

His eyebrows are delicate, moistened by water vapor, making his eyes clear and clear.

Huo Lan looked at himself in his eyes: "When you have something on your mind, tell me."

Hearing the housekeeper talk about Liang Xiao venting when he was drunk, Huo Lan didn't have time to think about it. It was not until Liang Xiao tried desperately to let him go at the door of the villa that the fragments that he knew were finally pieced together one by one, and the first clues were seen.

Liang Xiao was too tolerant, she swallowed the grievances and hardships without taking it seriously.

I couldn't help it, so I cried soberly by getting drunk.

Huo Lan sometimes even thinks that there are so many things in Liang Xiao's hidden places that he doesn't even know.

Huo Lan closed his eyes and tried his best to endure it for a while, but he couldn't help it. He lowered his head and kissed Liang Xiao in the warm steam.

The shower was dutifully pouring hot water, and the slightly cool lips were gently rubbed, a little bit of emotion.

Liang Xiao was dazedly kissed for a while, and suddenly realized, her eyes lit up, and she actively sat on his lap.

Huo Lan: “…”

Mr. Liang's positive energy, how many charming emotions also died prematurely.

Huo Lan hugged him, changed his posture, and asked Liang Xiao to lean on him: "You can tell me... I won't be affected."

Huo Lan was quiet, but felt that what he said was not very accurate, and corrected softly: "I will feel pain, but it will not affect work and life, nor will I be affected by emotions for too long. "

"We are family now."

Huo Lan hugged him and continued to say, "It's time to take care of each other, two people share one's mind."

Huo Lan nodded.

Liang Xiao raised his head: "QAQ."

Huo Lan felt a pain in his chest, touched his head, and said softly, "What's wrong?"

"You have nothing to hide from me." Liang Xiao had no idea about his family, and believed him very much, so he couldn't help but criticize and condemn himself, "I have something to hide from you."

Huo Lan: “…”

Huo Lan was a little guilty, and said in a low voice, "Me too—"

Liang Xiao didn't listen to him, turned around and dragged him: "Huo Lan, do you remember what I said before, the person I met in Jiangnan..."

Huo Lan will not move: "…"

"Don't be jealous, help me find him." Liang Xiao's voice was a little hoarse, holding Huo Lan's hand, "Help me find him."

Huo Lan was so suffocated that he could hardly breathe, he was silent for a while, he took him into his arms, and whispered against his forehead, "Why?"

"I wonder if he's okay..."

Liang Xiao never said this to anyone, palpitated on his shoulders and whispered for a while, "I'm sorry for him."

Huo Lan hoarsely: "No—"

"He probably needed me as a friend at the time."

Liang Xiao was in a hurry and didn't know how to make it clear: "He is very similar to you, and he always thinks that others will not like him or speak, but he is actually very good."

Huo Lan was speechless and stared at Liang Xiao.

"Really...I didn't understand it at the time, so I ran away."

Liang Xiao is really worried: "Will he stop making friends? What if someone treats him well, but he doesn't believe it? I am such a good person, will I be alone and desolate all my life..."

Huo Lan: “…”

Huo Lan did not expect that he would be so miserable in Liang Xiao's vision, opened his mouth and tried to explain: "He——"

"Just pretend to be yourself and think about it."

Liang Xiao was afraid that he would not understand: "You are really similar, if I hadn't been able to overthrow him with one hand back then, I would have thought that the two of you were actually the same person."

Huo Lan closed his eyes, hesitating whether to let Liang Xiao turn himself over again: "He will be fine."

Liang Xiao frowned: "Then help me say sorry to him."

Huo Lan shook his head: "You didn't feel sorry for him either."

Liang Xiao's logic in a drunken state can only stick to this point, completely exhausted: "Then he has something to do."

Huo Lan hoarsely: "No..."

Liang Xiao: "Then say sorry."

Huo Lan: “…”

Huo Lan was approached to death by him. After a moment of silence, he made up his mind and lifted Liang Xiao gently: "Do you want to see him?"

Liang Xiao shook his head firmly: "I don't want to."

Huo Lan: "What if he really wants to see you?"

Liang Xiao was stunned for a moment, then looked at Huo Lan hesitantly: "Is he angry with me? Does he actually want to beat me?"

"He doesn't want to." Huo Lan whispered, "He just wants to hug you."

Liang Xiao wanted to ask again, but when she heard this sentence, her chest suddenly froze.

Huo Lan waited for a while, seeing that he didn't say anything, he was a little worried, and lowered his head: "Why-"

Huo Lan stopped talking, wrapped Liang Xiao into his arms, and wiped away the dripping tears on his face.

"It's alright..."

Huo Lan hugged him tightly and kissed his eyes gently: "It's can cry, don't hold back."

Liang Xiao bit her lip and shook her head vigorously: "No."

Huo Lan whispered: "Why?"

"I have something to hide from him." Liang Xiao was confused, "I'll just cry myself for a while, I can't let him hear."

Huo Lan's chest tightened: "What's the matter-"

Liang Xiao stopped talking, leaned against him and coughed a few times, she slowly suppressed her tears and let it go.

Huo Lan didn't force him, touched Liang Xiao's hair, took the honey water prepared and fed it to his lips: "Take a sip."

Liang Xiao is too hot: "I want to drink cold."

Huo Lan: “…”

Huo Lan never knew that his pheromone had so many uses, so he took it a little farther and helped him cool off.

Liang Xiao took a few sips, eased her mind, and suddenly became a little wary: "No... What did he think, why do we know now?"

Huo Lan was worried about provoking him again, not sure if he should say it now, he hesitated: "I-"

"Which island in the Atlantic Ocean is he locked up on now?" Liang Xiao became nervous, "Is he tied to a stool and won't drink water? Is he scratching the soles of his feet with feathers?"

"..." Huo Lan wasn't quite sure what script Liang Xiao had taken over the years: "No."

Huo Lan made up her mind and said softly, "He wanted to see you, so... contacted me."

Huo Lan: "Do you want to see him?"

"I—" Liang Xiao hesitated, a little nervous, "Can I think about it for a week?"

Huo Lan nodded.

Liang Xiao is determined to find at least some teaching assistants from that year this week, and make up for the textbooks that have been thrown away for many years.

Maybe two people have not seen each other for many years, and it is rare to meet again, the other party will take out a set of papers and let him take the test on the spot.

Liang Xiao hiccupped, thought about it logically and thoughtfully, and couldn't help gossip: "How is he now?"

"Very good." Huo Lan said, "Meeting someone he really likes, the two of them are together, and it's better than any day before."

Liang Xiao was completely relieved and excited: "I also met, what a coincidence."

Huo Lan's heart was so soft that he circled Liang Xiao closer and kissed gently.

Liang Xiao particularly liked this kind of intimacy, so she rubbed with him, ambitious: "I want to give him a message."

Huo Lan nodded: "Okay."

Liang Xiao waited for a long time: "Don't you take your phone?"

Huo Lan: “…”

Huo Lan touched the phone, clicked on the recording, and found a good angle for him.

Liang Xiao solemnly cleared her throat, coughed, her ears a little red: "Sheep..."

Huo Lan frowned and covered the microphone: "What?"

Liang Xiao was about to show off to an old friend who already had a home to show off that he was taking a bath with his home, but was interrupted abruptly, and was stunned: "The nickname, I gave him."

Of course Huo Lan knew it was a nickname, but the little Huo Lan back then didn't understand the Jiangnan accent, so he thought that Xiao Liangxiao just couldn't use the words and raised the ending: "Why is it called this?"

"Because he's really too fat." Liang Xiao turned off the recording and turned back to Huo Lan to tell him, "He believes what others say. When I say run away from home, he takes me with him. When I got home, I said I lost the meal card, and he kept the meal card for me."

Liang Xiao couldn't help complaining: "The bodyguards who bought him lied to him and bought him some shoddy things to fool him, he couldn't see it at all. I learned his calligraphy. I wrote a note to let those people be honest..."

Huo Lan didn't even know about this, and stared at Liang Xiao blankly without saying a word.

Liang Xiao thought that he was telling a joke, looked at Huo Lan with a stunned expression, stunned, and shook his hands twice in front of him: "What's wrong?"

Huo Lan pressed his forehead hard and took a deep breath: "It's okay."

Liang Xiao was worried that he had something to do with him, and muttered: "Then I will call him a fat sheep, and he is very happy to agree..."

Huo Lan carefully supported Liang Xiao for stability, and stood up in a trance.

Liang Xiao watched him go out, even more worried: "Where to?"

“…go to the snow.”

Huo Lan: "Soon."

Liang Xiao's wine force wanted to surge up again, she couldn't help but wanted to chase out and build a snowman, but she held it back, and while she was awake, she dried herself and changed into pajamas .

The housekeeper stood at the door with the hangover soup. He was shocked when Huo Lan** walked out with heavy steps: "Mr. Huo! What's the matter?"

Huo Lan stood firm: "...It's okay."

"You change your shoes, there are ice **** underneath."

The housekeeper helped him stabilize: "Did Mr. Liang say something? Don't worry, I have already told Mr. Duan that you are twelve years old..."

Huo Lan: "No need to talk."

Housekeeper: "!"

Huo Lan was in a complicated mood. He took off his soaked clothes, wiped them dry, changed into pajamas, and sat dazedly at the table.

The housekeeper was worried: "Did you... hear something?"

Huo Lan: "Yes."

The housekeeper asked, "What did you hear?"

Huo Lan closed his eyes: "He was—"

Huo Lan didn't say any more, took the hangover soup and took a sip.

Juvenile Huo Lanchu returned to Huo's house. He was cold and indifferent, refusing others for thousands of miles, and he was determined.

The housekeeper was terrified of him back then, and asked carefully: "Why did you change it to this..."

The young Huo Lan was indifferent and lonely, standing in front of the window without explaining.

That night, the young Huo Lan entered the small study alone, with Xuan on his shoulders focused on keeping a diary.

Huo Lan had a severe headache, so she closed the diary and gave it to the housekeeper to lock it up so that no one could see it.

At the bottom of the diary, the iron painted silver hook penetrates the back of the paper.

[Flying. 】

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