MTL - The President of Spicy Chicken Has Returned My Innocence!-Chapter 75

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Next day.

Mr. Huo has recently settled in major presidential suites, and it is rare to come back. Logically, he should go back to deal with some company affairs that require an interview.

The secretary carefully asked three times, but Huo Lan still stayed there for the night. When Liang Xiao woke up and had a chat with Mr. Liang after breakfast, he hurried out the door.

Duan Ming took a moment to come in, looking at the slowly withering Liang Xiao, he couldn't hold back his curiosity: "What happened?"

Liang Xiao's heart was ashes: "I don't know..."

Duan Ming puzzled: "Then what are you worried about?"

"I'm worried if I don't know."

Liang Xiao broke off after drinking alcohol. This time, it took a long time. Holding his head, he had a hangover and headache: "Mr. Huo refuses to tell me."

Duan Ming comforted him: "Could it be that you were really honest this time..."

"I thought so too at first."

Liang Xiao sighed: "But I really can't convince myself that the row of little snowmen in the refrigerator was pinched by Mr. Huo who had nothing to do with his own pheromones."

Duan Ming: "…"

Liang Xiao had only a vague impression of what happened last night, and vaguely remembered that Huo Lan said that it was going to snow, went out for a while, and came back with sober soup.

When feeding him, he had an idea and poked Mr. Huo's itchy flesh.

Liang Xiao is not sure if Mr. Huo’s throat is still a little hoarse this morning or not because of this. Will there be a shadow, and I won't be allowed to drink in the future?"

Duan Ming widened his eyes: "Do you still want to drink?"

"I can't say for sure." Liang Xiao couldn't help but imagine, planning ahead, "In case, at some point, I need to drink some wine to cheer up the fun..."

Duan Ming looked at him for a long time, took the water cup out of his hand, and put another thermos cup in it.

Liang Xiao took a sip and was very happy: "Sweet, what soup?"

"Lotus and Osmanthus Soup, Mr. Huo is afraid that you will suffer from a hangover, so I will boil it to soothe your mind."

Duan Ming: "Drink it, wake up after drinking it, and sleep again."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Duan Ming patted him on the shoulder: "When you fall asleep, you have everything in your dreams."

Star Crown, President's Office.

The president is rarely in the office, and the ministers of Star Crown are conscientious and conscientious, and seize the opportunity to come to summarize the work.

“…Considering the fluctuation of traffic, the monthly income was not significantly affected.”

The last report of the operation department, hand in the report: "Affected by "Year Removal", it has been stable and rising year-on-year."

"But considering the acquisition of Longtao, the liquidity is still relatively insufficient." The Finance Department added, "In the first half of the year, we still need the cooperation of all departments to increase revenue and reduce expenditure."

Director of the Marketing Department: "Mr. Huo has agreed to participate in the variety show and personally set an example for the company's open source."

The Minister of Public Relations also received the official letter, and was very impressed with the "to get along with Mr. Liang day and night, eat and live together", he was stunned when he heard the words: "Mr. Huo is not—"

"It's not Mr. Huo." The head of the marketing department pushed him down. "All departments will also respond positively, increase revenue and reduce expenditure, and do their best to gather sufficient liquidity for the company."

Huo Lan: “…”

Huo Lan pressed his forehead, interrupting the righteous discussion of these people: "Okay."

He was in Jiangnan these days, and he didn't let go of the company's affairs. He knew most of the reports, and the situation was basically accurate.

Huo Lan briefly memorized a few new additions, and put down his pen: "In the first half of this year, the workload of each department will be high, hard work everyone."

"It's not hard." The Minister of Administration said, "We really want to swallow Long Tao."

The heads of various departments were all promoted by Huo Lan and worked hard with him, and they are still very impressed by the original situation.

At that time, the star crown was in a turbulent situation, and Long Tao took advantage of the situation to rob and take advantage of the opportunity to eat meat.

"It was really difficult at that time." The Minister of Administration said with emotion: "If it weren't for the financial support of Feiyang Pharmaceuticals..."

"..." Huo Lan felt a headache when he heard the word Feiyang: "It's the past, don't mention it again."

"If you don't mention it, we remember it."

The Minister of Administration was in tears: "You said at the time, let us let it go, and Feiyang is our backing."

Huo Lan: “…”

Huo Lan didn't want to listen anymore, so he closed the computer: "The meeting is over."

Mr. Huo has never liked to listen to praise and praise. Every time someone mentions it, he will be mercilessly blasted out.

Several ministers remembered the past of the last battle, and they were so excited that they dared not let Mr. Huo hear them, and went out to chat quietly.

The secretary of the secretary left a step: "Mr. Huo."

Huo Lan nodded: "Speak."

Seeing that he was ready, the secretary of the secretary breathed a sigh of relief and handed him the document: "Longtao has given him a letter of intent for merger and acquisition, and the price offered is a bit different from our estimate."

Huo Lan took it and read it briefly: "No matter."

"Okay." The secretary nodded, "Then... as we originally planned, we will further run on their living space, so that they have no bargaining chips to talk about."

The head of the secretariat hesitated and asked: "Do we need to strengthen it? They still have a chance of life now, and they may not be willing to make concessions."

"No need." Huo Lan said, "Be careful and watch out for them to bite back."

The secretary nodded quickly: "Okay."

Huo Lan briefly read a few reports, and seeing that he still had no intention of leaving, he looked up.

"In the past, we said it was a last-ditch battle, but in fact, there are backers."

Minister of the Secretary Department: "This time Feiyang Pharmaceutical is still in the fourth phase of clinical trials. No matter the success or failure of this time, there will be no extra funds to support us..."

Huo Lan closed his eyes and pressed his forehead: "No need to call Quan."

The secretary was stunned: "Huh?"

The housekeeper reminded: "It's called the pharmaceutical industry."

The secretary of the department understood, he couldn't help feeling ashamed, and deeply reflected on his long and redundant report: "Yes."

"The skinny camel is bigger than the horse." The secretary of the secretary made a concise speech, "After the acquisition of Longtao, there may be a shortage of funds for naturalization and revitalization."

Huo Lan: "No."

The secretary was stunned for a moment: "Why? Qian Cong——"

The head of the secretary department was about to ask where the money came from, when he suddenly reacted, his heart beat slightly, and he whispered: "Do you want to... rectify the separation?"

When Mr. Huo was there, Huo's subordinates actually had quite a few subsidiaries that were rich in their own pockets and had no turnover.

In the past few years, the situation was critical, and it was not easy for Huo Lan to support the Huo family to get out of the crisis.

Recently, the separation has become more and more unscrupulous, and even together with Long Tao to stir up trouble, it is indeed time to rectify and liquidate.

"It has nothing to do with the star crown." Huo Lan said quietly, "I will deal with it one by one."

The secretary of the secretary was completely relieved and nodded quickly: "Okay."

The business of Star Crown has always been outstanding, the funding problem is solved, and the rest is not a problem. The secretary of the secretariat put away the report and left the office with peace of mind.

Huo Lan closed his eyes, pressed his forehead, and leaned back into the chair.

"It's your fault."

The housekeeper closed the door, turned back and said softly, "Don't think too much."

Huo Lan put down his hand: "I know."

"If it wasn't for them..."

The housekeeper is still uneasy when he thinks of it now, and he doesn't want to say more to block Huo Lan, so he changed the subject: "Thank you for meeting Mr. Liang back then."

Huo Lan opened his eyes and his expression softened.

Seeing that he was in a better mood, the housekeeper couldn't help but inquired cautiously: "Last night...why did you let me lock up the diary that I was going to show Mr. Liang?"

Huo Lan: “…”

Although the housekeeper can help him translate, he actually wants to know: "Our pharmaceutical name is so nice, why can't we call it——"

Huo Lan got up and walked out of the office without looking back.

In the next few days, Mr. Huo strictly demanded the streamlining of reports, and strictly prohibited anyone from mentioning the name of Huo's pharmaceutical company.

Mr. Liang returned to the studio, and between filming, he insisted on going to the college entrance examination question bank to brush 100 questions every day.


Duan Ming helped him keep an eye on the progress of the set, and couldn't help but sigh: "If you had this enthusiasm in the first place, can you still improve your college entrance examination results?"

"I can't bring it up." Liang Xiao buried himself in the trigonometric function fight, "I copied all the exercise books I could find."

Duan Ming was curious: "How much did you copy?"

Liang Xiao thought about it: "tens of pounds."

Duan Ming was stunned, reached out and touched his forehead.

Liang Xiao was serious and nodded: "Really."

Exercise books are all bought from used books, two cents a pound, it doesn't cost much.

The person who can speak the topic is no longer around, and the topic can't be read or memorized, so I can only copy it over and over again.

Xiao Liangxiao copied the exercise book in the dark, saved money to buy a calendar, made a huge cross on the day of the college entrance examination, and counted the days as a day.

I ran out of pens, I don't know how many pens I used, I didn't dare to write ligatures, I couldn't finish copying while crying.

Duan Ming was heartbroken: "And you want to take the 600 test..."

Liang Xiao became angry, sober from her memory, and coldly snatched the yellow peach yogurt from her manager.

"Does Mr. Liang have any plans for the evening?"

The housekeeper just happened to bring Liang Xiao's lunch, and filled him with a straw with a smile: "There is a physical examination, and the doctor will come over there."

Liang Xiao returned to his senses, touched the phone and wrote a memo: "I'll go back early."

During this period of time, the supplementation was meticulous, and the weather was getting warmer day by day. Liang Xiao felt that his body had improved a lot: "Actually, you don't need to work so hard, Mr. Huo is too nervous."

Not only the inspection, the last time I returned to the imperial capital, Huo Lan brought the chef back together, and cooperated with the nutrition team to comprehensively replenish his body with nutrition.

In order to correct Mr. Liang's problem that he can't take care of eating when he is busy, the housekeeper will personally come and deliver it every day.

"It's better to be more diligent." The housekeeper attaches great importance to it, "Everyone expects you to take good care of your body as soon as possible."

Liang Xiao was reminded by him, inexplicable pictures of drunken days popped up in his mind, his ears were hot, and he coughed softly.

Seeing that his expression was wrong, the butler asked: "Are you feeling well?"

"No." Liang Xiao greeted the housekeeper's sincere look, clear mind and eyesight, and severely condemned his unhealthy thoughts, "I will definitely exercise actively and cooperate with treatment."

The housekeeper was relieved, happily agreed, and sent a text message to the captain of the bodyguard, leaving the box of specially prepared protective equipment.

Liang Xiao had dinner, remembered the business, and couldn't help asking the housekeeper: "By the way, has Mr. Huo encountered anything difficult recently?"

Although the misunderstanding has been resolved, but in recent days, they have been somewhat reclusive. When Liang Xiao came back from the play, Huo Lan was still working in the master bedroom.

The filming schedule during this period was relatively tight, Liang Xiao copied the script for three days with a strong sense of self-management, and fell asleep for three days.

I don't know when Huo always sneaks into the side sleeper and replaces the pillow he is holding.

"It doesn't count." The housekeeper smiled and shook his head, "You don't have to worry, it's just more work, and I haven't encountered any problems."

Liang Xiao thought about it: "Isn't it about the star crown?"

The housekeeper was a little surprised and nodded: "Yes, it's the branch."

Mr. Huo said that he should prepare for Mr. Liang to accept the past in a step-by-step manner. The butler pondered for a while, then pulled out the chair and sat down: "When Mr. Huo was twelve years old..."

Duan Ming: "…"

Duan Ming has heard that Mr. Huo is fifteen years old these days. He picked up the remaining lunch boxes and made a decisive decision: "I'll go to Xiaogong."

Liang Xiao was listening seriously, and was startled by him: "Bring a box of yogurt."

Duan Ming came back in a hurry, picked up a box of strawberry yogurt, and left in a hurry.

Liang Xiao held onto the snack box and smiled apologetically at the housekeeper: "Don't say."

The housekeeper poured him a cup of hot tea and nodded: "When Mr. Huo was twelve years old, the family applied for a large sum of money from the family on the grounds of nutrition and education expenses. ."

Liang Xiao vaguely guessed what was going on, frowned and said nothing.

The housekeeper reminded him intentionally, and carefully worded: "Nutrition fee...not a penny is used on Mr. Huo."

Liang Xiao was not surprised and nodded: "I can guess."

The housekeeper hesitated for a while: "Mr. Huo was growing up at the time, living alone outside, and the nanny hired by the family was not very competent, and the person was very thin."

Liang Xiao felt distressed when he heard this, and almost couldn't help but want to go back and hug Huo Lan: "Let's not talk about this for now."

The housekeeper tried his best: "It's too thin to be knocked down by an omega with one hand..."

Liang Xiao: “…”

Housekeeper: "…"

Liang Xiao pressed his forehead: "Can I go back and hug Mr. Huo now?"

Housekeeper: "Huh?"

"I'll go for a run." Liang Xiao's heart was full of Huo Lan, he didn't have time to think about anything else, and frowned, "Run back."

The housekeeper was taken aback by him: "No no no."

The housekeeper quickly looked for supplements: "After the differentiation, Mr. Huo's body has improved a lot, and now he can lift you with one hand."

Liang Xiao has already stood up, halfway through: "…"

"After this, the separation has tasted the sweetness."

The housekeeper carefully persuaded him to sit down, and continued to say: "Sir doesn't like doing business, the company is entrusted to the agent, and the separation has been under various names for years, from the Huo family to the outside world. Borrowing funds."

Housekeeper: "After going back and forth, I have almost emptied the Huo family."

Liang Xiaogang was stabbed by him on the sore spot, and he sat back on his knees, his heart sinking slightly.

"But the size of the head office was still there."

The housekeeper sighed: "Until... Mr. and Mrs.'s plane crashed."

The accident happened a week before Huo Lan came of age. Although it could not be man-made, the situation was chaotic, and naturally some people began to get crazy.

In retrospect, the housekeeper still has lingering fears: "Huo was always really difficult at that time. There was only an empty shell left in our company. ."

Liang Xiao figured it out, and clenched his fist: "I know."

"At that time, I couldn't care about the liquidation, so I had to pass the crisis first."

The housekeeper said: "Now take your breath away... The account that should be calculated will naturally be calculated."

The housekeeper looked at Liang Xiao and smiled: "It's also because of you."

Liang Xiao was stunned: "What does it have to do with me?"

"I have a lot to do with you." The housekeeper patiently said to him, "It wasn't until I met you that Mr. Huo really had a home."

The former family had some conspiracy against Huo Lan. Although I gradually figured out the attitude of my husband, I was lazy and slack, but I still had caring and greetings at first.

The housekeeper still remembers that when Xiao Huo Lan, who was only a few years old, left the villa, he was held by the elders of the separated family and turned back to the door one step at a time.

Huo Lan is not so soft-hearted because of this, but his tolerance for family separation in recent years may not be due to the thinness of his kinship back then.

Liang Xiao was heartbroken by his poking, and smiled bitterly: "You said that I want to go back now."

"No." The housekeeper shook his head quickly, "Mr. Huo will never allow us to delay your work, and I shouldn't have told you this."

The housekeeper's test: "You—"

Liang Xiao recalled: "What?"

"How about you." The housekeeper asked, "How did you grow up?"

The housekeeper was instructed to give Mr. Liang a step-by-step guide, and he guided him with extreme caution. He abruptly swallowed "Have you ever met a young alpha with insufficient nutrition when you were growing up".

Liang Xiao was stunned for a while, then smiled: "I didn't have such ups and downs, I grew up accidentally."

Housekeeper: "…"

Liang Xiao was curious: "What's wrong?"

"It's fine." The butler rubbed his forehead and took the chopsticks to help him prepare the dishes, "What you said... is also very detailed."

Liang Xiao listened to his strange words, thought about it, and couldn't help laughing: "Mr. Huo let you tell me what I said?"

The housekeeper had a guilty conscience and lowered his head and dared not speak.

"Nothing to say..."

Liang Xiao had just felt bad for Huo Lan once, and didn't want Huo Lan to come back and feel bad for him: "The few years I was in Longtao, the star crown should be able to find it."

Liang Xiaogang was reminded by Duan Ming of the nightmarish sprint for the college entrance examination, and he was a little emotional. , those with MOKA can also take plane photography.”

Liang Xiao University is actually very nourishing, she touched her chin and thought about it: "The price of mannequins at the Academy of Fine Arts is also very high..."

Butler: "?!"

"I didn't take it." Liang Xiao coughed, "I was a little excited at the time... They wanted to practice human body structure, so they wore too few clothes."

The butler followed the roller coaster and heaved a sigh of relief: "Yes."

Liang Xiao wanted to try his best to pick some candy for Huo Lan in his resume, but after thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't find anything to say.

After all, I can't tell Mr. Huo the story of Jiangnanye A.

I can't tell which bridge is sheltered from the wind and which street is better to sleep, and what technical points are needed to ensure that the wall is flat when it is white.

"Other...that's all."

Liang Xiao vaguely walked over and smiled: "You just told Mr. Huo that I was better than him when I was a child, and someone rushed me back to live and took care of the meals."

The housekeeper vaguely understood, and felt uncomfortable, so he didn't say more: "Okay."

"Mr. Huo these days—"

Liang Xiao looked at the housekeeper in trouble, guessed and asked, "Are you in a bad mood?"

The housekeeper sighed: "Yes."

Mr. Huo was not sure about Mr. Liang's reaction after learning the truth, so he met Mr. Liang after a week's appointment on the day of the reception, and he had not been able to sleep well for several nights.

The last time the housekeeper went to check, the stock of walnuts was obviously less than half of that before.

Liang Xiao didn't know what to do, and only thought that Huo Lan was sad because he had to deal with the separation by himself.

The housekeeper was slightly stunned: "How to coax?"

"You don't need to worry about it." Liang Xiao's ears were a little hot, and he coughed, "I have a solution."

The housekeeper learned from the past experience and reminded him in a low voice: "I can't put you in a sack anymore..."

Liang Xiao waved his hand: "Don't worry."

The housekeeper was actually not very relieved. Looking at Liang Xiao's confident posture, he hesitated for a while, packed his things and walked away quietly.

That night, Liang Xiao spent a long time with Director Jin before returning from the play.

Director Jin was so annoyed that he asked the assistant director to find the props team, brought a bag of things into his hand, and threw people out of the set.

Hotel master bedroom.

Huo Lan closed the computer, closed his eyes and pressed between his eyebrows.

In recent years, the separation of the family has been intertwined, and it is not easy to clean up thoroughly, but it is not impossible.

Long Tao is dead but not stiff, sooner or later he will have to take action against Liang Xiao, and adding a separate family to help add to the chaos, both of them will inevitably be hindered.

It is better to start in advance and remove them one by one.

"Mr. Liang's physical examination results are very good."

The housekeeper answered the call at the right time and helped him to clean up the table: "In addition to the glands, you must also take care of them carefully, recover a little bit, and the body will be fine for another month or two."

Huo Lan didn't speak, and listened to him read it again, his expression finally eased a little, and nodded.

The housekeeper was about to say something else when Huo Lan's cell phone on the table suddenly buzzed twice.

These days, the family has been vaguely aware of the pressure, and many come to cry and show weakness. Huo Lan ignored it and let the phone vibrate one after another. He raised his hand and touched the small folded paper umbrella at the corner of the table, changing the direction slightly.

The housekeeper glanced at it for help, and was stunned: "It's Mr. Liang's news."

Huo Lan was slightly startled, took the phone and looked at it, suddenly got up, and walked quickly to the window.

It is early spring, and the night is still a little cold. The icy night wind rushed in, instantly awakening a lot of people.

Liang Xiao was wrapped tightly, standing downstairs and waving at him.

The housekeeper remembered the day and was vaguely worried: "Mr. Liang said - said he wanted to make you happy."

Huo Lan frowned: "Who told Mr. Liang that I'm not happy?"

The butler quickly fell silent.

"You don't have to tell Mr. Liang about this in the future."

Huo Lan said in a deep voice: "Mr. Liang has worked hard enough to film the film. This film is not funded by Star Crown, the crew is strict-"

Halfway through, Huo Lan's voice suddenly stopped.

Liang Xiao held something in his hand, dazzling bright colors in the dark night, and drew a few extra large circles.

The floor is too high to see clearly. But the stream of light was shining, and the Mars scattered along the night wind, reflecting the shadows of people in the middle of the night, almost dazzling.

"It is a kind of fireworks that children often play with."

The housekeeper saw it, guessed what Mr. Liang wanted to do, and couldn't help laughing: "It's cheap, it doesn't hurt people, you can hold it in your hand... It'll just risk sparks like this."

The housekeeper thought about it: "It should be Mr. Liang from—"

…From the harsh crew that was going to shoot Xiao Hou Ye stealing fireworks.

The housekeeper coughed, swallowed the words in time, and quietly stood aside.

Liang Xiao took several at a time, lit them together, and shook them at him.

Huo Lan's chest heaved up and down, holding the guardrail outside the window, he couldn't help leaning out a little.

Liang Xiao held up the dazzling streamer, gave him two points, and then swung his arms to draw a large arc.

Huo Lan couldn't understand these codes very well, worried that he would be disappointed if he couldn't read them, he turned around in a hurry, and asked the housekeeper in a low voice, "What are the colons and brackets?"

Housekeeper: "…"

The housekeeper does not understand that there are two circles and one point, but this time, he thinks that they may think too much: "Mr. Liang may not give you a password."

Huo Lan frowned: "What?"

"Look." The housekeeper pointed and showed him the bright traces of light drawn by Mr. Liang tirelessly in the night, "Mr. Liang is just smiling at you."

Huo Lan was stunned, leaned against the window, and looked down carefully.

Liang Xiao was still standing on tiptoe, raising his head and trying to draw a smiling face. He noticed the footsteps, and explained quickly and skillfully: "I know I know, I will stay soon, there will be no fire hazard. Just click me-"

Liang Xiao was picked up by the whole body, and became accustomed to it, subconsciously and skillfully placed it on their Mr. Huo: "...Let's go."

Huo Lan didn't wait for the elevator, panting lightly, his chest heaving slightly, his eyes fixed on his eyes.

Liang Xiao opened his mouth, his ears were a little hot, he smiled at Huo Lan, and put the last one left in his hand.

Huo Lan had never tried these things, so he took it in a daze: "What is it?"

"It should be able to fly, it's really beautiful."

Liang Xiao grinded from Director Jin for an afternoon, and in total he grinded ten yuan fairy sticks and one of these, and coughed: "I'll keep it for you."

After all, the fairy stick is not suitable for their domineering and side-slapping Mr. Huo.

At least it should be able to be colorful in the night sky.

Liang Xiao took care of Huo Lan's collar, worried that he would not dare to let it go, and jumped down to get the lighter: "Don't be afraid, it's very fun."

Liang Xiao held his hand, nodded together, stared at Mars: "One, two, three, let go—"

Huo Lan released his hand together with him and watched the fireworks go up to the sky with a bang.

Huo Lan lowered his head and asked softly, "Will it look good?"

He has also seen a firework event. If it is the kind of splendid sparks that bloom in the night sky, he should bow his head and kiss Mr. Liang.

When Huo Lan closed his eyes, it was the smiling face that Liang Xiao had drawn for him. His chest was still hot.

"It should have been."

Liang Xiao raised her head and muttered: "Flying a bit fast..."

As soon as they finished speaking, there was an earth-shattering sound above their heads.

Huo Lan didn't know much about the classification of fireworks, so he raised his head subconsciously, and was rushed up by Liang Xiao and covered his ears.

After two seconds, there was an even more earth-shattering roar above the head.

Yin Yin stared at the housekeeper downstairs with binoculars and quickly retreated, watching the window of Mr. Huo's bedroom shaking, and being smashed to the ground by two kicks.

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