MTL - The Record of Unusual Creatures-Chapter 1736 Fast attack plan

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Frost Snow City, Lords Castle, Battle Hall.

Constance stood in front of a huge battle sand table. Next to her was the Owen Grand Duke who had just received a new round of information from Liya. Around the sand table were Hao Ren and his four men and Charlemagne brothers and sisters. There are no more people in the hall.

The officers who commanded the frontline battles are still in the south. They are unlikely to come back to participate in this informal meeting. Constance took up the two places at the same time through the transmission of consciousness, and took up the work of interoperating the two places. .

"The main battle area is now in this area," Constance leaned down and pointed to the sand table with a fine sword in his hand. It was on the edge of the northern snow and ice land, on the border of the six northern provinces and the central empire. There are no mountains and mountains, and the terrain is mostly hilly and small-scale plains. It is not an advantage zone for both offensive and defensive sides. "The North Army Corps has built fortifications in these areas, but it has encountered great resistance to our front. Recently, there has even been a retreat. At the beginning, we relied on the raid to gain the upper hand, but after entering the central region, we encountered the crazy counterattack of the Black Sword Knights and the Imperial Corps. Now there is a constantly mutated monster army. To be honest, the situation is very not optimistic."

"The good news is that the Black Sword Knights can't put all their energy on us," Owen Dagong pointed to the southern part of the sand table. "The Count of Neam in the south has officially started to respond to us with Ash Mountain City as the base. The Empire has to put A considerable number of Knights are assigned to the south to deal with the army of the Grey Mountain City."

"North and South pinch, it sounds like a good situation, but the real situation is not easy," Constance said seriously. "The black sword knight after the mutation is far more powerful than the imagination. Ordinary soldiers rely on human tactics to drag them. The only ones who can confront them directly are the sword-breaking knights. The number of sword-breaking knights is far less than that of the black sword knight. In the face of the double gap between quality and quantity, it is not easy for us to stand firm, not to mention the offense. The emperor is all over."

"And there have been new reports recently, and mutant monsters have appeared in the ordinary soldiers of the Imperial Corps." Owen Dagong added.

"The mutating phenomenon is not limited to the Black Sword Knight..." Vivian collapsed and frowned. "It is spreading to ordinary people..."

"In every era of the epoch, 'annihilation' always erodes the most powerful leader and turns his country into his own min..." Leah hugged her arm. "So the one who is Beringer is this time. If you destroy the carrier, if you knock him down, the problem will be solved, right?"

Constance raised his eyelids and his tone was cold: "Have you heard it? Now our situation is impossible to go forward. Indeed, as you said, we can win if we attack the emperor, but we are now even in the central region. go with."

"The White City Federation can provide support," Charlemagne said suddenly. "Although there are barriers to the world's rift, the White City Federation has the largest fleet of civilian airships that can be used as temporary carriers. How much can be sent by some people? We have contacted the father and he is willing to help."

It seems that after a whole night of thinking about life, Charlemagne and Avenina have made some determination.

Hao Ren and other Charlemagne finished, and when Constance began to think, he broke the silence: "You should not be busy making a plan of war. After seeing the troops from the World Tree Temple, I think you will have a new idea. ""

"The strength of the World Tree Temple?" Constance looked at Hao Ren with a puzzled look. "You have already mentioned them before, and you have determined that those reinforcements will arrive soon, but where are they? Where are you going? Can it appear in front of me?"

Hao Ren took a look at the data terminal and looked up and smiled: "The time is just right, they have come, but they need an open place to stop."

"Is it an airship unit?" Constance showed a stunned look, "The upper platform of Frost Snow City..."

"No, it’s much bigger than a flying airship, even bigger than your upper platform." Hao Ren waved his hand, "...forget it, I thought about the city where there should be no place for them to land. I Let them land on the plains outside the city, how do you meet with me in the past?"

Constance and Owen met with each other, but they didn't confuse anything on this issue, but nodded at the same time.

"There is another thing..." Hao Ren added, "What about the psychological quality of the people in Frost Snow City?"

Constance did not understand what this inexplicable question meant, but she guessed that the army brought by the **** tree world temple would have a shocking image, and this is completely understandable: the inheritors always inherited Ancient knowledge from a certain era that has long been broken, and these things with generations of technology are often horrible in front of ordinary people, just as the Gorgon fighters in the old era are regarded as "devils" by the contemporary. general.

"Reassure, the nerves of the northerners are bigger than you think," Owen said with a bold smile. After Leia's second treatment, his mental head was obviously much better than before. "And we have been dealing with all kinds of things." Dealing with 'super ancient relics', do you think there is anything that can hit us?"

Hao Ren did not explain much, just smiled and nodded: "That's the best."

Soon, they came to the wall on the west side of Frost and Snow City, with one of them in place, as well as several left-behind officers and clerk officials urgently summoned by Owen.

There is a pick-up platform outside the city wall, facing the boundless snowfield outside the city.

Hao Ren said that the troops from the World Tree Temple will land on the snowfield. Constance thinks that this platform is the best place to meet: from here you can directly see the situation on the plain, and there is an independent nearby. The lift can quickly send people on the platform to the western gate of the fortress city.

On the other hand, Owen Dagong sent an order to the soldiers of the North Army Corps stationed in Frost and Snow City to let them know that a special reinforcement will arrive in the city and should be prepared in advance to prevent unnecessary turmoil in the city.

Undoubtedly, the reinforcements brought by Hao Ren are quite sudden for Frost Snow City. Under normal circumstances, how can a country not allow military forces outside its own country to directly drop to itself in such a sudden situation? In the base camp, but Constance did not show any slight resistance to this matter.

Because in the face of the epoch, this is not important.

Naturally, the inheritors are allies. All the rules of the world must be concessions for this criterion. At least at this moment, Constance still believes in the identity of Hao Ren and his entourage, and this conviction has undoubtedly reduced a lot. trouble.

The snowy sky is clear and clear, and the sky under the cover of the divine power barrier presents a clear and translucent texture. Today's clouds are thin, and even the Gorgon space crack just above the frosty city seems to be a little smaller than usual. For the northerners, this is really a rare good day.

It is in this clear sky that is rarely seen all the year round, and suddenly there is a huge shadow.

The shadow appeared in the sky, as if a certain monster was casting a rectangular shadow near the light curtain, and then the vague shadow quickly enlarged and solidified, gradually showing the tough lines and more details. Constance and Owen Dagong looked up in the sky with horror, and soon they realized that it was definitely not a so-called "airship."

Airships can't fly so high, and it's impossible to have that scale.

It is simply a mountain that is descending from the sky!

Three giant black starships penetrated the divine barrier over Lah Ryan. They were thick and sturdy in armor, with black crystal wings on the surface like sails, and a stream of energy particles flowing from the back. Around the starship, you can see countless **** fighters flying like a bee swarming in the air, sketching a dazzling stream of light in the air.

A weird roar sounded through the plains.

The officers and men on the platform on the platform were stunned to see that the aircraft that were bigger than the Gorgon lords were slowly descending from the sky. The small escorts continued to hover in the sky, while the three giant ships hovered from the ground. Only a few meters away.

Then the giant ship opened an exit, as if the giant humanoid creature in the mythical story came out from inside.

It was a heavily armed guardian giant army.

"In the central region, although the corrupting forces have begun to spread, there are still quite a few civilians who have not been corrupted and have not had time to flee. We cannot directly bomb the areas from the air, so the best solution is a ground force with overwhelming power. "Hao Ren seems to be talking to himself, and seems to be talking to Constance. "Let these giants deal with the original Black Sword Knight may be overkill, but when those Black Sword Knights become mad monsters... ... For the guardian giant, the war is back on track."

Constance and the rest of the northern officers and men were shocked by the giant army on the plains. However, Leah frowned after seeing the three spaceships and the number of escorts brought by the spacecraft. She gently pulled Hao Ren. The clothes corner: "Are you not mobilizing a whole main ship formation? How come three ships? And where are the armed drones you called?"

Hao Ren said softly: "They are trying to cope with another war... Waiting for me, I will tell you the information discovered by Nolan."

"These are the temples of the world tree..." Constance's voice interrupted the whispering conversation between Hao Ren and Liya. This always calm, the princess, finally couldn't control her face, she looked at it. The three starships on the plains (in fact, the three starships are too large, they almost fill the open space on the west side of Frost and Snow City, from which you can hardly see where the end of the ship is farthest. ), "Whose giants are your soldiers?"

"Strictly speaking, it is her private corps," Hao Ren pointed to Lia. "Look, I said it early in the morning, don't be busy planning your battle plan..."

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