MTL - The Record of Unusual Creatures-Chapter 1737 Forever

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The appearance of the Giants' Legion in Frost Snow City triggered an unexpected shock.

Although Owen Dagong made some preparations in advance, although the northerners claimed to have the most powerful nerves, although the people living in this land were dealing with all kinds of incredible ultra-ancient relics all day long, the Giants and their rides. The transport carrier is still enough to challenge the acceptance of the locals.

Some people who saw the starship landing on the wall were frightened and rioted in a small area.

But in the end, all the turmoil was effectively controlled. With the timely coordination of Owen Dagong and the powerful execution efficiency of the North Army Corps, the city calmed down at an extremely fast pace and began to wait for further orders.

The discipline brought about by the unique demographic and social structure of the fortress city has played a huge role at this moment.

As for Constance and Owen, Hao Ren does not need to explain to them the specific situation of guarding the giant. Perhaps thanks to the inheritance and historical distortions caused by the epoch-making epoch, different inheritors often mean different civilizations, and the two inter-constituent organizations that are disconnected from each other may have a huge gap between the earth and the zenith star. The power of Constance is well known and he has not asked too many things.

Hao Ren also really thought that he should find a suitable entry point to let the princess know all the truth, including his own identity, but after seeing an urgent report from Nolan, he realized the world. The situation is much more fragile than it seems on the surface. In order to avoid the last glimmer of hope that affects the world, he must work hard to put an end to any influence that might cause Constance to shake.

"The power of the Giants is enough to help you gain an advantage on the frontal battlefield. They are extremely good at dealing with the corrupted minions." Standing on the wall of Frosty Snow City, Hao Ren looked at the guardian giants who were gathering on the plains. Constance said, "They don't need you to provide everything that includes supplies and stations to support their own materials, and they can live in the transport ship. This army will follow you to the Royal Capital, and their support will continue. You step into the last wall."

Constance heard the words of Hao Ren: "Don't you act with us?"

"No, we have something else to do," Hao Ren took back his gaze and glanced at the crack in the heavenly Gorgon space. "But you can rest assured that Leah will act with you. She is the number one force in us. She has her. Pressing the array, you and your knights can go all the way until you reach the emperor."

"Listen to what you mean... Lia and the support of the Giants Corps for us to the Imperial Capital?" Constance frowned, somewhat puzzled. "Why?"

"Because the last battle must be played by you and your Knights themselves," Hao Ren looked at Constance. "It is more appropriate for you to end your father's rule than to give us. And I Believe that you have this ability?"

"At first I didn't expect a giant army to help, but I still went to the battlefield," Constance smiled. He didn't continue to delve into whether Hao Ren had other intentions. "The Giants are yours, you guys." I have the right to decide this, and as long as I can get me and my Knights to reach the foot of the Emperor... That would be enough for me. You are right, the last one is to let us play the best."

Vivian stood beside Hao Ren, but did not participate in the topic of Hao Ren and Constance, but turned his eyes to the Charlemagne brother and sister standing on the other side: "You two, decided? Actually, your mission has been completed. It is entirely possible to go back to your Issou, so that you can continue to have a comfortable and calm day for at least two years before the era restarts."

"If we still don't know anything about the truth, this is definitely a good choice, but it doesn't make sense to think about blindfolding after knowing the truth," Charlemagne said plainly. "Even this. The world is destined to be only two years away. We are also willing to leave the opportunity to enjoy the peaceful dreams to those who are ignorant of the truth.

Next to Ai Wenna smiled shallowly: "Ignorance is the biggest blessing to face the truth is to pay the price."

"Although your inheritance has been annihilated, you still deserve to be admired," Constance looked at Charlieman's brother and sister more seriously than before. "I know that the world will be destroyed after two years, and even if I fight." In the end, it will inevitably face the fate that has been erased by the world. Many people will choose to cover their eyes and numb themselves, but you have chosen to put these last two years on the battlefield... even if this is meaningless to you... ”

"It's not meaningless," Charlemagne laughed. "We know, a large part of the 770,000 Black Sword Knights are ordinary people who fell on the final battlefield of the last era. They have only a little left. Remnant soul, but at least it is better than the era of the alternation? Isn’t my sister and me now an ordinary person? Then we also have a little greed, maybe we can also survive the epoch Is there a life in the new era?"

Constance quietly watched Charlemagne for a moment and suddenly laughed: "Well, if I can see the souls of both of you when I open my eyes in the new era, I must try my best to reproduce the Black Sword Knight. Conversion technology."

Charlie Manhaha laughed: "Then you have to refuel the next era. Maybe you can only rely on hammers and stoves to forge weapons!"

Lily looked at them and suddenly showed a big smile. She reached out and patted Charlemagne's shoulder: "Don't say so tragic, the landlord is very confident in the battlefield. This time the fate of this world can be compared with the past. Different!"

A few minutes later, Leah healed the shoulder of Charlemagne's comminuted fracture, and Hao Ren took Lily and Vivian into the beam.

They came to the abyss of Gorgon.

The boundless red chaotic fog fills the entire field of vision, and the vast treacherous ruins can be seen everywhere in the vast twisted space. The ancient starships, large and small, are like a silent tombstone, standing between the clouds and the sea, echoing in the air. A low whistling, the whistling seems to be mixed with the whispers and slang of countless people, but if you listen carefully, those seem to be just agitation and friction between the clouds.

The Gorgon abyss should have no sound at first, because it was originally a battlefield wreck in the universe. Of course, the universe cannot transmit sound. However, the distortion of the world makes the sea and the atmosphere appear here. Among these abnormal things, Endlessly circling the alienated wind and whisper, as if the universe was in the silence of sorrow.

The three men landed on an asteroid that was spread over the gully. The remaining factory facilities on the asteroid had power, and vibrations came from time to time. In the depths of the distant clouds, you can see the shadow of a giant starship, which is the "Revelation" that Hao Ren first visited with a probe.

"Gorgon Abyss..." Vivienne looked at the distant scenery. "The other battlefield you said is here? What did Nolan find?"

“About the truth about the annihilation of reincarnation and the epoch,” Hao Ren said unhurriedly, and in the chaotic sky above, large and small space cracks are opening, huge guardian warships and countless armed forces. The man-machine is looking out from it. "Nolan opened the encryption system of the center of the earth and successfully connected with an old database that belongs to a larger, more sophisticated super facility."

"Super facilities?" Lily opened her eyes. "Why do you use it?"

“It claims to be the heart of God, the heart of the supreme leader of civilization in the first era of the ancient times,” explains Hao Ren. “According to the database, the Supreme Leader of the First Era took out his heart and then all the other The powerful leaders reinvented the heart at the expense of life and made it the artifact. As for the role of the heart of God... it is the complete erosion of the power of the universe, all lines of defense The moment that will be completely lost... resetting everything in the world."

"Wait..." Lily stunned. "That is, the world is constantly reincarnation and resetting... In fact, it was set by the ancestors of the First Age?!"

“Yes, they set it up,” Hao Ren nodded. “Constance and other inheritors have always turned the era of ecstasy and annihilation as the biggest curse in the world, even in the ancient countries of Isso. The extreme wild history of 'Twelve Curses', but in fact this reincarnation is the only legacy left by the ancestors' civilization... It is a glimmer of hope left behind by the world after their unimaginable price."

The drone corps jumped into the field, and the mountain-like guardian fleet also appeared in the array in this chaotic space. The distant Goregon "demons" in the distance finally sensed the arrival of these uninvited guests and began to face this area. Convergence.

"The end of the day has indeed arrived, but it has never ended." Hao Ren looked at the Gorgon spacecraft that was constantly gathering, and said faintly, "The ancestor civilization used a very clever method, almost indefinitely. Postponed"

"When the end of the world comes, all the order of the universe will enter the most fragile state, the various barriers of time and space will be opened, the timeline will become easy to manipulate, and even the world line will become a kind of thing that can be artificially affected. "The data terminal took over Hao Ren's words. "We have actually thought of this direction. The stacked historical fragments in the bottom data of Lach Ryan are very likely to be the result of the timeline and the world line, but we didn't think of it at the time. The confusion and stacking are not naturally generated, but by the ancestors and civilizations."

Hao Ren nodded: "They used the power of the end of the world to complete the ultimate breakthrough in technology at the last minute. They rushed to close all timelines and rushed their world before history became a conclusion."

In the distance, the out of control Gorgon spacecraft began to exchange fire with the guardian's fleet, and the bright flames once again shined on this quiet battlefield.

"So the end of the world has been going on, so an observer from the Tumen Empire can see our arrival, so this battle of doomsday will not end from the sea of ​​stars to the surface of the planet, for one reason: Lach Ryan’s timeline and historical trajectory are not closed at all, and today it is still an open system.”

Hao Ren remembered the first sentence that Nolan read in the "God of Hearts" database: the end may have begun, but until the day when everything is saved, we will never allow it to end!

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