MTL - The Record of Unusual Creatures-Chapter 1740 Parallel battlefield

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Soldiers dressed in imperial corps style clothing got a blanket and a cup of warm honey water. He held the cup and said the terrible experience of himself and a group of survivors in these still trembling voices:

"The atmosphere in the city has been wrong since long ago. There are more things in the army than the civilians. The black sword knights gathered, took over more than half of the command, and made a lot of strange orders, such as Let us move the cornerstone of the city to the outside of the city and bury it...

"Then they banned external communications, saying that it was because of the special control during the war. Then the barracks began to be partitioned. We were divided according to the brigade. They sent out a large group in order, saying that they were performing tasks, but they did not When people see any brigade leaving the camp, those who are 'sent out' seem to disappear from the air.

"Then the squads that were sent out are coming back. I saw them from afar. I feel that they have changed from the inside to something else... I am not talking about looks, they are still the same as before, but the eyes are It’s very strange that there is something wrong with the body.

“There are more and more disappearances in the city. Everyone is starting to have nightmares. The nightmare is just like real. We see monsters with countless eyes and countless hands and feet in our dreams. Sometimes we wake up, we even I can see those eyes on the wall. Some soldiers began to feel scared and thought that they were cursed. So they went to find their own sergeant. The sergeant took the soldiers to find the magicians to 'remove the curse'. The next day they I was brought back and looked normal. I didn’t have any signs of nightmares when I was sleeping, but I was even more afraid because I thought they were no longer sleeping... they just lay there, all night. Lying down all night, pretending that normal people are sleeping.

"I know a man named White. He is a fellow with me. He used to sleep very unfairly. But after being taken back and returned, he slept every night in bed, not turning over and snoring...

"One time I woke up in the evening, I saw that White was lying there straight. I took a look and saw that he was squinting! He stared at me, kept watching, he didn't talk, but I Clearly know that his voice is in my head!"

The surviving soldiers began to tremble. His words were messy, trivial and complicated. Constance had to impose a small spell of comfort on him: "Calm, calm, the monsters are dead and the focus, what happened?" ”

"I am scared, I am very scared... On the second day after that, a black sword knight came to me and said that there is a special task to give me that they have a block of cursing plague, let me include A group of soldiers went to help 'handle' the people who were infected with the plague. After I got there, I found that the situation was wrong. There was no sign of plague. They just blocked the whole street and let the black sword knight enter and kill. ...

"I was looking for a chance to escape. It was not difficult to escape. I couldn't believe it. They didn't care that I ran out, and they obviously found me. I looked back and saw them clearly." All stood in the same place, looking at the place where I was hiding. Everyone had no expression on their faces, just like a puppet... Then I ran to the city to know why.

"When we were closed and isolated, there were not many normal people in the whole city. They started to secretly infect and expand. When they almost replaced more than half of them, they immediately grabbed people on the street, and arrived at me. On the day of the escape, almost all the people in the city have become 'them'! I ran anywhere, the same, can not escape their eyes, their eyes are connected together!

"But I still found some survivors, those who are with me. Your Royal Highness, you must not think how surprised and happy I was at the time. They were originally hidden in a broken factory. At the earliest, there were still many people, but Later, some people heard some voices in their sleep. Those who did not firmly felt up and immediately got up and walked into the night outside the factory, but the people who went out never returned, so the rest of the people I have to tie myself to the pillars before I dare to sleep, but even then, people are getting fewer and fewer people. Some people seem to have lost their sights when they are swallowed by nightmares. When I find them, people only have this. It is.

"And shortly after that, the Black Sword Knight began to lead the soldiers to make the final 'clean up' of the city. At that time, more than 90% of the people in the city became 'they', and only the normal people left could not hide. The soldiers showed their swords, and they pulled out the normal people who had not been transformed for various reasons from the hiding place and killed them on the street, while others looked around and took them with their faces. Hungry expression...

"Because I used to be a soldier, I noticed it in advance, so I left the factory and fled. I tried to get around the eyes and ears of the soldiers. In the middle, I lost a few people... but in the end we found The church, there is a large cellar under the church, and the entrance to the cellar can be closed, so we hide inside, until today."

The messy story of the surviving soldiers is finally over. Constance sighs softly: "There is a plan and the monsters in the semi-transformation stage are more terrible than the complete conversion. The terrible thing is wisdom."

With the narrative ability of the surviving soldiers and the current state of mind, it is difficult for him to describe the terrible experiences of the past days, and there will be no exquisite rhetoric and metaphor to increase his persuasiveness, but only from his own Anything that can be said, anyone can imagine how terrible the scene is. The whole city is “alienated” a little bit. The sinister atmosphere is becoming more and more serious every day. Everyone is gradually becoming a monster. And the power that led to all of this is so powerful that there is no confrontation.

And there is nowhere to escape because the monsters have blocked all roads that can leave the city from the very beginning.

This is only the first month of the Eternal War. If you follow the original historical trajectory, the nightmare of this world just just sounded a prelude.

"It seems that you don't know what is blocking the power of corruption, letting you survive in the cellar," Lia looked at the soldier's eyes. She could judge the true and false of each sentence and every sentence. The clues that may be hidden behind, but from the soldiers' thoughts, she could not find any reason to explain the ultimate survival of these people. They did not have the will to resist the erosion of madness, in fact after so many days of torture. The spirit of these people has long been fragile to the extreme, let alone the power of madness, even if only a nightmare derivative is enough to corrupt their spirits. "The reason should be the cellar itself."

"There are things that can be found in the cellar," said Cam, who led several Northland soldiers to pile up some debris. "If there isn't there, then there may be something in the structure of the mantle that resembles an enchantment... ..."

The northern soldiers moved out what might seem to have special strength in the cellar and even those things that seemed impossible to have something special. Tattered clay pots, moldy swords, old statues, ceremonial supplies, all sorts of messy things spread out.

But fortunately they are not many in number: it seems that this church was not very rich.

Constance and Leah stepped forward to check those things, and they all shifted their sights away from those religious objects: the former is obviously not very cold to the so-called gods, while the latter is analyzed from a more professional perspective. The so-called **** of day and the **** of the night should not be peers...

Leah’s gaze was suddenly drawn by a shiny thing in the debris.

Constance's gaze was also attracted by the thing that had a special sense of presence. She stretched out the sword and provoked the thing, frowning slightly: "What is this..."

Still not waiting for her to see clearly, Leah suddenly whispered and exclaimed: "Hey?!"

I saw that Constance was at the tip of the sword. It was a small silver-white wide armband. The style of the armband was gorgeous. The widened edge made it look like a guard arm. The method of hollowing out fine lines depicts the complex images of runes and animals and plants, but its size is obviously not suitable for adults, but more like the accessories worn on the children's arms.

Hearing the voice of Lia, Constance couldn't help but look at the "little girl" who was full of mystery and had all kinds of incredible powers. As a result, somehow connected the other side with the armband. together.

Size... seems appropriate?

"This..." Constance looked at Leah with uncertainty, "Isn't that yours?"

Leah just wanted to shake her head and negate, but then she seemed to think of something, and she said neither positively nor negatively: "I just looked at it a bit familiar. There is something in this church in the local church... ?"

"I just think that the size is very close," Constance picked up the armband and stroked it on his arm. Of course, she is not wearing the armor now, but even if she doesn't wear armor, the armband is not suitable for her. "Obviously for children..."

Leah: "..."

"Let me show it." After holding back the blue veins on his forehead, Leah slammed her hand to Constance.

"No promises to you."

Constance handed the armband over, and just as Lia's finger touched the armband, the sky suddenly rang loudly.

The two looked up at the same time with horror.

I saw that the sky seemed to crack a huge seam. The dark red twisted gap was very similar to the Gorgon abyss. In the gap, you can see countless floating wrecks and shining fires, with a thunderous beam. Between the shadows, the explosions continually erupted from the depths of the clouds.

And a faint, white, long river glow band traverses the chaotic world behind the gap.

Leah was shocked and immediately removed her hand from the armband.

The vision of the sky disappeared.